Stop the Violence against the Peruvian People and the Journalists!


Defend Democracy Press - TRANSCEND Media Service

18 Jan 2023 – We, communicators and journalists, repudiate the brutal violence against the Peruvian people by the security forces and the disturbing attacks against journalists and photographers who seek to tell the truth about what is happening in the country.

Since December 7, when the coup d’état against constitutional president Pedro Castillo and his subsequent illegal detention took place, the Peruvian people have been in constant mobilization to demand the immediate resignation of the de facto leader, Dina Boluarte, the dissolution of Congress, the realization of a Constituent Assembly and the immediate release of Pedro Castillo.

Their just and courageous protests have been met with an extremely violent response by the security forces. To date, at least 48 Peruvian brothers and sisters have been killed with bullets, sound grenades, tear gas and pepper spray during the protests. We have seen with great concern how these flagrant violations of human rights, the right to protest, freedom of expression and the democratic state have been justified by the executive branch, the mass media and right-wing politicians.

In all this, we have not been able to depend on the narrative of the corporate media that call the protesters “vandals” “terrorists”, justifying the violence against them as sinister accomplices of the barbarism of the state. It has been the popular communicators, independent journalists and photojournalists, who take to the streets risking their physical integrity, facing extreme violence in order to communicate the truth to the world.

We are concerned about the case of Aldair Mejía, photojournalist, who was shot by a projectile while covering the demonstrations in Juliaca. He had denounced that prior to the attack, a member of the Peruvian National Police had threatened him saying “Get out of here, if not I’ll blow your head off and kill you”. In addition to him, there are many other cases of colleagues who have suffered stigmatization, accusations, violent attacks, criminalization and more in the context of their journalistic work. Journalism is not a crime!

As communicators and journalists of the world, we stand in solidarity with the brave Peruvian people and with their communicators and journalists who are facing the terrible repression of Dina Boluarte’s government.

We demand an immediate end to this repression and respect for the human rights of protesters and members of the press.



Adán Ríos Parra, Revista Alforja-Espiral Guerrero., México

Aida Jabbaz, Chile

Alejandra Flores, Ukhamawa Noticias, Chile

Alina Duarte, Mexico

Alvino San José Yat, Radio Comunitaria Indígenas la Reyna, Guatemala

Ama Pratt, Pan African Television, Ghana

Ana María Islas, Mexico

Andrea Ixchíu Hernández, K’iche, Guatemala

Anfruns Alex, Belgique

Anish Radhakrishnan, Peoples Dispatch, India

Antonio C. S. Rosa, TRANSCEND Media Service-TMS, USA, Portugal

Arnaldo Pérez Guerra,, Chile

Benjamín Norton, Geopolítica Económica, United States // Nicaragua

Bia Barbosa, Brazil

Brian Mier, TeleSur/Brazilwire, Brazil

Byron Javier Viteri Pólit, Coordinadora Artistas Progresistas Eloy Alfaro, Ecuador

Camila Parodi, Marcha Noticias, Argentina

Carlos Aznarez, Resumen Latinoamericano, Argentina

Carlos Berenze, Radio Universidad Nacional de La Pkata, Argentina

Catalina Evans Amador, Cofundadora de Revista Pasto Seco, Chile

Cira Pascual Marquina, Venezuelanalysis, Venezuela

Claudia Cisneros, Independiente, Perú

Danay, Cuba

Dayana López Villalobos, Independiente, Argentina

Denis Rogatyuk, El Ciudadano, Chile

Diana Almeida, Revista Crisis Ec, Ecuador

Eduardo Lohnhoff Bruno, Abya Yala Tv, Bolivia

Edurne Correa Crespo,, Euskal Herria / País Vasco

Efrén Mantilla, Canal digital Hechos Ecuador, Ecuador

Elmer Raúl Ayala Hinojosa, Poder Popular @lljr_poder @ElmerAyala_PE, Perú

Eugene Puryear, Breakthrough News, United States

Fabiola Gutiérrez, Red de Periodistas y Comunicadoras Feministas de Chile , Chile

Facundo Pérez , ARG Medios, Argentina

Felipe Bianchi Dos Santos, ComunicaSul y Centro de Estudos da Mídia Alternativa Barão de Itararé, Brazil

Felipe Kohler, Revista Crisis Ec, Ecuador

Felipe Villa, Nuestro País, Chile

Fernando Barreto, Ecuador

Fernando Lopes, Brazil

Fiorella Isabel, RT International, United States

Francely Flores, Molino Informativo,

Gabriel Zas, Unimundo, Argentina

Gabriela, EnModoVioleta, Venezuela

Gerardo Szalkowicz, Nodal, Argentina

Giovani del Prete, Diplomacia dos Povos, Brazil

Gonzalo Rodrigo Muiños, Radio Gráfica, Argentina

Graciela Barahona, Independiente, Alemania

Gustavo Espinoza, Noticias Hudson Valley NY/ Revista Travesías de la Migración, United States

Héctor Díaz, Latinidades, México

Heriberto Paredes, Independiente, México

Ignacio Urrutia, Chile

Ingrid Sánchez, Peninsula 360 Press, México

Irene León, ALAI, Ecuador

Ivania Maria Carneiro Vieira, Brazil

Jackson Jean, TeleSUR, Haití

Jaime Herrera, Telesur, Perú

Jaime Soto, Chile

Javier Arjona,, España

Javier Tolcachier, Agencia Internacional de Noticias Pressenza, Argentina

Javier, Radio Residencias 96.5, Argentina

Jazmín Valdivieso, La Zurda Radio, Bolivia

Jean Waltès Bien-Aimé, Radyo Rezistans, Haití

Jennifer Mujica, Individual, Argentina

John McEvoy, Declassified UK, UK

Jose Gil Almeida, Jornal Agua Verde, Brazil

José Luis Granados Ceja, Venezuelanalysis, México

Jose Marques, Jornal da Rua XV ciudad de Curitiba, Brazil

José Robredo Hormazabal, Free lance, Chile

Julian Barbero, Tribuna Villa Maria, Argentina

Julián Pilatti, ARG Medios, Argentina

Karol E. Noroña, GK, Ecuador

Kwesi Pratt, Jnr, The Insight Newspaper, Ghana

Laura Carlsen, Independiente, Mexico

Laura Lucía Cevallos Alcázar, Sin Línea Mx, México

Laura Quispe Perez, TeleSISA, Argentina

Lautaro Rivara, ALAI, Argentina – Ecuador

Loreto Paillacar, Círculo de Periodistas, Chile

Luis De Jesús, Claridad, Puerto Rico

Luis Enrique Angio, Argentina

Luis Varese, Ecuador

Maddalena Celano, Italia

Mahmoud Elenani, Independent Film Producer, Egypt

Marcos Cariz Villanueva, Trabajadores al poder, Chile

Margarida Flávia Gonnet García, Semanario Brecha(URU) / Análisis Digital(ARG), Uruguay

Margarita Bastías Baeza, Chile

Margarita Pastene Valladares, Chile

Maria Luiza Franco Busse, Associação Brazileira de Imprensa-ABI, Brazil

Mario López M.,, Chile

Marta Inostroza-Cartes, Chile

Marta Maffei, Individual, Argentina

Martha Raquel Rodrigues, Jornalistas Livres / MST, Brazil

Martín Varese, Peoples Dispatch, Nicaragua

Mauricio Leandro Osorio, Independiente, Chile

Maya Carlina Corminboeuf, Red Wiphalas/Wiphalas Network, Suiza

Midhun Puthupattu, Peoples Dispatch, India

Nancy Dentler, Theater, Deutschland

Nathalie Castillo, Diputada de la República- Periodista ex Presidenta Nacional del Colegio de Periodistas de Chile, Chile

Nelson Aramburu Soto, Comunicaciones Comando Unitario de Ex PP, Chile

Nicolas Lopez Ventura, Pueblos, Guatemala

Omar Lucas, Independiente, Perú

Oscar Gálvez, Voces de Ixumulew, Guatemala

Oscar Puebla Ortega, El Molino Informativo, Mexico

Pablo Navarrete, Alborada, UK

Pablo Ruiz,, Chile

Paolo Andre Cruzalegui Sun, Los Ronderos de las Redes, United States

Patricia Villegas Marin, teleSUR, Colombia- Venezuela

Patricio Gajardo Segovia, Jubilado., Chile

Peñalva Viviana, Unimundo, Argentina

Pilar Troya, Brazil de Fato, Brazil

Prasanth Radhakrishnan, Newsclick, India

Rafael Urrejola Dittborn, Centro de Formación Memoria y Futuro, Chile

Ramiro Contreras, Nuestra Voz, Bolivia

Rania Khalek, Breakthrough News, United States

Rodrigo Acuña, Indestructible Podcast, Australia

Rody Oñate, Chile

Roger McKenzie, Morning Star, United Kingdom

Rolando Andrade Stracuzzi, Clarín, Argentina

Sandra Trafilaf, Chile

Sergio Nicanoff, Contrahegemoniaweb, Argentina

Sergio Vaudagnotto, El Diario del centro del país, Argentina

Silvia Paillan, Informe Araucania, Chile

Susana Capriles Rojas, La Voz de Paine, Chile

Tanupriya Singh, Peoples Dispatch, India

Tanya Wadhwa, Peoples Dispatch, India

Teresa Marin, Adultos Mayores Frente de Todos Olavarría, Argentina

Vijay Prashad, Globetrotter,

Vivian Neves Fernandes, Brazil

Vyshakh Thaliyil, Peoples Dispatch, India

Yoselina Guevara, Info al Desnudo, Venezuela ( Italia)

Zoe Alexandra, Peoples Dispatch, United States

Media Outlets

Agencia Internacional de Noticias Pressenza


ARG Medios, Argentina

Barricada TV, Argentina

Boletín Américas, Mexico

Brasil de Fato

Breakthrough News, United States

Centro de Estudos da Mídia Alternativa Barão de Itararé, Brasil

Clarín, Chile

Colombia Informa

ComunicaSul, Brasil

Consejo Metropolitano del Colegio de Periodistas, Chile

Contra Hegemonia Web, Argentina

Coordinador Nacional Agrario (CNA), Colombia

Correo del Alba

El Ciudadano, Chile

El Molino Informativo, Mexico

Hora do Povo, Brasil

Iniciativa Direito a Memória e Justiça Racial, Brasil

Ivira Noticias Argentina

Jornal Agua Verde, Brasil

Jornal da Rua XV ciudad de Curitiba, Brasil

Jornalistas Livres, Brasil

Kawsachun News, Bolivia

La Haine, España

La Voz de Paine, Chile

Liberación, Chile

Liberation News, United States

Noticias Hudson Valley NY, United States

Pan African Television, Ghana

Radyo Rezistans, Haiti

Red de Periodistas y Comunicadoras Feministas de Chile

Red Eco Alternativo, Argentina

Resumen Latinoamericano

Revista Crisis Ec

Tatuy Televisión Comunistaria, Venezuela


The Insight Newspaper, Ghana

TRANSCEND Media Service-TMS, USA, Portugal

Trazos de Nuestra Identidad, Ecuador

Tribuna Villa Maria, Argentina


Venezuela Analysis

Voz en Fuga, Chile


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