Posts tagged with ‘Violence’

My Chance
Dr. Ravi P. Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service
July 22nd, 2024 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | No Comments »)
Letting the Cruelty of the World Break Our Hearts Together
Caitlin Johnstone - TRANSCEND Media Service
July 15th, 2024 (POETRY FORMAT | No Comments »)
Why the US Let Assange Go
Joe Lauria | Consortium News – TRANSCEND Media Service
July 15th, 2024 (WHISTLEBLOWING - SURVEILLANCE | No Comments »)
Julian Assange Arrives in Australia Back from UK Prison
9 News Australia – TRANSCEND Media Service
July 1st, 2024 (TRANSCEND VIDEOS | No Comments »)
The End of the Biggest Press Freedom Case of the Century
Kevin Gosztola | The Dissenter – TRANSCEND Media Service
July 1st, 2024 (MEDIA | No Comments »)
The Brutalization of Israel Is Well Underway–Collapse Is only a Matter of Time
Dilip Simeon | After the Truth Shower – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 10th, 2024 (MEDIA | No Comments »)
Assange Wins Right to Appeal on 1st Amendment Issue
Joe Lauria | Consortium News – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 27th, 2024 (JUSTICE | No Comments »)
The Slow-Motion Execution of Julian Assange Continues
The Chris Hedges Report – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 27th, 2024 (JUSTICE | No Comments »)
Five Years at Belmarsh: A Chronicle of Julian Assange’s Imprisonment
Kevin Gosztola | The Dissenter – TRANSCEND Media Service
April 15th, 2024 (JUSTICE | No Comments »)
Assange Extradition Delayed: UK High Court Asks US to Offer ‘Assurances’ or Face Limited Appeal
Kevin Gosztola | The Dissenter – TRANSCEND Media Service
April 1st, 2024 (EUROPE | No Comments »)
The Crucifixion of Julian Assange
The Chris Hedges Report – TRANSCEND Media Service
April 1st, 2024 (EUROPE | No Comments »)
How US “Foreign Aid” Has Helped Destabilize Haiti
Cal Turner and Sara Van Horn Interview Jake Johnston | Jacobin – TRANSCEND Media Service
March 18th, 2024 (LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN | No Comments »)
The Show Trial against Julian Assange
Fabian Scheidler - TRANSCEND Media Service
February 26th, 2024 (JUSTICE | No Comments »)
The World beyond Global Disorder
Johan Galtung & Keil Eggers – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 12th, 2024 (TRANSCEND VIDEOS | No Comments »)
(Italiano) Il mondo oltre il disordine globale
Johan Galtung | Centro Studi Sereno Regis –TRANSCEND Media Service
February 5th, 2024 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | No Comments »)
The World beyond Global Disorder
Prof. Johan Galtung – TRANSCEND Media Service
January 29th, 2024 (EDITORIAL | No Comments »)
There’s No Free Press without a Free Assange
David S. D’Amato | CounterPunch - TRANSCEND Media Service
January 22nd, 2024 (WHISTLEBLOWING - SURVEILLANCE | No Comments »)
John Pilger, on the Betrayers of Julian Assange
John Pilger | New Matilda – TRANSCEND Media Service
January 1st, 2024 (WHISTLEBLOWING - SURVEILLANCE | No Comments »)
Australian Parliamentarians Speak Outside DOJ after Assange Talks
Consortium News | Popular Resistance - TRANSCEND Media Service
September 25th, 2023 (WHISTLEBLOWING - SURVEILLANCE | No Comments »)
The Dialectics of History: Aggression Produces a Reaction of Solidarity
David Adams | Transition to a Culture of Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 7th, 2023 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | No Comments »)
(Français) La Dialectique de L’histoire : L’agression Produit Une Réaction de Solidarité
David Adams | Transition to a Culture of Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 7th, 2023 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | No Comments »)
Send Julian Home: A More Constructive Message
Diane Perlman, Ph.D. | Substack - TRANSCEND Media Service
August 7th, 2023 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | No Comments »)
The War on Julian Assange
Lowkey interviews Stella Assange | MintPress News – TRANSCEND Media Service
July 31st, 2023 (TRANSCEND VIDEOS | No Comments »)
Multiple Articles by the U.S. Warfare Report
Defense News – TRANSCEND Media Service
July 10th, 2023 (MILITARISM | Comments Off on Multiple Articles by the U.S. Warfare Report)
Daniel Ellsberg Is Lauded in Death by the Same Media That Ignores Assange Rotting in Jail
Jonathan Cook – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 26th, 2023 (WHISTLEBLOWING - SURVEILLANCE | Comments Off on Daniel Ellsberg Is Lauded in Death by the Same Media That Ignores Assange Rotting in Jail)
Why Julian Assange Must Be Freed
Matt Taibbi | Racket News - TRANSCEND Media Service
June 26th, 2023 (WHISTLEBLOWING - SURVEILLANCE | Comments Off on Why Julian Assange Must Be Freed)
Biden Would Need His Pound of Flesh from Assange
Joe Lauria | Consortium News – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 26th, 2023 (WHISTLEBLOWING - SURVEILLANCE | Comments Off on Biden Would Need His Pound of Flesh from Assange)
Assange: An Unholy Masquerade of Tyranny Disguised as Justice
Craig Murray - TRANSCEND Media Service
June 19th, 2023 (MEDIA | Comments Off on Assange: An Unholy Masquerade of Tyranny Disguised as Justice)
The Imminent Extradition of Julian Assange and the Death of Journalism
The Chris Hedges Report – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 19th, 2023 (MEDIA | Comments Off on The Imminent Extradition of Julian Assange and the Death of Journalism)
Multiple Articles–U.S. Air Warfare Report
Stephen Losey | Defense News – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 19th, 2023 (MILITARISM | Comments Off on Multiple Articles–U.S. Air Warfare Report)
UK: Julian Assange Dangerously Close to Extradition Following High Court Rejection of Appeal
RSF/Reporters Without Borders - TRANSCEND Media Service
June 12th, 2023 (JUSTICE | Comments Off on UK: Julian Assange Dangerously Close to Extradition Following High Court Rejection of Appeal)
Mr. Fish – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 15th, 2023 (FOOD FOR THOUGHT | Comments Off on Martyred…)
Calling for the Immediate Release of Julian Assange on World Press Freedom Day
The Chris Hedges Report – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 8th, 2023 (MEDIA | Comments Off on Calling for the Immediate Release of Julian Assange on World Press Freedom Day)
A World of Violence
Eduardo Galeano | TomDispatch – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 1st, 2023 (REVIEWS | Comments Off on A World of Violence)
Belmarsh Warden Blocks Assange from Meeting with Reporters Sans Frontières
Kevin Gosztola | The Dissenter – TRANSCEND Media Service
April 10th, 2023 (EUROPE | Comments Off on Belmarsh Warden Blocks Assange from Meeting with Reporters Sans Frontières)
Bordeaux City Hall Set on Fire amid Nationwide Protests against French Pension Changes
Kim Willsher | The Guardian - TRANSCEND Media Service
March 27th, 2023 (EUROPE | Comments Off on Bordeaux City Hall Set on Fire amid Nationwide Protests against French Pension Changes)
Anything to Say? Assange, Snowden & Manning in Sydney
Consortium News - TRANSCEND Media Service
March 20th, 2023 (IN-DEPTH VIDEOS | Comments Off on Anything to Say? Assange, Snowden & Manning in Sydney)
John Pilger Speaks about Julian Assange in Sydney 10 Mar 2023
John Pilger - TRANSCEND Media Service
March 13th, 2023 (TRANSCEND VIDEOS | Comments Off on John Pilger Speaks about Julian Assange in Sydney 10 Mar 2023)
Kevin Gosztola, Daniel Ellsberg, Julian Assange: ‘Guilty of Journalism’
Shadowproof – TRANSCEND Media Service
March 13th, 2023 (IN-DEPTH VIDEOS | Comments Off on Kevin Gosztola, Daniel Ellsberg, Julian Assange: ‘Guilty of Journalism’)
WATCH: Swedish Prosecutors Destroyed Assange Documents
Kevin Gosztola | The Dissenter – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 6th, 2023 (SHORT VIDEO CLIPS | Comments Off on WATCH: Swedish Prosecutors Destroyed Assange Documents)
Revealed: Sweden Destroyed a Substantial Part of Its Documents on Julian Assange
Stefania Maurizi | Il Fato Quotidiano - TRANSCEND Media Service
February 6th, 2023 (WHISTLEBLOWING - SURVEILLANCE | Comments Off on Revealed: Sweden Destroyed a Substantial Part of Its Documents on Julian Assange)
Why the Western Media Is Afraid of Julian Assange
Jonathan Cook – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 6th, 2023 (WHISTLEBLOWING - SURVEILLANCE | Comments Off on Why the Western Media Is Afraid of Julian Assange)
The Belmarsh Tribunals Demand Justice for Julian Assange
Amy Goodman and Denis Moynihan | Democracy NOW! – TRANSCEND Media Service
January 30th, 2023 (WHISTLEBLOWING - SURVEILLANCE | Comments Off on The Belmarsh Tribunals Demand Justice for Julian Assange)
Tribunal in Washington Calls on President Biden to End Prosecution of Julian Assange and to Defend Rights of Journalists and Whistleblowers
Chris Garaffa | CovertAction Magazine - TRANSCEND Media Service
January 30th, 2023 (WHISTLEBLOWING - SURVEILLANCE | Comments Off on Tribunal in Washington Calls on President Biden to End Prosecution of Julian Assange and to Defend Rights of Journalists and Whistleblowers)
Free Julian Assange: The Belmarsh Tribunal at the National Press Club Washington DC
Pressenza Int'l Press Agency - TRANSCEND Media Service
January 23rd, 2023 (JUSTICE | Comments Off on Free Julian Assange: The Belmarsh Tribunal at the National Press Club Washington DC)
Why War?
Albert Einstein and Sigmund Freud – TRANSCEND Media Service
January 23rd, 2023 (TMS PEACE JOURNALISM | Comments Off on Why War?)
‘Nearly Every War Has Been the Result of Media Lies’: Julian Assange, State-Corporate Media and Ukraine
Media Lens - TRANSCEND Media Service
January 2nd, 2023 (MEDIA | Comments Off on ‘Nearly Every War Has Been the Result of Media Lies’: Julian Assange, State-Corporate Media and Ukraine)
Some Barbaric Times in Our Recent History
Dr. Ravi P. Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service
January 2nd, 2023 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on Some Barbaric Times in Our Recent History)
Daniel Ellsberg: Indict Me Too
Joe Lauria | Consortium News - TRANSCEND Media Service
December 19th, 2022 (WHISTLEBLOWING - SURVEILLANCE | Comments Off on Daniel Ellsberg: Indict Me Too)
Australian PM Tells USA to Drop Charges against Julian Assange
Dave DeCamp | Antiwar - TRANSCEND Media Service
December 5th, 2022 (WHISTLEBLOWING - SURVEILLANCE | Comments Off on Australian PM Tells USA to Drop Charges against Julian Assange)
International Media Groups Urge US to Drop Julian Assange Charges in Letter
ScheerPost - TRANSCEND Media Service
December 5th, 2022 (WHISTLEBLOWING - SURVEILLANCE | Comments Off on International Media Groups Urge US to Drop Julian Assange Charges in Letter)
The Guardian Could Help Assange by Retracting All the Lies It Published about Him
Caitlin Johnstone - TRANSCEND Media Service
December 5th, 2022 (WHISTLEBLOWING - SURVEILLANCE | Comments Off on The Guardian Could Help Assange by Retracting All the Lies It Published about Him)
Cryptome Founder Asks to Be Indicted with Assange
Joe Lauria | Consortium News – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 5th, 2022 (WHISTLEBLOWING - SURVEILLANCE | Comments Off on Cryptome Founder Asks to Be Indicted with Assange)
Letter from Manuel Zelaya, former President of Honduras, to the British PM about Julian Assange
Pressenza - TRANSCEND Media Service
November 14th, 2022 (IN FOCUS | Comments Off on Letter from Manuel Zelaya, former President of Honduras, to the British PM about Julian Assange)
Meta Threaten to End Canadian News Content on Its Platform
Pressenza - TRANSCEND Media Service
October 31st, 2022 (MEDIA | Comments Off on Meta Threaten to End Canadian News Content on Its Platform)
Chelsea Manning’s Book Further Complicates US Government’s Case against Julian Assange
Kevin Gosztola | The Dissenter – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 24th, 2022 (WHISTLEBLOWING - SURVEILLANCE | Comments Off on Chelsea Manning’s Book Further Complicates US Government’s Case against Julian Assange)
U.S. Military News Roundup
Defense News – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 24th, 2022 (MILITARISM | Comments Off on U.S. Military News Roundup)
The Parts of Chelsea Manning’s Book Censored by the US Government
Kevin Gosztola | The Dissenter – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 24th, 2022 (WHISTLEBLOWING - SURVEILLANCE | Comments Off on The Parts of Chelsea Manning’s Book Censored by the US Government)
‘End the War on Journalism and Free Assange’: Thousands Demand Release of WikiLeaks Founder
Kenny Stancil | Countercurrents - TRANSCEND Media Service
October 10th, 2022 (JUSTICE | Comments Off on ‘End the War on Journalism and Free Assange’: Thousands Demand Release of WikiLeaks Founder)
The Puppets and the Puppet Masters
The Chris Hedges Report – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 10th, 2022 (JUSTICE | Comments Off on The Puppets and the Puppet Masters)
(Português) Até Quando a Crueldade Animal Será Normalizada?
David Arioch | Vegazeta – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 10th, 2022 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Português) Até Quando a Crueldade Animal Será Normalizada?)
CIA Sued over Alleged Spying on Lawyers, Journalists Who Met Assange
Kanishka Singh | Reuters - TRANSCEND Media Service
September 5th, 2022 (JUSTICE | Comments Off on CIA Sued over Alleged Spying on Lawyers, Journalists Who Met Assange)
U.S. Military Space Report
Defense News – TRANSCEND Media Service
September 5th, 2022 (MILITARISM | Comments Off on U.S. Military Space Report)
How Can North Americans Tolerate U.S. Government’s Crucifixion of Julian Assange?
Eric Zuesse - TRANSCEND Media Service
September 5th, 2022 (JUSTICE | Comments Off on How Can North Americans Tolerate U.S. Government’s Crucifixion of Julian Assange?)
Julian Assange Files His Perfected Grounds of Appeal
Assange Defense | Popular Resistance - TRANSCEND Media Service
August 29th, 2022 (JUSTICE | Comments Off on Julian Assange Files His Perfected Grounds of Appeal)
Assange Attorneys and Journalists Sue the CIA over Spying
Amy Goodman and Denis Moynihan | Democracy NOW! – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 22nd, 2022 (JUSTICE | Comments Off on Assange Attorneys and Journalists Sue the CIA over Spying)
The US Is ‘Close to Getting Its Hands on Julian Assange’
John Pilger – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 1st, 2022 (JUSTICE | Comments Off on The US Is ‘Close to Getting Its Hands on Julian Assange’)
German Parliament Condemns Psychological Torture of Julian Assange
Peoples Dispatch – TRANSCEND Media Service
July 11th, 2022 (SHORT VIDEO CLIPS | Comments Off on German Parliament Condemns Psychological Torture of Julian Assange)
(Italiano) Medio Oriente e giornalismo mancante su conflitto e pace
Johan Galtung | Centro Studi Sereno Regis - TRANSCEND Media Service
July 11th, 2022 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Italiano) Medio Oriente e giornalismo mancante su conflitto e pace)
(Italiano) Trascinati dall’incosciente caduta fatalistica dell’eroe occidentale?
Antonino Drago | Centro Studi Sereno Regis – TRANSCEND Media Service
July 11th, 2022 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Italiano) Trascinati dall’incosciente caduta fatalistica dell’eroe occidentale?)
The Missing Journalism on Conflict and Peace–and the Middle East
Johan Galtung – TRANSCEND Media Service
July 4th, 2022 (EDITORIAL | Comments Off on The Missing Journalism on Conflict and Peace–and the Middle East)
Assange Put on Suicide Watch after Patel Decision, Father Says
Joe Lauria | Consortium News - TRANSCEND Media Service
June 27th, 2022 (JUSTICE | Comments Off on Assange Put on Suicide Watch after Patel Decision, Father Says)
Multiple Articles on U.S. Militarism, Weapons, War Preparations
Defense News – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 27th, 2022 (MILITARISM | Comments Off on Multiple Articles on U.S. Militarism, Weapons, War Preparations)
Don’t Extradite Assange
Media Lens - TRANSCEND Media Service
June 27th, 2022 (JUSTICE | Comments Off on Don’t Extradite Assange)
‘Another Dark Day’: UK Government Approves Assange’s Extradition to United States
Kevin Gosztola | The Dissenter – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 20th, 2022 (JUSTICE | Comments Off on ‘Another Dark Day’: UK Government Approves Assange’s Extradition to United States)
Doctor’s Orders: ‘Do Not Extradite Assange’
Doctors for Assange | Consortium News - TRANSCEND Media Service
June 20th, 2022 (JUSTICE | Comments Off on Doctor’s Orders: ‘Do Not Extradite Assange’)
Journalists for Assange
JournalistsSpeakUpForAssange – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 6th, 2022 (TMS PEACE JOURNALISM | Comments Off on Journalists for Assange)
The Heart Is Mightier Than the Sword
Robert C. Koehler | Common Wonders – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 23rd, 2022 (TMS PEACE JOURNALISM | Comments Off on The Heart Is Mightier Than the Sword)
Amnesty International Resists Calls to Designate Assange a ‘Prisoner of Conscience’ as Extradition Looms
Mohamed Elmaazi | The Dissenter - TRANSCEND Media Service
May 23rd, 2022 (JUSTICE | Comments Off on Amnesty International Resists Calls to Designate Assange a ‘Prisoner of Conscience’ as Extradition Looms)
Medical Bigotry: Jim Crow in a White Lab Coat
Michael J. Talmo - TRANSCEND Media Service
May 16th, 2022 (ANGLO AMERICA | Comments Off on Medical Bigotry: Jim Crow in a White Lab Coat)
The Persecution of Julian Assange
Jonathan Cook – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 9th, 2022 (JUSTICE | Comments Off on The Persecution of Julian Assange)
(Italiano) Negazionismi duplici
Jake Lynch | Centro Studi Sereno Regis ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­–TRANSCEND Media Service
May 2nd, 2022 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Italiano) Negazionismi duplici)
The Tragedy of Julian Assange
Emanuel Pastreich | US Provisional Government – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 2nd, 2022 (TMS PEACE JOURNALISM | Comments Off on The Tragedy of Julian Assange)
Al-Aqsa Violence during Ramadan
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service
April 25th, 2022 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on Al-Aqsa Violence during Ramadan)
Dual Denialisms
Jake Lynch – TRANSCEND Media Service
April 25th, 2022 (EDITORIAL | Comments Off on Dual Denialisms)
The Cause, and the Goal, of Israeli Violence
Mark Muhannad Ayyash | Al Jazeera – TRANSCEND Media Service
April 25th, 2022 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on The Cause, and the Goal, of Israeli Violence)
Why War?
Albert Einstein and Sigmund Freud – TRANSCEND Media Service
April 25th, 2022 (TMS PEACE JOURNALISM | 3 Comments »)
The US Cries about War Crimes while Imprisoning a Journalist for Exposing Its War Crimes
Caitlin Johnstone - TRANSCEND Media Service
April 25th, 2022 (ANGLO AMERICA | Comments Off on The US Cries about War Crimes while Imprisoning a Journalist for Exposing Its War Crimes)
How Obama-Biden Team Empowered Terrorists in Syria
Aaron Maté | Substack – TRANSCEND Media Service
April 25th, 2022 (ANGLO AMERICA | Comments Off on How Obama-Biden Team Empowered Terrorists in Syria)
Dark Day for Press Freedom: British Court Orders Assange Extradition
Kevin Gosztola | The Dissenter – TRANSCEND Media Service
April 25th, 2022 (SPECIAL FEATURE | Comments Off on Dark Day for Press Freedom: British Court Orders Assange Extradition)
Give War a Chance
Matt Taibbi | ScheerPost - TRANSCEND Media Service
April 18th, 2022 (MILITARISM | Comments Off on Give War a Chance)
From Mosul to Raqqa to Mariupol, Killing Civilians Is a Crime
Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies – TRANSCEND Media Service
April 18th, 2022 (MILITARISM | Comments Off on From Mosul to Raqqa to Mariupol, Killing Civilians Is a Crime)
Palestine’s Widening Geography of Resistance: Why Israel Cannot Defeat the Palestinians
Ramzy Baroud | Politics for the People – TRANSCEND Media Service
April 18th, 2022 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on Palestine’s Widening Geography of Resistance: Why Israel Cannot Defeat the Palestinians)
Biden Administration Budgets Record $27.6 Billion for Militarization of Outer-Space
Jeremy Kuzmarov | CovertAction Magazine – TRANSCEND Media Service
April 11th, 2022 (MILITARISM | Comments Off on Biden Administration Budgets Record $27.6 Billion for Militarization of Outer-Space)
Neither Victims nor Executioners: Albert Camus on the Antidote to Violence
Maria Popova | The Marginalian – TRANSCEND Media Service
April 11th, 2022 (INSPIRATIONAL | Comments Off on Neither Victims nor Executioners: Albert Camus on the Antidote to Violence)
The Cost of War: 23 Million Afghans Suffer Acute Hunger, 95% Don’t Eat Enough Food
Baher Kamal | Human Wrongs Watch - TRANSCEND Media Service
April 4th, 2022 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on The Cost of War: 23 Million Afghans Suffer Acute Hunger, 95% Don’t Eat Enough Food)
War on Syria: Eleven Years of Carnage
Baher Kamal | Human Wrongs Watch - TRANSCEND Media Service
March 28th, 2022 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on War on Syria: Eleven Years of Carnage)
The Marriage of Julian Assange
Chris Hedges | ScheerPost – TRANSCEND Media Service
March 28th, 2022 (NEWS | Comments Off on The Marriage of Julian Assange)
From Kyiv to Kabul: The ‘Blessings’ of Civilisation
Marwan Bishara | Al Jazeera - TRANSCEND Media Service
March 21st, 2022 (IN FOCUS | Comments Off on From Kyiv to Kabul: The ‘Blessings’ of Civilisation)
The UK Supreme Court Won’t Listen to Assange, but the Legal Battle Is Still On
Sara Chessa | Bella Caledonia - TRANSCEND Media Service
March 21st, 2022 (JUSTICE | Comments Off on The UK Supreme Court Won’t Listen to Assange, but the Legal Battle Is Still On)
UK Supreme Court Slams Door on Assange Appeal, Extradition May Be Authorized
Kevin Gosztola | The Dissenter – TRANSCEND Media Service
March 21st, 2022 (JUSTICE | Comments Off on UK Supreme Court Slams Door on Assange Appeal, Extradition May Be Authorized)
The Dangerous Assumption That Violence Keeps Us Safe
George Lakey | Waging Nonviolence – TRANSCEND Media Service
March 7th, 2022 (NONVIOLENCE | Comments Off on The Dangerous Assumption That Violence Keeps Us Safe)
West Backs Ukraine but Ignores Palestinians
Gideon Polya – TRANSCEND Media Service
March 7th, 2022 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on West Backs Ukraine but Ignores Palestinians)
Assange Affirms the Existence of another Kind of Human Nature
Chris Hedges | ScheerPost – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 28th, 2022 (JUSTICE | Comments Off on Assange Affirms the Existence of another Kind of Human Nature)
Nils Melzer: The Political Persecution of Julian Assange
Saturday Morning | RNZ – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 28th, 2022 (JUSTICE | Comments Off on Nils Melzer: The Political Persecution of Julian Assange)
(Italiano) Industria delle armi: la coda che agita il cane
Jake Lynch | Centro Studi Sereno Regis ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­–TRANSCEND Media Service
February 28th, 2022 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Italiano) Industria delle armi: la coda che agita il cane)
The Sacralization of War, U.S.-Style
Kelly Denton-Borhaug | TomDispatch – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 28th, 2022 (ANGLO AMERICA | Comments Off on The Sacralization of War, U.S.-Style)
The Belmarsh Tribunal
The People's Forum NYC – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 28th, 2022 (IN-DEPTH VIDEOS | Comments Off on The Belmarsh Tribunal)
Conflict: Management, Resolution, or Transformation?
Charles Webel, Ph.D. | The New Presence - TRANSCEND Media Service
February 21st, 2022 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on Conflict: Management, Resolution, or Transformation?)
On Israel as an Apartheid State: An Interview with Richard Falk
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 21st, 2022 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on On Israel as an Apartheid State: An Interview with Richard Falk)
Multiple Articles on Militarism, Weapons, War Preparations
Defense News | Military Space Report – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 21st, 2022 (MILITARISM | Comments Off on Multiple Articles on Militarism, Weapons, War Preparations)
Arms Industry–The Tail Wagging the Dog
Jake Lynch – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 21st, 2022 (EDITORIAL | 1 Comment »)
Why Is the White House Stealing $7bn from Afghans?
Moustafa Bayoumi | The Guardian - TRANSCEND Media Service
February 21st, 2022 (CENTRAL ASIA | Comments Off on Why Is the White House Stealing $7bn from Afghans?)
Is the Amnesty International Report an Israeli ‘Sharpeville Moment?’
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 14th, 2022 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on Is the Amnesty International Report an Israeli ‘Sharpeville Moment?’)
Can Israel Stop the World from Saying ‘Apartheid’? Concealing the Suffering in Palestine
Vijay Prashad | Independent Media Institute – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 14th, 2022 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on Can Israel Stop the World from Saying ‘Apartheid’? Concealing the Suffering in Palestine)
Israel’s Apartheid against Palestinians: Cruel System of Domination and Crime against Humanity
Amnesty International – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 7th, 2022 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on Israel’s Apartheid against Palestinians: Cruel System of Domination and Crime against Humanity)
The Problematics of Middle Eastern Diplomacy: The Case of Iran
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 7th, 2022 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on The Problematics of Middle Eastern Diplomacy: The Case of Iran)
Why Amnesty Is Taking Aim at the ‘Root Causes’ of Israeli Apartheid
Edo Konrad | +972 Magazine - TRANSCEND Media Service
February 7th, 2022 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on Why Amnesty Is Taking Aim at the ‘Root Causes’ of Israeli Apartheid)
Amnesty Apartheid Report: The Walls Protecting Israel Are Finally Crumbling
Jonathan Cook – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 7th, 2022 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on Amnesty Apartheid Report: The Walls Protecting Israel Are Finally Crumbling)
The News Is Not That Israel Has Apartheid, but That Amnesty Dares Say So
Ari Paul | FAIR-Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting - TRANSCEND Media Service
February 7th, 2022 (MEDIA | Comments Off on The News Is Not That Israel Has Apartheid, but That Amnesty Dares Say So)
(Italiano) Ostaggi del militarismo
John Scales Avery, Ph.D. | Centro Studi Sereno Regis – TRANSCEND Media Service
January 31st, 2022 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Italiano) Ostaggi del militarismo)
Palestine/Israel: The Smearing of Emma Watson
Sut Jhally and Roger Waters | Globetrotter – TRANSCEND Media Service
January 24th, 2022 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on Palestine/Israel: The Smearing of Emma Watson)
We Are Militarism’s Hostages
John Scales Avery, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service
January 24th, 2022 (EDITORIAL | 2 Comments »)
Hey, Hey, USA! How Many Bombs Did You Drop Today?
Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies – TRANSCEND Media Service
January 17th, 2022 (ANGLO AMERICA | Comments Off on Hey, Hey, USA! How Many Bombs Did You Drop Today?)
Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems and the Fight to Contain Them
Rebecca Gordon | TomDispatch - TRANSCEND Media Service
January 17th, 2022 (MILITARISM | 1 Comment »)
Are Western Wealthy Countries Determined to Starve the People of Afghanistan?
Vijay Prashad | Globetrotter – TRANSCEND Media Service
January 17th, 2022 (CENTRAL ASIA | Comments Off on Are Western Wealthy Countries Determined to Starve the People of Afghanistan?)
Peace and Justice Organizations Call for Freedom for Julian Assange
UNAC - TRANSCEND Media Service
January 17th, 2022 (APPEALS | Comments Off on Peace and Justice Organizations Call for Freedom for Julian Assange)
Syrian Extremists Had Free Access to Western Media, Says Award Winning Syrian Photographer
Patrik Paulov | CovertAction Magazine - TRANSCEND Media Service
January 17th, 2022 (SYRIA IN CONTEXT | Comments Off on Syrian Extremists Had Free Access to Western Media, Says Award Winning Syrian Photographer)
The Danger of False Accusations of Antisemitism
Natasha Roth-Rowland | +972 Magazine – TRANSCEND Media Service
January 10th, 2022 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on The Danger of False Accusations of Antisemitism)
Stop Prosecuting the Press: Biden’s Persecution of Julian Assange
Amy Goodman and Denis Moynihan | Democracy NOW! – TRANSCEND Media Service
January 10th, 2022 (ANGLO AMERICA | Comments Off on Stop Prosecuting the Press: Biden’s Persecution of Julian Assange)
The Myth of the Good War
Robert C. Koehler | Common Dreams - TRANSCEND Media Service
January 10th, 2022 (TMS PEACE JOURNALISM | Comments Off on The Myth of the Good War)
PEN America and the Betrayal of Julian Assange
Chris Hedges | ScheerPost – TRANSCEND Media Service
January 3rd, 2022 (ANGLO AMERICA | Comments Off on PEN America and the Betrayal of Julian Assange)
What Shall We Call a State That Lets Its Soldiers Kill Lots of Innocent People without Punishing Even One?
Jan Oberg, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service
January 3rd, 2022 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on What Shall We Call a State That Lets Its Soldiers Kill Lots of Innocent People without Punishing Even One?)
What’s Ahead for Palestine in 2022
Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service
January 3rd, 2022 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on What’s Ahead for Palestine in 2022)
Humanitarian Exemptions to Crushing U.S. Sanctions Do Little to Prevent Collapse of Afghanistan’s Economy
Lee Fang | The Intercept - TRANSCEND Media Service
January 3rd, 2022 (CENTRAL ASIA | Comments Off on Humanitarian Exemptions to Crushing U.S. Sanctions Do Little to Prevent Collapse of Afghanistan’s Economy)
Will the Islamic World Save Afghanistan?
Pepe Escobar | The Cradle – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 27th, 2021 (CENTRAL ASIA | Comments Off on Will the Islamic World Save Afghanistan?)
For Third Year, Committee to Protect Journalists Excludes Assange from Jailed Journalist Index
Kevin Gosztola | The Dissenter – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 27th, 2021 (MEDIA | Comments Off on For Third Year, Committee to Protect Journalists Excludes Assange from Jailed Journalist Index)
Julian Assange Files Appeal to UK Supreme Court
Stella Moris | Pressenza - TRANSCEND Media Service
December 27th, 2021 (EUROPE | Comments Off on Julian Assange Files Appeal to UK Supreme Court)
The Assange Case Explained Simply
Caitlin Johnstone - TRANSCEND Media Service
December 20th, 2021 (ANGLO AMERICA | Comments Off on The Assange Case Explained Simply)
Israel Killed Up to 192 Palestinian Civilians in May 2021 Attacks on Gaza
Murtaza Hussain | The Intercept - TRANSCEND Media Service
December 20th, 2021 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on Israel Killed Up to 192 Palestinian Civilians in May 2021 Attacks on Gaza)
Ten Contradictions That Plague Biden’s Democracy Summit
Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 20th, 2021 (ANGLO AMERICA | 1 Comment »)
The Execution of Julian Assange
Chris Hedges | ScheerPost – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 20th, 2021 (JUSTICE | Comments Off on The Execution of Julian Assange)
UK High Court Overturns Assange Win
Chris Hedges | ScheerPost – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 13th, 2021 (JUSTICE | Comments Off on UK High Court Overturns Assange Win)
How to Counter the Growing Threat of Agent Provocateurs
George Lakey | Waging Nonviolence – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 13th, 2021 (ACTIVISM | Comments Off on How to Counter the Growing Threat of Agent Provocateurs)
The Judicial Kidnapping of Julian Assange
John Pilger – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 13th, 2021 (JUSTICE | Comments Off on The Judicial Kidnapping of Julian Assange)
Assange Ruling a Dangerous Precedent for Journalists and British Justice
Jonathan Cook – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 13th, 2021 (JUSTICE | Comments Off on Assange Ruling a Dangerous Precedent for Journalists and British Justice)
How Congress Loots the Treasury for the Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex
Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 13th, 2021 (ANGLO AMERICA | Comments Off on How Congress Loots the Treasury for the Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex)
‘Pool of Blood’: US Drone Strike Hits Syria Family
AFP | France24 - TRANSCEND Media Service
December 13th, 2021 (SYRIA IN CONTEXT | Comments Off on ‘Pool of Blood’: US Drone Strike Hits Syria Family)
The American Psychological Association Still Owes Guantanamo’s Victims an Apology
Roy Eidelson – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 13th, 2021 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on The American Psychological Association Still Owes Guantanamo’s Victims an Apology)
We Wage Wars Because We Are Violent Animals Likely Headed Toward Extinction
Jack Balkwill | Intrepid Report - TRANSCEND Media Service
December 13th, 2021 (IN FOCUS | Comments Off on We Wage Wars Because We Are Violent Animals Likely Headed Toward Extinction)
How Google Advances the Zionist Colonization of Palestine
Yarden Katz | Mondoweiss - TRANSCEND Media Service
December 13th, 2021 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on How Google Advances the Zionist Colonization of Palestine)
Call It ‘Old’, ‘Contemporary’, ‘Modern’ or Whatever: It Is Slavery
Baher Kamal | Human Wrongs Watch - TRANSCEND Media Service
December 6th, 2021 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on Call It ‘Old’, ‘Contemporary’, ‘Modern’ or Whatever: It Is Slavery)
‘We Have Fallen into a Trap’: Qatar’s World Cup Dream Is a Nightmare for Hotel Staff
Pete Pattisson | The Guardian - TRANSCEND Media Service
December 6th, 2021 (EXPOSURES - EXPOSÉS | Comments Off on ‘We Have Fallen into a Trap’: Qatar’s World Cup Dream Is a Nightmare for Hotel Staff)
‘Hate Crime’ Attacks by Israeli Settlers on Palestinians Spike in the West Bank
Steve Hendrix | The Washington Post - TRANSCEND Media Service
December 6th, 2021 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on ‘Hate Crime’ Attacks by Israeli Settlers on Palestinians Spike in the West Bank)
Pride and Poverty: Qatar’s World Cup Fever Tempered by Legacy of Labour Abuses
Pete Pattisson | The Guardian - TRANSCEND Media Service
December 6th, 2021 (EXPOSURES - EXPOSÉS | Comments Off on Pride and Poverty: Qatar’s World Cup Fever Tempered by Legacy of Labour Abuses)
Criminalization of the Bedouin Victim
Amos Gvirtz – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 6th, 2021 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on Criminalization of the Bedouin Victim)
From Pegasus to Blue Wolf: How Israel’s ‘Security’ Experiment in Palestine Became Global
Ramzy Baroud | Politics for the People – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 29th, 2021 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on From Pegasus to Blue Wolf: How Israel’s ‘Security’ Experiment in Palestine Became Global)
The War Party
Jeremy Scahill | The Intercept – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 29th, 2021 (ANGLO AMERICA | Comments Off on The War Party)
“The Trial of Julian Assange” – A Book by Nils Melzer
Penguin Random House – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 29th, 2021 (REVIEWS | Comments Off on “The Trial of Julian Assange” – A Book by Nils Melzer)
Ultimate Dog Whistle: World Misses Israel’s Hebrew-Language Incitement against Palestinians
Miko Peled | MintPress News – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 29th, 2021 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on Ultimate Dog Whistle: World Misses Israel’s Hebrew-Language Incitement against Palestinians)
The High Stakes of the U.S.-Russia Confrontation over Ukraine
Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 29th, 2021 (ANGLO AMERICA | Comments Off on The High Stakes of the U.S.-Russia Confrontation over Ukraine)
Revealed, the Shocking Conditions at Belmarsh Prison That Julian Assange Is Exposed to
Kit Klarenberg | RT - TRANSCEND Media Service
November 22nd, 2021 (EUROPE | Comments Off on Revealed, the Shocking Conditions at Belmarsh Prison That Julian Assange Is Exposed to)
The Pentagon as Pentagod
William Astore | TomDispatch – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 22nd, 2021 (MILITARISM | Comments Off on The Pentagon as Pentagod)
US Cover-up of Syria Massacre Shows the Danger of the Assange Precedent
Caitlin Johnstone - TRANSCEND Media Service
November 15th, 2021 (ANGLO AMERICA | Comments Off on US Cover-up of Syria Massacre Shows the Danger of the Assange Precedent)
Why Israel Calls Human Rights ‘Terrorism’
Raja Shehadeh | The New York Review of Books – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 15th, 2021 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on Why Israel Calls Human Rights ‘Terrorism’)
Israel Slapped ‘Terrorist’ Label on Palestinian Human Rights Groups after They Uncovered Pegasus Spyware
Kevin Gosztola | The Dissenter – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 15th, 2021 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on Israel Slapped ‘Terrorist’ Label on Palestinian Human Rights Groups after They Uncovered Pegasus Spyware)
U.S. Absolves Drone Killers and Persecutes Whistleblowers
Jeremy Scahill | The Intercept – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 8th, 2021 (ANGLO AMERICA | Comments Off on U.S. Absolves Drone Killers and Persecutes Whistleblowers)
Words without Action: The West’s Role in Israel’s Illegal Settlement Expansion
Ramzy Baroud | Politics for the People – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 8th, 2021 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on Words without Action: The West’s Role in Israel’s Illegal Settlement Expansion)
European MPs Say ‘No’ to Assange Extradition
Sara Chessa | Independent Australia – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 8th, 2021 (IN-DEPTH VIDEOS | Comments Off on European MPs Say ‘No’ to Assange Extradition)
Justice for Julian Assange Is Justice for All
John Pilger – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 8th, 2021 (SPOTLIGHT | Comments Off on Justice for Julian Assange Is Justice for All)
History of the US Space Command
Will Griffin | GNspace4peace – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 8th, 2021 (TRANSCEND VIDEOS | Comments Off on History of the US Space Command)
Boeing Military Space Report
The Boeing Company – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 1st, 2021 (MILITARISM | Comments Off on Boeing Military Space Report)
The Most Important Battle for Press Freedom in Our Time
Chris Hedges | ScheerPost – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 1st, 2021 (SPOTLIGHT | Comments Off on The Most Important Battle for Press Freedom in Our Time)
Appeal Hearing: CIA’s War on Assange, Their ‘Most Prominent Critic,’ Takes Center Stage
Kevin Gosztola and Mohamed Elmaazi | The Dissenter – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 1st, 2021 (SPOTLIGHT | Comments Off on Appeal Hearing: CIA’s War on Assange, Their ‘Most Prominent Critic,’ Takes Center Stage)
“The Spoils of War”: How Profits Rather Than Empire Define Success for the Pentagon
Jon Schwarz | The Intercept - TRANSCEND Media Service
November 1st, 2021 (REVIEWS | Comments Off on “The Spoils of War”: How Profits Rather Than Empire Define Success for the Pentagon)
By Calling the Fight for Palestinian Rights ‘Terror’, Israel Turns Reality on Its Head
Jonathan Cook – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 1st, 2021 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on By Calling the Fight for Palestinian Rights ‘Terror’, Israel Turns Reality on Its Head)
Julian Assange’s Health Is Central to Upcoming Ruling on Extradition to the U.S.
Murtaza Hussain | The Intercept - TRANSCEND Media Service
November 1st, 2021 (SPOTLIGHT | Comments Off on Julian Assange’s Health Is Central to Upcoming Ruling on Extradition to the U.S.)
Multiple Articles on Militarism, Weapons, War Preparations
Defense News – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 1st, 2021 (MILITARISM | Comments Off on Multiple Articles on Militarism, Weapons, War Preparations)
U.S. Empire: The Global Grim Reaper! And It’s Not Just for Halloween!
Jim Albertini | Malu 'Aina Center for Non-violent Education & Action – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 1st, 2021 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on U.S. Empire: The Global Grim Reaper! And It’s Not Just for Halloween!)
Snowden Calls Assange ‘Political Criminal’ Ahead of Extradition Hearing, Where the Pressure Might Now Be on Biden’s Legal Team
Damian Wilson | RT - TRANSCEND Media Service
November 1st, 2021 (SPOTLIGHT | Comments Off on Snowden Calls Assange ‘Political Criminal’ Ahead of Extradition Hearing, Where the Pressure Might Now Be on Biden’s Legal Team)
The Julian Assange Case
Chris Hedges | On Contact/RT America - TRANSCEND Media Service
November 1st, 2021 (IN-DEPTH VIDEOS | Comments Off on The Julian Assange Case)
Blinken: US Policy Is to ‘Oppose the Reconstruction of Syria’
Dave DeCamp | AntiWar – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 1st, 2021 (SYRIA IN CONTEXT | Comments Off on Blinken: US Policy Is to ‘Oppose the Reconstruction of Syria’)
Amazon and Google: Partners in Israeli Apartheid
Jonathan Cook – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 25th, 2021 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on Amazon and Google: Partners in Israeli Apartheid)
The Syrian Charity Scam
Paul Larudee | CovertAction Magazine - TRANSCEND Media Service
October 25th, 2021 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on The Syrian Charity Scam)
One Reason That I Am Determined to Spread Spiritual Knowledge
Stephen Knapp (Sri Nandanandana dasa) – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 25th, 2021 (SPIRITUALITY | Comments Off on One Reason That I Am Determined to Spread Spiritual Knowledge)
Netflix to Launch WikiLeaks Smear Job Three Days Before Assange Court Date
Caitlin Johnstone - TRANSCEND Media Service
October 18th, 2021 (ANGLO AMERICA | Comments Off on Netflix to Launch WikiLeaks Smear Job Three Days Before Assange Court Date)
From Sci-Fi to Reality: How the US Space Force Launched a Digital Revolution
Nathan Strout | Defense News - TRANSCEND Media Service
October 18th, 2021 (MILITARISM | Comments Off on From Sci-Fi to Reality: How the US Space Force Launched a Digital Revolution)
Johan Galtung’s Negative and Positive Peace
Korczyk's Class - TRANSCEND Media Service
October 11th, 2021 (TRANSCEND VIDEOS | Comments Off on Johan Galtung’s Negative and Positive Peace)
CIA Plan to Poison Assange Wasn’t Needed–the US Found a ‘Lawful’ Way to Disappear Him
Jonathan Cook – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 11th, 2021 (ANGLO AMERICA | Comments Off on CIA Plan to Poison Assange Wasn’t Needed–the US Found a ‘Lawful’ Way to Disappear Him)
Graphics: Major U.S. Military Operations since WW II
CGTN China Global Television Network - TRANSCEND Media Service
October 11th, 2021 (MILITARISM | 1 Comment »)
U.S. Litany of Lethal Lies
Andrew Mitrovica | Al Jazeera - TRANSCEND Media Service
October 4th, 2021 (ANGLO AMERICA | Comments Off on U.S. Litany of Lethal Lies)
CIA Officials under Trump Discussed Assassinating Julian Assange – Report
Julian Borger | The Guardian - TRANSCEND Media Service
October 4th, 2021 (ANGLO AMERICA | Comments Off on CIA Officials under Trump Discussed Assassinating Julian Assange – Report)
Free Julian Assange!
Jim Albertini | Malu 'Aina Center for Non-violent Education & Action – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 4th, 2021 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on Free Julian Assange!)
The Profits of War: How Corporations Won the War on Terror
William Hartung | TomDispatch – TRANSCEND Media Service
September 27th, 2021 (MILITARISM | Comments Off on The Profits of War: How Corporations Won the War on Terror)
Twenty Years in a Security State: CIA Goes into the Torture Business
Kevin Gosztola | The Dissenter – TRANSCEND Media Service
September 27th, 2021 (WHISTLEBLOWING - SURVEILLANCE | Comments Off on Twenty Years in a Security State: CIA Goes into the Torture Business)
The U.S. May Have Lost the Military War in Syria, but Has Won the Propaganda War at Home by Portraying Its Murderous Invasion as a Moral Crusade
Jeremy Kuzmarov | CovertAction Magazine – TRANSCEND Media Service
September 27th, 2021 (SYRIA IN CONTEXT | Comments Off on The U.S. May Have Lost the Military War in Syria, but Has Won the Propaganda War at Home by Portraying Its Murderous Invasion as a Moral Crusade)
20 Years, $6 Trillion, 900,000 Lives: The Enormous Costs and Elusive Benefits of the War on Terror
Dylan Matthews | VOX - TRANSCEND Media Service
September 20th, 2021 (MILITARISM | Comments Off on 20 Years, $6 Trillion, 900,000 Lives: The Enormous Costs and Elusive Benefits of the War on Terror)
Up to Half of the $14 Trillion Spent by Pentagon since 9/11 Has Gone to War Profiteers
Jake Johnson | Common Dreams - TRANSCEND Media Service
September 20th, 2021 (ANGLO AMERICA | Comments Off on Up to Half of the $14 Trillion Spent by Pentagon since 9/11 Has Gone to War Profiteers)