
JOKE OF THE WEEK, 14 Apr 2014

Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service

Napoleon came to inspect his troops, and every soldier had to appear before him. They were a little nervous and intimidated.

The first entered Napoleon’s tent and was asked three questions: “How old are you?” “Twenty years.” “How long have you been in the military service?” “Three months.” “Do you fight for God or for your country?” “For both.” “Very good,” Napoleon praised him, “you can leave.”

As he left the room, he told his friend whose turn it was next, “It is very easy. There are three questions. To the first you reply ’20 years,’ to the second ‘3 months,’ to the third ‘for both,’ and you are done.”

As he entered, Napoleon asked him, “How long have you been in the military service?” “Twenty years,” he replied. “How old are you?” “Three months.” “Do you take me for a fool or an idiot?” “For both.”

This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 14 Apr 2014.

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