Religion and Science – An Interdisciplinary Approach

RELIGION, 23 Nov 2015

Dr.Chandra P. Trivedi – TRANSCEND Media Service


The quest to know the aim of life and liberation is the quest of human mind from dawn of the civilization on the earth. The world is suffering from the ignorance of the truth behind the creation and aim of life. Without knowing the aim of life, everyone is going to its end with time.  The life on the earth is phenomena of life and death, where life is eternal. He who does not follow the wheel of creation, thus set going in this world sinful and sensual, he lives in vain Gita 3.16

The life is the gift of the God, or if you do not have faith in God than it is the gift of nature, in both the cases to know the reality and aim of life is the duty of humankind.

Mostly the people are confused about the existence of God, and contradictory statements of the intellectuals have confused further at a length. Although all the religious scriptures are saying the same, the religion is based on the existence of one God and Indian concept of polytheism based on swa dharma, self duty, with the view that God is present everywhere. As a matter of faith and belief, it has created a crisis of faith, conflict and chaos in the society. The intellectual human beings are suffering from the ignorance of the truth. Everyone has the birth right to know the reality. The spiritualism and the self-realization is the way to purify one’s own self to realize the self, he is not different from God. The peace, prosperity, and bliss lies in one’s own self, the ignorant are suffering from the sorrow, pains and dwelling on the earth to face the consequences of their deeds with rebirth in lower life forms, plants or animal. With knowing the purpose of life and purification with self-realization practice one can ascend towards higher life with rebirth in wealthy, cultured, or enlightened family. The man is friend and foe of himself.

The Religion and Science – An interdisciplinary Approach

The people are suffering from ego of their culture, although on the earth human culture is one only. There is no culture or religion in the world, which has not emphasized the conservation of ethics, and nature, its root can be seen in some traditions of our old ancestors. But with the theory of organic evolution by Darwin, all the theories of the religious scriptures have been considered as unscientific, and the religions became on the back foot. It is all due to the misinterpretation of the religious scriptures that the God or creator is super natural power, and the Scientists are unable to accept it, but we cannot deny the reality.

The education is that which liberates the human beings from bondage of the evils. We have considered the ethics as a matter of spiritualism and religion, and the Science is far apart from them. Hence, the modern world is facing the crisis of faith.

The unreal has no existence, and real never ceases to be; the reality of both has thus been perceived by the seers of truth Gita 2-17

The God created the world, and man is his image. It has created the notion that Man is above all and theory of organic evolution is contradictory to the religious thoughts?

The indestructible from which, the creation came into the existence is present in the human-beings as consciousness, it is the cause of human existence on the earth, hence it has been described that the creator has created the man in his image.

The evolution and the Darwin’s theory of organic evolution are beyond challenge at scientific level. The same has been described symbolically in the religious Scriptures.

In the holy Quraan, and the first chapter of Bible, Genesis, it has been described that God has created the creation in seven days, where one day of God is equivalent to one thousand years. It means the creation came into the existence, with gradual process of evolution. The God has created the nature, and enter into the nature to regulate the creation.

The Adam and Eve symbolically represents the first pair of the chromosome, from which, the human species has evolved. It has been described as Yama and Yami in the Vedas.

The different religious scriptures came into the existence in ancient era in different parts of the world. In different environmental, social, and geographical conditions, hence, the code of conduct in the society are different according to the contemporary social conditions, otherwise the fundamental ethics of life are one and the same.

The fundamental energy, from where the creation came into the existence, to it the scientists describes it as Gravitational force is the eternal truth of all religion. The indestructible consciousness is proof in the self. The life energy consciousness in the body is the cause of life, which appears with birth and disappears with death, and is imperishable without attributes. It is only a spectator in the perishable physical body. It is the principle of life, and the indestructible supreme energy is the cosmic principle, it has been described as the creator or God.

The Basic Fact of All Religion

We can not divide it with name. The fundamental energy – gravitational force is the omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient God and Soul of the religious scriptures. The life energy appears at its own with the movement of the electrons around the nucleus in the atom, and the movement of the sap in the cell body. It has maintained its continuity in the molecule, matter, and in the cell with cell division. The force, which binds the nucleus in the atom, is unified. It is the scientific base of God and soul.

The life has evolved from the single cell, and the life arose from preexisting cells only. With cell division and reproduction the life is eternal.

The modern Science has explored the secret of creation gradually with modification of their past experiences. In this reference Einstein conceived of a grand unified theory (GUT) of all the five forces of nature. Today with the discovery of electro- weak force by Abdus Salam, Sheldon Glashaw and Steven Weinsberg, three of the five forces in nature (electricity, magnetism and weak – interaction force) have been unified. The fourth force, the strong interaction force that binds the nucleus inside the atom is expected to be unified, as it is claimed today by some scientists. The final stumbling block remains with gravity. For quoting gravity as Stephen Hawking puts it. The scientists have to reach a state of singularity beyond space and time when this one force existed without disintegration.

The successful experiment on Bell’s theorem in 1972 by Clauser, Freedman, David Böehm, and Alain Aspect in 1985, science discovered a synchronistic non- locality, where at the base of matter “non – local” causes operate and similar particles at a space like distance or some how “Instantaneously interconnected”, without the connection of any signal like light or electromagnetic waves.

David Böehm wrote on this great finding. “The essential new quality implied by quantum theory is non – locality. This leads to the radically new notion of the unbroken wholeness of the universe.” (Foundation of Physics, 5, 1975, P 94)

In the same fashion the DNA De oxy ribose Nucleic Acid synthesized in the first cell is immortal with cell division and reproduction. It carries the hereditary characters from generation to generation with genetic recombination. The biodiversity in the nature is due to the genetic recombination and environmental conditions. Hence DNA is present universally in the living-beings. Hence at the level of consciousness and DNA, the living-beings and the man has common ancestry.

In the first cell with fertilization in the womb, an individual receive consciousness and DNA from the parents.  It maintains its continuity with cell division in the womb. After the development in the womb, the infant is free to lead his life as independent. With ageing and death of the physical cell body, the consciousness disappears at its own. The consciousness and the DNA are inherited by the living-beings in the womb from the parents.

The concept of the Religious scriptures that one has to face the consequences of his deeds is also having a scientific base. The DNA is universally present in the living-beings. It records the deeds of an individual in its language code. It is immortal with cell division. It is the blue chip of life with merits and demerits of life.

The DNA is the blue chip of life with all the information of life and death. It is only an instrument without consciousness. It is activated by the metabolism in the womb, and the thoughts, and words resting in the nature. The words and thoughts of an individual are imperishable, they remains in the universe as immortal.

Accordingly the physical body develops with sense organs and nervous system as per the hereditary characters from the parents.  In actual sense the sense organs and the brain are the vehicles of DNA. They execute the functions with thought and memory stored in DNA in the life till death. Hence the memory remains as immortal, and it is stimulated with circumstances in life.

The fertilized DNA has all the information with hereditary characters for the development of the physical body and the sense organs. As soon as the fertilized DNA divide, a language code open on the DNA, which is the code for the mental development of the brain, the mental code is specific, which attract the specific thought energy resting in the sky, if the mental code and thought energy are complimentary with each other, than the thought energy of an individual tie down with the DNA, and open the language code on the DNA with his past memories. The language of the DNA decides his fate with pains and pleasure of life.

Accordingly one has to face the consequences of his deeds with opening of the language on the DNA in the womb. Accordingly under the cosmic laws an individual lead a new life with rebirth, with repercussions of his deeds of his previous birth. It is known as fate or Prarabdh. Due to this even the time twins have different fate. No two individual will have the same DNA and fate in life. It has been described as reincarnation or rebirth to face the consequences of his deeds.

The internal, imperishable micro body is DNA, which records the deeds and actions of an individual in its language code. It is imperishable, through off-springs and cell division. It has maintained its continuity with the origin of life in the first cell in the nature. In this way all the creatures have same DNA, which is universally present in the living-beings. It carries the hereditary characters from generation to generation, without end.

After the death of the individual, the thought energy and the sound energy of words of an individual are imperishable. They remain in the universe even after the death. When they find suitable host as per their mentality, and synonym language code on the duplicating DNA in the womb, they attract each other and the language of a particular individual opens on the DNA with his past actions. Accordingly, the physical development of the individual is as per the hereditary characters, where he has taken the birth, and the language of his past deeds on the DNA, decides the fate in present life with new birth. It is reincarnation of an individual with new life.

Accordingly, the individual may take birth in good cultured family, uncultured lower family, animals or the plants, as rewards, as per his mentality and deeds in life.

At cellular level we all are related with each other with common ancestry in DNA at global level. All organisms exhibit the same function at cellular level. The DNA is universally present and the vehicle of merits and demerits. It is the instrument received from the parents with metabolism in the womb. Its language is stimulated by the consciousness, and immortal thought energy resting in the nature.

In its true sense the consciousness is hereditary, which an individual acquire from his/ her mother in the womb. Along with the consciousness an individual receive fertilized DNA from the parents with hereditary characters. After the development in the womb, the child became independent to complete the life cycle.

The mother feed the developing embryo with food and consciousness in the womb.

It shows that that every thing, which an individual acquire in the life is from the parents, but the fate and the DNA is different, no two individual will have the same DNA and fate in life.

The DNA is the blue chip of life with all the information of life and death. It decides the fate in life from generation to generation with new birth, but it is only an instrument without consciousness. Its functions are stimulated by the consciousness with metabolic reactions in the womb with fertilization. Accordingly the physical body develops with sense organs and nervous system as per the hereditary characters from the parents on one hand, and on the other hand, it records the deeds and thought of an individual in its language code. Hence, the individual has the memory of his actions from the birth till death. The words and thoughts are imperishable. After the death of an individual the thoughts and words remains in the universe, and the physical body decomposed in the nature.

The fertilized DNA has all the information with hereditary characters for the development of the physical body and the sense organs. As soon as the fertilized DNA divide, a language code open on the DNA, which is the code for the mental development of the brain, the mental code is specific, which attract the specific thought energy resting in the sky, if the mental code and thought energy are complimentary with each other, than the thought energy of an individual tie down with the DNA, and open the language code on the DNA with his past memories. But an individual can not recollect his past memories, due to the fresh encoding on the DNA. The language of the DNA decides his fate with pains and pleasure of life.

In actual sense the sense organs and the brain are the vehicles of DNA. They execute the functions with thought and memory stored in DNA in the life till death. Hence the memory remains as immortal, and it is stimulated with circumstances in life. Hence the religious scriptures emphasize on the ethics and morality in life. For the conservation of human values, ethics, nature and biodiversity, role of every human individual is an essential part of life on the earth.

Scientific Vedic Gita

The world is suffering from the ignorance of the truth behind the creation. The religion is based on the existence of one God and Indian concept of polytheism based on swa dharma, self duty with the view that God is present everywhere. As a matter of faith and belief, it has created a crisis of faith, conflict and chaos in the society with the contradictory statements of the intellectuals. Although India has a great cultural heritage, it absorbs all the faiths in itself without criticism, and enlightened the humankind with his own vision for the liberation of the self. The same is the identity of India in the world as the centre of civilization, through which India has guided the world in different ways in the past. The Vedas and Lord Krishna have also expressed the same in scientific Vedic Gita.

India is having a great cultural heritage of ‘Dharma and a dharma’ what is to be done, and what is not to be done with ethics. The modern world is facing, the crisis of religious fundamentalism, which is not much different from the Mahabharata war, which was known as ‘Dharma Yuddha’ fight for right.

No body knows about the God, Brahma in its true sense, hence a number professionals have entered in the field of religion and God. With the development of modern Science, the humankind is confused at a length with contradictory statements. If we have a faith in God, than the life on the earth is gift of God. If we have no faith in God, than the life is the gift of nature. In both the cases one should know the importance of life and self duty with ethics. It has been taught to Arjuna by Lord Krishna.

The life on the earth is it self a manifestation of God. To know the reality of life is quest of human mind from dawn of civilization on the earth. The GÏtÈ opens the door to realize the eternity of life with Swa Dharma – self duty. With this wisdom any human-being can cross the sea of life successfully.

Mostly the people consider that the Gita is for the ascetics Sannyasi, who has left the world for salvation of the self. Accordingly, all interpretation and translation of Gita, moves around spiritualism, it has restricted Gita to Dharma, and spiritualism with faith, and beyond intellectual discussion. Although, Lord Krishna inspire Arjuna with knowledge and said ‘knowledge with wisdom is superior to all, and intellectual is close to Me’. It is for intellectuals to search the truth behind the traditions.

As a scripture, the Gita embodies the supreme spiritual mystery in a scientific manner. Lord Krishna expressed that to understand the Gita, one must know the Vedas, because, he has explored the scientific truth from the Vedas.

It contains essence of the Vedas, which are the oldest literary record of human civilization on the earth. In the words of F. Max Muller, who has the credit to introduce Vedas in the world “What can be more tedious than the Veda, and yet what can be more interesting, if once we know that it is the first word spoken by the Aryan man?”, in a similar fashion, we can say that Lord K‚–‡a is pioneer to use the Vedas to inspire Arjuna for ‘Dharma Yuddha’ in a scientific manner. Otherwise ‘Might is Right’ may have ruined the country.

The intellectuals, who are confused with contradictory statements, may find new light with wisdom of Gita. The Gita is the essence of Vedas and the Sankhya Yoga, which is first time in the history of world, asserted the complete independence of the human mind and attempted to solve the problems of life solely by the aid of reason. Lord K‚–‡a used the same with his wisdom and solved the problem of Arjuna, Arjuna, was too a learned, cultured and great warrior with inherent traditions of Dharma.

Neither gods nor the great sages know the secret of My birth; for I am the prime cause in all respects of gods as well as of the great seers 10- 2

He, the first origin of this creation, whether he formed it all or did not form it, Whose eye controls this world in highest heaven, he verily knows it, or perhaps he knows not Rig.10-129-7

He said; that no body knows the secret of the creation, even the great seers are unable to explore it, the supreme energy is the prime cause of the creation. He is birth-less, and the prime cause of the creation. He is the Lord of universe, he is the source of all actions, and all the components of nature have descended from it and merge into the same.

He is the sustainers and ruler of this Universe, its father, mother and grand father, the one worth knowing, the purifier, the sacred syllable OM. And the three Vedas Rk, Yajus and Sama  Gita 9.17

Lord Krishna; narrated the whole knowledge of the creation, to understand it, one must know the purifier, OM, and the three Vedas. These are the books of Science. Through it, he has satisfied the quest of Arjuna.

Lord Krishna said: the OM is the symbol of magnetosphere around the earth, which produces a shield against the high energetic solar wind. It feed the creation with ionization. The purifier is Ozone layer in the atmosphere, which absorbs the toxic UV rays of Sun. Accordingly the white light appeared on the earth. Due to this the life is present on the earth, by that were the Brahmans, the Veda as well as well as sacrifice were created in ancient era. It has given the way for origin of life. Due to this the life is present on the earth. It has been described in the Vedas in detail.

The seven great seers, their four earlier elders are manavastatha-Swayambhuv, from them all these creatures in the world have descended. They are born of My will –consciousness 10 – 6

Lord K‚–‡a symbolically explored the Science of life, through seven and four.

The life on the earth is due to the white light, it has seven rays, and DNA De oxy ribose Nucleic Acid has four bases. They are self generated. The living-beings have descended from them.

The life on the earth is present due to the white visible light of sun, which has seven rays. It is the source of food with photosynthesis for the living-beings. It has given the way for origin of life.

The life on the earth is it self a manifestation of God. To know the reality of life is quest of human mind from dawn of civilization on the earth. The formless God is beyond the reach of common man, it became the tool of the professionals to exploit human nature. If we have a faith in God, than the life on the earth is gift of God. If we have no faith in God, than the life is the gift of nature. In both the cases one should know the importance of life and self duty?

The Gita opens the door to realize the eternity of life with Swa Dharma – self duty. With this wisdom any human-being can cross the sea of life successfully.

The scenario of the world is so wonderful and illusive, that it is beyond the imagination of common men. Even the intellectuals and the Scientists are unable to explain it fully. No body knows its origin and end. Hence, forcefully one is bound to say that the creation is beginning less and without end. It is the source of all pleasures and pains of life, which is beyond imagination. Hence, it has been considered as illusion.

The Prakati – nature is said to be responsible for bringing forth the evolutes and the instruments; while the individual soul is declared to be the cause of experience of joys and sorrows 13. 20

The components of the nature have been synthesized in the nature with evolution. The supreme lord is present everywhere in the nature. He is the cause of life in association with internal micro body in the womb. It has been described as Biosoul. The gross physical body develops from the internal micro body. Accordingly, the Bio soul enjoys the life with merits and demerits of life in three fold manner. The association of soul and internal micro body is the cause of rebirth in good or evil womb with merits and demerits.

The Spirit dwelling in this body is really the same as the Supreme. He has been spoken of as the witness, the true Guide. He is sustainer of all as Absolute as well. 22

Arjuna; being without beginning and without attributes, this indestructible supreme Spirit, though dwelling in the body, in fact does nothing, nor gets contaminated 31

Any one who knows that the nature and the supreme soul are working everywhere, even though performing his duties is never born. He is present in the heart, and can be realized with knowledge. Arjuna; whatsoever being, animate or inanimate is born, from the union of matter and energy, spirit. The ignorant are subject to rebirth and death.  

The Brahma – God, Soul and transmigration of Soul with rebirth has influenced the humankind on the earth from time immemorial. The God – Brahma and Soul are formless, it is beyond human perception. No body has seen the Brahma-God or Soul, and no body will be able to see them, but the presence of Brahma-God and Soul can be realized in trance during meditation. It has given it a shape of mystery and supernatural power. No method is there to prove its existence on physical plane, only through logic its existence cannot be proved, and mostly people are not satisfied with logic only. Although to identify its existence Yoga and Meditation has been prescribed, but it is beyond the reach of ordinary human-beings, it is mostly for ascetics – Sannyasi. The Lord Krishna opened the door for all.

The soul is unborn, eternal, everlasting, omnipresent, immovable, constant, and everlasting. It is beyond cutting, drying, and fire-proof. The Brahma and the individual self are the same. The God – Brahma, can bestow blessings, but it can not share the sins of individual. The heavenly dreams about it, gives mirage of hope in unseen mystery. It is the cause of unrest with confused mind.

Brahma, God and Soul are two faces of the same coin. The Brahma is the principle of the creation, and Soul is life principle. They are not tainted by the actions.

The ascetics are having a great respect for their sacrifice of life in the search of Brahma. An ordinary person can not dare to sacrifice his life in the search of God. Accordingly, the knowledge was restricted and confined to head of the Ascetics. The ascetics were having the monopoly over the Brahma and its way of realization.

Lord Krishna clarified: The Yogi, who has control over his sense organs, is ascetic and those, who are doing their duties without expecting the fruit of actions is an ascetic, ‘Sankhya Yogi’ and ‘Karma Yogi’ both. These are the ways of self purification to realize the truth, and lead to the same goal. All have equal right to know the truth. A man can practice Yoga with doing his duties in life.

Man attains the highest perfection by worshipping through his own natural duties Him from whom the tide of creation has streamed forth and by whom all this universe is pervaded 18. 46

Arjuna, God abides in the heart of all creatures, causing them to revolve according to their Karma by His illusive power, seated as those beings are in the vehicle of the body GÏtÈ 18-61

The creator of the creation is present everywhere and in the heart of all. The man can worship through his own duties in nature. The thought and actions of an individual are imperishable. He has to face consequences of his deeds with time. According to the actions in life, the individual is bound to face the consequences of his deeds. The physical body is the vehicle of past actions.

The internal micro body (immortal DNA) is the instrument, which is universally present in the living-beings as a vehicle of merits and demerits.

The creation and nature are working in cyclic manner under the Supreme Soul as the controller of all.

The Indestructible Soul and Veda

Lord K‚–‡a explained the nature of indestructible Soul, he has drawn the attention of Arjuna, about the origin of creation from three charged particles.

Arjun, the Vedas deals with the evolutes of three Gunas, quality of nature, worldly enjoyment, and means of attaining such enjoyment, be thou indifferent to these enjoyment and its means. Establish in Yoga with equipoise mind GÏtÈ 2- 45

The Vedas deals with the evolutes of three quality of nature. Every thing has evolved from it.

It has been explained that the three charged particles, electron, proton and neutron are the source of atom, they excels in majority and vigour, appearance of electricity has given a place for halt to them, which feed the creation, just like milk.

How these three particles have been generated, and produced the atom in series, it has been explained in the Vedas.

The three fertilize the worlds with genial moisture: three noble Creatures cast a light before them.

Three that give warmth to all attend the morning. These entire have they discovered, these Vasishthas Rig-Veda 7-33-7

The knowledge of the Creation and life has been discovered in a scientific manner by Vasishthas, it has been expressed symbolically.

The water H2O, it fertilizes the earth with water.

The Helium H3 is the source of light of Sun, which cast light before the creatures.

The Ozone O3, it protects life on the earth, with the absorption of the toxic UV rays of sun in the atmosphere. It gives warmth to attend the morning.

The utility of the Vedas is confined only to knowledge, for the enlightened Brahman, They have little utility, as one who stands at the brink of a sheet of water overflowing on all sides has for a small reservoir of pond water GÏtÈ 2- 46

The Vedas are the source of knowledge from time immemorial. These are the books of Science, and higher knowledge of the creation. Their utility is confined only to learn the knowledge of creation. After having the knowledge of the creation, they have little importance for the knower of the Vedas.

The cycle of existence of the world is endless, it is a cycle of rebirth and death, where your duty is to work only, not to the fruit there of, because fruit of action depends on the deeds of previous birth, on which no body has control.

Lord K‚–‡a inspired him to investigate the truth, and said; you should not afraid of death, the birth and death is a natural phenomena. The unreal has no existence, and real never ceased to be. Be calm and quiet, and meditate on God- Brahma with Yoga, then you will realize the truth yourself. One can establish in ‘even tempered Yoga’, with performing duties without attachment, be even tempered in success and failure. With practice of this Yoga, the wise men have attained the blissful supreme state.

All the living-beings have evolved from food; the production of food is dependent on rain; rain ensues from sacrifice, and sacrifice is rooted in prescribed action. Know that prescribed action has its origin in the Vedas, and the Vedas proceed from the indestructible; hence the all pervading Infinite is always present in sacrifice Gita 3-14, 15

Here Lord Krishna expressed that the food (photosynthesis) is the main cause of evolution of life on the earth, the production of food is dependent on rain (water). The rain is due to the atmospheric actions and interactions as hydrological cycle, the same has been revealed in the Vedas, the actions have been generated from the indestructible Supreme. He is present in all actions. The creation is working in cyclic manner, just like hydrological cycle, he who does not follow the duty in the cycle, he is sinful, sensual, and lives in vain.

Lord Krisha described the evolution of the nature, with mutual actions and interactions of the natural components in cyclic manner through food and rain. The Vivasvan is term for the DNA in the Vedas, and Yama is term for chromosome, it is universally present in the living-beings. Hence, he explained true nature of life on the earth.

As Brahma, in anthropomorphic manner, he said: I taught this ‘Yoga’ to Vivasvan, the Vivasvan conveyed it to ‘Manu’, and Manu imparted it to his son Ikshavaku. The same ancient ‘Yoga’ I am giving you.

He has identified himself with ‘Brahma’ to teach that the creation came into the existence from the Supreme Soul, then the first genetic material Vivasvan – DNA, and then the first man, ‘Manu’ came into the existence from DNA, he has given the knowledge to his son Ikshavaku. Accordingly, from generation to generation, the world of the creatures came into the existence. In the same fashion, the Vedic knowledge has reached to us in series from generation to generation. The consciousness with spirit in the beings is universal in its nature.

The universal nature of DNA in series has been explained.

Yama beyond, below Vivasvat beyond that do I see nothing whatever; into Yama has entered my sacrifice, Vivasvat stretched after the worlds (bhÊ). Atharvaveda 18-2-32

The universal occurrence of genetic material DNA in the living-beings has been indicated symbolically, synonym to our modern knowledge of Genetics, that in the biological world, which is before us, I see nothing beyond Vivasvat – DNA. From the DNA the chromosomes have been synthesized. They have stretched in the world in the form of food chains and the food webs. It has been expressed.

Life on the earth is a continuous process of evolution, it has been expressed by saying ‘Arjuna – You and I have passed through many births’, though I am birth less, but whenever righteousness is on decline, I manifest my self to establish righteousness.

Lord Krishna said: The living-beings have evolved from single DNA, it has synthesized chromosome, which present everywhere in the living-beings. The human species has evolved from chromosome. Accordingly, from generation to generation has reached to us. The life on the earth is cycle of nature. Accordingly, when this knowledge is enveloped with ignorance, the chromosome it self appear to establish truth. The function of the chromosome is extraordinary, the people worship it in different forms, and as per the feelings it also worships them with action. The invisible Brahma is not involved in any action nor is bind with the action of the beings. In the ancient era the thinkers have performed their action knowing this, you should follow them.

Lord Krishna expressed that all actions of an individual are associated with some faults, but the sacrifice, charity, and penance are the purifiers of the self, they should be performed without reward with respect, because life is eternal. The acts motivated by desire, should be given up, but it is not advisable to abandon a prescribed duty. By worshipping his own natural duties, man attains highest perfection. The man is friend and foe of him self. He should know his duty in the nature and life. No body can share his sins.


Dr.C.P.Trivedi – Former Principal, Govt. MJS P.G. College, Bhind. Former senior fellow, Department of Culture, Govt. of India, and Associate IIAS, Shimla Vedic Research Institute.

This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 23 Nov 2015.

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One Response to “Religion and Science – An Interdisciplinary Approach”

  1. To have a life of human is great reward of nature, and to know the purpose of life is humanity. Otherwise man and animal exhibit same functions at molecular level. The consciousness is the symbol of existence in life, which is one and the same for all. The spiritualism is the path of self realization to realize the truth and purpose of life. As a human every one has the right to know the truth. It has been taught by Lord Krishna in Geeta to pious Arjuna to satisfy his quest. As soon as the quest to know about the self generates in the human mind, at once he is under the umbrella of universal consciousness. As he moves on the spiritual path, he feels identity of the self with universal consciousness. . It has a universal importance for the mankind on the earth. It is not different for different man. It is the path from darkness to light Tam soma Jyotirgmaya to enlighten the self.
    Neither gods nor the great sages know the secret of My birth; for I am the prime cause in all respects of gods as well as of the great seers 10- 2He, the first origin of this creation, whether he formed it all or did not form it, Whose eye controls this world in highest heaven, he verily knows it, or perhaps he knows not Rig.10-129-7
    To understand it, one must know the purifier Ozone layer, and OM symbol of magnetosphere, and the Vedas, the books of Science Gita 9.17 Due to this the life is present on the earth.