EU Receives Nobel Peace Prize Today [10 Dec 2012] – Legal Action Is in Preparation

NEWS, 10 Dec 2012

Fredrik S. Heffermehl – TRANSCEND Media Service

A summit of the European Union that today receives a prize that pretends to serve Alfred Nobel´s peace plan, will  this coming Friday adopt a military co-operation program that spits in the face of the peace by disarmament ideas Nobel wished to support by his prize for a global demilitarization of international relations. The discrepancy between later awards and the Nobel intention is now so brazen and blatant that for the legitimate recipients the period of patience is up. The peace movement Nobel wished to support has protested against the prize to the EU and – if the Swedish authorities fail to intervene and stop payment – is considering legal action against the Nobel Foundation in protection of their rights.

Nobel wished to support the peace movement in political opposition to traditional official military and power politics. In his will Nobel calls the recipients the “champions of peace” (fredsförfäktare, Friedensverfechter) no doubt having in mind the movement working for a demilitarized global peace order (eine entmilitarisierte “Völkerverbrüderung”).

According to the Swedish Radio reporter in Brussels a summit of EU leaders on December 14 will agree on development of a more competitive european (military) defense industry which in time will lead to a common EU-defense. (in Swedish below).

In a letter to EU leaders and leaders of EU nations before the weekend, I wrote the following:

“Everyone devoted to democracy and the rule of law will, I am certain, feel uncomfortable with receiving a reward that belongs to other recipients and whose legality is under scrutiny by the Swedish Foundations Authority. The 2012 peace prize betrays all those who would be well served by a transfer of resources from military to human needs. In Europe today many are hit by budget cuts while the military is being shielded. 

 I do hope that the heads of state of EU will find the visionary peace plan of Nobel interesting and very soon consider discussions of what it could do to secure money for a decent, more secure and dignified life for all.” 

I fear that the EU leaders have the direct opposite intentions of those Nobel wished to support.

Oslo, December 10, 2012


1. Fredrik S. Heffermehl, lawyer, author and Nobel historian Contact: +47 917 44 783,

Books on the Nobel Peace Prize (its purpose and the Norwegian mismanagement of it):

2. Tomas Magnusson, IPB co-president: +46 708 293 197


Fredrik S. Heffermehl, cand. jur, LLM NYU, is a member of the TRANSCEND Network and ex-Vice President of the International Peace Bureau. He is the author of The Nobel Peace Prize, What Nobel Really Wanted (Praeger, 2010) –

This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 10 Dec 2012.

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2 Responses to “EU Receives Nobel Peace Prize Today [10 Dec 2012] – Legal Action Is in Preparation”

  1. […] A summit of the European Union that today receives a prize that pretends to serve Alfred Nobel´s peace plan, will this coming Friday adopt a military co-operation program that spits in the face of the peace by disarmament ideas Nobel wished to…  […]

  2. Alfred Nobel probably created the Prize out of guilt for having so much advanced the military cause. He is the inventor of gun-powder.

    Anyway, the name of the money donor is not important; what matters is the title of the Prize, “Peace”, which is given to people who organize wars.

    Giving the Prize to the EU is a diplomatic move, the “real” winner being NATO. They earned the Prize for their success in creating “THE ARMS TRADE SPRING”, called by the gullible world, The Arab Spring.

    And what a long spring it is !!!!! it began in Tunisia exactly two years ago and there is no end in sight.
