Articles by Libre

We found 3 results.

Message of His Holiness Pope Francis for World Communications Day
Pope Francis | Libreria Editrice Vaticana – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 May 2018

I would like to invite everyone to promote a journalism of peace. By that, I do not mean the saccharine kind of journalism that refuses to acknowledge the existence of serious problems or smacks of sentimentalism. On the contrary, I mean a journalism that is truthful and opposed to falsehoods, rhetorical slogans, and sensational headlines. A journalism less concentrated on breaking news than on exploring the underlying causes of conflicts, in order to promote deeper understanding and contribute to their resolution by setting in place virtuous processes. A journalism committed to pointing out alternatives to the escalation of shouting matches and verbal violence.

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Message of His Holiness Pope Francis for World Communications Day
Pope Francis | Libreria Editrice Vaticana – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Jan 2018

24 Jan 2018 – “I would like to invite everyone to promote a journalism of peace. By that, I do not mean the saccharine kind of journalism that refuses to acknowledge the existence of serious problems or smacks of sentimentalism. On the contrary, I mean a journalism that is truthful and opposed to falsehoods, rhetorical slogans, and sensational headlines. A journalism less concentrated on breaking news than on exploring the underlying causes of conflicts, in order to promote deeper understanding and contribute to their resolution by setting in place virtuous processes. A journalism committed to pointing out alternatives to the escalation of shouting matches and verbal violence.”

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(Italiano) Galtung: è un impero di assassini, il mondo ora si ribella
Libre – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Dec 2013

Il mondo si sta ribellando agli Usa: lo scandalo Datagate conferma che il centro dell’impero sta perdendo il controllo della periferia. Nel suo libro “This Town”, Mark Leibovich ritiene improbabile che il conglomerato politica-media di Washington riesca a trovare soluzioni a calamità tanto drammatiche come quelle che oggi ha di fronte Obama.

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