The Longevity Poster


Francisco Gomes de Matos – TRANSCEND Media Service

Rhymes for Reflection/Research

If we say that older persons age is ripe
does it also mean that “extra years lived” Biology can’t wipe ?

There are stereotypes on aging
Longevity is science accurately gauging?

How can living longer mean living well?
What stories of compassion do the elderly tell?

Two processes that can benefit Humanity:
Technology and Longevity

How can we live a longer life?
By avoiding/overcoming all kinds of strife

I wish all types of Longevity could mean peaceful existence
rather than merely say that they are but biological persistence

Why do some people say “it’s hard to grow old?”
Because they fail to see Longevity as Life’s gold

Longevity can’t be bought
but a longer life  can be sought

Why does Longevity call for creativity?
It challenges the elderly to experience CREactivity

How can Longevity help make Life sweet?
When it is traveled on as a joyful, fascinating street

What happens when Longevity is shared by two?
There are twice as many pleasant things to do

By Longevity blessed, you say you are?
Thank GOD for making your life go far

Some say Longevity can be scientifically advanced.
How can Longevity be spiritually enhanced?

Longevity though rhymes?
Our maturIMAGINATION climbs!


Francisco Gomes de Matos, Ph.D. is an applied peace linguist from Recife, Brazil. He has degrees in Languages, Law, and Linguistics. He is Professor Emeritus at the Universidade Federal de Pernambuco where he is active in the Dom Hélder Camara Human Rights Commission. He is one of the pioneers in Linguistic Rights (author of 1984 Plea for a Universal Declaration of Linguistic Rights) and in the emerging area of Peace Linguistics. Currently he is President of the Board, ABA Global Education ( He can be reached at

This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 8 Oct 2018.

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