Consciousness versus Computers


Jon Rappoport - The Conscious Reporter

The coming “singularity” is heralded as a time of enormous spiritual significance. But can machines truly be spiritual? Are they free? Or are freedom and spirituality born from consciousness, which machines sorely lack? The author explores whether consciousness is being negated and replaced with a technocratic religion as a subtle form of social control.

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20 Mar 2016 – “Technocrats believe all brains can be directly hooked up to a super-computer. They’re looking at humans beings through the wrong end of the telescope. Everything they see about humans is reduced, shrunken, and ‘automatic’. Technocrats are trained to miss the big picture, even though they incessantly talk about it. They’re visionaries who are blind. Thus, they’re in the grand tradition of religious fanatics.”
~ The Underground, Jon Rappoport

If you take away a person’s ability to employ logic, and if you also take away his imagination, and thus his capacity to extrapolate and predict what is coming, what you are left with is: eyeballs.

Eyeball perception of what is happening now. And even then, eyeballs are seeing immediate reality through unconscious filters.

The ability to apply reason and to predict are vital components of perception. They are voluntary components. They don’t sweep in like a wave and take over. They are born out of freedom and choice.

So…what is the difference between you moving around on the Internet, reading and researching; versus you with your brain directly connected to some grand computer stacked with trillions of pieces of data?

In the former case, you have freedom. In the latter case, it all happens automatically. You get “the best possible data on any given subject.”

Of course, “best possible” is not your decision or conclusion. It’s someone else’s. Worse, the data is instantly downloaded into your brain (whatever that actually means).

How this deterministic system amounts to a glorious breakthrough of enormous spiritual significance, triggering revelations, is beyond mysterious. In fact, the whole conception is absurd.

If you were a robot operating on an assembly line, and your task could be automatically modulated and adjusted, depending on changing circumstances, then yes, that would be a nice innovation.

But you aren’t a robot. You’re conscious. You have choice. Freedom. You can apply logic. You can conceive of futures, based on your present knowledge.

Contrary to technocratic catechism, computers aren’t conscious. They don’t have freedom. They can be programmed to select conclusions relative to specified objectives and goals, but even then their methods of selection are part of their programming. They don’t suddenly wake up and become alive.

Technocrats tend to believe computers, when developed to a sufficient level of complexity that mirrors what the human brain does, DO come alive.

They believe that information-processing alone is a sign of life. But that’s a self-serving fantasy.

Information-processing is one effect of being alive and conscious. The technocrats have it backwards.

Unfortunately for them and their religion, consciousness isn’t measurable. And that’s a bone stuck in their throat.

Therefore, they need to reduce and reduce the concept of consciousness. So they claim it’s in the brain, and then they say the brain works automatically—and therefore consciousness is simply an aspect of pre-determined function. Consciousness is just a delusion brought on, like an illness, by chemicals and electrical impulses inside the skull.

They say whatever they have to, in order to minimize, degrade, and destroy the idea of consciousness.

To the degree that technocrats are gaining control of society and its future, the human population is at considerable risk. Because these secular-religious fanatics are sniffing and building their way toward a “best possible apparatus.”

And wherever they spot freedom, they try to wipe it out, and then they say it never existed.

Consciousness is not function. Nor is it derived from function.

The foot soldiers of technocracy spend every working day with systems. They become entrained: they see life as systems. Therefore, they presume that awareness must be some sort of structure yet to be mapped out.

This is false. A person can be conscious of a system, but that has nothing to do with what consciousness is.

These distinctions, among the technocratic class, have been lost.

Along similar lines, technocrats believe that a closed and tightly planned society is “scientific” and therefore “advanced.” This is another blunder. You can put a hundred people inside a large cage and regulate their movements. That’s a plan. That’s precise. But it has nothing to do with science.

Technocrats are juggling all sorts of metaphors and comparisons and coming up with wrong answers like clockwork. 

On a much higher level, their bosses and leaders are manipulating these notions as a smokescreen, to hide their naked ambition: overt control and dominance of the population.

Regardless of what groups may be able to accomplish to head off the technocratic takeover, there is no victory if the individual doesn’t grasp his own inherent consciousness, which is vastly dynamic, energetic, and creative.

Imagination and the creative force are the prow of the present as it becomes the future.

The individual isn’t constrained to act merely from past tradition and experience.

The individual is under no obligation to wait for “everyone else” to wake up.

Consensus reality is: waiting in a defunct railroad station for something to happen. It never does.

As time passes, we are going to see more and more bizarre twists on technocracy; more pseudoscientific pronouncements; more messianic assurances.

It is up to the individual to reject the glare of this Wondrous Collective Tomorrow, and instead, invent his own.

To that, a person might reply, “But all around me, I see people who can’t consciously invent their own future. They’re mired in all sorts of problems.”

Whether these “other people” can or can’t is a subject for a different discussion. They aren’t the measure or the standard. Assessing one’s own ability by referring to others is just a convenient distraction.

In fact, the collective “we” and “everyone” is the target of technocrats, who envision mass solutions to civilization’s problems, through a super-computer’s definitive answers framed as “best available data.”

If this sounds like a con and an approach to humans as if they were non-creative machines, it is. It’s exactly that. Previous efforts at mind control pale by comparison. Technocracy is the wholesale Pavlovian insertion of stimuli, transmitted involuntarily to achieve uniform responses all the way across the board.

Madness? Insanity? Absurdity? Since when has that ever stopped manipulators bent on expanding their power and control? Repeated often enough by the right people, huge lies are always easier to sell than small ones.


To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Exit from the Matrix, click here.

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

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4 Responses to “Consciousness versus Computers”

  1. The consciousness is ensign of existence of all, and we feel touch, taste and smell with thoughts in brain for action with development of sense organs from DNA.
    The visible light and audible words have complimentary spectrum. The voice strikes the ear drum and rebound, the message is immediately reached to brain with electrical impulses. The ‘Phonic Presser Compression electromagnetic force’ is the creative force and operating every where as counter part of life.
    The vital energy of consciousness is the chief support of life. It is the deeper and more powerful field of life force and consciousness. The key to matter and life is more subtle and deeper than atoms and DNA.
    The great Scientist Einstein spent his last 20 years in search of Grand Unified Force after enlightening the world with his theory of relativity.
    To search the vital energy and its source is most difficult task, although present within us also as ensign of existence in life. It has enlightened me to search the same scientifically with the discovery of DNA 1953 and Higgs field 2013
    The vital energy of universe and Life is one and the same, it has manifested with its dualistic force in succession with energy transformations along with its original source.
    The mystery of vital energy of life was solved at Grand Canyon, North America in the deep sea near to earth’s geomagnetic belt with Vedic Science in the background.
    Prior to expedition at America, the Vedic civilization flourished at Indian subcontinent with development of advance Indus Valley civilization, and Egypt. The discovery of DNA De Oxy Ribose Nucleic Acid and zero-space to infinity with evolution was their global achievement, just like the modern discovery of DNA and Higgs field 2013
    The vital energy of creation and life aligned with the universal energy field of earth’s geo-magnetic belt. Its secret source is in bosom of water currents in the deep see. It is also the source of alternative energy to travel beyond space and time. It has been investigated scientifically at Grand Canyon, underground cave city of North America and at Egypt with construction of Pyramids in deep sea, and caves, just like the Large Hadron Collider tunnel from Geneva to France.
    The underground cave city at Grand Canyon explore its live evidence with most advanced technology to build temples and palaces in the caves with advance robotic DNA technology to develop giants of 7 to 14 feet in height, and animal gliders for travel in space.
    When the wind blows, and river flows, it sings, when seed burst into life, it makes music, when child take birth, he cry, it is nature’s music and language. The Vedas preserved over the centuries with its musical tones from generation to generation, it explore the secret of creation that each generation is new, but the voice is immortal, which follow the mankind from generation to generation with new birth.
    The voice is the first to appear with life consciousness and whatever the object has its existence is due to voice sound waves, which is complimentary with light spectrum, and cause of existence of every thing. It has evolved into thought and words with evolution of life from DNA.
    The germ of the world of the world ensign of all creation, be sprang to life and filled the earth and heavens. Even the firm rocks he cleft when passing over, when the five tribes brought sacrifice to Agni (ÿg. 10-45-6)
    The five tribes; five gross elements Pa¤ca Mahabhuta, Air water, sky, energy and matter; the assembly of these five with energy transformation is sign of life with voice.
    The flow of life channels
    Seven sisters sprung from threefold source, (abiding in the three worlds that is , heaven earth and air) the Five Tribes prosper, she must be Invoked in every deed of might (Rig-Veda 6-61-12)
    The seven sisters represent seven rays of visible light, and seven syllables of voice, they are flowing in three fold manner and nourish five gross elements air, water, sun; energy, sky and earth; matter with life in countless channels.
    The cosmos is vast ocean of unknown dark matter with calm and quiet deep darkness every where. We can see roughly 0.01 M with telescopes. NASA and Fermi team working day and night looking for mysterious dark matter and its anti matter with gamma rays. It has been studied at Grand Canyon, North America.
    The Petroglyphs and Hieroglyphic symbols is art of picture writing system with symbolism for demonstration and teaching. Its text and explanation is in the Vedas. It is for the seeker of knowledge to grasp the truth for his guidance to solve the unsolved problems of the creation. It may not be utilized for glorification in any way. Hence only universal symbols have been used for the pious, as common heritage of mankind.
    The voice is identity of life; the DNA mental code grasps it first in the womb and pronounced it with birth of infant to cherish the life.
    The mighty cell body magically hold the life consciousness with cell metabolism as its spirit to execute functions of the cell body, and mind stimulate it with thoughts. The scientists have observed it in the ocean’s inmost depth as its source. The wise men search his station of rays to travel beyond space and time in the deep ocean of earth’s geomagnetic belt.
    It has been expressed that the life has evolved from the single DNA and cell division to infinity with genetic recombination from infinite space zero.
    The vibrations of spiraling waves have evolved into thought and words with evolution of life from DNA. The voice retains the blessed sign imprinted on the DNA to follow the mankind from generation to generation.
    The seat of the vital energy in the human body is lip like cavity at the base of seating between the pelvic girdle, where air is halted. It can be stimulated to connect with higher consciousness and shine like glowing luster in the mid brain with stimulation of pineal gland.

  2. The Higgs boson has brought physics a bit closer to a unified field theory, but we are still far away from a full theory of quantum gravity with Higgs field 2013. The origin of species Darwin 1859 and discovery of DNA 1953 have brought biology near to origin of life. Now we are near to understand the universe and Life to define Grand Unified Force with Einstein’s equation E=MC² and eternal ageless vital energy.
    The life has evolved from single DNA and functions as the source of speaking, walking, reading, and doing mathematics. The neuroscience has done a tremendous progress. The mind isn’t only the thoughts and sensations constantly streaming through it. There is a silent, invisible foundation to thought and sensations. It is beyond the human perception, and individual consciousness remains mystery with multiplicity of human mentality and fate.
    It has pushed mankind in dark tunnel to search the aim of life in mysticism. It can be explained only with in-depth inquiry in to pre-cosmic atmosphere prior to origin of grand unified force and cosmic dawn. It can explain the cosmic consciousness and individual consciousness. The The consciousness is ensign of existence of all, and we feel touch, taste, smell with thoughts in brain for action with development of sense organs from DNA.
    The visible light and audible words have complimentary spectrum. The voice strikes the ear drum and rebound, the message is immediately reached to brain with electrical impulses. The ‘Phonic Presser Compression electromagnetic force’ is the creative force and operating every where as counter part of life. The dark matter and antimatter of dark matter in pre-cosmic condition reveal the truth. The light extends from radio waves to gamma rays and can be classified into frequency and wave length. The hypersonic aerodynamics, shock waves and application of shock waves have given a wide range of research in different fields at micro level.
    Force prior to big bang; Antimatter of Dark Matter
    The luminous stars and galaxies contribute only about 0.5% of the closure density, so 99% of the Universe is in the form of dark matter.
    The Antimatter was theorized as early as ‘Potential matter’ Schuster nature 1898, Carl Anderson discovered positrons1930.
    The dark matter is infinite silent condensed zone like rock without motion with high magnetic inactive field, just like sun spots. The hypersonic shock waves are its antimatter with opposite anti-magnetic with half spin wave length and immortal.
    The appearance of shock waves within it is major event and the vibrations of shock waves occupied it thoroughly. The resonant vibrations with echo of sound and compression leads to annihilation with mass less photon imbued energy.
    It is the point of touch and repel, drive back action of resonant vibrations, which stimulated the wave length of dark matter with spin action. The subsequent changes in wavelength with resonant vibrations lead to annihilation with mass less photon imbued energy, along with hydrogen, helium and big bang. The cosmic shock wave in the deep darkness is the first seed of creation. The opposite wave length, and anti-magnetic property of vibrating shock waves activated the dark matter with manifestation of vital energy, the ensign of existence of all with energy transformation. The mass less photon imbued energy produced the earliest elementary particles with vibrations and heat.
    The spiraling shock waves are equal and opposite in nature with unfathomed deep dark matter. It is in fact the true nature and manifestation of ‘Time’ with energy transformation. It stimulates the event to happen.
    In the cosmological event, the appearance of vital energy as oxidizing and reducing agent is the foremost event. It has been expressed by darkness was hidden in darkness. The motion in hidden darkness appeared as waves. It has activated the dark matter with the annihilation of darkness with darkness with photon imbued energy. It is the manifestation of vital energy with cosmic dawn.
    A few millionths of a second later, quarks aggregated to produce protons and neutrons. Within minutes, these protons and neutrons combined into nuclei. As the universe continued to expand and cool, things began to happen more slowly. It took 380,000 years for electrons to be trapped in orbits around nuclei, forming the first atoms.
    The electromagnetic rays travel with resonant vibrations of sound together. As the universe cooled, conditions became just right to give rise to the building blocks of matter, the quarks and electrons of which we are all made.
    The activation of dark matter is activation of inherent magnetism in cosmos, with formation of charged elementary particles, together with resonant vibrations of elementary particles and electrostatic force. The electrostatic force is the force which governs the motion of the elementary particles, which caused them to aggregate or collide in various ways.
    All elementary particles are vibrating with their respective charge. The resonance of vibration and resonant from lowest musical note to its highest pitch of electromagnetic rays are complimentary with each other. They find their resonant with which they are in resonance. It is the point of touch and go action of light rays and resonance. It stimulates the wave length with spin action and subsequent changes in wave length with resonant vibrations. It is the source of electromagnetic spectrum vice versa from gamma rays to radio waves. It has evolved into phonic presser compression electromagnetic force with evolution of matter and origin of life from DNA with genetic recombination.

  3. The life has evolved from the single DNA and cell division to infinity with genetic recombination from infinite space zero. The vibrations of spiraling waves have evolved into thought and words with evolution of life from DNA. The voice retains the blessed sign imprinted on the DNA to follow the mankind from generation to generation.
    The ‘Phonic Presser Compression electromagnetic force’ is the creative force and operating everywhere. The voice is identity of life; the DNA mental code grasps it first in the womb and pronounced it with birth of infant to cherish the life. It can be traced in double helix DNA Watson and Crick 1953
    The DNA charger, identity code
    The life in all its form is one, but all have different genetic identity in DNA, which is 99.9 % is same in all. The 0.01 % DNA constitutes the genetic identity of an individual in life. Even the time time-twins have different genetic identity and fate in life. It has four bases arranged in two complimentary base pairs A═T G≡C and control whole biological world with double bond of Hydrogen and Triple bond.
    The resonant shock waves activated the dark energy with earliest elementary particles as its counter part. They together proceed on the path of evolution with electrostatic energy, and working every where with phonic presser compression electromagnetic force at micro and macro level in similar way.
    The presser mechanism is the way to activate complimentary wavelength with imprinting, it is just like two faces of same words on stamp seal on obverse and adverse, as two faces of the same coin, and can be explained through living-beings also.
    The cell body perceive the impulses from external environment and reached to brain within no time. The micro pulse of voice are most powerful at micro level, they activate the DNA code in the womb of mother, and the imprint mark on the DNA code guide him through out life, the voice and DNA code is individual identity of an individual and can be traced even after death in ashes as traces of his identity.
    The wavelength of voice has one wavelength, it changes the wave length of the genetic code with synonym wave length in continuity with the wave length of voice came in contact. With this wave length the DNA code develop the body.
    The electromagnetic waves of light travel with vibration and sound together, just like dancers. The DNA molecule is synthesized by the aggregation of atoms and molecules. It is the part of matter.
    As soon as the fertilized DNA divide in the womb, first mental code open, it is activated by its complimentary thought words resting in the atmosphere with change in the wave length of DNA code complimentary to thought mentality.
    With this complimentary thought mentality DNA led the life as identity of an individual, and thought mentality resting in the atmosphere became in direct touch with complimentary thought code wave length and influence life till death as driver.
    As the Genetic code is the identity of an individual in life, in the same fashion voice is his identity at micro level, we know mimicry, but not 100 % similar at the point of origin. We are hearing only range up to 20 to 2000 hertz. The different wave length of the seven syllables has a broad spectrum; out of this a particular wave length is identity of an individual. This wave length activates the DNA code in the womb with change in the wave length of the DNA code with a particular wave length of thought voice. It proceeds on the path of evolution with DNA replication carrying this wave length of thought voice code. Hence the whole body has this particular thought wave length and when the sound of voice strikes the ear drum, it stimulates brain with action in no time.
    The whole body has the same wave length and genetic code in the body. It can perceive the similar wave length from atmosphere as per the frequency and amplitude of thought in the brain, and regulate the life cycle and fate as per his past action, resting in the atmosphere.
    The thought wave length of an individual and DNA code are complimentary with each other, hence there is no mistake at any level. The thoughts and action are imprinted on the DNA code, it suppress the memory of past birth, and control from the atmosphere.
    The mighty cell body magically hold the life consciousness with cell metabolism as its spirit to execute functions of the cell body, and mind stimulate it with thoughts. The scientists have observed it in the ocean’s inmost depth as its source. The wise men search his station of rays to travel beyond space and time in the deep ocean of earth’s geomagnetic belt.

  4. Thomas Krogh says:

    My oh my…. So now we also have the anti-vaccine psychos running around Transcend…