Johan Galtung: Peace and Conflict Studies and COVID-19/لقاء خاص مع مؤسس علوم السلام يوهان غالتونغ


Brighten Your Mind – TRANSCEND Media Service

4 Jul 2020  –  4 يوليو 2020

Norwegian scientist and founder of Peace and Conflict Studies, Johan Galtung touches on a number of important points: The importance of peace education and conflict resolution between individuals. How do we teach young children peace. How do we spare our children the acts of violence resulting from electronic games. His predictions about the fall of the American Empire, not the American Republic. The importance of Islam and how to benefit from it in promoting peace and resolving conflict. The importance of “peace journalism” in promoting peace and resolving conflicts between parties. Rising powers. The world after the Corona crisis and other matters.

ء تطرق العالم النرويجي ومؤسس دراسات السلام والصراع يوهان غالتونغ إلى مجموعة من النقاط المهمة: -أهمية تدريس السلام وحل النزاع بين الأفراد. -كيف نعلم الأطفال الصغار السلام. -كيف نجنب أطفالنا أفعال العنف الناتجة عن الألعاب الالكترونية. -توقعاته حول سقوط الإمبراطورية الأمريكية وليس الجمهورية الأمريكية. – أهمية الإسلام وكيفية الاستفادة منه في تعزيز السلام وحل النزاع. -أهمية “صحافة السلام” في تعزيز السلم وحل النزاعات بين الأطراف. -القوى الصاعدة – العالم بعد أزمة كورونا ومسائل أخرى.

Johan Galtung is widely considered the “Father of Peace and Conflict Studies.” A Norwegian sociologist and mathematician, Galtung has taught around the world, helped found many institutions dedicated to building peace, and been honored with the Right Livelihood Award. He serves on the advisory board of Envision Peace Museum. He has published over 1,700 articles and more than 170 books, with translations in 33 languages.


This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 9 Nov 2020.

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2 Responses to “Johan Galtung: Peace and Conflict Studies and COVID-19/لقاء خاص مع مؤسس علوم السلام يوهان غالتونغ”

  1. […] sono estranei al lavoro di Johan Galtung che promuove la pace positiva con un principio guida di cooperazione per un vantaggio reciproco e uguale. Il fine è garantire una vita dignitosa per tutti, oltre che l’assenza di guerra. Nel suo […]

  2. […] life work promoting positive peace, beyond the absence of war, with a guiding principle of cooperation for mutual and equal benefit to ensure a dignified life for all.  In her recent book Oneness vs. the 1%[v] Vandana Shiva […]