Search Results for: Marilyn Langlois
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The Future of TRANSCEND
Diane Perlman, Ph.D. - TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Oct 2023
30 Oct 2023 – It is high time to plan for the future of TRANSCEND. Johan just turned 93. A few weeks ago, Antonio C. S. Rosa, Marilyn Langlois and I spent precious time together in Portugal where Antonio lives. There is minimal awareness and understanding of the field of “conflict resolution.” Here are some ideas.
→ read full articleNO to Mandates! YES to Wise Power!
TheNewView – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 Jun 2022
Featuring Diane Perlman and Marilyn Langlois, TMS editorialists.
(Beginning at 13m:50s in the video) Perlman’s slide presentation proposes a model akin to the Transcend Method of conflict transformation, representing solutions-oriented thinking to create a new reality. They considered how this can be applied to the Ukraine situation and other conflicts.
A Plea to TMS Readers
Marilyn Langlois – TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Mar 2018
Dear TMS Readers,
Our dear friend, brother, colleague, and compañero, Antonio C. S. Rosa, has for many years given selflessly and generously of his time–many many hours every single week–to put together this valuable and highly informative collection of articles and commentary that you can’t find elsewhere. His expenses are minimal but they are real. if you value this resource, please take a moment to donate now, whatever you can spare, and the more of you who give a small amount the greater the collective participation in this peace-building enterprise. Now’s the time to show solidarity not only by sharing ideas but also by sharing the modest means required to keep the TMS platform alive!
— Marilyn Langlois, Member and TMS Writer
UNIFA, the University of the Aristide Foundation in Haiti
Haiti Action Committee – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 Nov 2017
August 2017 – A Message from the Friends of UNIFA submitted by TRANSCEND, HAC member Marilyn Langlois. – The University of the Aristide Foundation is a high quality, multidiscipline, accredited university taught by Haitian and international professors prominent in their fields.
→ read full articleWe Can Do Better–>We Must Do Better
Bernie Sanders - TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Dec 2024
28 Dec 2024 – Important Message
→ read full article2024 Supporters
Alphabetical list of TMS supporters who donated at least once in 2024. Alberto Andres Aguirre Alejandro Bendaña Rodriguez Amy Harlib Anthony Judge Antonino Drago Balwant (Bill) Bhaneja Billie Knighton Candice Carter Caroline Hurley Caroline Knepper Carol Liane Brouillet Claudia Fonsati David Walmark Dennis A Almeida Dennis Wong Dewakar Bhatia Dick Bennett Elizabeth J Tisel Eva […]
→ read full article(Italiano) Una soluzione a cinque stati per l’Asia occidentale
Marilyn Langlois | Centro Studi Sereno Regis – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 May 2024
Prendiamo spunto dall’idea di Galtung e immaginiamo una soluzione a cinque stati in una comunità dell’Asia occidentale. Abbandoniamo l’obsoleto termine eurocentrico di “Medio Oriente” e nominiamo questo gruppo di Stati in base alla loro posizione geografica.
→ read full articleThe Power of Imagination: How About a 5-State Solution for West Asia?
Marilyn Langlois – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 May 2024
The beauty of a one-state solution within a five-state community is that no one would be displaced or forced to move. All the interior borders, walls, barbed-wire fences, surveillance towers and checkpoints would be eliminated. With a robust constitution guaranteeing equal rights for all, Muslims, Christians and Jews could freely choose to live in any part of the country, from the river to the sea.
→ read full article(Italiano) L’approccio di Johan Galtung ad argomenti tabù
Marilyn Langlois | Centro Studi Sereno Regis – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2024
2 Maggio 2024 – Un argomento cui non è permesso di essere trattato nelle venerate sale accademiche è qualunque accenno che la narrazione ufficiale dell’11 settembre 2001 possa non essere interamente vera. I professori con rispetto per sé stessi non solo eviteranno come la peste tale argomento, ma proibiranno a chiunque di trattarlo in loro presenza, come temendo di poter essere stigmatizzati quali “teorici della cospirazione/ complottisti” per associazione.
→ read full articleThe Johan Galtung Approach to Taboo Topics
Marilyn Langlois – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Apr 2024
A topic that is virtually never allowed to be addressed within the hallowed halls of academia is any suggestion that the official narrative of 9/11 may not be entirely true. Self-respecting professors will avoid this topic like the plague, fearing they could be stigmatized as a “conspiracy theorist” by association.
→ read full articleIrish Nobel Laureate Mairead Maguire Nominates Burmese Activist Maung Zarni for 2024 NPP
FORSEA - TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Apr 2024
16 Apr 2024 – Forces of Renewal Southeast Asia and the Free Rohingya Coalition jointly announced Maguire’s nomination, based on Zarni’s “impactful and tireless activism for peace and harmony among human communities over three decades.” Both are members of the TRANSCEND Network.
→ read full articleA Personal Tribute to Johan Galtung (24 Oct 1930 – 17 Feb 2024): The Man for Just Peace
Maung Zarni | FORSEA – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Mar 2024
“USA? I love the Republic, but I hate the Empire.” Galtung made unparalleled intellectual and practical contributions to the advancement of our understanding of peace, its social objectives and the conditions for peace, in terms of our global understanding of such an elusive goal.
→ read full articleGaza Is DR Congo, Gaza Is Haiti
Marilyn Langlois – TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Feb 2024
24 Feb 2024 – How can I hold the knowledge of my own so-called government, via named and nameless maleficent megalomaniacs, facilitating unspeakable horrors far away and not take the first flight to my nation’s capital and hurl buckets of blood at the White House?
→ read full article2023 Supporters
Alphabetical list of TMS supporters who donated at least once in 2023. Alessio Putzu Anthony Marsella Antonino Drago Billie Knighton Branislav Gosovic Caroline Hurley Caroline Knepper Dennis Almeida Dennis Wong Dewakar Bhatia Eva Marianne Tennfjord Frances M Jeffries Frederic Herter Fredrik S. Heffermehl Gary Corseri Geir Bye George Kent George McKinney George Paxton Gregg Rooten […]
→ read full articleThumos, Fire in the Belly and a Taste of Salt
Marilyn Langlois – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Dec 2023
“One can condemn the violent acts of 7 October without invalidating the justice of the Palestinian liberation struggle. Israel uses this incident to absolve itself of all responsibility for past oppressions and provide a pretext for more atrocities.” — Ilan Pappé
→ read full articleThe Greatest Threat to World Peace? A Review of Daniele Ganser’s ‘USA: The Ruthless Empire’
Marilyn Langlois - TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 Nov 2023
10 Nov 2023 – If you regard the United States as perhaps flawed but overall a force for good in the world, here is a volume that will clear the air and paint an honest picture of the significant, not-so-rosy impact US foreign policy and actions have had in the world around us.
→ read full article(Italiano) L’uomo allo specchio: Uno sguardo al cuore e alla mente dietro TRANSCEND Media Service
Marilyn Langlois | Centro Studi Sereno Regis – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 Nov 2023
Rincantucciati in un appartamentino all’ottavo piano di un caseggiato non lontano dal fiume Douro a Porto, in Portogallo, ci sono uno scrittoio, due computer laptop e una poltrona ortopedica. “Questo è il TMS!” proclama Antonio, l’uomo allo specchio, con ostentazione.
→ read full articleThe Man in the Mirror: A Glimpse at the Heart and Mind behind TRANSCEND Media Service
Marilyn Langlois – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Oct 2023
After spending a year of military service guarding the Brazilian President in Brasilia, he was arrested and tortured by agents of the 1964 coup d’état regime who suspected him of being a Communist based on a membership card to the Brazil-Russia Cultural Union. The 20-year-old had joined to learn how to play chess… Antonio told me he felt rage, powerlessness and the urge for revenge… But he found another way.
→ read full articleConfessions of a Think Tank Junkie
Diane Perlman, Ph.D. | Substack - TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Oct 2023
25 Oct 2023 – Expanding on Caitlin Johnstone’s Brilliant Analysis
→ read full article(Italiano) 11 settembre: Chi è stato? E perché importa al movimento pacifista
Marilyn Langlois | Centro Studi Sereno Regis – TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Jul 2023
Johan Galtung mi presentò a Graeme a un simposio TRANSCEND nel 2011 in North Carolina. L’11 settembre non era nell’agenda formale, ma emerse in conversazioni laterali con l’approssimarsi del 10° anniversario. Galtung ha sempre promosso un dialogo aperto su argomenti provocanti, tenendo testa a una propensione delle istituzioni accademiche e delle maggiori piattaforme mediatiche ad ignorare opinioni dissenzienti sul 11.09 passandole per infatuate teorie cospiratorie.
→ read full article9/11: Whodunnit? and Why It Matters to the Peace Movement
Marilyn Langlois – TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Jun 2023
Johan Galtung introduced me to Graeme at a 2011 TRANSCEND symposium in North Carolina. 9/11 was not on the formal agenda, but came up in side conversations as the 10-year anniversary approached. Galtung has always promoted open dialog on challenging topics, bucking the penchant of academic institutions and major media platforms to ignore dissenting views on 9/11 and dismiss them as crazy conspiracy theories.
→ read full articleWill the Circle be Unbroken? Reviving the Spirit of Bandung and Panchsheel
Marilyn Langlois – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 Mar 2023
“I hate the US empire, and I love the US republic.” — Johan Galtung. Economic colonization continues, backed up by financial networks, covert CIA/MI6 operations and hundreds of US military bases that dot the globe in over 85 countries. The sun still never sets on the modern Anglo-American empire. Implementation of the Panchsheel principles would set the stage for peaceful coexistence in a nuclear weapons-free world.
→ read full articleIdentified: The Boating Crew That Blew Up Nordstream
Unknown - TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 Mar 2023
→ read full article2022 Supporters
Alphabetical list of TMS supporters who donated at least once in 2022. Aklea Althoff Alberto Portugheis Anthony Judge Anthony Marsella Anthony Mendola Antonino Drago Billie Knighton Branislav Gosovic Candice Carter Caroline Hurley Dennis Wong Dewakar Bhatia Diane Perlman Discover Rubin Elizabeth Cullen Frederic Herter Fredrik S. Heffermehl Geir Bye George Kent George Paxton Hayden F […]
→ read full articleWisdom from the Jungle
Marilyn Langlois – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Nov 2022
Western thievery and arrogance are not directed at Haiti alone. In the above paragraphs, substitute ethnic Russians in Donbass, Palestinians, Ethiopians, Eritreans, Congolese, Yemenis, Syrians, Cubans, etc., for Haitians, and you’ll connect the dots.
→ read full articleDissecting the Evolution of the Official 9/11 Narrative
Marilyn Langlois, Graeme MacQueen and Ted Walter – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Sep 2022
19 Sep 2022 – Last week marked the 21st anniversary of the crimes of 9/11, which cost over 3,000 lives and triggered the never-ending “War on Terror”. On this occasion, ‘Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth’ published a lengthy research report by [TRANSCEND member] Dr. Graeme MacQueen and Ted Walter.
→ read full articleHow Do You Know What You Think You Know? The Value of Dissident Voices
Marilyn Langlois – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Aug 2022
How do you react when hearing someone express an opinion that strikes you as ridiculous, outrageous, unbelievable?
→ read full article(Italiano) Legami USA al Nazismo
Marilyn Langlois | Centro Studi Sereno Regis – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 Jun 2022
Volonterosa sospensione d’incredulità: il pericolo di trascurare i legami USA al nazismo
→ read full articleWilling Suspension of Disbelief: The Danger of Overlooking US Ties to Nazism
Marilyn Langlois – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 May 2022
It is a tool of the ongoing stealth war of the super-rich predator class against the rest of humanity over control of the earth’s people and resources that hides behind manufactured conflicts instigated to distract and demoralize.
→ read full article2021 Supporters
Alphabetical list of TMS supporters who donated at least once in 2021. Abigail Abysalh Alberto Portugheis Ali Durmaz Amedeo Cottino Anthony Judge Anthony Marsella Antonino Drago Barry Deutsch Billie Knighton Branislav Gosovic Candice Carter Dennis Almeida Dewakar Bhatia Diane Perlman Emanuel Garcia Frederic Herter Gary Steven Corseri Gaye Bennett Geir Bye George Kent Howard Richards […]
→ read full articleAre We Building Our Own Prison Thinking We Own the Key to Our Cell?
Marilyn Langlois – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Aug 2021
Regardless of how strongly one might support the vaccine program—and I use the term “vaccine” very loosely, as these injections are far different from traditional vaccines—mandates should be vigorously opposed. There is no proven benefit to such requirements, and if left in place they will only escalate and allow Big Pharma and Big Tech to take increasing control over more and more aspects of our lives.
→ read full articleDeclaration of the Crime of Apartheid: Israel
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Jul 2021
9 Jul 2021 – The Declaration on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid in Historic Palestine below is an initiative endorsed by scholars and artists worldwide. Please distribute widely as there is a campaign underway to reach 1,000 signatures. List of the 773 signatories (last update : 8 Jul 2021)
→ read full articleHIV Now Sets the Pace in the Bogus-vaxx Race
Rosemary Frei, MSc - TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jun 2021
14 Jun 2021 – This month marks the 40th anniversary of the first report of ‘acquired immunodeficiency syndrome’ or ‘AIDS.’ Officials like Anthony Fauci are using the occasion to spread the message that vaccines for HIV will soon be rolling out. Forty years of fruitless effort supposedly are suddenly successful thanks to the precedent of the lightening-speed and ‘successful’ development of Covid vaccines.
→ read full article2020 Supporters
Alphabetical list of supporters who donated at least once in 2020: Alberto Portugheis Alejandro Bendana Anne Dietrich Anthony Judge Anthony Marsella Antonino Drago Bertil Sandén Billie Knighton Björn Lindgren Caroline Knepper Charles Webel Dennis Almeida Dennis Wong Dewakar Bhatia Diane Perlman Elizabeth Sarfaty Ellen Turgasen Emanuel Garcia Erin Watters Eva Marianne Tennfjord Frederic Herter Fredrik […]
→ read full article(Italiano) Siamo nel 2020, l’anno del coronavirus. Che cosa vorresti fare?
Marilyn Langlois | Centro Studi Sereno Regis - TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Dec 2020
L’anno 2020 volge al termine, memorabile per i suoi incessanti riflettori sul coronavirus. Riflettendo sugli ultimi 12 mesi, immaginate cosa potreste fare se foste in una posizione di grande potere e influenza. Gli scenari offerti sono due, i quali hanno diversi obiettivi di fondo. Lo Scenario Global PowerElite, orientato a proteggere i diritti dei super-ricchi per continuare ad accumulare sempre più ricchezze. L’altro è lo Scenario One Earth Family, volto a garantire che ogni essere umano possa vivere in dignità e armonia con la terra. Inizierò io questo esercizio; poi toccherà a te.
→ read full articleIt’s 2020. What Would YOU Do?
Marilyn Langlois – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Dec 2020
Reflecting on the past 12 months, imagine what you would do if you were in a position of great power and influence. Two scenarios are offered, each with different underlying goals. The ‘Global Power Elite scenario’ is geared toward protecting the right of the super-rich to continue amassing ever more riches, and the ‘One Earth Family scenario’ is aimed at ensuring every human being can live in dignity and harmony with the earth.
→ read full article(Norsk-Norwegian) Hvordan vi blir bedratt
Marilyn Langlois – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Sep 2020
Mange kjenner uttrykket ”verden vil bedras”, gjerne med tillegget ”la den derfor bedras”. Opprinnelsen er tilskrevet den romerske satirikeren Gaius Petronius Arbiter (ca. 27–66), forfatter av novellen Satyricon. Uansett beskriver uttrykket dagens mediesituasjon, der folk flest ikke har annet valg enn å tro på det de hører og ikke vet hva de ikke hører. Mange blir lurt av falske eller villedende historier og akronymer, forkortelser som skjuler virkeligheten for ”uinnvidde”. Forfatteren gir en rekke eksempler på hvordan makthavere skjuler seg bak institusjoner vi ikke har noe forhold til.
→ read full articleErnest Wamba dia Wamba (1942 – 15 Jul 2020): A Healer from Within
Jacques Depelchin | Africa Is a Country - TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Aug 2020
A brother, comrade, philosopher, historian, thinker, healer, and dreamer left us physically. But he is still there to help us navigate through the times, assuming we realize how he understood the senselessness of the managers of a dominant system that presumes it must control and own everything.
→ read full article(Norwegian-Norsk) Hvordan vi blir bedratt
Marilyn Langlois - TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Jun 2020
Mange kjenner uttrykket ”verden vil bedras”, gjerne med tillegget ”la den derfor bedras”. Opprinnelsen er tilskrevet den romerske satirikeren Gaius Petronius Arbiter (ca. 27–66), forfatter av novellen Satyricon. Uansett beskriver uttrykket dagens mediesituasjon, der folk flest ikke har annet valg enn å tro på det de hører og ikke vet hva de ikke hører.
→ read full article(Italiano) Ascolta tua madre: nessuno dovrebbe essere troppo ricco o troppo povero
Marilyn Langlois | Centro Studi Sereno Regis – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 May 2020
I super-ricchi sono diventati così esperti a distrarre e dividere il resto di noialtri da tenerci impantanati in beghe per ogni tipo d’ingiustizia—guerre, oppressione razziale, patriarcato, partigianeria, degrado ambientale –al punto di perdere spesso di vista la smania di potere e di profitto alla radice di ciascuno di questi mali. Quindi, nostro dovere fondamentale è far sì che nessuno sia troppo ricco p troppo povero.
→ read full articleListen to Your Mother: Nobody Should Be Too Rich or Too Poor
Marilyn Langlois – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 May 2020
The super-rich have become so adept at distracting and dividing the rest of us to keep us mired in clashes over all kinds of injustices—wars, racial oppression, patriarchy, partisanship, environmental degradation–that we often overlook the lust for power and profit at the root of every one of these evils. Hence, our most fundamental task is to make sure nobody is too rich or too poor.
→ read full articleDeception? Deception?
Marilyn Langlois – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 Apr 2020
How many of us are deluded and deceived Amanda Wingfields, clinging to the hope of the proverbial “gentleman caller”—in the guise of a bold new president, a gallant billionaire philanthropist, a miracle vaccine—solving all our problems and sweeping us off to a fantasy world where those who work hard and follow the rules might have the opportunity–if they’re lucky–to enjoy democracy, freedom and good health?
→ read full articleLet’s Talk about Sex
Marilyn Langlois – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Dec 2019
If you’re looking for a treatise on the joys of love-making between consenting, autonomous adults, read no further. In fact, what follows quite the inverse, revealing an ongoing nightmare of child sexual violence that lurks just beneath the surface of our collective consciousness and has infected the highest circles of power. After all, who wants to think about such things? But ignoring them will not make them go away. Pedophilia, human trafficking, kiddie porn are terms that pop up here and there in news reports and local crime blotters.
→ read full article2019 Supporters
Alphabetical list of TMS supporters who donated at least once in 2019. Alberto Portugheis Alejandro Bendana Amedeo Cottino Anne Dietrich Anthony Judge Anthony Marsella Antonino Drago Barbara Melamed Bertil Sandén Billie Knighton Carolyn Schwebel Chandra Muzaffar Christoph Besemer Dennis Almeida Dewakar Bhatia Ellen Turgasen Emanuel Garcia Eva Marianne Tennfjord Frank Kling Frederic Herter Fredrik S. […]
→ read full articleDon’t Repeat US Military Occupation of Haiti
Marilyn Langlois – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Dec 2019
6 Dec 2019 – Advocating US military intervention and a US base in Haiti resurrects painful memories of the brutal US military invasion and occupation from 1915-1934. Ninety years ago, on 6 Dec 1929, US Marines killed many peasant farmers who were demonstrating against the occupation. A sculpture at the very spot to commemorate this massacre was destroyed within two months of its dedication in 1987.
→ read full articleThe Future of Work
Marilyn Langlois – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Mar 2019
In order to prepare our children for the future of work we need to teach them in school about worker solidarity and the history of the labor movement. Instead of being prodded to compete for limited spaces at universities and scarce “dream” jobs (guaranteeing that many will lose out), young people should be learning how to build a society where every job is a good job.
→ read full articleStand with the People’s Uprising in Haiti
Haiti Action Committee – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Mar 2019
25 Feb 2019 – Statement in Solidarity with the Popular Uprising in Haiti – This February marks the 15th anniversary of the 2004 coup d’état that ousted the democratically elected government of President Jean-Bertrand Aristide. In these fifteen years, the Haitian popular movement has refused to be silenced, in spite of the kidnapping and forced exile of President Aristide and his wife and colleague, Mildred Trouillot Aristide, a subsequent UN military occupation, continuous and deadly repression against peaceful protestors, and a rigged electoral system.
→ read full articleAt the Funeral
Phoebe Anne Thomas Sorgen – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Jan 2019
Viewing his serene face prior to his open casket funeral, three TRANSCEND members chatted softly, sharing fond memories of their beloved Dietrich Fischer.
→ read full articleCalling all Healers!
Marilyn Langlois – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Jan 2019
In TMS’ first editorial of the new year, Johan Galtung anointed 2019 as the Year of Health. This is a call to all of you to recognize and cultivate the healer in yourselves, to support and elevate healers everywhere at all levels. To revive ancient healing methods and create new ones for the most intractable ailments afflicting individuals, communities, societies and our human species.
→ read full article2018 Supporters
Alphabetical list of TMS supporters who donated at least once in 2018. Alberto Portugheis Anthony J. Marsella Amedeo Cottino Angela Dogliotti Anthony Judge Arlene Hetherington Baher Kamal Billie Knighton Björn Lindgren Branislav Gosovic Centro Studi Sereno Regis Chandra Muzaffar Charles Webel Chowdhury Abrar Dennis August Almeida Dennis Wong Dewakar Bhatia Ellen Turgasen Emanuel Garcia Enrico […]
→ read full articleCongo in the Abyss
Ann Garrison | Black Agenda Report – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Oct 2018
17 Oct 2018 – A very important critical overview of the mostly ignored atrocities perpetrated by western imperialism in this region. “In Congo, globalized capitalism creates permanent chaos.”
→ read full articleNo No Keshagesh*
Marilyn Langlois – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Oct 2018
“Keshagesh means Greedy Guts. It’s what you call a little puppy who eats his own food and then wants everybody else’s.” –Buffy Sainte-Marie. Selfishness is the common cold we treat with parental guidance and peer pressure. Greed is a cancer that will consume us as a species unless we get serious about implementing effective interventions.
→ read full articleList of TMS Supporters
Thank you for your contribution! Please click: Our goal for 2025: 100 Supporters. Join us now! Amy Harlib Anne Katrine Jensen Carol Liane Brouillet Frederic Herter Marianne Perez Fransius Marilyn Langlois Michael Burgess Phil Runkel Richard Falk Richard Rubenstein Robert Lewis Rosemary Spiota Rudolf Rechsteiner You can also find previous lists of supporters here: […]
→ read full articleA Plea to TMS Readers
Marilyn Langlois – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Jun 2018
Dear TMS Readers, our dear friend, brother, colleague, and compañero, Antonio C. S. Rosa, has for many years given selflessly and generously of his time–many many hours every single week–to put together this valuable and highly informative collection of articles and commentary that you can’t find elsewhere. His expenses are minimal but they are real. if you value this resource, please take a moment to donate now, whatever you can spare, and the more of you who give a small amount the greater the collective participation in this peace-building enterprise. Now’s the time to show solidarity not only by sharing ideas but also by sharing the modest means required to keep the TMS platform alive!
→ read full articleA Challenge to Philanthropists
Marilyn Langlois – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 May 2018
Instead of expressing admiration for rich people who give to the poor we should be challenging them to join us in demanding structural changes to ensure a decent and dignified life for everyone. The Greek root of the word philanthropy is love of humanity. So I invite those who truly love humanity to walk the talk, shoulder to shoulder with all our sisters and brothers, following these four principles.
→ read full articleTransformative Cities Atlas of Utopia
Transformative Cities Team, via Marilyn Langlois – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Apr 2018
26 Mar 2018 – After months of work we are excited to share with you Transformative Cities Atlas of Utopias, a global gallery that we launch today of inspiring community-led transformation. The atlas features 32 communities from 19 countries who responded to TNI’s Transformative Cities initiative which seeks to learn from cities working on radical solutions to our world’s systemic economic, social and ecological crises.
→ read full articlePlaying by the Rules? Nuclear Powers Could Learn from Olympic Athletes and Fans
Marilyn Langlois – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Feb 2018
Sometimes it is regular people in unlikely places who need to show world leaders the way: ice hockey players or figure skaters here; families attending an international sports event there. People who have an innate sense of fairness and solidarity and are willing to follow sensible rules, as long as they are applied evenly. So instead of the US insisting on North Korea discontinuing its nuclear weapons program, what if the US tried listening to what people want and took a different approach?
→ read full article(Norsk) Bør vi innføre et øvre tak på rikdom?
Marilyn Langlois – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Jan 2018
Tenk deg at trillioner av dollar blir omfordelt og fordelt utover hele økonomien, inkludert til offentlige finanser, for å tilby sterkt tiltrengte tjenester og infrastruktur. Altfor ofte investerer de svært velstående inntektene sine i eksotiske finansielle instrumenter som ikke har noe å gjøre med målbare aktiviteter. Innføring av et øvre tak på formuer kombinert med et solid gulv for livskvalitet ville føre til økt pengesirkulasjon i jobbintensive aktiviteter både i privat og offentlig sektor.
→ read full articleHappy Birthday – Tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr (Music Video of the Week)
Stevie Wonder – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Jan 2018
Pictorial Tribute to Martin Luther King from ‘Happy Birthday’ by Stevie Wonder as part of the campaign to declare MLK’s birthday a national holiday. MLK was born on 15 Jan 1929.
→ read full article“We Still Have a Choice Today: Nonviolent Coexistence or Violent Coannihilation” — MLK
Marilyn Langlois – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Jan 2018
“When profit motives and property rights are considered more important than people, the giant triplets of racism, extreme materialism and militarism are incapable of being conquered. True compassion is more than flinging a coin to a beggar. It comes to see that an edifice which produces beggars needs restructuring.” Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s prophetic words continue to haunt and challenge us. He would be 89 years old today, January 15.
→ read full article(Italiano) Divide et impera, a chi giova? – Gli USA e l’ex Jugoslavia
Marilyn Langlois | Centro Studi Sereno Regis – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 Nov 2017
L’uomo è un animale sociale e la sua sopravvivenza dipende dalla cooperazione con i suoi simili e dal mutuo sostegno. Solo in un’atmosfera in cui si percepiscono scarsità, minacce e conflitti irrisolti le persone si dividono e demonizzano “l’altro”. Se continuiamo ad attingere a quest’umanità profonda e a respingere costantemente gli incentivi alla divisione, noi esseri umani possiamo sicuramente unire le forze per assicurare una vita decente a tutti.
→ read full articleQuality-of-life Floor and Wealth Ceiling: A House We Can All Live in
Marilyn Langlois – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 Nov 2017
The house in which we all can live has a quality-of-life floor with a minimum material living standard and a ceiling of maximum material personal wealth. It can be built by harnessing the boundless energy of inclusive populism, or “people-ism”. It would need to be constructed on the most stable foundation possible, one of “equi-archy” (term Galtung uses to describe an egalitarian structure, as opposed to hierarchy and oligarchy).
→ read full articleDivide and Conquer, Cui Bono? – The US and Former Yugoslavia
Marilyn Langlois – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Oct 2017
Human beings are social creatures whose survival depends on cooperation and mutual support. Only in an atmosphere of perceived scarcity, threats and unresolved conflicts do people divide and demonize “the other”. The common denominator in divide and conquer scenarios is increasing concentration of wealth and economic control in the hands of a greedy few to the detriment of poor and working families.
→ read full articleRichmond’s People to People Delegation: How Beautiful Is Cuba
Willie Thompson, Tarnel Abbott and Marilyn Langlois – San Francisco Bay View, 16 May 2016
We were gratified by the hospitality extended to us in an atmosphere where, by and large, people do right by each other. As the popular national song declares, “Cuba que linda es Cuba!” “How beautiful is Cuba!”
→ read full articleHaiti’s Election Verification Commission: A Step in the Right Direction
Marilyn Langlois – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 May 2016
His [deputy political counselor at the US Embassy in Port-au-Prince] concluding remark, “When capabilities are so low and challenges are so great, where do you draw the line about how flawless the process has to be?” was indicative of the self-serving US policy of dismissing Haitian people’s intelligence, skills and aspirations.
→ read full articleHaitians Denounce US-Funded Denial of Democracy
Marilyn Langlois – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Dec 2015
If you happen upon one of the few international news articles about the October 25 first round presidential election in Haiti, and it fails to mention Fanmi Lavalas, Haiti’s largest and most popular political party, and its candidate, Maryse Narcisse, you can be sure the report is part of a well-orchestrated media black-out.
→ read full articleHaiti: Will Democracy Be Denied—Again?
Marilyn Langlois – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Oct 2015
Haitians are in the streets demanding their votes be counted, their voices heard. International solidarity groups are demanding the same. US Congresswoman Maxine Waters, a courageous and consistent champion of the Haitian people, is demanding no less in her recent letter to US Secretary of State John Kerry.
→ read full articleSnapshots from the Democratic People’s Republic of [North] Korea (Part 2)
Marilyn Langlois – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Sep 2015
28 Sep 2015 – Last week TMS published my first account of a recent visit to North Korea, with general impressions and global context, highlighting the US role in tensions in that region. This week I will try to put a more personal and human face to this country, which received us so graciously.
→ read full articleLetter from the Democratic People’s Republic of [North] Korea: Who Is the Real Aggressor? (Part 1)
Marilyn Langlois – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Sep 2015
North Koreans, proud of the cultural heritage, artistic legacies and common language they share with fellow Koreans in the south, long for reunification of the peninsula. DPRK proposals for reunification are based on three principles: Independence (negotiated by Koreans without foreign interference), Federation (limited powers of central government with both north and south retaining autonomy in many areas), and Peaceful Means (mutual commitment to resolving issues nonviolently).
→ read full articleHaiti/Honduras: Same System, Different Players*
Charlie Hinton – TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Mar 2014
Since the days of the Monroe Doctrine, the U.S. has considered all of Latin America its exclusive “back yard.” It’s maintained a regionally consistent imperial policy to guarantee subservient governments and business arrangements that submit fully to the discipline of global financial markets at the expense of democracy and human rights.
→ read full articleThank You, Haiti! Thank You, Cuba!
Marilyn Laglois – TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Mar 2014
It’s time to show some appreciation and support for the people of two neighboring Caribbean islands. January 1, 2014 was the 210th and 55th anniversary of two major revolutions— one in Haiti and the other in Cuba— that can help us wake up and reclaim our humanity.
→ read full articleLearning from El Salvador’s Ongoing Struggle for Peace, Dignity and Inclusion
Marilyn Langlois – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Apr 2013
The words of Monseñor Oscar Romero, who was murdered by US-trained snipers during a mass on March 24, 1980, still ring true today, offering us an ongoing challenge to restructure our society: “If we really want an effective end to violence, we must remove the violence that lies at the root of all violence: structural violence, social injustice, exclusion of citizens from the management of the country, repression…”
→ read full articleChevron Corporation Upgrades from “C” to “B”
Marilyn Langlois, April 1, 2013 – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Apr 2013
Richmond, California Refinery to Be Worker-Owned and Operated – “The work of organizations like made us realize that unless we do something dramatic to slow down climate change, the earth will no longer provide a livable habitat for our great-grandchildren and their descendants”, noted Chevron CEO John Watson in a statement released today. “Consumers are so addicted to oil that we, as producers of fossil fuel products, need to prioritize a rapid transition to renewable energy resources.
→ read full articleLet the Sunshine In: A 9/11 Conflict Analysis
Marilyn Langlois, TRANSCEND Convener for USA-West Coast – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Sep 2011
Beyond my personal interest as a mother whose daughter’s life was endangered on that day, as a member of the TRANSCEND network of peaceful conflict transformation I approach the tenth anniversary of 9/11 with a conflict analysis that seeks a deeper understanding and sustainable solutions. Johan Galtung, founder of the TRANSCEND network, has defined violence as “an avoidable insult to basic human needs”, and asserts that behind every act of violence there is an unresolved conflict.
→ read full articleTRANSCEND Africa Report 2009-2010
Rais Reza Boneza - TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Feb 2011
African’s Peaceful means
→ read full articleAn Urgent Call: Return Former President Jean-Bertrand Aristide to Haiti
Jean-Bertrand Aristide –, 7 Feb 2011
In support of former Haitian president Jean-Bertrand Aristide (currently in exile in South Africa), hundreds of signatories to a petition have demanded that the United States, the United Nations and the Haitian government stop blocking the leader from returning to the land of his birth. A letter from Aristide himself precedes this call.
→ read full articleDonate – Please Choose Your Option to Support TMS
Thank you for donating to TMS! We provide different channels for donations below. No matter which one you choose, please consider a recurring (monthly or yearly) donation to give us more stability and to ensure the existence of TMS in the future. 1) Bank Transfer In the EU, please use a SEPA bank transfer […]
→ read full articleAbout Us
TRANSCEND – A Network for Peace Development Environment (If you are here for the first time, please read Johan Galtung’s Welcome Note) VERY IMPORTANT: TMS does not accept sponsored or payed posts from advertising or other businesses not in line with Peace Journalism and/or our editorial policies. Only pieces that abide to THESE GUIDELINES will […]
→ read full articleWHATEVER IT TAKES
Diane Pearlman, 25 Jan 2009
Open Letter to President Obama from Conflict Analysis Professionals for Enduring SecurityDear President Obama, Congratulations on your election. We look forward to working with you to heal our country in every way we can. We are interdisciplinary conflict analysis professionals including psychologists and other social scientists devoted to the study and practice of violence prevention, […]
→ read full articleDivide and Conquer
David Moore and Marilyn Langlois – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 Nov 2017
Fill in the blank…
Marilyn Langlois - Haiti Emergency Relief Fund Board Member, TRANSCEND Convener for USA, 22 Jan 2010
–When asked “How are they surviving?” Haitian journalist Wadner Pierre responded, “Well, they’re all sharing. That’s what we do. That’s the way Haitians are.” (January 16) –“The city has seen little violence, despite persistent fears that shortages of food, water and shelter will spark unrest.” (January 21) –Photograph of a white female US Navy medic cradling and […]
Submitted by Marilyn Langlois – Haiti Information Project, 16 Jan 2010
Haiti Information Project editorial by Kevin PinaHaiti is facing one of its most severe challenges after a large earthquake rocked the capital yesterday destroying most government buildings and killing possibly thousands. Now more than ever the people of Haiti need hope for the future and as Haiti’s ambassador to Washington Raymond Joseph said yesterday on […]
→ read full article