Articles by John Goetz and Marcel Rosenbach

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The Whistleblowers: Is WikiLeaks a Blessing or Curse for Democracy?
John Goetz and Marcel Rosenbach - Spiegel, 2 Aug 2010

The whistleblowing organization WikiLeaks, which posted the Afghanistan war logs this week, has made publishing government secrets its mission. Many see founder Julian Assange as a hero, but others, including the Pentagon, consider him a threat to national security. Five agents from the United States Department of Homeland Security tried to pay him a visit two weeks ago, just before he was scheduled to speak at a conference in New York. But their efforts were in vain. Assange decided to stay in England after his attorney had told him that various other US government agencies were also very interested in speaking with him. US Defense Secretary Robert Gates recently characterized Assange and his work as “irresponsible.”

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