Articles by Liam McLoughlin

We found 2 results.

(Italiano) Giornalismo di pace: che cosa Johan Galtung chiederebbe ai Talebani
Liam McLoughlin | New Matilda – Centro Studi Sereno Regis, 19 Sep 2016

Sebbene tra il 1970 e il 1990 il numero di morti per terrorismo in Europa occidentale sia stato maggiore di quello degli ultimi 25 anni, il numero complessivo di morti per atti di terrorismo è attualmente in crescita.

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Peace Journalism: What Johan Galtung Asked the Taliban
Liam McLoughlin – New Matilda, 22 Aug 2016

The Norwegian sociologist, who helped found the field of ‘peace journalism’, spoke about conflict, terror, and talking to the Taliban. The scholar is a vocal critic of mainstream media coverage of violence. In his critique of the failure to give context for events and explore the causes of conflict, Galtung differentiates ‘war journalism’ from ‘peace journalism’. We began the interview with a succinct explanation of the difference.

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