Articles by Fareed Zakaria

We found 11 results.

CNN Interview Cuts Through Pro-Israel Propaganda on Gaza
Fareed Zakaria | CNN - TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Oct 2023

10 Oct 2023 – Palestinian National Initiative leader Mustafa Barghouti discusses the Israeli-Palestinian conflict with CNN’s Fareed Zakaria. Barghouti argues that Hamas’ attack on Israel was a response to the Israeli occupation, and that Palestinians, like Ukrainians, are fighting for their freedom.

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The Real Scandal Isn’t What China Did to Us — It’s What We Did to Ourselves
Fareed Zakaria | The Washington Post - TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 May 2020

7 May 2020 – The Trump administration is trying to whip the country into an anti-Chinese frenzy because the novel coronavirus might have been accidentally transmitted from a laboratory rather than a wet market. The real scandal is not what China did to us, but what we together are doing to the planet — and what only we together can stop.

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Talking to Terrorists Is the Only Way to Defeat Them
Fareed Zakaria – The Washington Post, 13 Jul 2015

A delegation from the Afghan government met with members of the Taliban this past Tuesday [7 Jul] — with Pakistani, Chinese and U.S. officials present as observers. Previous efforts like this one have foundered, and this might go nowhere as well. But the war in Afghanistan is going to end in a forum like this and not on the battlefield.

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Israel’s Threat from Within
Fareed Zakaria – The Washington Post, 23 Mar 2015

Khamenei understands that Israel can deter and respond to military threats. But it cannot, as a democracy, unendingly keep control of territories with 4.5 million people against their will. This is why he has chosen as his weapon the persistent call for a referendum. I would hope that Netanyahu takes this threat to Israel’s existence seriously and has some answer to it, beyond a retweet.

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Let’s Be Honest, Islam Has a Problem Right Now
Fareed Zakaria – The Washington Post, 13 Oct 2014

The central problem with [Bill] Maher’s and [Sam] Harris’s analyses are that they take a reality — extremism in Islam — and suggest it is inherent in Islam. I learned in graduate school that you can never explain a variable phenomenon with a fixed cause. So, if you are asserting that Islam is inherently violent and intolerant then, since Islam has been around for 14 centuries, we should have seen 14 centuries of this behavior.

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The Saudis Are Mad? Tough!
Fareed Zakaria – Time Magazine, 11 Nov 2013

Over the past four decades, the kingdom’s immense oil wealth has been used to underwrite the export of an extreme, intolerant and violent version of Islam preached by its Wahhabi clerics. Go anywhere in the world–from Germany to Indonesia–and you’ll find Islamic centers flush with Saudi money, spouting intolerance and hate. Saudi Arabia was one of only three countries in the world to recognize and support the Taliban-led government in Afghanistan until the 9/11 attacks.

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Incarceration Nation
Fareed Zakaria – Time Magazine, 9 Apr 2012

The U.S. has 760 prisoners per 100,000 citizens. That’s not just many more than in most other developed countries but seven to 10 times as many. The results are gruesome at every level. We are creating a vast prisoner underclass in this country at huge expense, increasingly unable to function in normal society, all in the name of a war we have already lost.

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Fareed Zakaria Trashes Glenn Beck’s Affirmation That 10 Percent of All Muslims Are Terrorists
Fareed Zakaria-GPS, CNN – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Dec 2010

Fareed Zakaria took to his latest show on CNN to rebuff –using common sense and logical arguments– Beck’s insane claim that there are “157 million Muslim terrorists in the world.”

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Fareed Zakaria, 18 Mar 2009

As George W. Bush’s term ended, he had few defenders left in the world of foreign policy. Mainstream commentators almost unanimously agreed the Bush years had been marked by arrogance and incompetence. "Mr. Bush’s characteristic failing was to apply a black-and-white mind-set to too many gray areas of national security and foreign affairs," The Post […]

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Fareed Zakaria, 2 Dec 2008

The next U.S. president faces a unique opportunity to put in place an architecture of peace for the 21st century. Barack Obama’s campaign for president began with his opposition to the war in Iraq. But before last week’s terror attacks in India, the subject of foreign policy had disappeared, almost completely overshadowed by the economic […]

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Fareed Zakaria - Newsweek, 6 Oct 2008

McCain says that he always puts country first. In this important case, that is simply not true. Will someone please put Sarah Palin out of her agony? Is it too much to ask that she come to realize that she wants, in that wonderful phrase in American politics, "to spend more time with her family"? […]

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