Global Peace Science (GPS): Subject’s Area Matrix

IN FOCUS, 29 Jun 2015

Leo Semashko and Subhash Chandra – TRANSCEND Media Service

The subject’s matrix (S-matrix) of GPS was created to express the GPS domain system of its subject’s area within transition from the architecture of knowledge of SPHERONS and their laws to the architecture of global peace (GPS book: Simply put, S-matrix expresses the architecture of global peace in its key structural blocks. In it the systemic unity of diversity of global peace is defined by the formula: One Earth ~ One Humanity ~ One Harmony ~ One Peace = One Global Peace Science (GPS). Where tilde ~ is a sign of the unity and indivisibility in this matrix of the five different elements, which together reflect a fundamental super structure of global peace. The equality sign is a sign of inclusion of the first four elements in the GPS object and GPS unity with them. Or else: the first four express an objective system subject of the fifth as knowledge about it. Therefore, GPS S-matrix is forming method and description of the architecture of global peace in this science. It expresses the GPS universal scale combining five universal structures: Earth, humanity, harmony, peace, and science of peace in one super structure of GPS.

The Earth (planet, nature) universality is expressed through universality of its seven spheres: litho-, hydro-, atmo-, iono-, bio-, noo-, cosmosphere, which are presented in SOCIONOME (see 1.5. in GPS book). The universality of humanity is embodied its 4 spheres and 4 SPHERONS of global social structure, including the entire population and all its groups, without exception, which produce society (noosphere) in all its diversity (see chap. 1) and which is defined in the ancient Indian Vedic tradition as “One World – One Family” (“Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam”). The universality of harmony covers all natural and social spheres and all the relationships between them, only because they exist. Therefore harmony is a way of existence of nature, society, human and peace; therefore peace is – “from harmony” or “through harmony”. The universality of peace covers all natural and social spheres and relations between them as any antagonism (disharmony) between them may become the source of one or another war. Therefore, the causes of war can be infinitely many and a cause of global peace is one global harmony but in all its infinite variety. Therefore war is primitive state of humanity and peace is infinitely complex in the integrity of its diversity. This explains its (global peace) inaccessibility to the past history of a variety of different civilizations over more than 10 thousand years until the present day. Only GPS can provide holism and adequate complexity of the spheral harmonious thinking able to learn, to understand and to build conscious global peace. Here manifests the universality and uniqueness of GPS as necessary and sufficient element of global peace as well as four others. Global peace as a universal and constant attribute of humanity can only be scientific and conscious. Therefore, GPS also is included in the subject of the fundamentally new, revolutionary scientific thinking in its epistemological function of self-knowledge. In this function GPS is a new philosophy as philosophy of the future, born in the 21st century. Its sources, stages and content were discussed in the books of Dr. Leo Semashko for almost 30 years (since 1976) and the GHA seven preceding books for 10 years, since 2005.

S-matrix determines the GPS subject not only from the standpoint of global peace but also in terms of their possible military destruction, which is identical to the impossibility of global peace. As long as nuclear weapons will exist until our planet and humanity will be in danger of full military destruction. Concern of their conservation from this threat and its exclusion through global peace is the GPS task. Therefore, they are included in its object and in this aspect.

S-matrix can be represented by the following tetramodel, elements of which are listed in the formula above with their some details: 1. One Earth (planet, nature, 7 spheres) ~ 2. One humanity (noosphere, society, 4 spheres and 4 SPHERONS) ~ 3. One (global) harmony (its spheral laws) ~ 4. One (global) peace from harmony (its values, ways and institutions) = 5. One global peace science from harmony.

Model-17a. The GPS Subject’s Matrix

17This model clearly presents the relationships and attributes of universality, uniqueness, necessity and sufficiency of the structural blocks for the architecture of global peace, which are expressed in the general theory above (see chapters 1-5). Each of blocks of this model is detailed in the corresponding models of this book and in the ABC of Harmony. The complete picture they get in the social genome – in SOCIONOME (see para 1.5).

Why it is the matrix? – Because the first four building blocks creates their unbreakable and multi-dimensional superposition, overlap, penetration and interdependence. Why it is the subject’s matrix? – Because it outlines the objective area of GPS and its architecture. Of course, it can have a variety of other expressions: table, statistical, holographic, mathematical, etc., some of which are presented in part below.

Logic of this matrix is simple. If we interpret humanity as a unity of private hostile social groups, classes, nations and etc. PARTONS (see 1.12.), then into the place of social harmony we put discord and antagonism, which generate wars, displacing peace. On the other hand, if we discover a deep social structure of humanity as a unity of harmonious spheral classes SPHERONS (see 1.5.-1.7.), then we find in them the fundamental basis of global harmony and global peace from harmony gets its ultimate cause, source, actors and guarantees to exclude any war and ensure historic victory of peace over war. These are two fundamentally different logics of war and peace, which explain them from different objective foundations and from different levels of their knowledge.

This transformation of consciousness can take place only on the basis of GPS knowledge, which SPHERONS will get through the global harmonious education and other spiritual forms of the similar quality and scale. This matrix allows also identify and explain the existence in our times of peace-loving countries in their unity to achieve global peace and opposing them aggressive militaristic countries and blocks hostile to global peace. Of course, hostile to peace can only be elitist, aggressive-minded ruling classes PARTONS (see 1.13).

Peace in the architecture of SPHERONS is a normal harmonious state of mankind. The war in this system is disharmony, pathology, HIV infection or cancerous tumor devouring the planet and humanity. Peace from harmony of conscious SPHERONS is a complete healing from this tumor, sustainable development and prosperity of both the nature (planet), and humanity in the unity of all its diversity of peace loving peoples, societies, cultures and civilizations.

The GPS S-matrix is another expression of social integrity, holism and completeness of SOCIONOME (see 1.5.). In its content and logic it and S-matrix are identical but with a different decryption of structural elements and for different epistemological functions and tasks. S-matrix is the most compact expression of global peace architecture, detailing blocks of which are implemented in the models of respective spheres and their laws in the first approximation in the chapters above and below with a focus primarily on humanity (noosphere, society).

S-matrix is a key to understand the integrated and holistic system of GPS in its entirety. GPS and its matrix may be based only on the notion of SPHERONS. Their discovery allowed the GHA, for the first time in the history and more than two centuries after the emergence of military science, to create an unprecedented science of peace – GPS. The discovery of this science, in turn, will allow humanity to come out in the 21st century to the way of radically new, peaceful history, eliminating war and closing traditional, militaristic history. It will be a historical and civilizational breakthrough on the basis of GPS revolution of traditional militaristic thinking. In the GPS framework will qualitative change our understanding of the key social institutions of economy, politics, democracy, media and education, their transformation from a militaristic to peacebuilding ones. Some of these institutions will analyze briefly below, in Chapter 8 within positions of S-matrix.

Thus, it is difficult to overestimate the key importance of GPS together with its fundamental discoveries of SPHERONS, SOCIONOME, S-matrix and other unique cognitive tools for a radical change of human history and thought. They will ensure building global peace in the 21st century and “shift of the arms race into a peace race” as brilliantly foresaw Martin Luther King Jr. Their final outcome is a general and complete disarmament and the historic victory of peace over war. As Albert Einstein wrote, “we shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if mankind is to survive.Traditional Western thinking in its mainstream showed in history ineradicable militarism in numerous wars, in the creation of military science more than two centuries ago, in a continuous arms race, and now, within the framework of the US and NATO, came to recognition of nuclear war ( and, which excludes the survival of humanity. Militarist mindset is hostile to peace and deprives humanity the survival prospect. This perspective can provide only a peaceful mind and consciousness based on GPS. Therefore GPS is an alternative to nuclear war. GPS has intellectual potential not only to prevent it but also to provide up to the end of the 21st century complete disarmament and the historic victory of peace over war, i.e., the transition from the military past history to a peaceful future history without war. This is the historical mission and meaning of GPS.




Dr. Leo Semashko – Founding President, Global Harmony Association (GHA) since 2005; State Councilor of St. Petersburg; Philosopher, Sociologist and Peacemaker from Harmony; Author of more than 400 scientific publications, including 16 books in many languages; Director: Tetrasociology Public Institute, Russia; Director, GHA Website “Peace from Harmony”:; Editor in Chief, the GHA 8 books during 10 years, including “Global Peace Science” (2015). E-mail:

Dr. Subhash Chandra – GHA Secretary General and GHA Ambassador of Peace and Disarmament from Harmony, Board of Trustee Global Peace Foundation, India;; Associate Professor (Hon.) at Intercultural Open University (IOU), NL; Chief Advisor at Central Institute of Business Management, Nagpur, India; Email:

This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 29 Jun 2015.

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