Archive for the category ‘DEVELOPMENT’

Why Climate Change Is an Irrelevance, Economic Growth Is a Myth and Sustainability Is Forty Years Too Late
Kevin Casey | Global Comment – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 23rd, 2019 ( 1 Comment »)
Is Growth Passé?
Joseph E. Stiglitz, Nobel Economics Laureate | Project Syndicate – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 23rd, 2019 ( Comments Off on Is Growth Passé?)
The Threat 5G Poses to Human Health
James Grundvig – The Epoch Times
December 16th, 2019 ( Comments Off on The Threat 5G Poses to Human Health)
What Social Model Are We Heading For? The World Bank’s ‘New Social Contract’
Francine Mestrum | CETRI – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 16th, 2019 ( Comments Off on What Social Model Are We Heading For? The World Bank’s ‘New Social Contract’)
Is There a Place for Ethics in Smart Cities?
Dr Jaspal Kaur Sadhu Singh – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 11th, 2019 ( Comments Off on Is There a Place for Ethics in Smart Cities?)
Eminent Buddhist Leader Daisaku Ikeda Urges Halt to Nuclear Weapons and Killer Robots
Ramesh Jaura – IDN InDeptNews
October 28th, 2019 ( Comments Off on Eminent Buddhist Leader Daisaku Ikeda Urges Halt to Nuclear Weapons and Killer Robots)
The Neo-Liberal Project in the World and in Brazil Is Anti-Life and the Enemy of Nature
Leonardo Boff – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 21st, 2019 ( Comments Off on The Neo-Liberal Project in the World and in Brazil Is Anti-Life and the Enemy of Nature)
The NTP Cell Phone Study Explained
Dr. Ron Melnick | GrassrootsEnvEd – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 14th, 2019 ( Comments Off on The NTP Cell Phone Study Explained)
Revealed: The 20 Firms behind a Third of All Carbon Emissions
Matthew Taylor and Jonathan Watts – The Guardian
October 14th, 2019 ( Comments Off on Revealed: The 20 Firms behind a Third of All Carbon Emissions)
China Defies Trump on Iran Big Time with $400 bn Belt-and-Road Investment and 5000 Red Army Troops
Juan Cole | The Transnational – TRANSCEND Media Service
September 30th, 2019 ( Comments Off on China Defies Trump on Iran Big Time with $400 bn Belt-and-Road Investment and 5000 Red Army Troops)
The 5G Electromagnetic “Mad Zone” Poised to Self-Destruct: The 5G “Dementors” Meet the 4G “Zombie Apocalypse”
Claire Edwards – Global Research
September 23rd, 2019 ( Comments Off on The 5G Electromagnetic “Mad Zone” Poised to Self-Destruct: The 5G “Dementors” Meet the 4G “Zombie Apocalypse”)
Who’s Responsible for the Ecocide in the Amazon
Juan Manuel Crespo | Open Democracy – TRANSCEND Media Service
September 16th, 2019 ( Comments Off on Who’s Responsible for the Ecocide in the Amazon)
Activists Follow the Money Fueling Amazon Fires
Negin Owliaei Kelsey Hawkins-Johnson | Inequality – TRANSCEND Media Service
September 16th, 2019 ( Comments Off on Activists Follow the Money Fueling Amazon Fires)
Japan May Have to Dump Radioactive Water into the Sea, Minister Says
Reuters – TRANSCEND Media Service
September 16th, 2019 ( Comments Off on Japan May Have to Dump Radioactive Water into the Sea, Minister Says)
Get Out of My Face! Facial Recognition Technology Could Enslave Humankind like Never Before
Robert Bridge – RT
September 16th, 2019 ( Comments Off on Get Out of My Face! Facial Recognition Technology Could Enslave Humankind like Never Before)
My Browser, the Spy: How Extensions Slurped Up Browsing Histories from 4M Users
Dan Goodin | Ars Technica – TRANSCEND Media Service
July 22nd, 2019 ( Comments Off on My Browser, the Spy: How Extensions Slurped Up Browsing Histories from 4M Users)
The Cocoyoc Declaration
Johan Galtung, et al. – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 20th, 2019 ( Comments Off on The Cocoyoc Declaration)
The 5G Revolution: Millions of “Human Guinea Pigs” in Big Telecom’s Global Experiment
Michael Welch and Chris Cook – Global Research
May 13th, 2019 ( Comments Off on The 5G Revolution: Millions of “Human Guinea Pigs” in Big Telecom’s Global Experiment)
5G: The Big Picture
Jeremy Naydler | Take Back Your Power – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 13th, 2019 ( Comments Off on 5G: The Big Picture)
Social Wealth Fund
Adam Simpson | The Next System Project – TRANSCEND Media Service
April 8th, 2019 ( Comments Off on Social Wealth Fund)
Neoliberalism – The Ideology at the Root of All Our Problems
George Monbiot – The Guardian
March 4th, 2019 ( Comments Off on Neoliberalism – The Ideology at the Root of All Our Problems)
India’s Agrarian Crisis: Father of Green Revolution Rejects GM Crops
Colin Todhunter | Asia Pacific Research – TRANSCEND Media Service
December 10th, 2018 ( Comments Off on India’s Agrarian Crisis: Father of Green Revolution Rejects GM Crops)
Belt and Road Counterpart of Sustainable Development Goal 2030
Anup Paudel – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 22nd, 2018 ( Comments Off on Belt and Road Counterpart of Sustainable Development Goal 2030)
Feeding 10 Billion People by 2050 within Planetary Limits May Be Achievable
Stockholm Resilience Centre | Science X – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 15th, 2018 ( Comments Off on Feeding 10 Billion People by 2050 within Planetary Limits May Be Achievable)
Ethiopia: Women Run Co-Ops, UN Collaboration Yields Good Harvest, Rural Savings
teleSUR – TRANSCEND Media Service
August 6th, 2018 ( Comments Off on Ethiopia: Women Run Co-Ops, UN Collaboration Yields Good Harvest, Rural Savings)
Signaling More Independence from the US, the World Bank Phases Out Its Support for Fossil Fuels
Jason Kirk – The Conversation
January 22nd, 2018 ( Comments Off on Signaling More Independence from the US, the World Bank Phases Out Its Support for Fossil Fuels)
China Leading on World’s Clean Energy Investment, Says Report
Jocelyn Timperley | Carbon Brief – TRANSCEND Media Service
January 15th, 2018 ( Comments Off on China Leading on World’s Clean Energy Investment, Says Report)
South-South Cooperation Key to a New Multilateralism
Baher Kamal – Inter Press Service-IPS
December 11th, 2017 ( Comments Off on South-South Cooperation Key to a New Multilateralism)
Everything Must Go
George Monbiot – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 27th, 2017 ( Comments Off on Everything Must Go)
How to Eradicate Rural Poverty, End Urban Malnutrition – A New Approach
Baher Kamal – Inter Press Service-IPS
October 16th, 2017 ( Comments Off on How to Eradicate Rural Poverty, End Urban Malnutrition – A New Approach)
Putting the Last First
Moin Qazi – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 6th, 2017 ( Comments Off on Putting the Last First)
Aid in Reverse: How Poor Countries Develop Rich Countries
Jason Hickel – The Guardian
January 23rd, 2017 ( Comments Off on Aid in Reverse: How Poor Countries Develop Rich Countries)
Flashlights for Warriors of Development Programmes
Moin Qazi – TRANSCEND Media Service
January 23rd, 2017 ( Comments Off on Flashlights for Warriors of Development Programmes)
What Makes Social Programmes That Work
Moin Qazi – TRANSCEND Media Service
January 2nd, 2017 ( 1 Comment »)
What Happens When a Small Farmer Migrates?
Baher Kamal – Inter Press Service-IPS
October 17th, 2016 ( Comments Off on What Happens When a Small Farmer Migrates?)
‘We Cannot Keep Jumping from Crisis to Crisis’
Baher Kamal – Inter Press Service-IPS
May 23rd, 2016 ( Comments Off on ‘We Cannot Keep Jumping from Crisis to Crisis’)
How Can Growth Reduce Inequality?
Beninio McDonough Tranza – The New Statesman
February 22nd, 2016 ( Comments Off on How Can Growth Reduce Inequality?)
Gates Foundation’s “Corporate Merry-Go-Round”: Spearheading the Neo-liberal Plunder of African Agriculture
Colin Todhunter – TRANSCEND Media Service
January 25th, 2016 ( Comments Off on Gates Foundation’s “Corporate Merry-Go-Round”: Spearheading the Neo-liberal Plunder of African Agriculture)
Study Unveils How Big Philanthropy Shapes Development Agenda
Rodney Reynolds - IDN-InDepthNews
December 21st, 2015 ( Comments Off on Study Unveils How Big Philanthropy Shapes Development Agenda)
It Will Take 100 Years for the World’s Poorest People to Earn $1.25 a Day
Jason Hickel – The Guardian
November 30th, 2015 ( Comments Off on It Will Take 100 Years for the World’s Poorest People to Earn $1.25 a Day)
Enough of Aid – Let’s Talk Reparations
Jason Hickel – The Guardian
November 30th, 2015 ( Comments Off on Enough of Aid – Let’s Talk Reparations)
How the Gates Foundation Reflects the Good and the Bad of “Hacker Philanthropy”
Michael Massing – The Intercept
November 30th, 2015 ( Comments Off on How the Gates Foundation Reflects the Good and the Bad of “Hacker Philanthropy”)
Time to Stop Worshipping Economic Growth
Brent Blackwelder – Common Dreams
November 9th, 2015 ( Comments Off on Time to Stop Worshipping Economic Growth)
Beyond the Sustainable Development Goals: Uncovering the Truth about Global Poverty and Demanding the Universal Realisation of Article 25
Share the World’s Resources – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 2nd, 2015 ( Comments Off on Beyond the Sustainable Development Goals: Uncovering the Truth about Global Poverty and Demanding the Universal Realisation of Article 25)
Trade Agreements like TISA, TPP and TTIP Will Sideline National Laws, WikiLeaks Says
Hazel Sheffield – The Independent
June 8th, 2015 ( Comments Off on Trade Agreements like TISA, TPP and TTIP Will Sideline National Laws, WikiLeaks Says)
WikiLeaks Releases Documents Related to Controversial US Trade Pact
Sam Thielman in New York and Phillip Inman in London – The Guardian
June 8th, 2015 ( Comments Off on WikiLeaks Releases Documents Related to Controversial US Trade Pact)
Odds of Escaping Poverty in India, U.S. Same: World Bank
Puja Mehra – The Hindu
January 26th, 2015 ( Comments Off on Odds of Escaping Poverty in India, U.S. Same: World Bank)
Deliberation on Post MDG (2015) Development Agenda
Centre for Socio-Eco-Nomic Development-CSEND – TRANSCEND Media Service
January 5th, 2015 ( Comments Off on Deliberation on Post MDG (2015) Development Agenda)
The Death of International Development
Jason Hickel – Al Jazeera
December 22nd, 2014 ( Comments Off on The Death of International Development)
Global Power Project: Exposing the Institute of International Finance (Part 3) – Central Bankers and the IFF
Andrew Gavin Marshall, Occupy – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 4th, 2013 ( Comments Off on Global Power Project: Exposing the Institute of International Finance (Part 3) – Central Bankers and the IFF)
Global Power Project: Exposing the Institute of International Finance (Part 2) – Connecting Josef Ackermann, the IFF, and the Euro Debt Crisis
Andrew Gavin Marshall, Occupy – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 21st, 2013 ( Comments Off on Global Power Project: Exposing the Institute of International Finance (Part 2) – Connecting Josef Ackermann, the IFF, and the Euro Debt Crisis)
Global Power Project: Exposing the Institute of International Finance (Part 1)
Andrew Gavin Marshall, Occupy – TRANSCEND Media Service
October 14th, 2013 ( 2 Comments »)
The Last Mystery of the Financial Crisis
Matt Taibbi – Rolling Stone
June 24th, 2013 ( Comments Off on The Last Mystery of the Financial Crisis)
(Português) “Nossos Sonhos Não Cabem no Capitalismo”
Fernando Meirelles – Outras Palavras
June 24th, 2013 ( Comments Off on (Português) “Nossos Sonhos Não Cabem no Capitalismo”)
Brazil Burning: The Story of an Illusion Gone Sour
Pepe Escobar – Russia Today
June 24th, 2013 ( Comments Off on Brazil Burning: The Story of an Illusion Gone Sour)
The Chimerica Dream: Two Nations, Two Dreams, One Pacific
Pepe Escobar - TomDispatch
June 24th, 2013 ( Comments Off on The Chimerica Dream: Two Nations, Two Dreams, One Pacific)
Global Power Project, Part 1: Exposing the Transnational Capitalist Class
Andrew Gavin Marshall, Occupy – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 24th, 2013 ( 5 Comments »)
(Português) Brasil: O Preço da Gota d’Água
Luís Leiria, Esquerda – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 24th, 2013 ( Comments Off on (Português) Brasil: O Preço da Gota d’Água)
Infographic: The United Kingdom’s Tax Havens – Interactive
Simon Hooper and Ben Willers – Al Jazeera
June 24th, 2013 ( Comments Off on Infographic: The United Kingdom’s Tax Havens – Interactive)
How The G8 Joint Statement Should Read
Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey - Pravda
June 24th, 2013 ( Comments Off on How The G8 Joint Statement Should Read)
(A)tom and Kerry Show: It’s All Money, Stupid!
People’s Movement Against Nuclear Energy – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 24th, 2013 ( 1 Comment »)
Monsanto Refuses to Testify on Genetically Modified Crops in Puerto Rico
Carmelo Ruiz-Marrero – CorpWatch
June 24th, 2013 ( Comments Off on Monsanto Refuses to Testify on Genetically Modified Crops in Puerto Rico)
The Four Companies That Control the 147 Companies That Own Everything
Brendan Coffey - Forbes
June 17th, 2013 ( Comments Off on The Four Companies That Control the 147 Companies That Own Everything)
(Português) A Verdadeira Agenda e os Interesses da Revista “The Economist”
Dario Pignotti – Carta Maior
June 17th, 2013 ( Comments Off on (Português) A Verdadeira Agenda e os Interesses da Revista “The Economist”)
Africa’s Worst Drought Tied to West’s Pollution
Becky Oskin, LiveScience – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 17th, 2013 ( Comments Off on Africa’s Worst Drought Tied to West’s Pollution)
Israeli Death Merchants and Palestinian Guinea Pigs
Gilad Atzmon – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 17th, 2013 ( Comments Off on Israeli Death Merchants and Palestinian Guinea Pigs)
An Open Letter to the Mediahouses in India!
People’s Movement Against Nuclear Energy – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 17th, 2013 ( Comments Off on An Open Letter to the Mediahouses in India!)
Everything Is Rigged: This Time, It’s Currencies
Matt Taibbi – Rolling Stone
June 17th, 2013 ( Comments Off on Everything Is Rigged: This Time, It’s Currencies)
Google & Facebook Discussed Secret Systems for U.S. to Spy on Users
Pratap Chatterjee - CorpWatch
June 17th, 2013 ( Comments Off on Google & Facebook Discussed Secret Systems for U.S. to Spy on Users)
GMO and Monsanto: Glyphosate Weed Killer Found in Human Urine across Europe
Friends of the Earth Europe – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 17th, 2013 ( Comments Off on GMO and Monsanto: Glyphosate Weed Killer Found in Human Urine across Europe)
Gaza: 7th Year of Unlawful Blockade (UN HRC SR Press Release)
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 17th, 2013 ( Comments Off on Gaza: 7th Year of Unlawful Blockade (UN HRC SR Press Release))
(Português) FMI Assume Ter Subestimado os “Estragos” Causados pela Austeridade na Grécia
Esquerda – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 10th, 2013 ( Comments Off on (Português) FMI Assume Ter Subestimado os “Estragos” Causados pela Austeridade na Grécia)
Bilderberg 2013: Welcome to 1984
Charlie Skelton – The Guardian
June 10th, 2013 ( Comments Off on Bilderberg 2013: Welcome to 1984)
New World Order Secrecy: Who Will Be Attending the Bilderberg Meeting? What Will Be Discussed Behind Closed Doors?
Prof Michel Chossudovsky – Global Reseach
June 10th, 2013 ( Comments Off on New World Order Secrecy: Who Will Be Attending the Bilderberg Meeting? What Will Be Discussed Behind Closed Doors?)
IMF Admits: We Failed To Realise the Damage Austerity Would Do to Greece
Larry Elliott, Phillip Inman and Helena Smith in Athens – The Guardian
June 10th, 2013 ( 1 Comment »)
Saudi Prince Sues Forbes after It Says He’s ‘Only’ Worth $20 Billion
Reuters – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 10th, 2013 ( Comments Off on Saudi Prince Sues Forbes after It Says He’s ‘Only’ Worth $20 Billion)
(Português) Alysson Mascaro: Uma Crítica Social do Estado
Carta Maior – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 10th, 2013 ( Comments Off on (Português) Alysson Mascaro: Uma Crítica Social do Estado)
It’s Time to Delist Cuba
Arturo Lopez-Levy – Foreign Policy in Focus
June 10th, 2013 ( Comments Off on It’s Time to Delist Cuba)
(Português) Brasil, Mercosul e a Moral Seletiva nos Negócios com Israel
Maren Mantovani – Carta Maior
June 10th, 2013 ( Comments Off on (Português) Brasil, Mercosul e a Moral Seletiva nos Negócios com Israel)
Anonymous Just Leaked a Trove of NSA Documents
Chris Mills, Gizmodo – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 10th, 2013 ( Comments Off on Anonymous Just Leaked a Trove of NSA Documents)
Dead Wrong: How Psychiatric Drugs Can Kill Your Child
Citizens Commission on Human Rights – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 10th, 2013 ( Comments Off on Dead Wrong: How Psychiatric Drugs Can Kill Your Child)
The Koodankulam Mystery (2): Russian Officials’ Anxiety
People’s Movement Against Nuclear Energy – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 27th, 2013 ( Comments Off on The Koodankulam Mystery (2): Russian Officials’ Anxiety)
Terracide and the Terrarists – Destroying the Planet for Record Profits
Tom Engelhardt - TomDispatch
May 27th, 2013 ( Comments Off on Terracide and the Terrarists – Destroying the Planet for Record Profits)
The Pink Tide in Latin America: An Alliance between Local Capital and Socialism?
Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya - Global Research
May 27th, 2013 ( Comments Off on The Pink Tide in Latin America: An Alliance between Local Capital and Socialism?)
The Koodankulam Mystery (1): Indian Officials’ Exodus
People’s Movement Against Nuclear Energy – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 27th, 2013 ( Comments Off on The Koodankulam Mystery (1): Indian Officials’ Exodus)
Nuclear Power Falters, Engulfed by ‘Cauldron’ of Bad Luck
Javier E. David - CNBC
May 27th, 2013 ( Comments Off on Nuclear Power Falters, Engulfed by ‘Cauldron’ of Bad Luck)
Global Wealth Inequality – What You Never Knew You Never Knew
Antonio C. S. Rosa, editor – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 27th, 2013 ( Comments Off on Global Wealth Inequality – What You Never Knew You Never Knew)
Brazil to Write Off $900m of African Debt`
Al Jazeera – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 27th, 2013 ( Comments Off on Brazil to Write Off $900m of African Debt`)
Global Capital and the Nation State
Robert Reich – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 27th, 2013 ( Comments Off on Global Capital and the Nation State)
Internet Advocates Say the Trans-Pacific Partnership Is the Biggest Threat Yet to Open Web
Russell Brandom, The Verge – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 20th, 2013 ( Comments Off on Internet Advocates Say the Trans-Pacific Partnership Is the Biggest Threat Yet to Open Web)
Ten Years after Invasion, Iraq Continues to Import Oil Products
Global Research News – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 20th, 2013 ( Comments Off on Ten Years after Invasion, Iraq Continues to Import Oil Products)
G20 Governments All Agreed to Cyprus-Style Theft of Bank Deposits … In 2010
Colin McKay – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 20th, 2013 ( Comments Off on G20 Governments All Agreed to Cyprus-Style Theft of Bank Deposits … In 2010)
Fake Commissioning Planned at Koodankulam?
People’s Movemenmt Against Nuclear Energy – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 20th, 2013 ( Comments Off on Fake Commissioning Planned at Koodankulam?)
Marx and Lenin as the New Go-To Economists: In the Time between Crises
Rob Urie - CounterPunch
May 20th, 2013 ( Comments Off on Marx and Lenin as the New Go-To Economists: In the Time between Crises)
Mine: Story of a Sacred Mountain
Sumeet Grover – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 20th, 2013 ( 2 Comments »)
Elephant Poaching On Rise in Chaos-Hit Central African Republic
Bate Felix, Reuters – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 13th, 2013 ( Comments Off on Elephant Poaching On Rise in Chaos-Hit Central African Republic)
A 700-Member Time Bank in Central Vermont
Olivier Asselin – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 13th, 2013 ( Comments Off on A 700-Member Time Bank in Central Vermont)
Austerity: Planned Poverty
Carl Gibson - Reader Supported News
May 13th, 2013 ( Comments Off on Austerity: Planned Poverty)
Privatizing Europe
Paul Jay – The Real News Network
May 13th, 2013 ( Comments Off on Privatizing Europe)
The Free Market Fundamentalists Are Now in Europe
Roberto Savio – Inter Press Service-IPS
May 13th, 2013 ( Comments Off on The Free Market Fundamentalists Are Now in Europe)
Bail-out Is Out, Bail-in Is In: Time for Some Publicly-Owned Banks
Ellen Brown – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 13th, 2013 ( Comments Off on Bail-out Is Out, Bail-in Is In: Time for Some Publicly-Owned Banks)
(Português) Como Era Tranquilo Mover Fábricas…
Immanuel Wallerstein – Outras Palavras
May 6th, 2013 ( 1 Comment »)
Everything Is Rigged: The Biggest Price-Fixing Scandal Ever
Matt Taibbi – Rolling Stone
May 6th, 2013 ( Comments Off on Everything Is Rigged: The Biggest Price-Fixing Scandal Ever)
54 Years of Stupidity and Counting – Cuba Policy: Fruitless, Mean and Cruel
Saul Landau and Nelson P. Valdés - CounterPunch
May 6th, 2013 ( Comments Off on 54 Years of Stupidity and Counting – Cuba Policy: Fruitless, Mean and Cruel)
The Koodankulam Project Lies under a Heap of Lies!
People’s Movemenmt Against Nuclear Energy – TRANSCEND Media Service
May 6th, 2013 ( Comments Off on The Koodankulam Project Lies under a Heap of Lies!)
(Português) Novo Estudo Aponta Erros em ‘Base Científica’ das Políticas de Austeridade
Tomas Rotta, Marx21 – TRANSCEND Media Service
April 29th, 2013 ( 1 Comment »)
Argentina Takes on Vulture Funds in “Debt Trial of the Century”
Eric LeCompte – YES! Magazine
April 29th, 2013 ( Comments Off on Argentina Takes on Vulture Funds in “Debt Trial of the Century”)
Koodankulam Is More Dangerous Than Previously Thought
Warna Hettiarachchi, Lankaweb – TRANSCEND Media Service
April 29th, 2013 ( Comments Off on Koodankulam Is More Dangerous Than Previously Thought)
Letter to China on Tianwan Nuclear Power Plant
People’s Movement Against Nuclear Energy – TRANSCEND Media Service
April 29th, 2013 ( Comments Off on Letter to China on Tianwan Nuclear Power Plant)
Newly Released Tim DeChristopher Finds a Movement Transformed by His Courage
Melanie Jae Martin – YES! Magazine
April 29th, 2013 ( Comments Off on Newly Released Tim DeChristopher Finds a Movement Transformed by His Courage)
Iceland Signs First European Free Trade Pact with China
Nikolaj Nielsen, EUObserver – TRANSCEND Media Service
April 22nd, 2013 ( Comments Off on Iceland Signs First European Free Trade Pact with China)
Corporate Evil Creeps Up Unobserved: TransPacific Partnership Will Undermine Democracy
Prof. Rodney Shakespeare - Eurasia Review
April 22nd, 2013 ( Comments Off on Corporate Evil Creeps Up Unobserved: TransPacific Partnership Will Undermine Democracy)
Guatemalan Lawsuit against Canadian Mining Giant May Set Precedent
Jennifer Kennedy - CorpWatch
April 22nd, 2013 ( Comments Off on Guatemalan Lawsuit against Canadian Mining Giant May Set Precedent)
A New Fukushima in the Making? South India’s Kudankulam!
R. C. Camphausen – Digital Journal
April 22nd, 2013 ( Comments Off on A New Fukushima in the Making? South India’s Kudankulam!)
U.S. Supreme Court Dismisses Lawsuit against Shell in Nigeria
Pratap Chatterjee – CorpWatch
April 22nd, 2013 ( Comments Off on U.S. Supreme Court Dismisses Lawsuit against Shell in Nigeria)
The Truth about Extreme Global Inequality
Jason Hickel – Al Jazeera
April 22nd, 2013 ( Comments Off on The Truth about Extreme Global Inequality)
28-Year Old PhD Student Debunks the Most Influential Austerity Study
Paul Jay – The Real News Network
April 22nd, 2013 ( Comments Off on 28-Year Old PhD Student Debunks the Most Influential Austerity Study)
Untrustworthy AERB and Its Sloppy Sarkari Reply for the Koodankulam Fiasco
People’s Movement Against Nuclear Energy – TRANSCEND Media Service
April 22nd, 2013 ( Comments Off on Untrustworthy AERB and Its Sloppy Sarkari Reply for the Koodankulam Fiasco)
Deadly Sins in the Brazilian Amazon
Bianca Jagger - Reader Supported News
April 22nd, 2013 ( Comments Off on Deadly Sins in the Brazilian Amazon)
Where’s the Money? World Military Expenditure in 2012
Stockholm International Peace Research Institute – TRANSCEND Media Service
April 22nd, 2013 ( Comments Off on Where’s the Money? World Military Expenditure in 2012)
Creating Subjects in Lavasa: The Private City
Persis Taraporevala – Open Democracy
April 22nd, 2013 ( Comments Off on Creating Subjects in Lavasa: The Private City)
Inferior Parts Being Used in Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant: Top Scientist
The Times of India – TRANSCEND Media Service
April 22nd, 2013 ( Comments Off on Inferior Parts Being Used in Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant: Top Scientist)
Open Letter to Tamil Nadu Chief Minister
People’s Movement Against Nuclear Energy – TRANSCEND Media Service
April 22nd, 2013 ( Comments Off on Open Letter to Tamil Nadu Chief Minister)
The First BRICS towards a South Bank?
Devaki Jain, SouthViews – TRANSCEND Media Service
April 22nd, 2013 ( Comments Off on The First BRICS towards a South Bank?)
Nuclear Power in India
World Nuclear Association – TRANSCEND Media Service
April 22nd, 2013 ( Comments Off on Nuclear Power in India)
Canada-India Nuclear Deal Moves Forward
Bryn Levy, Saskatoon News – TRANSCEND Media Service
April 22nd, 2013 ( Comments Off on Canada-India Nuclear Deal Moves Forward)
Resolve Koodankulam Issues
A Gopalakrishnan – The New Indian Express
April 22nd, 2013 ( Comments Off on Resolve Koodankulam Issues)
(Italiano) Un Futuro Dopo Il Petrolio: 6 Proposte
Johan Galtung – TRANSCEND Media Service
April 22nd, 2013 ( Comments Off on (Italiano) Un Futuro Dopo Il Petrolio: 6 Proposte)
BRICS Agrees to Create $100 bn Contingency Fund
Times of India – TRANSCEND Media Service
April 1st, 2013 ( Comments Off on BRICS Agrees to Create $100 bn Contingency Fund)
Seeds of Suicide
Prof. Vandana Shiva – The Asian Age
April 1st, 2013 ( Comments Off on Seeds of Suicide)
(Castellano) Banco de Desarrollo del BRICS Será la Nueva Alternativa Financiera Global
TeleSur – TRANSCEND Media Service
April 1st, 2013 ( Comments Off on (Castellano) Banco de Desarrollo del BRICS Será la Nueva Alternativa Financiera Global)
(Castellano) El Bien Común de la Humanidad: Un Paradigma Post-Capitalista Frente a la Ruptura del Equilibrio del Metabolismo Entre la Naturaleza y el Genero Humano
François Houtart – Forum Mundial de Alternativas
April 1st, 2013 ( Comments Off on (Castellano) El Bien Común de la Humanidad: Un Paradigma Post-Capitalista Frente a la Ruptura del Equilibrio del Metabolismo Entre la Naturaleza y el Genero Humano)
China and Brazil Sign Agreement to Trade in Their Local Currencies
MercoPress South Atlantic News Agency – TRANSCEND Media Service
April 1st, 2013 ( Comments Off on China and Brazil Sign Agreement to Trade in Their Local Currencies)
India, China, Brazil to Surpass Combined GDP of U.S., Western Europe by 2020: UN
Vancouverdesi – TRANSCEND Media Service
March 25th, 2013 ( Comments Off on India, China, Brazil to Surpass Combined GDP of U.S., Western Europe by 2020: UN)
Infographic: Global South Is Rising Fast
Al Jazeera – TRANSCEND Media Service
March 18th, 2013 ( Comments Off on Infographic: Global South Is Rising Fast)
(Italiano) La Nostra Terra, le Nostre Vite
Peter Singer - Project Syndicate
February 25th, 2013 ( Comments Off on (Italiano) La Nostra Terra, le Nostre Vite)
China to Become South America’s Top Trading Partner by 2015
China Times – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 25th, 2013 ( Comments Off on China to Become South America’s Top Trading Partner by 2015)
Latin America Flexes Muscles at Joint EU Summit
Marianela Jarroud – TerraViva Europe
February 4th, 2013 ( Comments Off on Latin America Flexes Muscles at Joint EU Summit)
Poverty and Progress: Comparing the US and Venezuela
Eric Draitser – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 4th, 2013 ( 1 Comment »)
An Economic Alternative to Exploitative Free Market Capitalism
Thomas Hedges, Center for Study of Responsive Law – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 4th, 2013 ( Comments Off on An Economic Alternative to Exploitative Free Market Capitalism)
The Geopolitics of the Modern Resource Boom
Bernice Lee – Americas Quarterly
February 4th, 2013 ( Comments Off on The Geopolitics of the Modern Resource Boom)
Digging Deeper Into Who Controls the World
Susan Jennings - Activist Post
February 13th, 2012 ( Comments Off on Digging Deeper Into Who Controls the World)
The West’s Tragedy of Capital
Pepe Escobar – Al Jazeera
November 14th, 2011 ( Comments Off on The West’s Tragedy of Capital)
World Bank Partners With Nestlé to ‘Transform Water Sector’
Corporate Accountability International – TRANSCEND Media Service
November 14th, 2011 ( 1 Comment »)
Crocodile Tears As Food Aid Blockade Continues in Horn of Africa
Thomas C. Mountain – Foreign Policy Journal
July 25th, 2011 ( Comments Off on Crocodile Tears As Food Aid Blockade Continues in Horn of Africa)
The Silent Humanitarian Crises beyond East Africa
Rajesh Makwana and Adam Parsons – Share the World’s Resources
July 25th, 2011 ( Comments Off on The Silent Humanitarian Crises beyond East Africa)
The Flotilla Fascination
Cal Perry – Al Jazeera
July 4th, 2011 ( Comments Off on The Flotilla Fascination)
What’s at Stake in Greece?
Antonis Davanellos – Socialist Worker
June 27th, 2011 ( Comments Off on What’s at Stake in Greece?)
Greece Prepares to Sell Off State Assets to Get Loans
CNN Wire Staff – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 27th, 2011 ( Comments Off on Greece Prepares to Sell Off State Assets to Get Loans)
IMF Financial Terrorism
Stephen Lendman - Activist Post
June 13th, 2011 ( Comments Off on IMF Financial Terrorism)
Oxfam: Hunger Will Strike
The Independent – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 6th, 2011 ( 1 Comment »)
World’s Food System Broken
Cahal Milmo, Chief Reporter – The Independent
June 6th, 2011 ( Comments Off on World’s Food System Broken)
Towards the Eradication of Global Hunger and Undernutrition
Xin-Ying Ren and Fred Dubee, UN MaximsNews – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 6th, 2011 ( 1 Comment »)
‘Europe Worsening Hunger Worldwide’
Timothy Spence – TerraViva Europe
June 6th, 2011 ( Comments Off on ‘Europe Worsening Hunger Worldwide’)
Rethinking the Global Economy: The Case for Sharing
Rajesh Makwana & Adam Parsons – Share the World Resources
November 29th, 2010 ( Comments Off on Rethinking the Global Economy: The Case for Sharing)