Articles by Andrew Gold, Occupy

We found 2 results.

How Mega-Corporations like Nestlé Threaten Colombia’s Coffee Farmers
Andrew Gold, Occupy – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Oct 2013

Colombia’s Zona Cafetera, or coffee zone, is one of the most prominent providers of coffee in the world. But a predicament now faces its native producers – who never even taste the coffee – and threatens to destroy them. Nestlé has a huge presence in Colombia. But it has no fair trade policy to ensure its coffee producers are paid a living wage.

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The Metamorphosis of Colombia’s Medellin: Once Most Dangerous, Now “Most Innovative City”
Andrew Gold, Occupy – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Sep 2013

Medellin has worked hard to negate its former harmful image. Now, tourists flock to the city for the first time in its history.

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