Articles by Albert Einstein and Bertrand Russell

We found 3 results.

The Russell-Einstein Manifesto 69 Years Later
Albert Einstein and Bertrand Russell | Pugwash Conferences – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Jul 2024

9 July 1955 – “In view of the fact that in any future world war nuclear weapons will certainly be employed, and that such weapons threaten the continued existence of mankind, we urge the governments of the world to realize, and to acknowledge publicly, that their purpose cannot be furthered by a world war, and we urge them, consequently, to find peaceful means for the settlement of all matters of dispute between them.”

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The Russell-Einstein Manifesto
Albert Einstein and Bertrand Russell | Pugwash Conferences - TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Mar 2024

9 July 1955 – In the tragic situation which confronts humanity, we feel that scientists should assemble in conference to appraise the perils that have arisen as a result of the development of weapons of mass destruction, and to discuss a resolution in the spirit of the appended draft.

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The Russell-Einstein Manifesto 67 Years Later
Albert Einstein and Bertrand Russell | Pugwash Conferences – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Jul 2022

9 July 1955 – “In view of the fact that in any future world war nuclear weapons will certainly be employed, and that such weapons threaten the continued existence of mankind, we urge the governments of the world to realize, and to acknowledge publicly, that their purpose cannot be furthered by a world war, and we urge them, consequently, to find peaceful means for the settlement of all matters of dispute between them.”

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