Solution-oriented news on TMS:  (Norwegian-Norsk) Hva kommer etter USAs imperium?  -   Renaming and Reframing Continually in the Face of Hubris  -   The Fragile Ceasefire: Gaza Tribunal More Relevant  -   Cloud Capital vs AI: DeepSeek, Technofeudalism, Capitalism, and the New Cold War  -   AI Going DeepSeek  -   The Western Way of Genocide  -   Beyond Watching, what Can We Peacebuilders Do?  -   The Evolution of the Militarized Data Broker  -   (Italiano) Geopolitica della follia dell’Elite (Parte 3): La pericolosa fissa che i governi, BRICS compresi, siano sovrani e possano fermare la presa di potere tecnocratica  -   Congo’s War: From Genocide to Living by Genocide  -   In Historic Return March, Thousands of Palestinians Arrive in Northern Gaza  -   The Mad King’s Court  -   Why Hasn’t the UNSC Sanctioned Rwanda or Referred Its President to the ICC?  -   Media Culture of War  -   “Scorecard, Scorecard, You Can’t Tell al-Queda without a Scorecard”  -   US Capitalism just Got a Black Eye  -   How the West Hides Its Gaza Genocide Guilt behind Holocaust Day Remembrance  -   Heroes of Human History (Music Video of the Week)  -   Human Security and Its Dimensions  -   Biden or Trump, US Latin American Policy Remains Contemptible: Migration, Drugs, Tariffs  -   Chess Prodigy at Three: He’s Internationally Ranked but Is Confused and Scared by the Limelight  -  

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