Posts tagged with ‘Bio weapons’

Why the Chair of the Lancet’s COVID-19 Commission Thinks the US Government Is Preventing a Real Investigation into the Pandemic
Jeffrey D. Sachs | Current Affairs - TRANSCEND Media Service
August 8th, 2022 (DEBATES ON COVID - VACCINES | Comments Off on Why the Chair of the Lancet’s COVID-19 Commission Thinks the US Government Is Preventing a Real Investigation into the Pandemic)
US Department of Defense Finally Admits in Public Document that There Are 46 US Military-Funded Biolabs in Ukraine
Jim Hoft | Gateway Pundit – TRANSCEND Media Service
June 20th, 2022 (ANGLO AMERICA | Comments Off on US Department of Defense Finally Admits in Public Document that There Are 46 US Military-Funded Biolabs in Ukraine)
U.S. Lied about Funding “Dangerous Pathogen” Research in Secret Ukrainian Biolabs, Newly Leaked Documents Reveal
Dilyana Gaytandzhieva | CovertAction Magazine - TRANSCEND Media Service
March 28th, 2022 (ANGLO AMERICA | Comments Off on U.S. Lied about Funding “Dangerous Pathogen” Research in Secret Ukrainian Biolabs, Newly Leaked Documents Reveal)
Global Arms Industry: Sales by the Top 25 Companies up 8.5%–Big Players Active in Global South
December 14th, 2020 (MILITARISM | Comments Off on Global Arms Industry: Sales by the Top 25 Companies up 8.5%–Big Players Active in Global South)
NSA Whistleblower Reveals Covert Torture Program
Chevalier de Lorimier | Activist Post - TRANSCEND Media Service
June 15th, 2020 (WHISTLEBLOWING - SURVEILLANCE | 3 Comments »)
Traces of Poison: Israel’s Dark WMD History Revealed
Salman Abu Sitta | Ahram Weekly – TRANSCEND Media Service
March 9th, 2020 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on Traces of Poison: Israel’s Dark WMD History Revealed)
Biological Weapons: A Useful and Timely Factual Overview
Larry Romanoff | Global Research – TRANSCEND Media Service
February 10th, 2020 (MILITARISM, WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION | Comments Off on Biological Weapons: A Useful and Timely Factual Overview)