Articles by Dady Chery

We found 2 results.

The Bee’s Vanishing Act: Man Made Disaster
Dady Chery - CounterPunch, 17 Nov 2014

“Colony collapse disorder” entails the disappearance of a hive’s 5,000 to 100,000 or so individuals in a few days without leaving even a trace of their bodies. If the honeybee decline continues at its current rate, by 2035 honeybees will disappear permanently from our world, along with much of its color and fragrance.

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Genocide in Haiti: Carelessness or Malice?
Dady Chery – Axis of Logic, 6 Dec 2010

The UN and 42 NGOs are asking to be paid $607 dollars for every Haitian to be contaminated with cholera. That’s right. The exact numbers are 164 million dollars for 270,000 Haitians to be contaminated. Do the math. There is money in cholera…. On November 9th, Mr. Andrus of the PAHO divided 650,000 by 2.5 and gave a press conference about it. Mainstream news organizations all over the world copied, without question, the PAHO statement that the world could expect over 270,000 cases of cholera in Haiti. The news reminded no one that PAHO belongs to the UN. Why is the UN so certain that 270,000 Haitians will become infected with cholera?

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