Articles by Biljana Vankovska

We found 4 results.

Specificity of the Nuclear Weaponry: Déjà Dit!
Biljana Vankovska – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Nov 2021

18 Nov 2021 – No matter how important is to frame the nuclear weapons debate on a global scale, let’s be honest: nuclear weapons exist and are produced, legitimized and used within national frameworks. Global civil society and international deals and treaties sound great but they all remain empty rhetoric and lip-service unless the internal democratic forces start fighting against current security and defence policies.

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Academics Take Issue with Macedonia/Greece Prespa Agreement
Biljana Vankovska, et al. – Balkan Insider, 3 Sep 2018

29 Aug 2018 – As scholars and authors we wish to take issue with the distortion of the Prespa ‘agreement’ in some quarters, and portrayal of opponents as nationalist and extremists. The agreement does not serve the needs of Macedonia or Greece. It shows no respect for international law, human rights and democratic principles.

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Biljana Vankovska, in Macedonia – Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future Research, 30 Nov 2009

A spectre has been haunting the intellectual circles in the region of former Yugoslavia for years. It’s probably more appropriate to talk about a haunting fear of being seen as a follower of any of the nationalistic policies that ended in a Balkan tragedy. Even the new generations of scholars and intellectuals bear the scars […]

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Biljana Vankovska - Peace and Collaborative Development Network, 30 Nov 2009

Some days ago, Mr. Solana and Mr. Rehn made a very unusual thing – they co-authored a "newspaper column" in a Macedonian daily (Dnevnik) in regard to the EU/US campaign to make Macedonian government accept the unacceptable – to voluntarily give up the name of the country and the Macedonian nation/language/etc. It’s such a “masterpiece” […]

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