New Pair of Jeans

POETRY FORMAT, 20 Jan 2020

Ravi Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service

Buying a new pair of jeans
With her hard earned means
The teenager Tanu put them on
For her friends to like her taste
The friend told her not to waste
Money on buying such costly things
What should I do my friends
Should I return them to the store
No, only make a cut here,
A scratch there.

Let not people say
You are too rich and proud
And have no concern for the crowd
Of the poor people where you stay
Have a little heart for them
Put on a few scratches for them
This is democracy you see
The poor will also agree
That Tanu cares for us
And dresses like us

Dr Ravi P Bhatia is a member of the TRANSCEND Network for Peace Development Environment, an educationist, Gandhian scholar and peace researcher. Retired professor, Delhi University. His new book, A Garland of Ideas—Gandhian, Religious, Educational, Environmental was published recently in Delhi.


This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 20 Jan 2020.

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2 Responses to “New Pair of Jeans”

  1. Gary Steven Corseri says:

    A nice bit of irony here!

    Ravi P. Bhatia catches a nice bit of irony here.

    The teen, Tanu, buys new jeans to impress her friends. (It’s all about “appearances.”) But, her friends are concerned that Tanu may appear too showy! So, they advise her to “make a cut here/A scratch there” and “Put on a few scratches” for the poor–so the poor will think she’s one of them! “This is democracy you see.”

    Of course, it’s not “democracy” at all. It’s HYPOCRISY in capital letters. Again, it’s all about appearances–not real caring, not real unity.

    Well-wrought, well-thought, Dr. Bhatia!

  2. Catherine Brandneur says:

    Mon Cher Ravi,

    Vos messages me laisse à penser que vous êtes toujours aussi actif pour partager les choses qui vous tiennent à coeur. Ici, nous sommes très sollicité pour les questions de climat et nos boîtes à lettres débordent de message dénonçant l’absence d’actions politiques pour faire en sorte de diminuer nos emissions de CO2. A ceci s’ajoute tous les articles scientifiques sur la régressions des espèces de notre planète, les effets de la pollution, exploitation des enfants et toutes les horreurs dont notre espèce est en grande partie responsable. Malheureusement les mesures envisagées n’atteindrons jamais les individus ayant un niveau de vie indécent et qui pourront ainsi continuer à mener leur train de vie quelqu’en soit le coût. Je suis pas exemple très choquée de constater que M. Elon Musk peut bombarder le ciel de satellite qui produisent une pollution lumineuse massive sans qu’aucune loi ou aucun gouvernement ne réagisse.