Articles by Stefan Christoff

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Quebec’s Conflict of Contrasting Social Visions
Stefan Christoff – Al Jazeera, 4 Jun 2012

What began as a protest over tuition hikes has now become a standoff over a much deeper political discord in Quebec… Amnesty International describes the law as granting “unprecedented police powers,” and as violating “freedoms of speech, assembly and movement in breach of Canada’s international obligations.” Student unions are now challenging Law 78 at the Superior Court of Quebec, while hundreds of lawyers joined an evening demonstration against the law in Montreal.

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Madagascar: Community Resistance to Corporate Land Theft
Stefan Christoff, – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Apr 2011

In Madagascar grassroots struggles against corporate-driven land grabbing have emerged as a political point of focus in the growing global spotlight on land grabs throughout the global south, a process that the U.N. special rapporteur on the right to food says has “negative effects on the right to food as well as other human rights.” Mass scale corporate land occupations are expanding throughout Africa, and Madagascar is an example of the intensity of the corporate push for national lands but also on the ability for communities to resist such land grabbing.

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