By the Art of the Brush


Udaya R. Tennakoon – TRANSCEND Media Service

Directive senselessness, determined inattentive faces
Look! Closely!
And beyond
A crowd towards to a directed aim
To the timeless way they run fast
To look for another time
Concentrated to self minded desire
Connecting with the world
Surrounding life disputed

An ear phone to hear
A small screen to look
Passive smile and active gadget to live
Look closely!
the  man transforms to a robot

Eating on the way
Faster train brings the time shorter
Laptop, MacBook, iPhone  are the global way
Modern life accesses the mind
Alienating the human to the human

Fascination and curiosity  to the eyes
In every second
Behind  a very black curtain, the script
Has being written
Breaking the borders in soul
Accumulate, consume and dispose
By the art of the brush
Paint, draw and touch the meaning
Of exploitation

Udaya R. Tennakoon – Poet/ Diaspora Writer, Journalist, Dramatist,  Peace, Human Rights and Political Activist.

This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 4 Jun 2018.

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