Articles by Jean Bricmont

We found 3 results.

The European Dead End
Jean Bricmont - CounterPunch, 27 Jun 2016

European construction began as the dream of European elites and has become the nightmare of European peoples. For a number of European intellectuals and politicians, the dream was to transform Europe into a sort of Superstate, capable of rivaling the United States. For others, the idea was to get rid of the Nation-State once and for all, since it was considered chiefly to blame for the woes of the 20th century.

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How Humanitarian Imperialism Led to Europe’s Refugee Crisis
Jean Bricmont and Maidhc Ó Cathail – CounterPunch, 22 Feb 2016

What I call the moral left wants to force the population to be altruistic with respect to the refugees. But the population who is never consulted on the issue of refugees and who is constantly asked to make sacrifices because “there is no money” understandably does not accept this moral discourse.

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Why Humanitarian Interventionism is a Dead End – Beware the Anti-Anti-War Left
Jean Bricmont - CounterPunch, 10 Dec 2012

The fundamental ambiguity of the anti-anti-war left lies in the question as to who are the “we” who are supposed to intervene and protect. One might ask the Western left, social movements or human rights organizations the same question Stalin addressed to the Vatican, “How many divisions do you have?” A favorite theme of the anti-anti-war left is to accuse those who reject military intervention of “supporting the dictator”, meaning the leader of the currently targeted country.

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