Articles by NameNotFound

We found 2 results.

Stalin’s Discs Torment Mainstream Media
NameNotFound – Russia Today, 30 May 2011

Joseph Stalin and Nazi doctor Josef Mengele joined forces and bred deformed children who looked like aliens but were able to fly advanced aircraft like Top Gun pilots. No, seriously. I read it in a book written by “a national security reporter and contributing editor to The Los Angeles Times Magazine”, one Annie Jacobsen. I kid you not. The quote is from the New York Times review of her book.

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Reporters Without Borders and Their Junk Index of “Press Freedom”
NameNotFound – Russia Today, 25 Oct 2010

The Paris-based lobby proudly calls itself “an international press freedom organization” but during the 25 years of its existence it has become a symbol of anything but. Today it is a scandal-surrounded outlet funded primarily by the US state budget through USAID and National Endowment for Democracy, accused of having links with (and sponsored by) gung-ho Bush neocons like Otto Reich. Nonetheless, it maintains its innocence and swears to abide by its chartered principles. Let’s look at some of these principles and see how they work in practice.

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