Articles by Abby Martin

We found 16 results.

US-Israeli Rampage in the Middle East: Barreling Towards WWIII
Abby Martin | Empire Files – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Oct 2024

2 Oct 2024 – Journalist Séamus Malekafzali joins Abby Martin to talk about Israel’s invasion of Lebanon, the assassination of Nasrallah, and the potential for war with Iran.

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‘We Must Shame Pro Genocide Israel Defenders’
Abby Martin | Katie Halper – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2024

27 Apr 2024 – I anchored a livestream of a “Seder in the Streets to Stop Arming Israel” held on Passover Tue 23 Apr night. The demonstration was held in Brooklyn hours before the Senate approved a package of $17 billion in arms and security to Israel. Hundreds of protesters were arrested.

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CIA Stories: The CIA is Born
Abby Martin | Empire Files – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Jul 2021

20 Jun 2021 – Abby Martin introduces the first installment of a new Empire Files series about the CIA explaining why the agency was created, and how it became the most nefarious criminal organization in the world, with CIA expert Douglas Valentine.

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Giants: Who Really Rules The World?
Abby Martin | Empire Files – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Jul 2019

13 Apr 2019 – Abby Martin sits down with Peter Phillips, former director of Project Censored and professor of Political Sociology at Sonoma State University. His new book, Giants: The Global Power Elite, details the 17 transnational investment firms that control over $50 trillion in wealth—and how they are kept in power by their activists, facilitators and protectors.

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Buying a Slave: The Hidden World of US/Philippines Trafficking (Part 1)
Abby Martin | Empire Files - teleSUR, 31 Jul 2017

Human trafficking is a hidden industry that brings in $150 billion in illegal profits every year. In the United States, tens of thousands are trafficked annually—the biggest clients being major hotel chains and foreign diplomats. The Philippines is one of the largest labor exporters in the world. 6,000 Filipinos—mostly women—leave the country every single day to work, because of mass unemployment and poverty. Tricked by placement agencies, thousands end up living as virtual slaves.

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Buying a Slave: The Roots of the Philippines Trafficking Epidemic (Part 2)
Abby Martin | Empire Files – teleSUR, 31 Jul 2017

In this sequel to the report on trafficked Filipina domestic workers, Damayan’s Linda Oalican provides a deeper context to the epidemic of human trafficking by guiding us through the history of colonialism, resistance and US domination of the islands. From the centuries of Spanish rule and decades of US brutality, through the evisceration of the Philippine economy, this episode is a must-watch primer on why human beings are now the nation’s top export.

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Empire Files
Abby Martin, TheRealNews - TeleSur, 21 Dec 2015

Abby Martin debuts teleSUR’s The Empire Files exploring the U.S. Empire and its rise to world hegemony.

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Gitmo Exclusive: Media Brainwashing, Sham Trials & Closing Gitmo for Good (Part II)
Abby Martin, breakingtheset – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Sep 2014

Sep 3, 2014 – On Gitmo ‘Transparency’, Review Board Red Tape, Military Commissions Sham, Zero Dark Thirty Lies and Closing Guantanamo for Good.

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Gitmo Exclusive: An Untold History of Occupation, Torture & Resistance (Part I)
Abby Martin, breakingtheset – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Sep 2014

Sep 2, 2014 – Abby Martin Breaks the Set on the History of Gitmo, Methods of Torture, the Remaining Detainees and the Ongoing Hunger Strikes by Prisoners.

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The People Guarding US Nukes Will Shock You
Abby Martin, Breaking the Set – Russia Today, 20 Jan 2014

Jan 17, 2014 – Calling attention to thirty four officers at Malstrom Airforce Base in Montana who were caught cheating on a proficiency exam related to nuclear launch procedures.

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Former US Attorney General Ramsey Clark: US Sanctions Are Genocidal
Abby Martin – Russia Today, 23 Sep 2013

Sep 17, 2013 – Abby Martin speaks with former US Attorney General, Ramsey Clark, discussing Iraq before the first Gulf War, his opinions on Syria, why he legally represented Saddam Hussein, and how US sanctions have a far greater negative effect on people than on the regimes of the countries these sanctions target.

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NSA Blackmailing Obama? | Interview with Whistleblower Russ Tice
Abby Martin, Breaking the Set – Russia Today, 22 Jul 2013

Abby Martin talks to Russell Tice, former intelligence analyst and original NSA whistleblower, about how the recent NSA scandal only scratches the surface of a massive surveillance apparatus. He cites spying orders for specific targets that he saw including former Senators Hilary Clinton and Barack Obama.

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Anarchism, Socialism & Libertarianism: Alternatives for Peace
Abby Martin, Breaking the Set – Russia Today, 15 Apr 2013

Abby Martin highlights the disproportionate nature of the American political and media establishments, and moderates a debate between three people who represent the voices of US growing political alternatives: Anarchism, Socialism & Libertarianism.

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Rohingya Genocide in Myanmar | Interview with Independent Journalist Assed Baig
Abby Martin, Breaking the Set – Russia Today, 8 Apr 2013

The ongoing genocidal crisis of Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar. The UN has coined the Rohingyas one of the most persecuted minorities in the world.

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Media Fakes War Propaganda | Weapons of Mass Distraction
Abby Martin, Breaking the Set – Russia Today, 18 Mar 2013

A look at MSNBC’s recent documentary about the lies leading up the Iraq war, and the closer look at the corporate media’s complicity in selling war to the American people by highlighting multiple staged events.

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Iran/USA: Who Is Threatening Who? Weapons of Mass Distraction (VIDEO OF THE WEEK)
Abby Martin – Russia Today, 19 Nov 2012

Iran-US Relations: Reality, History, Causes, Consequences

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