Articles by Justin Salhani

We found 2 results.

Israel Will Imprison Stone-Throwers for 3 Years, Strip Them or Their Parents of Social Security
Justin Salhani – ThinkProgress, 9 Nov 2015

3 Nov 2015 – Amid ongoing violence, the Israeli Knesset decided on Monday [2 Nov] that the penalty for stone throwing — a tactic commonly used by Palestinians — will now be a minimum of three years in jail. Stone throwing is often used as an act of defiance or protest.

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Why Don’t Syrian Peace Talks Include Any Syrians?
Justin Salhani – ThinkProgress, 2 Nov 2015

30 Oct 2015 – Talks aimed at finding a solution to the four-year-old Syrian Civil War are underway in Vienna today, with at least one notable absence. There are no representatives from Syria involved in the talks, either from the regime or the opposition.

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