Archive for the category ‘CURRENT AFFAIRS’

Ignorance and Egoistic Leaders Destroying Mankind and the Living Earth
Mahboob A. Khawaja, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 2nd, 2023 ( No Comments »)
The Tide Has Turned
William T. Hathaway – TRANSCEND Media Service
April 3rd, 2023 ( Comments Off on The Tide Has Turned)
Welcome to 2030: I Own Nothing, Have No Privacy, and Life Has Never Been Better
Ida Auken | Forbes - TRANSCEND Media Service
February 28th, 2022 ( Comments Off on Welcome to 2030: I Own Nothing, Have No Privacy, and Life Has Never Been Better)
Yoga Can Be Done by Well-Fed
Surya Nath Prasad and Mira Purn – TRANSCEND Media Service
July 5th, 2021 ( Comments Off on Yoga Can Be Done by Well-Fed)
A Letter on Justice and Open Debate
Multiple Signers | Harper's Magazine - TRANSCEND Media Service
July 20th, 2020 ( Comments Off on A Letter on Justice and Open Debate)
Writers’ Open Letter against ‘Cancel Culture’ Is About Stifling Free Speech, Not Protecting It
Jonathan Cook – TRANSCEND Media Service
July 20th, 2020 ( Comments Off on Writers’ Open Letter against ‘Cancel Culture’ Is About Stifling Free Speech, Not Protecting It)
A More Specific Letter on Justice and Open Debate
Multiple Signers | The Objective - TRANSCEND Media Service
July 20th, 2020 ( Comments Off on A More Specific Letter on Justice and Open Debate)
‘Cancel Culture’ Cannot Erase a Strong Argument
Robert Jensen | Countercurrents - TRANSCEND Media Service
July 20th, 2020 ( Comments Off on ‘Cancel Culture’ Cannot Erase a Strong Argument)
Reconciling Dr. King’s 1968 Dream and Our 2020 Nightmare
Bob Hennelly | Salon – TRANSCEND Media Service
January 20th, 2020 ( Comments Off on Reconciling Dr. King’s 1968 Dream and Our 2020 Nightmare)
We’ve Been Epsteined! The Death of the “Conspiracy Theorist” Label
James Grundvig | Vaxxter – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 23rd, 2019 ( Comments Off on We’ve Been Epsteined! The Death of the “Conspiracy Theorist” Label)
Western Media Portrays Hong Kong Hooligans as Heroes. But Are They?
Andre Vltchek – Global Research
September 16th, 2019 ( Comments Off on Western Media Portrays Hong Kong Hooligans as Heroes. But Are They?)
The Companies behind the Burning of the Amazon
Glenn Hurowitz, Mat Jacobson, Etelle Higonnet, and Lucia von Reusner | Mighty Earth – TRANSCEND Media Service
September 9th, 2019 ( Comments Off on The Companies behind the Burning of the Amazon)
When Pyromaniacs Lead, the World Burns
Marwan Bishara – Al Jazeera
September 2nd, 2019 ( Comments Off on When Pyromaniacs Lead, the World Burns)
Conspiracy Theories from the Elders of Zion to Epstein’s Youngsters
Gilad Atzmon – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 26th, 2019 ( 1 Comment »)
How Life Became an Endless, Terrible Competition
Daniel Markovits – The Atlantic
August 26th, 2019 ( 2 Comments »)
Killer Clowns
George Monbiot – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 5th, 2019 ( Comments Off on Killer Clowns)
In Joyful Act of Resistance, Pink Seesaws Installed at US-Mexico Border Fence
Jenna McGuire – Common Dreams
August 5th, 2019 ( Comments Off on In Joyful Act of Resistance, Pink Seesaws Installed at US-Mexico Border Fence)
China Sees New Era of ‘Shared Destiny’ with US No Longer in the Driving Seat
Darius Shahtahmasebi - RT
August 5th, 2019 ( Comments Off on China Sees New Era of ‘Shared Destiny’ with US No Longer in the Driving Seat)
March of the Uyghurs
Andre Vltchek | New Eastern Outlook – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 5th, 2019 ( Comments Off on March of the Uyghurs)
Libra: Facebook’s Audacious Bid for Global Monetary Control
Ellen Brown | Web of Debt – TRANSCEND Media Service
July 1st, 2019 ( Comments Off on Libra: Facebook’s Audacious Bid for Global Monetary Control)
The Lowdown on Libra: What Consumers Need to Know about Facebook’s New Cryptocurrency
Ernest Foo – The Conversation
July 1st, 2019 ( Comments Off on The Lowdown on Libra: What Consumers Need to Know about Facebook’s New Cryptocurrency)
US Congress Calls for Facebook to Halt Cryptocurrency Project, Libra
Nivesh Rustgi | CoinGape – TRANSCEND Media Service
July 1st, 2019 ( Comments Off on US Congress Calls for Facebook to Halt Cryptocurrency Project, Libra)
In Court, Facebook Blames Users for Destroying Their Own Right to Privacy
Sam Biddle – The Intercept
July 1st, 2019 ( Comments Off on In Court, Facebook Blames Users for Destroying Their Own Right to Privacy)
The Media Loves This UFO Expert Who Says He Worked for an Obscure Pentagon Program. Did He?
Keith Kloor – The Intercept
June 3rd, 2019 ( Comments Off on The Media Loves This UFO Expert Who Says He Worked for an Obscure Pentagon Program. Did He?)
The Conflict of Our Time: U.S. Imperialism vs the Rule of Law
Nicolas J S Davies | Intrepid Report – TRANSCEND Media Service
March 25th, 2019 ( Comments Off on The Conflict of Our Time: U.S. Imperialism vs the Rule of Law)
From Child Refugee in Mozambique to School Principal in the United States
Marta Martinez | UNHCR – TRANSCEND Media Service
January 14th, 2019 ( Comments Off on From Child Refugee in Mozambique to School Principal in the United States)
Seven Charts That Show the World Is Actually Becoming a Better Place
Julius Probst – The Conversation
January 14th, 2019 ( Comments Off on Seven Charts That Show the World Is Actually Becoming a Better Place)
The Current Demise of Ethics
Leonardo Boff – TRANSCEND Media Service
September 17th, 2018 ( Comments Off on The Current Demise of Ethics)
Spherons’ Sociocybernetic MegaScience
Leo Semashko – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 26th, 2018 ( Comments Off on Spherons’ Sociocybernetic MegaScience)
The Logic of Drug Legalization
Jeff Berg - CounterPunch
November 20th, 2017 ( Comments Off on The Logic of Drug Legalization)
Why Do Civilians Become Combatants In Wars against the U.S.A.?
Nicolas J S Davies | PeaceVoice – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 20th, 2017 ( Comments Off on Why Do Civilians Become Combatants In Wars against the U.S.A.?)
TMS Editor Receives Prize for Peace and Social Justice
Psychologists for Social Responsibility – TRANSCEND Media Service
September 4th, 2017 ( 2 Comments »)
TRANSCEND Media Service Receives Prize for Peace and Social Justice
Psychologists for Social Responsibility – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 28th, 2017 ( 3 Comments »)
With the European Union Livid, U.S. Congress Pushes Forward on Sanctions against Russia, Iran and North Korea
Alex Emmons and Ryan Grim – The Intercept
July 31st, 2017 ( Comments Off on With the European Union Livid, U.S. Congress Pushes Forward on Sanctions against Russia, Iran and North Korea)
Imperial Folly Brings Russia and Germany Together
Pepe Escobar – Sputnik News
July 31st, 2017 ( Comments Off on Imperial Folly Brings Russia and Germany Together)
Global Peace Science of Dialogue & Human Dignity: Towards 21st Century
Dr. Subhash Chandra – TRANSCEND Media Service
July 31st, 2017 ( Comments Off on Global Peace Science of Dialogue & Human Dignity: Towards 21st Century)
G20 Key Meeting and Its Future
Global Peace Science – TRANSCEND Media Service
July 17th, 2017 ( Comments Off on G20 Key Meeting and Its Future)
Harry Belafonte and Sidney Poitier: Soul Brothers
Charles M. Blow – The New York Times
February 27th, 2017 ( Comments Off on Harry Belafonte and Sidney Poitier: Soul Brothers)
The Rise of One-Person Households
Joseph Chamie – Inter Press Service-IPS
February 27th, 2017 ( Comments Off on The Rise of One-Person Households)
Humanitarian Summit, the Big Fiasco
Baher Kamal – Inter Press Service-IPS
May 30th, 2016 ( Comments Off on Humanitarian Summit, the Big Fiasco)
Deepening National Antagonisms Dominate G7 Summit
Nick Beams | WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 30th, 2016 ( Comments Off on Deepening National Antagonisms Dominate G7 Summit)
Torture Dinner: Slave-Caught Seafood Winds Up in US Restaurants, Food Chains
Russia Today – TRANSCEND Media Service
March 30th, 2015 ( Comments Off on Torture Dinner: Slave-Caught Seafood Winds Up in US Restaurants, Food Chains)
Another MH17 Cover-Up: Hiding a Key Autopsy
Eric Zuesse – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 29th, 2014 ( Comments Off on Another MH17 Cover-Up: Hiding a Key Autopsy)
Putin Shot Down a Plane! Putin Shot Down a … What? Never Mind
World Beyond War – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 22nd, 2014 ( Comments Off on Putin Shot Down a Plane! Putin Shot Down a … What? Never Mind)
Ukrainian Soldier Confirms: Ukraine’s Military Shot Down Malaysian MH17 Plane
Eric Zuesse - Global Research
December 22nd, 2014 ( Comments Off on Ukrainian Soldier Confirms: Ukraine’s Military Shot Down Malaysian MH17 Plane)
Why Does the West Allow the Ukrainian Government to Write the Official Report on the Shoot-Down of MH-17?
Eric Zuesse - Global Research
November 24th, 2014 ( Comments Off on Why Does the West Allow the Ukrainian Government to Write the Official Report on the Shoot-Down of MH-17?)
Germans Clear Russia in MH-17 Case
Robert Parry – Consortium News
October 27th, 2014 ( Comments Off on Germans Clear Russia in MH-17 Case)
Dutch MH17 Investigation Omits US “Intel”
Tony Cartalucci - Global Research
September 22nd, 2014 ( Comments Off on Dutch MH17 Investigation Omits US “Intel”)
Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 Whodunnit Still a Mystery
Robert Parry – Consortium News
September 15th, 2014 ( Comments Off on Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 Whodunnit Still a Mystery)
Boeing & Inmarsat Need to Come Clean: Unraveling the Mess of Disappeared Flight MH370
Nile Bowie - CounterPunch
September 15th, 2014 ( Comments Off on Boeing & Inmarsat Need to Come Clean: Unraveling the Mess of Disappeared Flight MH370)
MH17 Crash Caused by ‘Objects Penetrating Aircraft from Outside’
Gwyn Topham – The Guardian
September 15th, 2014 ( Comments Off on MH17 Crash Caused by ‘Objects Penetrating Aircraft from Outside’)
US Analysts Conclude MH17 Downed by Aircraft
Haris Hussain – New Straits Times, Malaysia
September 8th, 2014 ( Comments Off on US Analysts Conclude MH17 Downed by Aircraft)
Penetrating the Darkness Covering Two Malaysian Airplane Disasters
John Chuckman - Pravda
September 8th, 2014 ( Comments Off on Penetrating the Darkness Covering Two Malaysian Airplane Disasters)
Russia Demands Publication of Recordings from Downed Flight MH17
Reuters – The Telegraph
September 1st, 2014 ( Comments Off on Russia Demands Publication of Recordings from Downed Flight MH17)
Continuing Media Silence on the Fate of Flight MH17
Stefan Steinberg, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service
September 1st, 2014 ( Comments Off on Continuing Media Silence on the Fate of Flight MH17)
Why Have the Media and Obama Administration Gone Silent on MH17?
Niles Williamson, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 18th, 2014 ( 1 Comment »)
Malaysian Press Charges Ukraine Government Shot Down MH 17
Alex Lantier, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 11th, 2014 ( 1 Comment »)
US Suppressing Satellite Images Which Implicate Kiev in MH17 Crash: Petras
PressTV – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 11th, 2014 ( Comments Off on US Suppressing Satellite Images Which Implicate Kiev in MH17 Crash: Petras)
Conclusive: Two Ukrainian Government Fighter-Jets Shot Down That Malaysian Airliner
Eric Zuesse, OpEd News – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 11th, 2014 ( Comments Off on Conclusive: Two Ukrainian Government Fighter-Jets Shot Down That Malaysian Airliner)
Something Sinister Going On? – The Unanswered Questions of MH17
Mike Whitney - CounterPunch
August 4th, 2014 ( Comments Off on Something Sinister Going On? – The Unanswered Questions of MH17)
Obama Should Release Ukraine Evidence
Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 4th, 2014 ( Comments Off on Obama Should Release Ukraine Evidence)
German Pilot’s Shocking Analysis of the ‘Shooting Down’ of Malaysian MH17: “Aircraft Was Not Hit by a Missile”
Peter Haisenko – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 4th, 2014 ( Comments Off on German Pilot’s Shocking Analysis of the ‘Shooting Down’ of Malaysian MH17: “Aircraft Was Not Hit by a Missile”)
Ukraine MH17 May Be CIA False Flag and It Ain’t Flying
William Engdahl – Russia Today
August 4th, 2014 ( 1 Comment »)
Facts Needed on Malaysian Plane Shoot-Down
Ray McGovern – Consortium News
July 21st, 2014 ( Comments Off on Facts Needed on Malaysian Plane Shoot-Down)
MH17: World See Tragedy, US Sees “Game Changer”
Tony Cartalucci, New Eastern Outlook – TRANSCEND Media Service
July 21st, 2014 ( Comments Off on MH17: World See Tragedy, US Sees “Game Changer”)
It Was Putin’s Missile!
Pepe Escobar – Asia Times
July 21st, 2014 ( Comments Off on It Was Putin’s Missile!)
Positive Thoughts on Dark Times
Prof. James Petras – TRANSCEND Media Service
July 14th, 2014 ( Comments Off on Positive Thoughts on Dark Times)
Zuma Silent on Sri Lankan Human Rights Abuses
Ruki Fernando – Mail & Guardian
November 25th, 2013 ( Comments Off on Zuma Silent on Sri Lankan Human Rights Abuses)
Sri Lanka: The Time for an International Investigation Is Now
JS Tissainayagam, Asia Correspondent – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 25th, 2013 ( 1 Comment »)
UK Prime Minister Covers Up Crimes against Humanity – Lectures Sri Lanka on Crimes against Humanity
Felicity Arbuthnot - Global Research
November 25th, 2013 ( Comments Off on UK Prime Minister Covers Up Crimes against Humanity – Lectures Sri Lanka on Crimes against Humanity)
Coalition Endorses Recommendations of New Report on Health Professional Involvement in Torture, Calls for APA Action
Roy Eidelson – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 11th, 2013 ( Comments Off on Coalition Endorses Recommendations of New Report on Health Professional Involvement in Torture, Calls for APA Action)
A Hundred Years of Toxic Humanitarianism
Anna Feigenbaum – Open Democracy
August 5th, 2013 ( Comments Off on A Hundred Years of Toxic Humanitarianism)
The Charitable-Industrial Complex
Peter Buffett – The New York Times
August 5th, 2013 ( Comments Off on The Charitable-Industrial Complex)
Sharmine Narwani – Al Akhbar
July 8th, 2013 ( Comments Off on FreedumbAndDemocrazy)
How Do We Defend Ourselves from the Corporate and Imperial Forces That Threaten Our Existence?
Noam Chomsky – TRANSCEND Media Service
July 8th, 2013 ( Comments Off on How Do We Defend Ourselves from the Corporate and Imperial Forces That Threaten Our Existence?)
Surveillance Contractor Bug in Ecuador Embassy Fails to Stop WikiLeaks
Pratap Chatterjee - CorpWatch
July 8th, 2013 ( Comments Off on Surveillance Contractor Bug in Ecuador Embassy Fails to Stop WikiLeaks)
Lawlessness Is the New Normal
Paul Craig Roberts – TRANSCEND Media Service
July 8th, 2013 ( Comments Off on Lawlessness Is the New Normal)
Forcing Down the Bolivian President’s Plane Was an Act of Piracy
John Pilger – TRANSCEND Media Service
July 8th, 2013 ( Comments Off on Forcing Down the Bolivian President’s Plane Was an Act of Piracy)
The Week Ahead: Bilderberg 2013 Comes to … the Grove Hotel, Watford-UK
Charlie Skelton - The Guardian
June 3rd, 2013 ( Comments Off on The Week Ahead: Bilderberg 2013 Comes to … the Grove Hotel, Watford-UK)
June 6-9: Bilderberg Meeting behind Closed Doors. On the Agenda: Domestic Spying, Diffusing Social Protests, War on Syria and Iran
Stephen Lendman – Global Research
June 3rd, 2013 ( Comments Off on June 6-9: Bilderberg Meeting behind Closed Doors. On the Agenda: Domestic Spying, Diffusing Social Protests, War on Syria and Iran)
Media Coverage of the Bilderberg Group Adopts a Tone of Desperation
Orwellwasright's Weblog – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 3rd, 2013 ( Comments Off on Media Coverage of the Bilderberg Group Adopts a Tone of Desperation)
Towards a ‘Lagom’ Society
Kaj Embren – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 27th, 2013 ( Comments Off on Towards a ‘Lagom’ Society)
A Golden Age?
John Scales Avery – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 27th, 2013 ( Comments Off on A Golden Age?)
Nuclear Power Falters, Engulfed by ‘Cauldron’ of Bad Luck
Javier E. David - CNBC
May 27th, 2013 ( Comments Off on Nuclear Power Falters, Engulfed by ‘Cauldron’ of Bad Luck)
Global Capital and the Nation State
Robert Reich – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 27th, 2013 ( Comments Off on Global Capital and the Nation State)
On the Road to Damascus
Antonio C. S. Rosa | Editor – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 20th, 2013 ( 24 Comments »)
Who’s the Real Aggressor in Korea?
Eric Ruder – Socialist Worker
April 22nd, 2013 ( Comments Off on Who’s the Real Aggressor in Korea?)
Statehood and the Problem of Flux: A Case for Interculturalism
Ted Cantle – Open Democracy
April 22nd, 2013 ( Comments Off on Statehood and the Problem of Flux: A Case for Interculturalism)
Lobby Group Representing Google, Yahoo Backs CISPA
Russia Today – TRANSCEND Media Service
April 15th, 2013 ( Comments Off on Lobby Group Representing Google, Yahoo Backs CISPA)
Two Deaths: Hugo Chavez and Margaret Thatcher
Alan MacLeod -
April 15th, 2013 ( Comments Off on Two Deaths: Hugo Chavez and Margaret Thatcher)
World Social Forum: 50,000 Gather in Tunisia
Signe Predmore – YES! Magazine
April 8th, 2013 ( Comments Off on World Social Forum: 50,000 Gather in Tunisia)
The Spark of Hope
George Monbiot – TRANSCEND Media Service
April 8th, 2013 ( Comments Off on The Spark of Hope)
Paranoia Sells
William Boardman - Reader Supported News
April 8th, 2013 ( 1 Comment »)
Mahatma Gandhi, We Need Your Voice Today!
John Scales Avery – TRANSCEND Media Service
March 18th, 2013 ( Comments Off on Mahatma Gandhi, We Need Your Voice Today!)
Infographic: Global South Is Rising Fast
Al Jazeera – TRANSCEND Media Service
March 18th, 2013 ( Comments Off on Infographic: Global South Is Rising Fast)
The Happiness Initiative: The Serious Business of Well-Being
Laura Musikanski & John de Graaf – The Solutions Journal
March 4th, 2013 ( Comments Off on The Happiness Initiative: The Serious Business of Well-Being)
Oxfam Reveals Global Food Firms’ Gaping Ethical Shortfalls
Damian Carrington – The Guardian
March 4th, 2013 ( Comments Off on Oxfam Reveals Global Food Firms’ Gaping Ethical Shortfalls)
Israeli Kids Dressed As Burning Twin Towers for Purim
Maidhc Ó Cathail, The Passionate Attachment – TRANSCEND Media Service
March 4th, 2013 ( Comments Off on Israeli Kids Dressed As Burning Twin Towers for Purim)
Argentina Slams Israel over Interference
Al-Akhbar – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 18th, 2013 ( Comments Off on Argentina Slams Israel over Interference)
WikiLeaks Is a Rare Truth-Teller. Smearing Julian Assange Is Shameful.
John Pilger – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 18th, 2013 ( Comments Off on WikiLeaks Is a Rare Truth-Teller. Smearing Julian Assange Is Shameful.)
U.S. Government Hacked Nicolas Sarkozy, Former France President’s, Office in 2012, l’Express Claims
Huffington Post – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 26th, 2012 ( Comments Off on U.S. Government Hacked Nicolas Sarkozy, Former France President’s, Office in 2012, l’Express Claims)
MEK Delisting is a Gift to the Regime, a Disaster for the Iranian People and the U.S.
National Iranian American Council – TRANSCEND Media Service
September 24th, 2012 ( Comments Off on MEK Delisting is a Gift to the Regime, a Disaster for the Iranian People and the U.S.)
AP Sources: US to Take Iran Group Off Terror List
Bradley Klapper and Matthew Lee, Associated Press – TRANSCEND Media Service
September 24th, 2012 ( Comments Off on AP Sources: US to Take Iran Group Off Terror List)
Terror Delisting the MEK Is a Cynical Sham
Richard Silverstein – The Guardian
September 24th, 2012 ( Comments Off on Terror Delisting the MEK Is a Cynical Sham)
Edinburgh Festival of Spirituality and Peace
Antonio C. S. Rosa, editor – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 20th, 2012 ( Comments Off on Edinburgh Festival of Spirituality and Peace)
Reformed Teaching of History
John Scales Avery – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 13th, 2012 ( Comments Off on Reformed Teaching of History)
The Great Impostors
George Monbiot – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 13th, 2012 ( Comments Off on The Great Impostors)
Criticism of Ye Shiwen Is Unfair
Andrew Binner – Al Jazeera
August 6th, 2012 ( Comments Off on Criticism of Ye Shiwen Is Unfair)
Celebrating the Olympic Ideal with a Big Mac
Isabelle de Grave and Stephanie Parker – Inter Press Service-IPS
July 30th, 2012 ( Comments Off on Celebrating the Olympic Ideal with a Big Mac)
Blair, Olympic Deals and the Glimpse of another Britain
John Pilger – TRANSCEND Media Service
July 30th, 2012 ( Comments Off on Blair, Olympic Deals and the Glimpse of another Britain)
War on All Fronts
Paul Craig Roberts – TRANSCEND Media Service
July 23rd, 2012 ( Comments Off on War on All Fronts)
West’s Mistake: Focus on Al Qaeda
Dr Robin-Edward Poulton – TRANSCEND Media Service
July 23rd, 2012 ( 1 Comment »)
Limits to Growth and Climate Change
John Scales Avery – TRANSCEND Media Service
July 23rd, 2012 ( Comments Off on Limits to Growth and Climate Change)
‘The Last War Crime’ Debuts at Cannes–but Censored in US.
Jeanine Molloff – Nation of Change
July 16th, 2012 ( 1 Comment »)
The Growing Part of the World in Charts
Gail Tverberg – Our Finite World
July 9th, 2012 ( Comments Off on The Growing Part of the World in Charts)
The Many Shades of Regime Change: From the Middle East to Latin America
Silvia Swinden – Pressenza Int’l Press Agency
July 9th, 2012 ( Comments Off on The Many Shades of Regime Change: From the Middle East to Latin America)
Greenwashing the Olympics
Daniel Nelson – CorpWatch
July 9th, 2012 ( Comments Off on Greenwashing the Olympics)
The Non-Aligned Movement Summit in Tehran: A Political Wedge to US-NATO Plans to Isolate Iran
Kourosh Ziabari – Global Research
July 9th, 2012 ( Comments Off on The Non-Aligned Movement Summit in Tehran: A Political Wedge to US-NATO Plans to Isolate Iran)
Gabriel Garcia Marquez Suffering From Dementia, Says Brother
The National – TRANSCEND Media Service
July 9th, 2012 ( Comments Off on Gabriel Garcia Marquez Suffering From Dementia, Says Brother)
A Tale of Two Conferences
Chris Williams – Socialist Worker
July 2nd, 2012 ( Comments Off on A Tale of Two Conferences)
Prominent Americans Urge Ecuador to Accept Julian Assange’s Asylum Request
Ben Quinn – The Guardian
July 2nd, 2012 ( Comments Off on Prominent Americans Urge Ecuador to Accept Julian Assange’s Asylum Request)
The Scam Wall Street Learned From the Mafia
Matt Taibbi – Rolling Stone
June 25th, 2012 ( Comments Off on The Scam Wall Street Learned From the Mafia)
Is the Threat of a “Mafia State” Real?
Michael Busch – Foreign Policy in Focus
June 25th, 2012 ( Comments Off on Is the Threat of a “Mafia State” Real?)
Making a Game of Killing
John Scales Avery – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 25th, 2012 ( 5 Comments »)
Bilderbergers Beware
Patrick Bond - Pambazuka
June 11th, 2012 ( Comments Off on Bilderbergers Beware)
Four Futures
John Scales Avery – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 11th, 2012 ( 1 Comment »)
Bilderberg Meetings Final List of Participants
Bilderberg Meetings – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 4th, 2012 ( Comments Off on Bilderberg Meetings Final List of Participants)
Thou Shalt Not Kill
John Scales Avery – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 21st, 2012 ( Comments Off on Thou Shalt Not Kill)
You Are All Suspects Now. What Are You Going To Do About It?
John Pilger – TRANSCEND Media Service
April 30th, 2012 ( Comments Off on You Are All Suspects Now. What Are You Going To Do About It?)
Values for the Future
John Scales Avery – TRANSCEND Media Service
April 30th, 2012 ( Comments Off on Values for the Future)
The Titanic as an Allegory
John Scales Avery – TRANSCEND Media Service
April 23rd, 2012 ( Comments Off on The Titanic as an Allegory)
Yusuf Islam on Music and Faith
Malika Bilal – Al Jazeera
April 23rd, 2012 ( Comments Off on Yusuf Islam on Music and Faith)
The Truth about Tech
Jenica Rhee, – TRANSCEND Media Service
April 16th, 2012 ( Comments Off on The Truth about Tech)
The South Challenges Globalization
Samir Amin – Pambazuka News
April 9th, 2012 ( Comments Off on The South Challenges Globalization)
Britain and the Empire: Falklands and Chagos – A Tale of Two Islands
Peter Presland – Global Research
March 26th, 2012 ( Comments Off on Britain and the Empire: Falklands and Chagos – A Tale of Two Islands)
Resistance Builds to NATO’s Threat of Permanent War and Nuclear Dominance
Bernardine Dohrn and Bill Ayers - Truthout
March 26th, 2012 ( Comments Off on Resistance Builds to NATO’s Threat of Permanent War and Nuclear Dominance)
Launching the U.S. Terror War: the CIA, 9/11, Afghanistan, and Central Asia
The Asia-Pacific Journal – TRANSCEND Media Service
March 19th, 2012 ( Comments Off on Launching the U.S. Terror War: the CIA, 9/11, Afghanistan, and Central Asia)
Washington’s Insouciance Has No Rival
Paul Craig Roberts – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 20th, 2012 ( Comments Off on Washington’s Insouciance Has No Rival)
From Syria to Haiti: Another Showcase of Western Hypocrisy
Russia Today – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 13th, 2012 ( Comments Off on From Syria to Haiti: Another Showcase of Western Hypocrisy)
Liberal Constipation
George Monbiot – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 13th, 2012 ( Comments Off on Liberal Constipation)
The Russia-China Veto: Is It Enough?
Matthias Chang – Future Fastforward
February 13th, 2012 ( Comments Off on The Russia-China Veto: Is It Enough?)
Elections Are for Suckers
Robert Scheer - Truthdig
February 13th, 2012 ( Comments Off on Elections Are for Suckers)
‘Arms Easier to Trade than Bananas’
A.D.McKenzie – Inter Press Service-IPS
February 13th, 2012 ( Comments Off on ‘Arms Easier to Trade than Bananas’)
Is the World Really Safer Without the Soviet Union?
Mikhail Gorbachev – The Nation
January 30th, 2012 ( 2 Comments »)
Thematic Social Forum: Working Towards a Never-Ending Democracy
Antonio Martins – TerraViva Europe
January 30th, 2012 ( Comments Off on Thematic Social Forum: Working Towards a Never-Ending Democracy)
The Human Rights “Success” In Libya
Glenn Greenwald - Salon
January 30th, 2012 ( Comments Off on The Human Rights “Success” In Libya)
The Demise of the Dollar
Robert Fisk - The Independent
January 30th, 2012 ( Comments Off on The Demise of the Dollar)
Who Will Watch the Watchdog?
Maidhc Ó Cathail – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 12th, 2011 ( Comments Off on Who Will Watch the Watchdog?)
Developing Nations Lose Billions to Multinational Tax Dodging
Daan Bauwens – TerraViva Europe
December 5th, 2011 ( Comments Off on Developing Nations Lose Billions to Multinational Tax Dodging)
South-South Ties Reshape Aid Paradigm
Miriam Gathigah – Inter Press Service-IPS
December 5th, 2011 ( Comments Off on South-South Ties Reshape Aid Paradigm)
Just How Dangerous Are ‘Non-Lethal’ Weapons?
Mujib Mashal – Al Jazeera
November 28th, 2011 ( Comments Off on Just How Dangerous Are ‘Non-Lethal’ Weapons?)
Intervention without Responsibility
Tarak Barkawi – Al Jazeera
November 28th, 2011 ( Comments Off on Intervention without Responsibility)
The Roads to War and Economic Collapse
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts – Global Research
November 28th, 2011 ( Comments Off on The Roads to War and Economic Collapse)
Global Revolution after Tahrir Square
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 21st, 2011 ( Comments Off on Global Revolution after Tahrir Square)
Criminalizing Diplomacy: Fanning the Flames of the Iran War Option
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 14th, 2011 ( 2 Comments »)
The Self-Attribution Fallacy
George Monbiot – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 14th, 2011 ( Comments Off on The Self-Attribution Fallacy)
You Can’t Bank On Free Speech
Kristinn Hrafnsson – Al Jazeera
November 14th, 2011 ( 1 Comment »)
The Solutions Generation
Robert Constanza – Al Jazeera
October 31st, 2011 ( Comments Off on The Solutions Generation)
Who Dares to Challenge a 32 Billion-Dollar Business – Human Trafficking?
Baher Kamal – Human Wrongs Watch
October 31st, 2011 ( Comments Off on Who Dares to Challenge a 32 Billion-Dollar Business – Human Trafficking?)
Without Credit Card Donations, WikiLeaks Facing Funding Crisis
Mark Seibel - McClatchy Newspapers
October 24th, 2011 ( Comments Off on Without Credit Card Donations, WikiLeaks Facing Funding Crisis)
Facebook Ireland Accused of Creating ‘Shadow Profiles’ On Users, Nonusers
Laura Locke – CNET News
October 24th, 2011 ( Comments Off on Facebook Ireland Accused of Creating ‘Shadow Profiles’ On Users, Nonusers)
Dalai Lama Slams China’s ‘Immoral Censorship’
Al Jazeera – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 10th, 2011 ( Comments Off on Dalai Lama Slams China’s ‘Immoral Censorship’)
U.S. and Saudi Relations on Oil
Alexander Cockburn – Nation of Change
October 10th, 2011 ( Comments Off on U.S. and Saudi Relations on Oil)
What Facebook Really Wants
Nicholas Thompson – The New Yorker
October 3rd, 2011 ( Comments Off on What Facebook Really Wants)
A Truly Courageous Response to Terror
Fran Korten – YES! Magazine
September 26th, 2011 ( Comments Off on A Truly Courageous Response to Terror)
We the Ruled
Michael S. Rozeff - LewRockwell
September 26th, 2011 ( Comments Off on We the Ruled)
Development: ‘Boomerang Aid Enriches Donors’
Daan Bauwens – Inter Press Servivce-IPS
September 12th, 2011 ( 1 Comment »)
America’s Selective Vigilantism Will Make as Many Enemies as Friends
Tariq Ali - The Guardian
September 12th, 2011 ( Comments Off on America’s Selective Vigilantism Will Make as Many Enemies as Friends)
More of the Same in the Fight Against Child Labor
Neil Howard – Dissent Magazine
September 12th, 2011 ( Comments Off on More of the Same in the Fight Against Child Labor)
Baha Mousa inquiry: It’s Not the Brutality That Is ‘Systematic’. It’s the Lying About It.
Robert Fisk – The Independent
September 12th, 2011 ( Comments Off on Baha Mousa inquiry: It’s Not the Brutality That Is ‘Systematic’. It’s the Lying About It.)
A World Overwhelmed by Western Hypocrisy
Paul Craig Roberts – Information Clearing House
July 4th, 2011 ( Comments Off on A World Overwhelmed by Western Hypocrisy)
Chomsky: ”The West Is Terrified of Arabic Democracies”
Ceyda Nurtsch – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 27th, 2011 ( Comments Off on Chomsky: ”The West Is Terrified of Arabic Democracies”)
Why the World’s Big Leaders Lie
Marcelo Barros - Pravda
June 20th, 2011 ( Comments Off on Why the World’s Big Leaders Lie)
Bilderberg 2011: The Rockefeller World Order and the “High Priests of Globalization”
Andrew Gavin Marshall – Global Research
June 20th, 2011 ( Comments Off on Bilderberg 2011: The Rockefeller World Order and the “High Priests of Globalization”)
Bilderberg 2011: All Aboard the Bilderbus
Charlie Skelton – The Guardian
June 6th, 2011 ( Comments Off on Bilderberg 2011: All Aboard the Bilderbus)
Anonymous Declares ‘Cyberwar’ On the IMF
Jérôme E. Roos – ROAR Magazine
June 6th, 2011 ( Comments Off on Anonymous Declares ‘Cyberwar’ On the IMF)
Mladic Arrest: What about the NATO War Criminals?
Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey - Pravda
May 30th, 2011 ( 1 Comment »)
Are We in The Presence of the Fourth Reich?
Basem Tajeldine - Pravda
May 30th, 2011 ( Comments Off on Are We in The Presence of the Fourth Reich?)
Lots of Rhetoric – But Very Little Help: Obama’s Speech
Robert Fisk – The Independent
May 23rd, 2011 ( Comments Off on Lots of Rhetoric – But Very Little Help: Obama’s Speech)
Escaping the Matrix
Richard K. Moore – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 23rd, 2011 ( Comments Off on Escaping the Matrix)
Organ Trafficking: ‘Her Heart Was Missing’
Chris Arsenault – Al Jazeera
May 23rd, 2011 ( Comments Off on Organ Trafficking: ‘Her Heart Was Missing’)
Chávez and the Arab Dictators
Lance Selfa – Socialist Worker
May 23rd, 2011 ( Comments Off on Chávez and the Arab Dictators)
Human Rights Record of United States in 2010
China Daily – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 2nd, 2011 ( Comments Off on Human Rights Record of United States in 2010)
The Tragic Fate of the Baghdad Museum
Enrique Gonzalez-Manet - Pravda
May 2nd, 2011 ( Comments Off on The Tragic Fate of the Baghdad Museum)
IMF Bombshell: Age of America Nears End
Brett Arends, MarketWatch – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 2nd, 2011 ( Comments Off on IMF Bombshell: Age of America Nears End)
How the Wheels of This Misadventure Were Oiled
The Independent, Editorial – TRANSCEND Media Service
April 25th, 2011 ( Comments Off on How the Wheels of This Misadventure Were Oiled)
BRICS to Promote More Inclusive Global Partnership
Gordon Ross – Inter Press Service-IPS
April 11th, 2011 ( Comments Off on BRICS to Promote More Inclusive Global Partnership)
No Laws, No Secrets: The Anarchist Creed of Julian Assange
Christopher Ketcham - Truthdig
March 28th, 2011 ( Comments Off on No Laws, No Secrets: The Anarchist Creed of Julian Assange)
Anonymous Hackers Release Bank of America Emails
Dominic Rushe in New York – The Guardian
March 21st, 2011 ( Comments Off on Anonymous Hackers Release Bank of America Emails)
Pulitzer Prize Winner Seymour Hersh And The Men Who Want Him Committed
Matthew Phelan – WhoWhatWhy
March 14th, 2011 ( Comments Off on Pulitzer Prize Winner Seymour Hersh And The Men Who Want Him Committed)
The Grievous Return of Henry Kissinger
Prof. Lawrence Davidson – To The Point Analyses
March 14th, 2011 ( Comments Off on The Grievous Return of Henry Kissinger)
Global Food Prices: Panic?
Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey – Pravda
March 14th, 2011 ( Comments Off on Global Food Prices: Panic?)
Experiments in Democracy: Egypt, Tunisia and the US
Joseph Gainza – Toward Freedom
February 28th, 2011 ( Comments Off on Experiments in Democracy: Egypt, Tunisia and the US)
Lex Duvalier: A Corrupt Politician’s Worst Nightmare
Gonzalo Turdera – Council on Hemispheric Affairs
February 28th, 2011 ( Comments Off on Lex Duvalier: A Corrupt Politician’s Worst Nightmare)
Patriarchy and Fundamentalism Two Sides of the Same Coin
Cléo Fatoorehchi – Inter Press Service-IPS
February 28th, 2011 ( Comments Off on Patriarchy and Fundamentalism Two Sides of the Same Coin)
U.S. With Corporate Media Tries to Lead Iran Protests
Iroel Sánchez, Rebellion - Pravda
February 21st, 2011 ( 1 Comment »)
A Tale of Two Protests
Mohammed Khan – Al Jazeera
February 7th, 2011 ( Comments Off on A Tale of Two Protests)
Why Egypt 2011 is not Iran 1979
Prof. Juan Cole, Informed Comment – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 7th, 2011 ( Comments Off on Why Egypt 2011 is not Iran 1979)
Does it Matter if the Torturer Is Right-Handed or Left-Handed?
Thalif Deen – Inter Press Service-IPS
February 7th, 2011 ( Comments Off on Does it Matter if the Torturer Is Right-Handed or Left-Handed?)