Articles by Najad Abdullahi

We found 3 results.

(Castellano) Los Piratas Somalíes: Pescadores en Lucha Contra el Saqueo Occidental
Johann Hari, Mohamed Abshirwaldo & Najad Abdullahi - TeleSur, 13 Jun 2011

La prensa comercial en los países del norte sólo hablan de ellos cada vez que un occidental es secuestrado. Nunca han contado le verdadera historia de los «piratas» somalíes ni las condiciones de vida de sus compatriotas. Esta gente está en lucha contra el pillaje de pesca occidental y la descarga de basura tóxica en sus aguas de los países industrializados, principalmente a cargo de las mafias europeas.

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Najad Abdullahi, 16 Apr 2009

Somali pirates have accused European firms of dumping toxic waste off the Somali coast and are demanding an $8m ransom for the return of a Ukranian ship they captured, saying the money will go towards cleaning up the waste. The ransom demand is a means of "reacting to the toxic waste that has been continually […]

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Najad Abdullahi, 12 Oct 2008

Somali pirates have accused European firms of dumping toxic waste off the Somali coast and are demanding an $8bn ransom for the return of a Ukranian ship they captured, saying the money will go towards cleaning up the waste. The ransom demand is a means of "reacting to the toxic waste that has been continually […]

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