Women, Education and Peace

IN FOCUS, 17 Mar 2014

Surya Nath Prasad, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service

The author dedicates this article to all women of the world on the eve of UN International Day of Peace. Dr. Prasad advises to foster in education and women an essential portion of our perception of life with fearless enthusiasm for improvement of the moral and physical state of mankind by profound and sound education for women’s freedom and against women’s sequestration and war.

Religions asserts the eternal strife between the spiritual twins of creation: life and death, salvation and doom good and evil, hope and fear, theosophy and scepticism in heaven and earth, and vindicates the divinity of soul, triumph of godhood, victory of truth, the hope of a heaven of earth by “asserting Eternal Providence and justifying the ways of God to men.” Our over-civilization and the drab and brutal machine-world, material progress, the mass-state which is but a misnomer juristically, envisages an over-hanging destruction and doom of an atomic war. The house stands divided against itself as is evidenced by its opposed ideological forces, nature and artificiality, metaphysics and science, godliness and materialism, ethics and industrialism, propositional peace and preparatory war among the capitalists and communists power and states of the world overruled by men absolutely and arbitrarily to the utter exclusion of women, the better half spiritually in perfection by-sexual and politically on census and franchise.

“One passion in twin hearts which grows and grew,
Touch, mingle, are transfigured, ever still
In one another’s substance finding food;
One hope within two wills, one will beneath
Two overshadowing minds, one life, one death,
one heaven, one hell, one immortality,
And one annihilation” (Shelley).

The spell of the charms of Mediterranean Circe and licentiousness of wretched debauchees has been dispelled by natural piety, that is, the international recognition of the U.N.O. Charter of Fundamental Rights and holding of International Women’s Year in 1975. The inaugural issue of Peace Education: An International Journal was published on the theme: The Role of Women in Peace Education on the eve of UN International Year of Women. Women has been glorified by great saints, thinkers, poets, authors and artists of the world, in all ages and clime, as God’s consummate art, none so fair in seduction, both physical and psychic. She is the symbol of all the virtues of veiled and intuitive Divinity: bliss, love, truth, harmony, power of beautifying on all which she smiles, radiation of vision, golden balance with man, the twin spheres of light to rule this passive earth, this world of love with all its fruits and flowers; magnetic might of heart and mind, attraction and repulsion rent and pent in twain in order that all the world and peace were ever young. She is “a beauteous soul,  with fair conditions thewed”, symbolic of God’s creative   revelation, virtue embodied visible with the beam from on high lodged  in a body, gifted with music of  music in her voice which can excite the passions, so ardent, so true, so direct and so noble;

“But, O alas, so long, so far,
Our equals why do we forbear?
They are ours, though no we theirs” (John Donne).

It is an open truth that in spite of ages of Darwinian evolution propounding deliverance by changes over running into themselves, she is not one of our crew, still deprived of Saint Simonian share in all creative and constructive activities from top to bottom. The women’s emancipation movement saw the light of the day in the 18th century, with the laying of the solid foundation of democracy in the West; yet it is still measuring the hours in Erewhon, the world order of illusion and delusion. She is in archetypal ruins of time, not able to give her caution in action and in thought, in the spheres of intellectual pre-preoccupations of the universities with their many branches of learning, in founding international peace and banning nuclear war, when the mass of human race, even the lowest of its classes is being born to the life of the mind. Governments should get over their velleities for meticulous reforms for women’s equality in order to bring about parallel and simultaneous development of all the sciences, free-thinking knowledge about mind and matter, and all embracing eugenic passion of libidinal purity and swany discrimination of our eternal Hindu Goddess Durga and mythological goddesses and galaxy of heroines of literature and history.

Facts have convincingly proved that the deprivation of women of women is the parent of the world’s travails, for which her fortitude is on the stretch. The birth of many women’s  national and international associations in well developed and developing countries bears testimony to her disillusion and active inspiration to get her due from their stingy and stinted masters. We are in accord with the truth that women’s political and conjugal freedom alone can defecate life of its evils.

She must be free to love and hate at her age of marriage and completion of education for which marital or nuptial gratuities should be given by Governments. Marriages on vicarious choice of parent overriding her accord, absence of chaste courtship, love, equality should be tabooed by law in as much as it is “nothing but the empty husk of an outside matrimony, as undelightful and unpleasing to God as any other kind of hypocrisy”.

“With one chained friend, perhaps a jealous foe,
The dreariest and longest journey to go” (Shelley).

With such a yoke-fellow, from whom both nature and religion mourns to be separated. A happy couple can alone increase their riches by giving to each other of passion, duty, reason, desire and salvation of mankind. Her person and property should be safeguarded by law rigorously and vigorously for the pledge of her chaste ardour to take its hold upon society and cleanse life, and to effect the happiness and peace of the world, for dividing thought, love and joy, so that much of bliss may be gained, of difference and sorrow, spared.

Let us then foster in education and women that Shellyan sense mystery as an essential portion of our perception of life, more of the subtler inner spirit than of the outward form – a curious and metaphysical anatomy of human passion and perception, fearless enthusiasm for improvement of the moral and physical state of mankind by profound and sound education for women’s freedom and against women’s sequestration and war.


Dr. Surya Nath Prasad is M. A. in Sociology, M. Ed. in Experimental Education, M. Phil. in Nonviolence and Peace Studies, and   Ph. D. in Education. Dr. Prasad has taught for three decades as Assistant and Associate Professor of Education in India.  He is Former Visiting Professor of Peace Studies at the Graduate Institute of Peace Studies in Kyung Hee University, Republic of Korea. He is Former President and Currently Executive Vice President of International Association of Educators for World Peace. Dr. Prasad is Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Peace Education: An International Journal. The Journal has ISSN number.   Dr. Prasad distributes the Journal free of cost throughout the world. Website of his Journal is: http://www.sites.google.com/site/peaceeducationsnp/. One may reach him at dr_suryanathprasad@yahoo.co.in.

This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 17 Mar 2014.

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