
JOKE OF THE WEEK, 24 Jan 2011

Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service

Morris returns from a long business trip and finds out that his wife has been unfaithful during his time away. Who was it!?” he yells. “That old rascal John?” “No,” replied his wife. “It wasn’t John.” “Was it Mark, that dirty old man?” “No, not him.” “Aha! Then it must have been that idiot Steve!” “No, it wasn’t Steve either.” Morris was now fuming. “What’s the matter?” he cried. “None of my friends are good enough for you?”

This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 24 Jan 2011.

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One Response to “Unfaithfulness”

  1. Dominik says:

    are there no better jokes about and around peace and conflicts ?

    What about the potential of humour and jokes for transcending the relationships between social faultlines?

    Thinking about PeaceJournalism i wonder if there could be something like PeaceJokes ? …. what would that mean …?