Articles by Anthony J. Marsella and Kathleen Malley-Morrison
We found 3 results.
100 Living Peace and Justice Leaders and Models (List #4)
Anthony J. Marsella and Kathleen Malley-Morrison – TRANSCEND Media Service,
6 Aug 2018
3 Aug 2018 – As in prior published Lists, individuals cited on List #4 represent a variety of demographic markers, including gender, ethnicity, race, age, nation, religion, and life-style persuasion and preference. By accessing the URL accompanying the person’s name, you can read of their peace and justice activism and advocacy. Our choice of the number,100, is arbitrary, for there are thousands of individuals who deserve citation.
→ read full articleIn Pursuit of Peace and Justice: 100 Peace & Justice Leaders and Models (List #3)
Anthony J. Marsella and Kathleen Malley-Morrison – TRANSCEND Media Service,
12 Mar 2018
Like other prior published Lists, the individuals cited on this List come represent a variety of demographic markers including gender, ethnicity, race, age, nation, religion, and life- style persuasion. By accessing the URL accompanying the person’s name, you can read of their peace and justice activism and advocacy.
→ read full articleIn Pursuit of Peace and Justice: 100 Peace & Justice Leaders and Models (List #1)
Anthony J. Marsella and Kathleen Malley-Morrison – TRANSCEND Media Service,
29 Jan 2018
26 Jan 2018 – The individuals included on our list are from all genders, ages, roles. They are from many nations, ethnocultural groups, and “races.” We sense a rising tide of commitment to peace and justice, and an intolerance of the corruption, cronyism, and asymmetric power sustaining current abuses. We consider our efforts a beginning, and we will continue to publish new lists. This is because the struggle for peace and justice is endless, and each day new people are rising to the call.
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