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US Urges ‛Genuine Democracy’ in Cuba
News from Somewhere – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 Aug 2015
Secretary Kettle said that Cubans were misled into thinking their system was democratic just because they elected the people who run their government. This was not real democracy, because corporations were not allowed to vote. A problem in Cuba is that there aren’t many privately owned corporations, so it will be difficult to bring Cuban elections up to US standards.
→ read full articleAs Cuba Escalates Call for Guantanamo, Obama Battles Congress
TeleSur – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Aug 2015
26 Jul 2015 – The Cuban government once again demanded the U.S. to lift the 50-year-old economic blockade on the island and to return the occupied territory of Guantanamo at the 62nd anniversary of the Assault on the Moncada Barracks in Santiago de Cuba.
→ read full articleNoam Chomsky Says US Turned to Cuba Due to Increasing Isolation
TeleSur – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Jul 2015
The U.S. was on the verge of being completely isolated from its own ‘backyard,’ Latin America, in the 2015 Summit of the Americas.
→ read full articleA Cuban Flag Flies Again in Washington
Amy Goodman and Denis Moynihan – Democracy NOW!, 27 Jul 2015
The United States was the only country in the Western Hemisphere that didn’t have an embassy in Havana. And Cuba was the only country in the Western Hemisphere without an embassy here. This story began when the U.S. succeeded in isolating Cuba from the rest of the hemisphere, and now the first chapter has ended with the U.S. ending its isolation from the rest of the continent.
→ read full article(Português) Cuba: Uma Nação Altiva
Laurindo Lalo Leal Filho – Carta Maior, 8 Jun 2015
Cuba vinha recebendo em média 2,5 milhões de turistas por ano. No primeiro trimestre de 2015, já chegam a 1 milhão. No entanto, em uma visão impressionista, circulando alguns dias por Havana é possível perceber que a contaminação turística não tirou dos cubanos a altivez cunhada numa longa história de lutas em busca da soberania nacional.
→ read full articleObama’s Cuba Legacy May Run through Venezuela
Mark Weisbrot – Al Jazeera America, 8 Jun 2015
The Cubans made it clear to Obama that normalization of relations would be limited if Washington was unwilling to normalize relations with Venezuela. The president has taken steps to normalize relations with Caracas but faces resistance at home.
→ read full articleUS Drops Cuba from Terrorism List
Jesse Byrnes, The Hill – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Jun 2015
The State Department formally dropped Cuba from its list of state sponsors of terrorism on Friday [29 May 2015] after more than three decades. Removing Cuba from the list paves the way for diplomatic recognition and the opening of embassies. Lifting the full U.S. trade embargo requires congressional action.
→ read full article(Português) Cuba já Tem Vacina Contra Cancro [Cancer] do Pulmão
Notícias ao Minuto – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 May 2015
Esta descoberta pode salvar milhões de vidas em todo o mundo.
→ read full articleThe Cuban Revolution, the U.S. Imposed Economic Blockade and US-Cuba Relations
Birsen Filip - Global Research, 2 Mar 2015
Re-establishing diplomatic relations with Washington and the movement towards free market policies will not diminish Cuba’s standing as a symbol of the global anti-imperialist movement. A normalized relationship with Washington might witness further progress in Cuban’s socialist system.
→ read full articleClose Guantanamo—Then Give It Back to Cuba
Amy Goodman – Truthdig, 12 Jan 2015
7 Jan 2015 – This week marks the 13th anniversary of the arrival of the first post-9/11 prisoners to Guantanamo Bay, the most notorious prison on the planet. This grim anniversary, and the beginning of normalization of diplomatic relations between the U.S and Cuba, serves as a reminder that we need to permanently close the prison and return the land to its rightful owners, the Cuban people.
→ read full articleCuba under the Long Shadow of Castro Brothers
Stephan E. Nikolov, PhD – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Jan 2015
We are still to see details behind the lofty statements, that are coming just in time both for the unalterable Cuban leadership, and for the incapacitated President Obama. I believe that transition in Cuba will not be that similar to that familiar here in my country, Bulgaria, and in the Eastern Europe after 1989.
→ read full articleWe Have So Much to Learn From Cuba
Robert F. Kennedy Jr, IPS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Jan 2015
“It seems stupid to pursue a U.S. foreign policy by repeating a strategy that has proved a monumental failure for six decades. The definition of insanity is repeating the same action over and over, and expecting different results. In this sense, the [Cuba] embargo is insane.”
→ read full article(Português) De volta para a Igreja: Cuba restitui templos cristãos
O Globo – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Jan 2015
De maneira discreta, as autoridades cubanas vêm acelerando a restituição de antigas propriedades da Igreja Católica, que por muitos anos manteve uma relação conturbada com os Castro.
→ read full articleCuban Province Records World’s Lowest Infant Mortality Rate
TeleSur – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Jan 2015
The central province of Cienfuegos, Cuba, ended 2014 with a rate of infant mortality of three deaths per thousand live births, the lowest in the world, local health authorities reported Friday [2 Jan 2015].
→ read full articleIn the Right Place at the Right Time: The Lifting of the Cuban Embargo
Nuno Ramalho – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Dec 2014
I am overwhelmed with emotion as I rush my way through Montreal’s Pierre Eliot Trudeau International Airport, headed to La Habana…. Less than 48 hours after my arrival I was surprised by the Raul Castro/Obama simultaneous announcements that the diplomatic relations between Cuba and the US are to be reestablished.
→ read full article(Castellano) Las victorias de Cuba
Emir Sader – TeleSur, 29 Dec 2014
Cuba y Berlín eran las dos esquinas más tensas de la guerra fría. La caída del muro sacó a Berlín de esa condición. La normalización de las relaciones entre La Habana y Washington hace lo mismo con Cuba. Se cierra la última página de la larga guerra fría de la segunda pos guerra. Y de la mejor manera posible para Cuba y para todos los que le apoyaron en contra del injusto bloqueo.
→ read full article(Italiano) Cuba – e poi?
Johan Galtung – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Dec 2014
La reazione immediata all’ordine esecutivo di Obama del 17 dicembre 2014 di ristabilire rapporti diplomatici, agevolare i viaggi, scambiarsi prigionieri, è stata un senso di sollievo: finalmente correttivo di una stupidità vecchia d’oltre 50 anni. Ma perché adesso? Lo vediamo dopo; prima torniamo al giugno 1960.
→ read full articleCuba – And Then What?
Johan Galtung, 23 Dec 2014
The immediate reaction to Obama’s Executive Order of 17 December 2014–re-establishing diplomatic relations, easing travel, swapping prisoners–was a sense of relief: finally correcting a more than 50-year old stupidity. But why now? Later. First, back to June 1960.
→ read full articleObama and Raúl Castro Thank Pope for Breakthrough in US-Cuba Relations
Dan Roberts and Rory Carroll – The Guardian, 22 Dec 2014
Barack Obama and Raúl Castro thanked Pope Francis for helping broker a deal to normalising relations between US and Cuba after 18 months of secret talks over prisoner releases brought a sudden end to decades of cold war hostility.
→ read full article(Português) Pressão dos Países Latino-Americanos Foi Decisiva para o Fim do Embargo a Cuba
Leonardo Ferreira – Brasil de Fato, 22 Dec 2014
Decisão é fruto de negociações secretas entre Washington e Havana, com ajuda fundamental do Papa Francisco. Também tiveram peso a formação de grupos internacionais, como a Celac e a pressão da Unasul.
→ read full articleIt’s Not Cuba That Has Just Decided to Rejoin the Modern World – It’s the US
Martin Kettle – The Guardian, 22 Dec 2014
From its very earliest days, the US has seen Cuba as an American offshore interest. It is more than 200 years since the US, under Thomas Jefferson, first tried to buy Cuba from Spain. At the end of the 19th century America instead seized Cuba from Spain at gunpoint. Later on it leased Cuba back to US-approved Cubans on US terms, which included the retention of the Guantánamo Bay base.
→ read full articleObama and the Beginning of the End of the Cuban Embargo
Amy Goodman – Truthdig, 22 Dec 2014
It was President Dwight Eisenhower who severed relations with Cuba, on Jan. 3, 1961, two years after Fidel Castro took power. President John F. Kennedy then expanded the embargo, and his CIA invasion of the Bay of Pigs, intending to overthrow the government of Fidel Castro, went awry.
→ read full articleCuba’s Extraordinary Global Medical Record Shames the US Blockade
Seumas Milne – The Guardian, 8 Dec 2014
Four months into the Ebola emergency that has devastated West Africa, Cuba leads the world in direct medical support to fight the epidemic. The US and Britain have sent thousands of troops and promised aid that has yet to materialise. From Ebola to earthquakes, Havana’s doctors have saved millions. Obama must lift this embargo.
→ read full articleHow Ebola Could End the Cuban Embargo
Arturo Lopez-Levy – The Nation, 1 Dec 2014
Instead of encouraging Cuban doctors to defect, the United States should be working with them to stop the spread of Ebola.
→ read full articleCuba Is a Medical Superpower
Elio Delgado Legón - Havana Times, 10 Nov 2014
David Nabarro, Special Envoy of the UN Secretary General, declared: “When deployment is complete (…) you will have sent 255 frontline workers to West Africa. This is more than those sent by Doctors Without Borders, the Red Cross, the United States, United Kingdom or China (…)” Nabarro said that the sending of thousands of specialists to more than 39 countries in Africa and other nations in recent years demonstrates Cuba’s solidarity. I would add: it also demonstrates that Cuba is, without a doubt, a medical superpower.
→ read full articleCuba, the Empire and Ebola
Prof. Tim Anderson - Global Research, 10 Nov 2014
3 Nov 2014 – In early October, as a first group of 165 Cuban doctors arrived in Sierra Leone, the Wall Street Journal recognised that Cuba was ‘at the forefront’ of the battle against Ebola in Africa. This was unusual North American praise for Cuba. The imperial approach has been to present a militarised and self-referential response to Ebola, as a security threat to ‘Americans’.
→ read full articleFor 23rd time, UN General Assembly Votes to End US Blockade against Cuba
TeleSur – TRANSCEND Media Servivce, 3 Nov 2014
28 Oct 2014 – Today the UN General Assembly once again voted overwhelmingly in favor of ending the blockade of Cuba by the USA. 188 countries voted in favor with only the United States and Israel voting against it. The 3 Pacific island nations Palau, Marshall Islands and Micronesia abstained. The voting result was identical to last year’s.
→ read full article(Português) Cuba: 23ª Votação na ONU Contra Bloqueio Evidencia Isolamento dos EUA
Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey - Pravda, 3 Nov 2014
As votações na ONU contra o bloqueio econômico que os Estados Unidos mantêm contra Cuba evidenciam o isolamento internacional de Washington. 188 países votam A Favor de levantar o bloqueio. 2 Contra: EUA e Israel. 3 Abstenções: Palau, Ilhas Marshall e Micronesia. Votação idêntica à do ano passado.
→ read full article(Castellano) Tiempo de Acabar el Embargo de Cuba
Editorial – The New York Times, 27 Oct 2014
Cuando mira un mapa del mundo, el Presidente Obama debe sentir angustia al contemplar el lamentable estado de las relaciones bilaterales que su administración ha intentado reparar. Sería sensato que el líder estadounidense reflexione seriamente sobre Cuba, donde un giro de política podría representar un gran triunfo para su gobierno.
→ read full articleCuba’s Sending Doctors to Fight Ebola in West Africa — How Will the US React?
Greg Grandin – The Nation, 20 Oct 2014
15 Oct 2014 – Last week, BBC News reported that Cuba had sent 165 healthcare workers to Sierra Leone to help that country fight Ebola. Another 296 doctors and nurses are scheduled to arrive in Liberia. In addition to West Africa, Cuba is also sending specialists to Nicaragua, though that country has not yet had a reported case, to prepare local doctors and nurses in case there is an outbreak.
→ read full articleObama Should End the Embargo on Cuba
Editorial – The New York Times, 20 Oct 2014
Scanning a map of the world must give President Obama a sinking feeling as he contemplates the dismal state of troubled bilateral relationships his administration has sought to turn around. He would be smart to take a hard look at Cuba, where a major policy shift could yield a significant foreign policy success.
→ read full articleIn the Medical Response to Ebola, Cuba Is Punching Far Above Its Weight
Adam Taylor – The Washington Post, 13 Oct 2014
While the international community has been accused of dragging its feet on the Ebola crisis, Cuba, a country of just 11 million people that still enjoys a fraught relationship with the United States, has emerged as a crucial provider of medical expertise in the West African nations hit by Ebola.
→ read full articleCuba to Send Doctors to Ebola Areas
Smitha Mundasad - BBC News, 13 Oct 2014
Cuba is sending 165 health workers to help tackle the Ebola outbreak in West Africa, officials say. Doctors, nurses and infection control specialists travel to Sierra Leone in October and stay for six months.
→ read full article(Português) Banco Mundial: Cuba Tem o Melhor Sistema Educativo da América Latina e do Caribe
Salim Lamrani - Opera Mundi, 8 Sep 2014
As conclusões do relatório são implacáveis. O Banco Mundial enfatiza “a baixa qualidade média dos professores da América Latina e do Caribe”, o que constitui o principal obstáculo para o avanço da educação no continente.
→ read full articleCuba Sees Its Future in Mariel Port, Hand in Hand with Brazil
Patricia Grogg, IPS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Aug 2014
The Mariel special economic development zone, the biggest construction project undertaken in decades in Cuba, emerged thanks to financial support from Brazil, which was based on political goodwill, a strategy of integration, and business vision.
→ read full articleIncubating a Non-Dollar Architecture
Akshay Mathur –Indian Council on Global Relations, 21 Jul 2014
Can the mandate of the new [BRICS] bank be extended to incubate a non-dollar financial architecture for emerging countries? If so, what would the design look like?
→ read full article(Castellano) Celac rechaza que EE.UU. incluya a Cuba en lista de promotores del terrorismo
TeleSur – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 May 2014
La Comunidad de Estados Latinoamericanos y Caribeños (Celac) repudió este miércoles [7 mayo 2014] la decisión de los EE.UU de incluir nuevamente a Cuba en la lista de Estados Promotores del Terrorismo Internacional e insta a EE.UU. a ponerle fin a esta práctica.
→ read full article‘Cuban Twitter’ Heads to Hearings in Congress
Jack Gillum, Desmond Butler and Alberto Arce, Associated Press - TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Apr 2014
4 Apr 2014 – The head of the U.S. government agency that secretly created a “Cuban Twitter” communications network designed to undermine the communist government in Cuba is expected to testify next week before a senator who thinks the whole idea was “dumb, dumb, dumb.”
→ read full articleThe Secret Is Out: U.S. Built “Cuban Twitter” to Stir Up Political Unrest
Sarah Gray – Salon, 7 Apr 2014
For two years USAID- U.S. Agency for International Development operated a Twitter-like mass communication system that tried to foster dissent and collect data. USAID is generally known for delivering humanitarian aid to the international community, not engaging in covert missions to overthrow governments.
→ read full articleThe “Cuban Twitter” Scam Is a Drop in the Internet Propaganda Bucket
Glenn Greenwald – The Intercept, 7 Apr 2014
One previously undisclosed top-secret document–prepared by GCHQ for the 2010 annual “Five Eyes” surveillance alliance comprising the UK, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, and the U.S.–explicitly discusses ways to exploit Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and other social media as secret platforms for propaganda.
→ read full article(Português) Otan na Ucrânia é o mesmo que mísseis em Cuba, diz Moniz Bandeira
Marco Aurélio Weissheimer – Carta Maior, 31 Mar 2014
Em entrevista à Carta Maior, o historiador Moniz Bandeira fala sobre a crise na Ucrânia, suas implicações geopolíticas e possibilidades de escalada.
→ read full articleThank You, Haiti! Thank You, Cuba!
Marilyn Laglois – TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Mar 2014
It’s time to show some appreciation and support for the people of two neighboring Caribbean islands. January 1, 2014 was the 210th and 55th anniversary of two major revolutions— one in Haiti and the other in Cuba— that can help us wake up and reclaim our humanity.
→ read full articleMajority of Americans Favor Ties with Cuba, Poll Finds
Rick Gladstone – International New York Times, 17 Feb 2014
After more than a half-century of official United States hostility toward Cuba punctuated by a comprehensive trade embargo, a majority of Americans — and an even greater majority of Floridians, home to this country’s largest Cuban-American population — now favor normalizing relations or engaging more directly with the Cuban government, according to a nonpartisan survey.
→ read full articleFrom Egypt, Ukraine, the Turkish-Syrian Border, Cuba and Thailand: West Manufactures “Opposition Movements”
Andre Vltchek – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Feb 2014
What is going on? Are popularly elected administrations all over the world becoming irrelevant as the Western regime creates and then supports thuggish ‘opposition movements’ designed to destabilize any state that stands in the way of its desire to fully control the planet?
→ read full articleCuba Will Propose CELAC to Declare Latin America a Peace Zone
Cuban News Agency – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Jan 2014
Cuban deputy foreign minister Abelardo Moreno said that his country will propose the Summit of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States, to take place January 28 and 29 [2014] in Havana, to declare this region a peace zone.
→ read full articleSpeech in La Habana, Cuba
Nelson Mandela – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Jan 2014
We admire the sacrifices of the Cuban people in maintaining their independence and sovereignty in the face of a vicious imperialist-orchestrated campaign to destroy the impressive gains made in the Cuban revolution. You are with us because both of our organizations, the Communist Party of Cuba and the ANC, are fighting for the oppressed masses, to ensure that those who make the wealth enjoy its fruits.
→ read full articleMandela and Cuba: Another Memory Hole
Alex Doherty – Open Democracy, 30 Dec 2013
The media’s careful avoidance of the contrasting Cold War roles of the United States and Cuba regarding South Africa is not of mere academic consequence. As George Orwell understood, control of historical narratives gives elites a powerful grip over public perceptions of present realities and grants those elites greater latitude in their future action.
→ read full articleCuba to Open Tax Free Special Economic Zone
Chris Arsenault – Al Jazeera, 28 Oct 2013
First development of its kind on the island take effect in November [2013].Communist Cuba is the latest country to plan a “Special Economic Zone”, part of an economic model blasted by critics for creating a “race to the bottom” on wages and corporate taxes.
→ read full article(Português) Por Que os Médicos Cubanos Assustam [os Brasileiros]
Pedro Porfírio, Cebes – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Jul 2013
Elite corporativista teme que foco na prevenção abale mercantilização da saúde. Números revelam injustiça orçamentária no ensino e prática da Medicina.
→ read full articleIt’s Time to Delist Cuba
Arturo Lopez-Levy – Foreign Policy in Focus, 10 Jun 2013
A man convicted of bombing a civilian airliner in Cuba lives freely in Miami, but the U.S. State Department calls Cuba the “state sponsor of terror.” What’s wrong with this picture?
→ read full articleSmall and Large Steps towards Equality for Gays in Cuba
Ivet González – Inter Press Service-IPS, 27 May 2013
The lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community in Cuba has won advances on issues like the change of name of pre-operative transgender persons, while they continue to fight for the right to same-sex civil unions.
→ read full article“Cuban Democracy” versus “American Democracy”
Arnold August and Julie Lévesque – Global Research, 20 May 2013
Part I of an interview with Arnold August, author of ‘Cuba and Its Neighbours: Democracy in Motion.’ He is a political scientist an author, journalist and lecturer living in Canada. He is the author of ‘Democracy in Cuba and the 1997–98 Elections’ and has also contributed a chapter entitled “Socialism and Elections” for the volume ‘Cuban Socialism in a New Century: Adversity, Survival and Renewal.’
→ read full article54 Years of Stupidity and Counting – Cuba Policy: Fruitless, Mean and Cruel
Saul Landau and Nelson P. Valdés - CounterPunch, 6 May 2013
In their 54-year-old effort to bring down Cuba’s revolutionary government and restore obedience in our Caribbean neighbor, U.S. officials have compiled a spectacular record of failure, overshadowed only by the determination to persist in their pursuit of wrongheaded polices, further damaging U.S. interests.
→ read full article(Castellano) UNICEF Confirma que Cuba Es el Único País de América Latina sin Desnutrición Infantil
Politica & Medios – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Feb 2013
La Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura también ha reconocido a Cuba como la nación con más avances en América Latina en la lucha contra la desnutrición.
→ read full article(Português) Cuba Tem a Menor Taxa de Mortalidade Infantil nas Américas
Caros Amigos – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jan 2013
Após 54 anos de revolução e quase 53 de embargo, o índice cubano é melhor que o de países como os Estados Unidos, Canadá e Brasil.
→ read full articleThe Paradox of Cuban Agriculture
Miguel Altieri and Fernando Funes-Monzote – Monthly Review, 31 Dec 2012
When Cuba faced the shock of lost trade relations with the Soviet Bloc in the early 1990s, food production initially collapsed due to the loss of imported fertilizers, pesticides, tractors, parts, and petroleum. The situation was so bad that Cuba posted the worst growth in per capita food production in all of Latin America and the Caribbean. But the island rapidly re-oriented its agriculture to depend less on imported synthetic chemical inputs, and became a world-class case of ecological agriculture.
→ read full articleUN Urges End to U.S. Cuba Embargo for 21st Year
Louis Charbonneau, Reuters – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Nov 2012
A record 188 U.N. members supported resolution on Cuba. Israel, Palau and U.S. only 3 states to vote against. Repeating an annual ritual, the U.N. General Assembly called on Tuesday [13 Nov 2012] for the United States to lift its trade embargo against Cuba, whose foreign minister said the blockade against the communist-run island was tantamount to “genocide.”
→ read full article(Portuguese) Agricultura, Ambiente e Energia: O Que Podemos Aprender Com Cuba
Ricardo Coelho – Outras Palavras, 17 Sep 2012
O nome Cuba traz consigo uma série de associações, tanto com as coisas boas da vida (praia, charutos e serviços públicos de qualidade) como com as coisas más (homofobia, repressão e ditadura). Passando por cima dos estereótipos e dos elementos mais visíveis do governo, contudo, podemos ver alguns desenvolvimentos positivos que acontecem pelo poder que emerge quando as pessoas se unem por um objetivo comum.
→ read full articleReform and Change, Cuban Style
David Tebaldi – Americas Quarterly, 30 Jul 2012
Cuba’s 53-year-old revolutionary socialist system is in transition. Toward what, though, is anyone’s guess.
→ read full articleThe Power of Cuba’s Free Healthcare
Belen Fernandez – Al Jazeera, 30 Jul 2012
The US’s notion of health care as a commodity is countered by the virtues of free health provision in Cuba. In 1995, Nelson Mandela declared with regard to Cuban international solidarity missions to Africa over past decades: “Cubans came to our region as doctors, teachers, soldiers, agricultural experts, but never as colonisers. They have shared the same trenches with us in the struggle against colonialism, underdevelopment and apartheid.”
→ read full articleDo Business Schools Incubate Criminals?
Luigi Zingales, Bloomberg – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Jul 2012
The recent scandals at Barclays Plc, JPMorgan Chase & Co., Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and other banks might give the impression that the financial sector has some serious morality problems. Unfortunately, it’s worse than that: We are dealing with a drop in ethical standards throughout the business world, and our graduate schools are partly to blame.
→ read full articleAustralian Aborigines Learn By Cuban Method
Pravda – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Jul 2012
A total of 10 Australian aborigines between 25 and 53 years of age ended their basic studies of reading and writing through the Cuban literacy method, “Yo sí puedo” (yes I can), José Chala, coordinator of the program in this nation confirmed today [6 Jul 2012].
→ read full article(Portuguese) Aborígenes Australianos Aprendem a Ler e Escrever com Método Cubano
Irã News – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Jul 2012
Um total de 10 aborígenes australianos entre 25 e 53 anos concluíram seus estudos básicos de leitura e escrita através do método cubano de alfabetização“Yo sí puedo” “Sim, eu posso”, confirmou hoje [6 Julho 2012] José Chala, coordenador do programa nesta nação.
→ read full articleCuba Develops Crops Adapted to Climate Change
Ivet González – Inter Press Service-IPS, 2 Jul 2012
Cabbage, broccoli, carrots, onions and other resistant vegetables are being grown by researchers in Cuba, who for decades have been working to design plants adapted to the tropical conditions in the Caribbean region.
→ read full article(Portuguese) Grupo Cubano Anuncia Teste de Vacina Contra AIDS em Humanos
Agencia France Presse - Folha, 12 Mar 2012
Um time de biotecnologia cubano, que teve êxito ao testar uma vacina contra AIDS em cobaias de laboratórios, anunciou que está pronto para dar início ao experimento com humanos. O pronunciamento foi feito durante uma conferência na capital cubana, Havana, na segunda-feira [5 Mar 2012].
→ read full articleU.S. Maintains Embargo of Cuba after 50 Years, Despite International Condemnation (VIDEO OF THE WEEK)
Amy Goodman – Democracy NOW!, 13 Feb 2012
There are no commemorations planned in Washington, D.C., but today marks the 50th anniversary of the U.S. embargo against Cuba — the longest-running embargo in the world. On February 7, 1962, President John F. Kennedy formally expanded the harsh regime of commercial and financial sanctions against Cuba that have continued to the present day.
→ read full articleCuba Launches World’s First Vaccine against Lung Cancer
ZeitNews – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Jan 2012
From the island nation known for the quality of its cigars comes some pretty big news today [3 Jan 2012]: Xinhua reports that Cuban medical authorities have released the first therapeutic vaccine for lung cancer. CimaVax-EGF is the result of a 25-year research project at Havana’s Center for Molecular Immunology, and it could make a life or death difference for those facing late-stage lung cancers, researchers there say.
→ read full article(Portuguese) Cuba: País Com Melhor Desenvolvimento Humano da América Latina
Pravda – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Dec 2011
O Fundo de População das Nações Unidas (UNFPA em inglês), na apresentação do Informe sobre o Estado da População Mundial 2011, além de analisar o fato de que o mundo chegou aos 7 bilhões de habitantes, assegurou que Cuba é a nação com mais alto desenvolvimento humano latino-americano, chegando a afirmar que conta com um desenvolvimento equivalente a um quarto de século de avanço em relação aos demais países da América Latina e do Caribe.
→ read full article(Castellano) Aprobada en la ONU Resolución que Exige Fin del Bloqueo de EE.UU. Contra Cuba
TeleSur – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 Oct 2011
Las naciones participantes en la 66° Asamblea General de Naciones Unidas (ONU), rechazaron este martes [25 Oct 2011], de manera contundente y por vigésima vez, el bloqueo económico, comercial y financiero impuesto por Estados Unidos a Cuba con 186 votos a favor, 2 votos en contra y 3 abstenciones.
→ read full articleHuman Development from a Cuban Perspective
Dalia Acosta – Inter Press Service-IPS, 17 Oct 2011
Excluded from the 2010 Human Development Index, Cuba will issue a report of its own, which will reflect the impact of an economic crisis that has lasted for 20-plus years, and will show social and health indicators typical of the developed world.
→ read full article(Castellano) ONU Debatirá por Vigésimo Año Consecutivo el Bloqueo Contra Cuba
TeleSur – TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Sep 2011
En 2010, el repudio al bloqueo fue respaldado por 187 países frente a los únicos votos en contra de Estados Unidos e Israel y las abstenciones de Islas Marshall, Micronesia y Palau.
→ read full articleIn Cuba, the Revolution Continues, Softly, as Times Change
John Pilger – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Aug 2011
Radios that crackle, a new airport terminal with birds nesting, the early morning snores of an official at passport control and the palpable ambivalence of pride and frustration belong to a revolution that sends tens of thousands of doctors across the world for the sole purpose of helping other human beings: an epic internationalism.
→ read full articleCuba: Month-Long Offensive against Homophobia
Dalia Acosta – Inter Press Service-IPS, 9 May 2011
LGBT social networks and experts with Cuba’s National Sex Education Centre (CENESEX) announced Tuesday [3 May 2011] that events surrounding the Day Against Homophobia will last a month this year in this Caribbean island nation.
→ read full articleCuba: The “Other” Revolutions
Dalia Acosta – Inter Press Service-IPS, 25 Apr 2011
YES to sexual diversity! NO to transgenics! LONG LIVE @! In stark contrast to the political apathy of many of their contemporaries, some sectors of Cuban youth are radically re-writing the standard slogans, opting for active participation and fomenting “new revolutions within the Revolution.”
→ read full article(French) Le Socialisme Cubain, Cinquante Ans Après
Renaud Lambert – Le Monde Diplomatique, 25 Apr 2011
« Cuba, c’est comme une telenovela de cinquante mille épisodes dont chacun pense que le prochain sera le dernier », résume Fernando Ravsberg, journaliste à la British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC). Avant d’ajouter, dans un sourire : « Mais elle continue toujours. » Cinquante-deux ans après le « triomphe de la révolution », le volet qui s’ouvre en 2011 débute par un événement et un double anniversaire.
→ read full articleUNESCO Special Envoy Recognises Cuban Humanitarian Work in Haiti
Pravda – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Feb 2011
Michaelle Jean, Special Envoy for Haiti of the UNESCO, emphasised the support received from Cuba in the matter of health to the Caribbean country, devastated by an earthquake a year ago. “Whenever we talk about health, we cannot forget the support of that country [Cuba] and this brotherly people,” said Jean, former governor general of Canada, while recognizing the importance of maintaining that link, as somewhat fundamental.
→ read full articleVenezuela-Cuba Undersea Cable Link Work Starts
BBC News – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 Jan 2011
Work has begun on laying an underwater fibre-optic cable to link Venezuela and Cuba. It will stretch 1,600km (1,000m) and considerably improve telephone and internet services to Cuba, which currently relies on a costly and slow internet connection via satellite.
→ read full articleCuban Medics in Haiti Put the World to Shame
Nina Lakhani, Ezili Dantò – TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Jan 2011
Castro’s doctors and nurses are the backbone of the fight against cholera. They are the real heroes of the Haitian earthquake disaster, the human catastrophe on America’s doorstep which Barack Obama pledged a monumental US humanitarian mission to alleviate. Except these heroes are from America’s arch-enemy Cuba, whose doctors and nurses have put US efforts to shame.
→ read full articlePaulo Freire in Cuba: Popular Knowledge Can Transform People’s Worlds
Dalia Acosta – Inter Press Service, 22 Nov 2010
Valuing and sharing common people’s knowledge and experience, awakening critical consciousness and finding paths for effective social participation are the processes used by more than 1,000 people in Cuba working in Popular Education, a liberating approach to education developed by Brazilian educator Paulo Freire in the 1960s.
→ read full article(Castellano) Chávez: Cuba y Venezuela Han Creado un Sistema de Integración sin Precedentes
TeleSur – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Nov 2010
El presidente Hugo Chávez expresó que Cuba y Venezuela se han convertido en la cuna de un mundo nuevo, gracias a su constante lucha, apoyo e integración para liberarse de las cadenas del capitalismo y seguir las sendas del socialismo para beneficio de sus pueblos.
→ read full article(Italian) Se l’ONU condanna ancora l’embargo a Cuba e i media non se ne accorgono
Gianni Minà - Latinoamerica, 15 Nov 2010
La recenti elezioni di Dilma Rousseff alla Presidenza del Brasile e di Pepe Mujica in Uruguay, così come l’undicesima vittoria in dodici anni di Ugo Chavez nelle elezioni di metà mandato in Venezuela, hanno confermato il vento progressista che spira in America latina e che, evidentemente, influenza le scelte di molti altri paesi, specie del sud del mondo.
→ read full article(Italian) Quale Sarà la Nuova Scusa per Continuare ad Angariare Cuba?
Gianni Minà – Latinoamerica, 11 Oct 2010
Recentemente Amnesty International ha reso noto che alla data del 15 agosto 2010, a Cuba i prigionieri politici [o “di coscienza”, come li definisce la stessa organizzazione] erano soltanto 27. Poi, dopo una successiva liberazione, in osservanza degli accordi raggiunti a giugno dal governo de l’Avana con la mediazione della Chiesa cattolica e del Ministro degli esteri spagnolo Moratinos, era rimasto un unico recluso anti-sistema, Rolando Jiménez Pozada, in carcere “per disobbedienza e per aver rivelato segreti di Stato”. Una realtà clamorosa, accolta con un silenzio assordante dai media occidentali e perfino dal governo di Washington.
→ read full articleCuba: Men’s Group Champions “Diverse Masculinities”
Dalia Acosta – InterPress Service-IPS, 27 Sep 2010
Men representing an array of sexual identifications have organised in Cuba to defend sexual rights and promote respect for “other masculinities,” with the belief that greater visibility is needed to achieve true social change and acceptance.
→ read full articleLife after Oil: Cuba Can Teach Us How to Live Without Our Dirty Fossil Fuel Addiction
Jill Richardson - Alternet, 28 Jun 2010
The crisis in the Gulf is only the most recent reminder that we have to begin imagining a post-carbon future.
→ read full article(Castellano) El Plan para Destruir a Cuba*
Heinz Dieterich – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Jun 2010
El plan para destruir a la Revolución Cubana es una combinación del modelo de subversión que se usó para terminar con el “socialismo realmente existente” en Polonia y en la Alemania socialista (RDA). Ese plan, que está en plena ejecución, cuenta con cuatro elementos: la crisis interna de Cuba, la campaña mundial de presión y chantaje, la liberalización mercantil suaversiva de Obama y, la Iglesia Católica.
→ read full articleBrazil and Cuba Become an Example of Cooperation in Vaccines
Pravda – TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 May 2010
The news is already circulating around the world of a study that researchers from five developing countries, in collaboration with the McLaughlin-Rotman Centre for Global Health of Canada (MRC) published today [13 May 2010] in the journal Nature Biotechnology, puts Brazil and Cuba as models in manufacturing low-cost drugs to poor people.
Beverly Bell and Tory Field – YES! Magazine, 12 Apr 2010
Cuban doctors and artists–on the ground in Haiti even before the earthquake–are helping survivors heal.
→ read full article(SPANISH) EN DEFENSA DE CUBA
Red En defensa de la Humanidad*, 18 Mar 2010
El acoso económico y mediático al que está siendo sometida Cuba, aun antes del deceso del preso común Orlando Zapata, constituye un atentado contra los derechos humanos y políticos de un pueblo que decidió hacer un camino diferente. Exigimos respeto a los procesos internos del pueblo cubano para definir y ejercer su democracia.A propósito de […]
Vithal Rajan, 27 Feb 2010
US Senator: I think I speak for both of us in expressing thanks to our friends in Hyderabad India for facilitating this confidential consultation. It’s the first of its kind between both our countries, and I sure am glad the Press is nowhere in sight. Cuban Rep: That’s the way you wanted it and we […]
José Manzaneda - TeleSUR, 13 Feb 2010
El diario El País, el 15 de enero, publicaba una infografía sobre la "Ayuda financiera y equipos de asistencia", en la que Cuba ni siquiera aparecía entre los 23 estados que han aportado colaboración (4). La cadena estadounidense Fox News llegaba a afirmar que Cuba es de los pocos países vecinos del Caribe que no […]
Cuba Informacion TV, 13 Feb 2010
Los medios han ocultado deliberadamente la solidaridad médica cubana en Haití, crucial en las primeras 72 horas tras el terremoto. Hay voces en EEUU que impulsan la cooperación Cuba-EEUU para ayudar a Haití. 4:39-Min. VideoCLICK TO VIEW – CUBA INFORMACION TV
Tom Fawthrop - Aljazeera, 2 Jan 2010
In 2010, Cuba marks the 51st anniversary of the revolution that transformed the Caribbean nation from a sleazy centre of casinos run by US gangsters, to the only outpost of socialism in the Americas – defying US superpower only 90 miles from the shores of Florida. That Cuba’s defiant brand of socialism has survived so […]
→ read full articleCUBA-ALBA LET DOWN SRI LANKA TAMILS (Part 1)
Ron Ridenour – Dissident Voice, 18 Nov 2009
Those who are exploited are our compatriots all over the world; and the exploiters all over the world are our enemies… Our country is really the whole world, and all the revolutionaries of the world are our brothers.– President Fidel Castro.1 The revolutionary [is] the ideological motor force of the revolution…if he forgets his proletarian […]
CNN, 29 Oct 2009
For the 18th year in a row, the United Nations General Assembly on Wednesday [Oct 28 2009] voted to condemn the 47-year embargo against Cuba by the United States.The draft resolution was passed by a vote of 187-3, with 2 abstentions. Only the United States, Israel and Palau voted against the measure. Micronesia and the […]
Salim Lamrani, 28 Oct 2009
On September 23, 2009, President Barack Obama addressed the General Assembly of the United Nations for the first time in a speech hailed by the entire international community. Obama acknowledged that the hyper-interventionism of the U.S. in the internal affairs of other countries was a serious mistake. "No nation should be forced to accept the […]
Dalia Acosta, Inter Press Service (IPS), 4 Jul 2009
Interview with Mariela Castro, daughter of President Raúl Castro and activist for sexual diversity rights. Renowned for her work for the rights of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transvestite and transgender people, Mariela Castro advocates a fairer, more inclusive, and above all more participatory socialism in Cuba. Castro is head of the National Sex Education Centre (CENESEX) […]
Philip Fornaci, 10 Jun 2009
One of the most notable characteristics of 21st century Havana is what is not there: obvious and visible destitution. The begging and aggressive peddling prevalent in so many poor Latin capitals (and in most US cities) is entirely absent in Havana. There are no homeless people sleeping under bridges or hidden in doorways, no stumbling […]
Dalia Acosta, 8 Jun 2009
Quase 50 anos depois do triunfo da Revolução Cubana, as minorias sexuais começam a sentir pela primeira vez que sua voz é ouvida e que podem encontrar um espaço para começar a avançar até uma sociedade mais justa e inclusiva. "Sempre quis ser parte de tudo isso. Não recordo quantas vezes disse a minha mãe: […]
Fernando Montiel T. – Miembro de TRANSCEND, 3 May 2009
Alguien dijo alguna vez que, cansada de inventar, la historia tiende a repetir. Los apretones de mano y las sonrisas que atinadamente critica James Petras (Rebelión, Abril 27, 2009) ya se han visto antes: se vieron en los sesentas cuando los Estados Unidos presentaron la Alianza para el Progreso; se vieron en los setentas […]
BBC Brasil, 14 Apr 2009
A Casa Branca anunciou nesta segunda-feira [13 Abril] o fim de certas restrições nas relações do país com Cuba – entre elas, os limites impostos a cubano-americanos interessados em viajar à ilha e ao envio de dinheiro aos seus parentes no país caribenho. As medidas haviam sido uma promessa de campanha do presidente americano, Barack […]
→ read full article