Peace Education, Peace Psychology, and Peace Linguistics: Key Questions for Reflection/Research

EDUCATION, 2 Apr 2018

Prof. Francisco Gomes de Matos – TRANSCEND Media Service


  1. Educationally, what is Peace? What are some of its educational distinctive features?
  2. What can Education/Dignity/Human Rights contribute to an understanding of PEACE and vice-versa? How?
  3. Could PEACE be learned/taught at school? By whom? Why? Where? How?
  4. Can we educate for Global Peace Literacy?  How?
  5. How did Peace Education start? Precursory actions/principles? Some pioneers? What did they do/say?
  6. How did Peace Education pave the way for Peace Psychology? Recommended introductory sources (English) to Peace Education?


  1. Psychologically, what is Peace? What are some of its psychological distinctive features?
  2. What can Psychology contribute to an understanding of Peace and vice-versa? How?
  3. Could Peace be used for psychological problem-solving? By whom? Why? Where? How?
  4. Can we psychoeducate for Peace Literacy? How?
  5. How did Peace Psychology start? Precursory actions/principles? Some pioneers? What did they do/say?
  6. How did Peace Psychology pave the way for Peace Linguistics? Recommended introductory sources (English) to Peace Psychology?


  1. Linguistically, what is Peace? What are some of its linguistically distinctive features?
  2. What can Linguistics/Applied Linguistics contribute to an understanding of Peace and vice-versa? How?
  3. Could Communicative Peace/Dignity be learned/taught? By whom? Why? Where? How?
  4. Linguistically, how can we prevent communicative aggression/violence?
  5. How did Peace Linguistics start? Precursory actions/principles? Some pioneers? What did they do/say?
  6. How can human communication become LIFE-PLUS, that is, a Life-improving force for peaceful language use?

Closing Key-Questions:

How can peace educators, peace psychologists, and peace linguists interact effectively across cultures?

And thus do their share as co-responsible educators-scientists for the global good of Humankind?

Feedback on the open-ended Checklist will be sunnily welcome.


Francisco Gomes de Matos, Ph.D. is an applied peace linguist from Recife, Brazil. He has degrees in Languages, Law, and Linguistics. He is Professor Emeritus at the Universidade Federal de Pernambuco where he is active in the Dom Hélder Camara Human Rights Commission. He is one of the pioneers in Linguistic Rights (author of 1984 Plea for a Universal Declaration of Linguistic Rights) and in the emerging area of Peace Linguistics. Currently he is President of the Board, Associação Brasil América ( He can be reached at

This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 2 Apr 2018.

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2 Responses to “Peace Education, Peace Psychology, and Peace Linguistics: Key Questions for Reflection/Research”

  1. Drafp Antonino says:

    My suggestion is to reflect about
    i) the qualification of the word ‘non-violence’ as a double negation by the linguist L.R. Horn, The Natural history of Negation, Chicago U.P., 1989, p. 84
    2) the result of 20th centiry mathematical logic, the failure of the double negation law means to reason in non-classical logic, i.e. in an at all different way of reasoning
    3) Freud’s writing ‘On Negation’, qualifying Freud’s method to solve interior conflicts

  2. francisco gomes de matos says:

    May I humbly suggest to readers interested in Peace Linguistics that they see Appendix. A list of (55)terms
    positivized by the prefix NON. Page 36 of the chapter Toward a Nonkilling Linguistics. Practical Applications, Patricia Friedrich and Francisco Gomes de Matos, Honolulu :Center for Global Nonkilling, 2012 Available for free
    download at