Articles by World Forum of Fisher Peoples (WFFP)

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World Fisheries Day: 21 November 2012 – Looking for a Nuclear Free World
World Forum of Fisher Peoples (WFFP) – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Nov 2012

It has been proved by the Fukushima disaster that there is no safety for nuclear power plants in the world. Nobody knows how to handle the situation in and around Japan, the coast and the sea. The radiation has reached American waters. The Chernobyl accident in Russia, 1986, has created such havoc that the consequences still continue. Within a radius of 150 Km atomic radiation still exists. 97% of the nuclear plant is still ‘alive’ and nobody knows how to ‘kill’ it. Some 9 million children have been born with all kinds of deformities. Since the Three Mile Island nuclear accident in the USA there has not been another plant erected there.

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