Articles by Joseph Stiglitz

We found 10 results.

Why Inequality Could Spread COVID-19
Joseph Stiglitz et al. | The Lancet - TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 Apr 2020

2 Apr 2020 – Pandemics rarely affect all people in a uniform way. The Black Death in the 14th century reduced the global population by a third, with the highest number of deaths among the poorest. As these populations are more likely to have chronic conditions, this puts them at higher risk of COVID-19-associated mortality. Since the pandemic has perpetuated an economic crisis, unemployment rates will rise substantially and weakened welfare safety nets further threaten health and social insecurity.

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(Français) La fin du néo-libéralisme et la renaissance de l’histoire
Joseph Stiglitz | CETRI – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Dec 2019

19 novembre 2019 – Pendant 40 ans, les élites des pays riches comme des pays pauvres ont promis que les politiques néolibérales mèneraient à une croissance économique plus rapide, dont les bénéfices ruisselleraient, de sorte que tous, y compris les plus pauvres, seraient mieux lotis. Maintenant que preuve est faite du contraire, faut-il s’étonner que la confiance dans les élites et dans la démocratie se soit effondrée ?

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The Climate Crisis Is Our Third World War. It Needs a Bold Response
Joseph Stiglitz | Nobel Economics Laureate – The Guardian, 10 Jun 2019

4 Jun 2019 – Advocates of the Green New Deal say there is great urgency in dealing with the climate crisis and highlight the scale and scope of what is required to combat it. They are right. They use the term “New Deal” to evoke the massive response by Franklin Delano Roosevelt and the United States government to the Great Depression. An even better analogy would be the country’s mobilization to fight World War II.

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Trump and the Truth about Climate Change
Joseph Stiglitz, Nobel Economics Laureate | Project Syndicate – TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Jul 2017

Tell Donald Trump: The Paris Climate Deal Is Very Good for America – Trump argues the treaty is unfair to the US but it is America that continues to impose an unfair burden on others.

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Joseph Stiglitz: How I Would Vote in the Greek Referendum
Joseph Stiglitz, Nobel Economics Laureate – The Guardian, 6 Jul 2015

A no vote would at least open the possibility that Greece, with its strong democratic tradition, might grasp its destiny in its own hands. Greeks might gain the opportunity to shape a future that, though perhaps not as prosperous as the past, is far more hopeful than the unconscionable torture of the present. I know how I would vote.

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(Italiano) Stiglitz: l’attacco dell’Europa alla democrazia greca
Joseph Stiglitz, Premio Nobel Economia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 Jul 2015

Il premio Nobel Joseph Stiglitz si pronuncia in maniera molto esplicita sulla crisi in corso tra la Grecia e le “istituzioni” UE: oltre alla assurda insistenza degli eurocrati su obiettivi che la maggior parte degli economisti del mondo ha condannato come inutili e punitivi, qui si rivela con chiarezza la vera faccia del progetto Uem, antitesi della democrazia, nato per favorire la concentrazione della ricchezza e schiavizzare il lavoro.

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(Italiano) La Grecia può salvare l’Europa?
Joseph Stiglitz, Nobel per l'economia – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Mar 2015

Chi pensava che l’euro non avrebbe potuto sopravvivere si è sbagliato. Ma i critici hanno ragione su una cosa: o ci sarà l’Europa politica – gli Stati uniti d’Europa – o non ci sarà l’euro. Un articolo del premio Nobel per l’economia.

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(Português) Stiglitz: É Hora de Questionar as Patentes
Joseph Stiglitz, Prêmio Nobel de Economia – Outras Palavras, 22 Jul 2013

Nobel de Economia afirma que proibir privatização de genes humanos foi só o primeiro passo. Para estimular ciência e inovação tecnológica, sociedades não precisam produzir desigualdades.

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Austerities: “Politics Is at the Root of the Problem”
Joseph Stiglitz, Economics Nobel Laureate – The European, 30 Apr 2012

“The question of social protection does not have to do with the structure of production. It has to do with social cohesion or solidarity. That is why I am also very critical of Draghi’s argument at the European Central Bank that social protection has to be undone. There are no grounds upon which to base that argument. The countries that are doing very well in Europe are the Scandinavian countries – they all have strong social protection and they are all growing.”

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(Castellano) La Crisis Ideológica del Capitalismo Occidental
Joseph Stiglitz – Los Tiempos, 18 Jul 2011

Mientras Grecia y otros países enfrentan crisis, la medicina en boga consiste simplemente en paquetes de austeridad y privatización desgastados por el tiempo, los cuales meramente dejarán a los países que los adoptan más pobres y vulnerables. Esta medicina fracasó en el Este de Asia, América Latina, y en otros lugares, y fracasará también en Europa en esta ronda. De hecho, ya ha fracasado en Irlanda, Letonia y Grecia.

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