Articles by William Rivers Pitt

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A Small Fraction of a Man
William Rivers Pitt – Truthout, 15 Nov 2010

George W. Bush was all over my television this past week, all over the newspapers, and the feelings inspired by his sudden reappearance are almost beyond my capacity to describe…. This is the guy who turned the entire world against America after that same world embraced us so completely after September 11…. Oh yes, this is the guy who stood before the American people in January of 2003 and proclaimed that Iraq was in possession of 26,000 liters of anthrax, 38,000 liters of botulinum toxin, 500 tons of sarin, mustard and VX gas, mobile biological weapons labs, uranium from Niger for use in a “robust” nuclear weapons program, and that Iraq enjoyed connections to al Qaeda that led directly to the attacks of September 11…. This is the guy who unleashed all the horrors of the torture chamber because the lawyers said it was OK. If the president does it, it’s not illegal, right? Nixon came up with that line, but this is the guy who took it farther than it has ever been taken before…. All I can do for now is avoid the TV, stay away from the newspapers, and pray to God on High that this small fraction of a man will soon retreat back into the ignominy from which he has emerged. There is no salvaging him, and thanks to him, there may be no salvaging America in his aftermath.

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