Articles by Amir Telibečirović Lunjo in Sarajevo

We found 2 results.

Peace Activism Can Be Spontaneous Too
Amir Telibečirović Lunjo in Sarajevo – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Nov 2011

Sarajevo Haggadah, a unique book in its significance, is one of the oldest Sephardic Jewish Haggadahs in the world. It originated approximately 700 years ago in Spain. Bosnian Muslim scholar, Derviš Korkut, risked his life to hide this precious Jewish manuscript from Nazis during World War II.

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Looking for the „Ancient Bosnian Pyramid“ Leads to Friendship
Amir Telibečirović Lunjo in Sarajevo – TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Oct 2011

Despite all chauvinist propaganda, which is occasionally present in some local media, people of different ethnic backgrounds, faiths, from various cities and villages of Bosnia, spontaneously came here to work together. Bosnian Serbs, bosnian Muslims, bosnian Croats, kids from the so called „mixed marriages“, they all work, sleep, eat, using toilet and laugh together here, against prognoses from international self proclaimed „Balkan experts“ in developed countries, who claim that people here can’t live together any more.

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