Nigerian Senate Rejects President Bola Tinubu’s Demand to Send Troops to Invade Niger

AFRICA, 14 Aug 2023

Ibrahim Garba Shuaibu | Anadolu Agency - TRANSCEND Media Service

Parliament Leaders Agree to Discuss Measures

Anadolu Agency

6 Aug 2023 – The head of the Senate in Nigeria, Godswill Akpabio, said Saturday [5 Aug] that the chamber rejected military force to reinstate President Bazoum Mohamed in Niger, following a military coup.

The Senate also pleaded with the current head of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) bloc, Nigerian President Bola Tinubu, to embrace diplomacy in handling the toppling of the democratic government.

The bloc last Sunday gave coup leaders one week to reinstate Bazoum.

Akpabio said parliament leadership agreed to meet Tinubu to discuss the chamber’s resolutions.

Tinubu sought Friday the support of the Senate in official communication sent to the chamber to implement ECOWAS resolutions on the situation in Niger.

“The Senate recognises the fact that President Tinubu by virtue of his correspondence has not asked for the approval of this Senate to go to war as being erroneously suggested in some quarters.

“The Senate calls on the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria as chairman of ECOWAS to further encourage other leaders of ECOWAS to strengthen the political and diplomatic options and other means with which to resolve the political impasse in Niger Republic,” according to a statement.

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