DNA Instrument of Life – Phonon Beholds Life Consciousness: New Hypothesis


Prof. Chandra Prakash Trivedi – TRANSCEND Media Service


The Origin of Life and Consciousness is a great puzzle for the Scientist. Its seeds are in pre-cosmic dawn phonon. The recent discovery of Gravitational waves akin to sound waves and photons can be scattered by phonons in a crystal. Nat. Commun (2014)

The Phonon is earliest. It has activated the dark matter with resonance. The phonon and photon manifested with blast and light as dualistic complimentary force of vital energy. The phonon stimulates the event to happen and photon under go synthesis and degradation with time Einstein’s equation E=Mc².

The DNA is instrument of life and phonon beholds the life consciousness with its dualistic complimentary spectrum to execute function of life. The plasma membrane acts as transition zone with electron configuration. The DNA acts with transcription and translation with enzyme system and message reached to brain with electrical impulses. The DNA has blown out from Sun with cosmic dawn.


The immortal phonon with resonance is most mighty force of nature. The origin of life is a big issue before the Scientists and life consciousness could not be defined. The problem can be solved with interdisciplinary approach with modern researches in different fields of Biology, Physics and Genetics. The theory of cellular evolution from pre existing cells with discovery of DNA 1953, the scientists tentatively traced the common ancestry in DNA sequence, but still far away from the Life consciousness. All organisms exhibit same functions at cellular level and Darwin’s theory on organic evolution is scientific fact.

The life has evolved from the single DNA and cell division to infinity with genetic recombination from infinite space zero. The vibrations of spiralling waves have evolved into thought and words with evolution of life from DNA. The voice retains the blessed sign imprinted on the DNA to follow the mankind from generation to generation. The DNA is universal instrument of life with different genetic identity and voice code phonon. It regulates the life with hereditary characters from generation to generation.

.The life consciousness appears in womb with birth and disappears with death. The life consciousness is ensign of existence with Higgs field, and we feel touch, taste, smell with development of sense organs from fertilized DNA;

The mighty cell body magically hold the life consciousness with cell metabolism as its spirit to execute function of the cell body, and mind stimulate it with thoughts. There is a silent, invisible foundation to thought and sensations out side the cell body. It surrounds the cell body from all sides. The cell body is connected by a phonon wavelength with its dualistic force.

It strike and rebound with press mark of its impression on cell membrane with reverse spin of electrons on adverse side. The message is conveyed to brain with resonant electrical impulses. It is transition zone and connects cell body with the atmosphere.

The resonant word wave acts with its dualistic force with echo and rebound, the press mark alter electron configuration with reverse spin of the wave length on the opposite side, The electrical impulses connects it with brain for execution of thoughts in action with sense organs. It is dualistic force of vital energy and has been searched at Grand Canyon, Egypt and Indus Valley with its text in Vedas. It may be a new hypothesis with DNA as instrument of life to execute function of life with its connection to phonon in universe.

Modern researches pertaining to origin of life have given fair evidences that the DNA can not be synthesized in laboratory, source of DNA on the earth is Sun, Interstellar Bio-signature from Sun throws flood of light on the same. It will give new direction for thinking on vital life consciousness and phonon beholds life.

Modern search on Photon-Phonon interaction and origin of life

The Gravitational waves are akin to sound waves that travelled through space at the speed more than the light. The photon-phonon interaction plays an important role in modern physics and device applications, photons can be scattered by phonons in a crystal. The photon-phonon interaction as two distinct opposite forces interacting with each other at molecular level Li, E. et al. Photonic Aharonov–Bohm effect in photon–phonon interactions. Nat. Commun. 5:3225 doi: 10.1038/ncomms4225 (2014)

It has been searched earlier also at Grand Canyon and Egypt and Indus Valley with its text in Vedic metaphor symbols to explain universe and life on the earth. Otherwise, it may be considered a new hypothesis to understand universe and life.

Higgs field 2013 The Higgs Boson is associated with a field, called Higgs field, theorized to pervade universe. As other particles travel through this field, they acquire mass with asteroids and planets.

The cordial atmospheric conditions for origin of life has taken long way. The anaerobic soup acquires shape in closed system under temperature pressure gradient with formation of charged ions in a colloidal system. It has been observed by A.I. Oparin 1922

The discovery of DNA 1953 and Origin of species Darwin 1859 the scientists tentatively traced the common ancestry in DNA sequence, but still far away from the Life consciousness. All organisms exhibit same functions at cellular level.

The NASA researchers have noticed that most meteorites carbon called polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), which are very stable compounds and are survivors. The carbon rich molecules found in meteorites are similar to the molecules that make-up living-beings However, when found in meteorites, these aromatic rings are carrying extra hydrogen or oxygen. These molecules, called quinones have the potentiality for the origin of life.

The Scientists have observed that gigantic radiation effect globally blackouts radio communications on earth and human astronauts in space.

It has confirmed that the life has evolved from DNA with Photon-phonon interaction. The DNA is universal instrument of life with complimentary resonant bases with resonance.

The DNA with photon-phonon interaction is universally present. Hence its complimentary resonant wave blackouts radio communications on the earth and the protons damage the human-beings in space if not protected properly. Because the entry of radiation rays with protons checked by the magnetosphere and ozone layer and complimentary resonance find its counter part protons astronaut human in space.

Interstellar biomarkers                                                      

The carbon rich molecules found in meteorites are similar to the molecules that make-up living-beings carrying hydrogen or oxygen called quinones have their source in resonant solar radiation rays along with biomarkers. They find their entry prior to the formation of earth with cosmic dawn. They survived in deep sea and given the way for origin of life with development of cordial atmosphere on earth. The ozone layer with absorption of UV rays has generated the cordial atmospheric conditions for origin of life from DNA in deep sea. The tetra cyclic aromatic rings have evolved into carbon skeleton with photosynthesis by the plants with photon-phonon interaction.

In the same way the vital life consciousness is related with pre-cosmic dawn with DNA as light of life. Now the Scientists have used sound to ‘talk’ to an artificial atom, in a similar fashion ‘talk’ with DNA may give the source of its activation.

The life has evolved from the single DNA and cell division to infinity with genetic recombination from infinite space zero. The vibrations of spiralling waves have evolved into thought and words with evolution of life from DNA. The voice retains the blessed sign imprinted on the DNA to follow the mankind from generation to generation. The DNA is universal instrument of life with different genetic identity and voice code phonon. It regulates the life with hereditary characters from generation to generation.

The gigantic radiation with incandescent gaseous clouds generated earth and solar system with cosmic dawn. They have potentiality to sustain life, under temperature pressure gradient. They find their entry into a closed system with formation of Earth and primordial soup with photon –phonon interaction in early primitive condition of Earth. The movement of earth at its axis, with molten mass generated the magnetosphere and ozone layer around earth. It has generated the cordial atmospheric conditions for origin of Life with entry of visible resonant complimentary light spectrum.

Dualistic Force of Vital Energy

 It is strange and stunning to touch the pre-cosmic and cosmic conditions to explain Einstein’s Grand Unified Force theory. It is vital energy, which is easily accessible all round, just like one can experience all oceans in a drop of water. The vital energy of universe and Life is one and the same, it has manifested with its dualistic force in succession with energy transformations along with its original source. All components are connected with him like branches of a tree round about the trunk. They are synthesized with energy transformation and merge into the same under space time fabric Einstein’s equation E=Mc²

The dualistic force of vital energy is most unseen, most mighty to stimulate thoughts in brain. Just like eyes work on the tune of vision with picture on retina. It is unseen principle and experience of life. It stimulates the action, but not involves in action, and remains unaffected. The Phonon has appeared first in ripper with cosmic dawn in early pre-cosmic condition. It has activated the dark matter with resonance. The phonon and photon manifested with blast and light in a straight way.

The photon and phonon are two complimentary independent forces of vital energy. They interact at molecular level with configuration of electron and half spin change in complimentary wavelength. The immortal phonon with resonance is most mighty force of nature, it disintegrate the photon with electron configuration and subsequent half spin change in its complimentary wavelength. Through this the phonon stimulates the event to happen and remains unaffected. The vibrations of electrons with resonance and electrical impulses connect it universally.

Pre-cosmic Phonon and Origin of Life

The pre-cosmic dark atmosphere may be like a solid rock without any space with deep darkness everywhere. A dark ripple find a place in the crack like a thief with small ripper, the rippling noise plundered the darkness within darkness thoroughly. The motion in hidden darkness appeared as two opponents in motion like abhorrent floods moving in friendship.

The resonant vibrations with compression concentrated in the centre. The resonant noise rises to revolt with rigour to increase temperature and pressure. The motion hidden in darkness annihilated the darkness with blast, and light of vital energy in action.

The vital energy as oxidizing and reducing agent is the foremost event hidden within dark resonant vibrations with touch and go reaction. It activated the dark matter with manifestation of vital energy, ensign of existence of all. The dark matter as a whole activated into vital energy.

The conquering resonant bands destroy the darkness with touch and go and vital energy born trembling with tongue that flickered. It has freed the complimentary electromagnetic spectrum of resonant vibrations of electromagnetic rays with blast and light.

The activation of dark matter is activation of inherent magnetism in cosmos, with formation of charged elementary particles. The electrostatic force is the force which governs the motion of the elementary particles, which caused them to aggregate or collide in various ways.

The generation of the atom from the subatomic particles with photon-phonon interaction is the primary symbol of existence. All elementary particles are vibrating with resonance of vibration and their respective charge. They are complimentary with each other from gamma rays to radio waves. They find their resonant with resonance. The resonant vibrations of electromagnetic rays, touch, press-mark, and rebound. The colliding protons, decaying into hadron jets and electrons, converted it into electric vibrations to join them in series with phonic compression electromagnetic force. It has maintained its continuity in the molecules and the matter with Higgs field 2013. The vibrating electrons around nucleus generated the magnetism in the enclosed space and electrostatic force of nucleus binds them in series with electromagnetic energy. It connects the components and solar system with fundamental vital energy in the universe with interplanetary magnetic field.

In this way atom got stability and photon – phonon proceed on the path of evolution with vital energy in the center. The discovery of Higgs field 2013, recent discovery of gravitational waves 2015 is akin to phonon. The photons can be scattered by phonons in a crystal has opened a new window to discuss photon-phonon interaction as two distinct opposite forces interacting with each other at molecular level Li, E. et al 2014. It has given strength to present thinking that three immortal Higgs field, vital energy in the space with dualistic force of vital energy phonon and photon held up the creation and life with origin of life from DNA. The DNA is instrument of life and phonon beholds the life consciousness. Now there are fair evidences that DNA can not be synthesized in laboratory,

The DNA is instrument of life with triple bond and double bond of hydrogen with Nitrogen. It has blown out from sun with gigantic radiations prior to the formation of earth and survived in deep sea. It’s like molecular choreography where the molecules choreograph their own behaviour. In the same way the DNA choreograph its own behaviour with its first dawn in slime of primordial soup with Life’s First Spark. Once it got the nectar water under controlled temperature. It has maintained its nectarine quality with photon-phonon interaction and plasma membrane like two faces of the same coin with electron configuration.

The photon-phonon interaction Electron configuration                                  

The generation of the atom from the subatomic particles with photon-phonon interaction is the primary symbol of existence. All elementary particles are vibrating with resonance of vibration and their respective charge. They are complimentary with each other from gamma rays to radio waves. They find their resonant with resonance. The resonant vibrations of electromagnetic rays, touch, press-mark, and rebound. The colliding protons, decaying into hadron jets and electrons, converted it into electric vibrations to join them in series with phonic compression electromagnetic force. It has maintained its continuity in the molecules and the matter with Higgs field 2013.

The DNA is instrument of life. Life consciousness, it is like birds their nest upon the tree, the single phonon wave magically hold the cell body to execute functions of life.          

The life in all its form is one, but all have different genetic identity in DNA, which is 99.9 % is same in all. The 0.01 % DNA constitutes the genetic identity of an individual in life. Even the time time-twins have different genetic identity and fate in life. It has four bases arranged in two complimentary base pairs Adenine and Thymine A═T , Guanine and Cytosine G≡C and control whole biological world with double bond and a triple bond of Hydrogen. It divide in air and synthesize its complimentary base, just like image in the mirror, the hydrogen bonds divide and reunite on other side with electron configuration.

It is possible to image DNA with atomic resolution STM using scanning microscopy imaging. The live observation in ultra high vacuum based on wave of words in contrast mechanism under modeled contour of van der wall’s surface A DNA gives fantastic results. It has been observed in ultra resolution image that one purine and one pyrimidine base complimentary to each other, just like A T  G C they separate and synthesize complimentary base on other opposite side. It means there is no separation the hydrogen triple bond change into double bond and catch triple bond on opposite side, it goes on unending, it has spread DNA on all sides. It synthesizes its complimentary base pairs in air, with which it has maintained its identity from Sun to Earth and in biological world as universal bio-signature with photon-phonon interaction.

The DNA has a charger mental code with a synonym phonon code. The specific phonon code activates the charger mental code in the womb from air. The activated mental code led the development of infant from fertilized DNA with sense organs and brain. With development of the body, it has spread in the whole body and is in direct contact of atmospheric ocean of thought waves, which compress it from all sides with their frequency and amplitude. The cell membrane acts as boundary with configuration of electrons with half spin change in the wavelength, it conveyed to brain with electrical impulses for action. The DNA has the speaker and an antenna to grasps the thoughts from atmosphere, the mind executes the thought with words from mouth.

The activation of DNA mental code

As soon as the fertilized DNA divide in the womb, first a mental code open, it is activated by its complimentary thought word’s wavelength in the atmosphere with change in the wave length of DNA complimentary code to that thought mentality as one. It is genetic identity of an individual in life with one thought wave length of voice.

The activated gene code led the DNA replication in fourfold manner with synthesis of first cell body in the womb with 23 pairs of chromosome in human-beings. The chromosomes have all information of life and death. It is genomic identity of an individual in life with one thought wavelength of voice. The different wave length of the seven syllables has a broad spectrum; out of this a particular wave length is identity of an individual. This wave length activates the complimentary DNA code in the womb with change in the wavelength of the fertilized DNA code. It led the development of infant with hereditary characters from parents and mental wave length decides the fate in life with its connection in the atmosphere. Hence the whole body has the same genetic code and particular thought wave length all in the body.

The cellular body beholds the thought mentality adorned to body. The atmospheric ocean is the treasure house of imperishable thought words. It has laid down the silent invisible foundation of thought, words and sensations with dualistic force of resonance and echo. It is just like two faces of the same coin and plasma membrane is transition zone of wave length adorned to cell body.

Phonon Beholds Vital Life Consciousness  

It has been engraved on Harappan Seal

The Vital Energy is like pillar in the centre. All components are connected with him like branches of a tree round about the trunk. They are synthesized with energy transformation and merge into the same with time.  

A great monster’ (yaksha) in the midst of the creation (bhuvana) strode? (kranta) in penace on the back of the sea- in it are set(cri) whatever gods there are like the branches of a tree roundabout the trunk Atharvaveda 10-7-38

He is in the middle of the centre just like a Yaksha. Pillar

The Human species beholds Life Consciousness

The sapient (cell body) magically hold the life consciousness from universe adorned to body

The flying bird bears within his spirit: erst Gandharva in the womb pronounced it.

And at the seat of sacrifice the sages cherish this radiant, heavenly-bright invention Rig. 10 -177-1,2

The Vedic metaphor for Yaksha in the centre has been engraved on the seal and the cell body magically holds the life consciousness with its link in universe. The sapient beholds the thought mentality adorned to body.

The Life is like two bow ends of arch with birth and death. The chemical energy of photosynthesis with food metabolism is source of life consciousness. The tree in the middle is symbol of photosynthesis.

The sapient with their spirit and their mind behold the bird adorned with all an Asura’s magic might

Sages observe him in the ocean’s inmost depth: the wise disposers seek the station of his rays.

The flying Bird bears speech within his spirit: erst the Gandharva in the womb pronounced it and at the seat of sacrifice the sages cherish the radiant, heavenly-bright invention Rig.10-177-1,2

The voice is identity of life; the DNA mental code grasps it first in the womb and pronounced it with birth of infant to cherish the life. The spiraling wave binds the life consciousness between the life and death as two bow ends between birth and death.

Here, verily.  I bind you, fast as the two bow-ends with the string.  Press down these men, O lord of speech that they may humbly speak to me. 10-166-3

The sapient with their spirit and their mind behold the bird adorned with all an Asuraa’s magic might.

Result and Conclusion        

The life is like birds their nest upon the tree. The DNA is instrument of life. It has blown out from sun with incandescent gigantic radiations. Human species has evolved from single DNA with cell division and genetic recombination. The Higgs field space with resonant vibration imparted mass to elementary particles with asteroids and planets. The resonant phonon with its dualistic force beholds life consciousness to execute functions of life.

The DNA with photon-phonon interaction is universally present. Hence its complimentary resonant wave blackouts radio communications on the earth and the protons damage the human-beings in space if not protected properly. Because the entry of radiation rays with protons checked by the magnetosphere and ozone layer and complimentary resonance find its counter part protons astronaut human in space.

Origin of Life                                                           

The DNA is instrument of life with triple bond and double bond of hydrogen with Nitrogen. It has blown out from sun with gigantic radiations and survived in deep sea with photon-phonon interaction.

It’s like molecular choreography where the molecules choreograph their own behaviour. In the same way the DNA choreograph its own behaviour with its first dawn in slime of primordial soup with Life’s First Spark. It has maintained its nectarine quality with photon-phonon interaction and plasma membrane like two faces of the same coin with genetic recombination and cell division. The DNA has antenna and speaker with transcription and translation. The food metabolism is source of life.

The protein synthesis with enzymes and ion exchange from the surface gave the way for chloroplast with autotrophic nature. It has brought a well developed cell with cell division in nature of which, we all are part.

The Photon and Phonon are two distinct opposite complimentary forces of nature. They held up the creation and life, under space time fabric. The phonon stimulates the action, but not involves in action, and remains unaffected. The Phonon has appeared first in ripper with cosmic dawn in early pre-cosmic condition. It has activated the dark matter with echo in ripper with blast and light. It is complimentary dualistic force of vital energy.

The vibrating electrons around nucleus generated the magnetism in the enclosed space and electrostatic force of nucleus binds them in series with electromagnetic energy. It connects the components and solar system with fundamental vital energy in the universe with interplanetary magnetic field. In the same fashion all rotating astronomical bodies generate magnetic field and magnetosphere.

It has given strength to present thinking that three immortal Higgs field, vital energy in the space with dualistic force of vital energy phonon and photon held up the creation and life with origin of life from DNA.

The life is present on the earth, due to Gravitational sound waves and geomagnetism with magnetosphere on the earth. It has developed cordial atmospheric condition for life with formation of ozone layer around the earth.


I am very much thankful to Govt. of India for award of senior fellowship, Dept. of culture, and Govt. of M.P. for work, Department of Higher Education as Professor and Principal during my service. I am also thankful to Archaeological Survey of India for Seals and to Smithsonian Institute, America for literary assistance and NASA for pictures.


Carol Stoker Searching for Life Underground: Experiments with Drilling in Mars Analog Terrains
David Summers Detection of Biosignatures with highly sensitive radio-labeling techniques. The Stable Isotope Fractionation of Abiotic Reactions: A Benchmark in the Detection of Life
  1. Li, E. et al. Photonic Aharonov–Bohm effect in photon–phonon interactions. Nat. Commun. 5:3225 doi: 10.1038/ncomms4225 (2014)
  2. Steven W. Hawking, George F.R. Ellis, “The Cosmic Black-Body Radiation and the Existence of Singularities in our Universe,” Astrophysical Journal, 152, (1968) pp. 25-36.
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  5. W. Wayt Gibbs, “Profile: George F. R. Ellis,” Scientific American, October 1995, Vol. 273, No.4, p. 55.
  6. See http://www.halos.com/reports/ext-2003-022.pdf
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  8. Dark Matter in the Universe(Jerusalem Winter School for Theoretical Physics, 1986-7), J.N. Bahcall, T. Piran, & S. Weinberg editors.
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  10. The Large Hadron Collider: Shedding Light on the Early Universe – lecture by R.-D. Heuer, CERN, Chios, Greece, 28 September 2011
  11. Examples of Great Discoveries in the Fundamental Forces – Gravity probe B FAQ, Stanford University website, 2012
  12. http://www.harappa.com/har/indus-saraswati.html
  13. http://uk.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761556839/indus_valley_civilization.html Read more:
  14. http://www.universetoday.com/101189/space-station-detector-finds-extra-antimatter-in-space-maybe-dark-matter/#ixzz30o6ZrB00
  1. A Structure for De oxy ribose Nucleic Acid
    J. D. Watson and F. H. C. Crick (1)

    18. April 25, 1953 (2), Nature (3), 171, 737-738www.nature.com/nature/dna50/archive.html). Molecular Configuration in Sodium Thymonucleate
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  2. Trivedi C.P. Indus Vedic Genetics 2012 ISBN 978-659-22809-4 Lap Lambert Academic             publishing, Germany
  3. Trivedi C.P. Quest of Creation Higgs; God particle  ISBN 978-3-659-22041-8 Lap Lambert Academic publishing, Germany
  4. Trivedi C.P. Quest of Creation Higgs God particle and Vedas Lap Lambert Academic publishing, Germany
  5. Trivedi C.P. Vedic Geeta the Secret of Eternal Life ISBN 978-3-659-20814-0 Lap Lambert Academic publishing Germany
  6. Trivedi Chandra P. Lord of Creation Einstein’s Grand Unified Force, ISBN 978-81-7110-447-9 Parimal Publications, Shaktinagar, New Delhi


Prof. Chandra P Trivedi Professor with incredible amount of experience as professor, researcher and Principal of lead college, Bhind and Ratlam under Jeewaji University, Gwalior, and Vikram University, Ujjain respectively. As an academician author of more than 10 books, his books and work has been published in many leading papers of the subcontinent and books from India and Germany. He is former senior fellow, Department of culture, Govt. of India, Associate IIAS, Shimla. As a Professor and Scientist, he has gone into the depth of Yoga, Meditation, Spiritualism and Vedas at Vedic Research Institute, Ratlam. He is among original thinker with innovative approach to solve the national problem. He explored India’s glorious past with answer of Einstein’s Grand Unified Force. As an academician, Vedic Scientists and professor, he has first time crack the Vedic code with oldest un-deciphered symbols of the world ‘Advanced gene technology’. Going ahead Prof. Trivedi has given the answer of modern problems related with origin of life consciousness and Higgs field 2013. E-mail: atcptrivedi@gmail.com

This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 25 Apr 2016.

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