Network Spherons: The UN of Harmony and Global Peace Replacing the UN of Disharmony


Leo Semashko et al. – TRANSCEND Media Service

*The network societal spherons (a network of spherons of different levels from micro to mega) is a special “soft” cluster of network structures that cover the population as a whole and all people from birth to death in the form of extremely large classes/groups engaged in four spheres of social production. Their primary cohesive criterion is productive employment (“autopoiesis” of Maturana). Autopoiesis constitutes all the fundamental attributes of spherons: equality, harmony, peace, freedom, democracy, etc. See for more details below 2.3.5.


Spheral Structure of the UN Harmony

The UN Sociocybernetic Reform Proposal:

After more than 72 years of its existence, the structures and organisational processes of the United Nations (UN) are still dominated by dangerous militaristic disharmony among its members. This is bringing humanity closer to the threat of a new world (nuclear) war. The world’s peoples need a non-militaristic, harmonious, sociocybernetic, scientific structure and organisational process for the UN.  A 50 year strategy for making the needed reforms is proposed.

The proposal is motivated and described in detail below.

GHA 57-th network spheral project,
Started on: July 15, 2017
Approved: December 16, 2017

Created on the basis of the “Global Peace Science” (2016) by 173 co-authors from 34 countries:

Synopsis of the World Textbook
for the UN global harmonious sociocybernetic education:
Spherons of Harmonious Peace, Governance and Cooperation

Leo Semashko, Bernard Scott, Subhash Chandra, Rudolf Siebert, Vladislav Krasnov, Ramesh Kumar, Sanjay Tewari, Uraz Baymuratov, Irina Medvedeva, Ayo Amale, Subhash Sharma, Takis Ioannides, Bishnu Pathak, Maitreyee Roy, Surendra Pathak, Alexander Semashko, Vera Popovich, Guy Crequie, Julian Korab-Karpowicz, Pravat Dhal,

Michael Ellis: – the GHA 21 members

(personal pages of coauthors can be found at web:

From 11 countries: Australia, Great Britain, Ghana, Greece, India, Kazakhstan, Nepal, Poland, Russia, USA, France
With the support of 173 coauthors from 34 countries of the book “Global Peace Science”, none of whose coauthors rejected this project including support of two Nobel Peace Prize Laureates:

Prof. John Scales Avery, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate (shared 1995 award), Chairman of the Danish Peace Academy, Copenhagen, Denmark, , и

Mairead Maguire, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate 1976, stopped the terror in Belfast, Northern Ireland, Community for Peace People, ,

Dr. Leo Semashko is Project Initiator, Manager and Editor in Chief, Russia.
GHA Founder and Honorary President; Honorary Member of the RC51, Sociocybernetics,
International Sociological Association

The GHA great project of our century is making a networked world a collaborative enterprise. Awareness of how interdependence creates specific and concrete opportunities as well as challenges is the sine qua non for success. SPHERONS is a valuable instrument for achieving that level of enlightened consciousness and global peace.” Michael Brenner

Michael Brenner is Professor Emeritus of International Affairs at the University of Pittsburgh and a Fellow of the Center for Transatlantic Relations at SAIS/Johns Hopkins. He was the Director of the International Relations & Global Studies Program at the University of Texas. He is a regular contributor to the Huffington Post and other news media:

“We must dissolve the current geopolitical UN war system, and convert the UN to a global peace system.”

Dr. Roger Kotila, Vice President, World Constitution and Parliament Association,

Radio producer, “Earthstar Radio”, San Francisco, California, USA:

“The evidence clearly shows that national security is far better achieved by intelligent diplomacy than by war. The way to national security is through peace and negotiation, not through war.” Dave Lindorff

Dave Lindorff is an American investigative reporter:

Dear Leo,

Just to inform you that as you requested, I have sent the Global Harmony Assoc., Project to

UN Sec General Antonio Guterres  ( and to President of the UN General Assembly  Miroslav Lajcak

( and copy to Spokesperson:  Brendan Varma  (


Mairead Maguire

January 24, 2018

My dear friend Leo,

I have contacted John Borroughs, the Director of the UN Office of the Lawyer’s Committee on Nuclear Policy to ask about the possibility of delivering your document on UN reform by hand to the office of the UN Secretary General and the office of the President of the General Assembly. I will also send the document by post, and as I mentioned, I will let you know if I receive a reply.

With love to you and to other dear GHA friends throughout the world,

John Avery

January 26, 2018

Harmony will save the world, because:
The internal harmony of the world is the only true objective reality.”
Henri Poincare

You never change things by fighting the existing reality.

 To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”

Buckminster Fuller

The significant problems that we face cannot be solved at the same

 level of thinking we were at when we created them.

Albert Einstein

Einstein affirms here the necessity for a spheral, harmonious and

holistic thinking as its historically new level, on which

the significant problems created by traditional thinking solve.


“Vasudheva kutumbakam”, humankind is one family.

  Ancient Indian Vedas

 “Our Global System of the United Nations is not equipped to deal with today’s risks.

It is no longer fit for purpose to deal with 21st century risks …

We urgently need fresh new thinking

Laszlo Szombatfalvy

Therefore, govern global harmony can only by harmoniously and holistically

excluding militarism, aggression, wars and other risks.


“Boldness has genius and power and magic”.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

“The greatest danger in times of turbulence is not the turbulence―

It is to act with yesterday’s logic.”

Peter Drucker

The Science of War is being replaced by a Global Science of Peace based on love,

Harmony, reverence for life and creation.

Mairead Maguire

Abbreviations list:

WWIII: The Third World War

WWII: Second World War

UNH: United Nations Harmony

TUN: Traditional UN or UND: United Nations Disharmony

PIHSC: Peaceful International Harmonious Scientific Cooperation

IHLO: International Harmonious Law and Order

IPAF: International Peacekeeping Armed Forces of UNH

JHC: Joined Harmonious Command of IPAF

SMSGHG: Sociocybernetic Model of the Spherons’ Global Harmonious Governance

GPS: Global Peace Science from harmony

SGC: Spheral Governing Clusters

SGCC: SGC Consensus

EUN: Experimental UN, identical to UNH

FSEUS: Four Spheral Equations Universal Standard

SHD: Spheral Harmonious Democracy

GHC: Global Harmony Charter for UNH

UNHSGA: UNH Spheral General Assembly

UNHSWG: UNH Spheral World Government

PHC: Peace from Harmony Council – analogue of the modern UN Security Council

PHSC: Peace from Harmony Supreme Court

SAGH: Sociocybernetic Axiom of Global Harmony

PIOT resources: People, Information, Organizations, Things

SIOT-spheres: Sociosphere, Infosphere, Orgsphere and Technoecosphere

SIOT-classes, Spherons: SocioSpheron, InfoSpheron, OrgSpheron and TechnoSpheron

SOCIONOME: Sociocybernetic Genome of humankind, or the genetic code of world peace from harmony

HTSM: Humankind Thermodynamic Spheral Model

TMDESE: Thermodynamic Model of Distribution and Exchange of Solar Energy for Natural Spheres of the Earth: Litho-, Hydro-, Atmo- and Bio-

TSSH: Tetranet Spheral Statistics of Harmony

SSHM: System of Spheral Harmony Matrices

ULNSSH: Unified Logical Network Statistical Space of Humanity

SHT: Spheral Harmonization Technologies

SIST: Spheral Information-Statistical Technology

IAHP: International Academy of Harmony and Peace

CPWE: Children’s Priority and Women’s Equality

CSEP: Children’s Suffrage Executed by Parents

GPD: Governments Peace Departments

GCDH: General and Complete Disarmament from Harmony

IPAF: UNH International Peacekeeping Armed Forces

INPCH: UNH International-National Peace Corps from Harmony

GFHHPE: General Free Higher Harmonious Peace Education

HRC: Harmonious Reserve Currency

ROEP: Roadmap for Overcoming Extreme Poverty

MMMM: Minimizing the Maximum and Maximizing the Minimum

EHFC: Earth Harmonious Federation Constitution

SIHA: Spherons’ Integral Harmony Axiology



Abstract – 6

Preamble:  World Harmony or a Nuclear World War III? – 6

  1. Critical Part. The Main Shortcomings of the UN and its Charter Weakness – 7
  2. Constructive part: Towards a UN of Harmony (UNH) and its Charter. Sociocybernetic Model of UNH – 10

Appendix 1. Picture “Spherons” – 31
Appendix 2. Motivation. Facts. War Globalization Trend – 32
Appendix 3. Philosophy and Dialectics of the UNH Spherons – 43
Appendix 4. Declaration. Human Right to Life, Global Peace and Social Harmony – 46
Appendix 5. The UN Harmony Goals of the 21st Century instead of the UN Disharmony “Millennium Goals” – 50

Appendix 6. Spherons of the USA and Russia: transformation of “enemies” into friends and partners – 53
Appendix 7. Aphorisms and statements about harmony of different thinkers for the UNH – 55

Appendix 8. Bibliography – 58-69


The United Nations is a disharmonious organisation of nation states, in which the dominant powers are mired in an arms race and various wars. The project proposes a new holistic sociocybernetic and tetrasociological model of global harmonious governance for a new UN of harmony. The model is based on the four spheres of social production of the young Karl Marx, when his ideas were still free from political dogmas about a struggle between different classes, and the concept of autopoiesis of Humberto Maturana.  The global population is engaged in the activities of the spheres as ‘spherons’. The four spherons are: 1. the sociospheron which produces people; 2. the infospheron which produces information; 3. the orgspheron which produces organisations; 4. the technospheron which produces things. Spherons, by definition, by their activities reproduce the human social world. Spherons can be viewed as the stochastic sociocybernetic genome of humankind – the genetic code of its harmony. Their dynamics are revealed in the information and organizational technologies that harmonise the entire range of direct and feedback linkages of society such that society is reproduced. Their harmonious working is prevented by mankind’s lack of awareness of these processes. Instead of learning about how the spherons are functioning so as to avoid disharmony, with the emphasis on nation states and individualism we are subject to conflict and other societal and individual pathologies. If we were to be aware of how spherons reproduce the world we would agree with this peace science and its proposals for how to move towards a more harmonious world.

The project offers a unique sociocybernetic and tetrasociological model of global harmonious governance of spherons to replace the UN of disharmony by a new UN of harmony and peace.

Key words: UN, USA, NATO, war, militarism, disharmony, peace, harmony, spherons, sociocybernetics, tetrasociology, global harmonious governance

The US Has Killed More Than 20 Million In 37 Nations Since WWII.


The US has deployed 240,000 troops in 172 countries around the world.


You can’t have a democracy that organizes itself around war.


We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if mankind is to survive.


Join together for a common vision – the total abolition of Militarism and war.


 Preamble:  World Harmony or a Nuclear World War III?

Today, people are finally waking up to the dangers of a world war, which might emanate from the highest levels of the US government as pre-emptive strike against a ‘rogue’ state. [1]

Seventy two years of the continual militarism of the United States since WWII, have proved two simple and ingenious truths of the XX century. One belongs to Albert Einstein: “Peace cannot be achieved through violence, it can only be achieved through understanding.” The other belongs to Martin Luther King: “The US government is the greatest purveyor of violence in the world“. It is also true that other nation states and totalitarian ideologies have given rise to wars, terrorism and violent conflict.

In the postwar period, the United Nations, established in 1945, called for peace and the prevention of wars, but has been largely incapable of fulfilling its peacekeeping mission. Why has this happened? The GHA 57th project is devoted to this urgent question, the main conclusion of which is the necessity and the possibility of creating a qualitatively (structurally) new UN of Harmony (UNH), which gradually will replace the existing UN of militaristic disharmony. But what are its main shortcomings?

  1. Critical Part.

The UN Main Shortcomings and its Charter Weakness

We list the fundamental shortcomings of the UN, which make it disharmonious/militaristic during 72 years under the protectorate of the US-NATO militarism that prevails in the world and in the UN. It is confirmed by numerous facts, a small part of which is presented in Appendix 2 (below).

  1. Ontological deficiency. The level of military danger for the survival of mankind and the preservation of a global peace for 72 years of the UN has not gone down but has grown to the extreme limit of a momentary (30 seconds) catastrophe.
  2. Teleological defect. The absence in the UN documents and in its goals of the millennium of the first key goal is the global peace. Explanation. Is it possible to qualify and recognize the UN as a peacekeeping organization that does not even mention or plan the global peace among its own purposes for a thousand years (!!!)? No one can! Because if its ultimate goal is not global peace, then it becomes a global war! Therefore, such a UN is not a peacemaker but a disharmonious /militaristic institution whose real purpose is to preserve the war for a thousand years!
  3. Humanitarian/humanistic shortcoming. The actual absence in the UN documents [118] of the first human right the right to life (it is mentioned by the single word in article 3), which would put the war, armed violence and militarism outlawed as a crime against humanity. In the absence of a legitimate human right to life, war, armed violence and militarism in the UN are legitimized and not recognized as a crime, gaining the right to an endless life.
  4. Epistemological defect. Superficial pacifism: the complete absence in the UN documents of a scientific definition and understanding of the global peace, its deep structure, source, guarantor and actors, as well as awareness of the primary need to create and develop the science of global peace as an alternative to military science blooming over 200 years. Pacifism prevails in the absence of the peace science, which will replace it when it (science) finds public recognition and support. Traditional pacifism, impotent against all wars of the 20th century is the main epistemological defect as a deficit of the scientific (systemic, holistic, harmonious) consciousness of global peace. This is a defining shortcoming that generates all the other shortcomings of the UN. Epistemological deficit is focused in the traditional non-systemic, torn, superficial, fragmentary and militaristic way of thinking, which engenders all negative globalizations and is powerless before them. In the middle of the last century, Albert Einstein defined its danger for humanity: We must demand a fundamentally new way of thinking if humanity wants to survive. [71] The UN was unable to find in 72 years a” fundamentally new way of thinking“, so it was powerless before the domination of the militarization negative trends. Our project offers for the UN a “fundamentally new way of thinking” – harmonious, peacemaking, networked, systemic, spheral, multidimensional and holistic in a single scientific sociocybernetic paradigm (below) that makes up the core of both natural and artificial intelligence. Without such thinking, repair and reforming of the TUN are impossible.
  5. Axiological insufficiency. Complete disregard of the key integral value of social harmony, which expresses the genetic social structure of the spherons, constituting an objective source, guarantor and actor of global peace. The reason for this is an epistemological defect, or, more simply and clearly, – the scientific ignorance of traditional pacifism.
  6. Praxiological defect. The UN is completely dependent from US-NATO militarism, which established, in fact, a protectorate over the United Nations, imposing to all its members a general arms race and total militarism without alternatives. Militarists have learned to profitably use the weakness of the pacifist UN in its mercantile purposes and as an ideological cover for their wars and aggressions, which enrich them with maximum profits.
  7. Organizational shortcoming. Membership of the UN is militaristic; all members of the UN, without exception, have armies, military science and military budgets without borders, presenting a constant military threat to each other and therefore are forced to spend a total of about $ 5 billion each day to protect themselves from others [70]. The UN membership does not put any barrier to total militarism, which excludes all hope for peace. Another organizational shortcoming of the UN is the “inverted totalitarian” democracy organized around the war, devoid of scientific knowledge of peace, excluding the peaceful equality of all the UN members and incapable to organize itself for peace instead of war.
  8. Information flaw. All the so-called “UN peacekeeping” resolutions, in the conditions of the above-mentioned limiting gaps, turn out to be unfounded, verbose, repetitive and crowded with “information noise”, depriving them of true peacemaking sense and hiding their secret militaristic essence, disavowing any peace. All of them are practically inaccessible to the understanding of the majority of the population and alien to it.

All the UN shortcomings are signs of a crisis and the degeneration of traditional pacifist peacemaking and its thinking, intellectually incapable to break with militarism and countering it with a constructive scientific alternative, an example of which is presented below. These shortcomings of the UN determine the weakness of its pacifist Charter.

The UN Charter begins with the following remarkable pacifist statements:


to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war, which twice in our lifetime has brought untold sorrow to mankind, and

to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small, and

to establish conditions under which justice and respect for the obligations arising from treaties and other sources of international law can be maintained, and

to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom,


to practice tolerance and live together in peace with one another as good neighbours, and

to unite our strength to maintain international peace and security, and

to ensure, by the acceptance of principles and the institution of methods, that armed force shall not be used, save in the common interest, and

to employ international machinery for the promotion of the economic and social advancement of all peoples,


Chapter I


Article 1

The Purposes of the United Nations are:

1.To maintain international peace and security, and to that end: to take effective collective measures for the prevention and removal of threats to the peace, and for the suppression of acts of aggression …;

2.To develop friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples,…;

3.To achieve international co-operation in solving international problems of an economic, social, cultural, or humanitarian character, and in promoting and encouraging respect for human rights and for fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex, language, or religion; and

4.To be a centre for harmonizing the actions of nations in the attainment of these common ends.”[119]

Which of these intentions and goals of the UN Charter have been fulfilled in 72 years?

  1. Do the innumerable facts of continuous wars give grounds for “succeeding generations” to recognize that “the peoples of the UN“, in the first 72 years of its existence, demonstrated a full “determination to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war“? It’s impossible to recognize! We can only recognize the opposite!
  2. Where is the UN as “the center for harmonizing the actions of nations in the attainment” to peace, when for 72 years on its agenda there was not one fundamental issue of global peace and no significant approximation to it? Instead, humanity sees only a steady approach to the final world war.
  3. Where is “armed force shall not be used, save in the common interest “? When the US-NATO carried out armed aggressions and interventions in 37 wars almost every two years for 72 years!
  4. What kind of “faith in fundamental human rights” can there be, if among them actually there is not (it is mentioned by the single word in article 3 of the Human Rights Declaration) the fundamental human right to life? Its ignoring makes the endless wars a legitimate, legally justified international norm.
  5. 5. What could be “the dignity and worth of the human person” if its life is not recognized as a original right and fundamental dignity and worth that opens up unlimited scope for military killings?

Without the recognition of the fundamental human right to life and without the consequent prohibition of any war (other than the war on terrorism) as the highest crime against humanity, all other articles of the UN Charter remain empty gestures for global peace. This was confirmed by the 72 years of the UN.

The way out of the reality of extreme militarism, historical ignorance of pacifism and the intellectual tragedy of the United Nations, like the League of Nations before it, is the development of Global Peace Science [78]. Only on its basis can the scientific Charter of a UN of Harmony be created. Only in a UN of Harmony is it possible to recognize the human right to life and the criminality of war. Only a UN of Harmony is capable of proclaiming the uniting peoples in harmony of the deep communities – spherons, engaged in global social production with the provision of a universal peace from their genetic code.

Of course, there are many positive particulars in the UN Charter that must be preserved in the new paradigm and architecture of a UN of Harmony and in its Charter. But this is only part of the general question: What is positive in the UN? What are its achievements in 72 years? Of course, they are some, but no one has summarised them. We did not find any scientific work on this subject with evidence and facts. This is also a shortcoming, but not only ours. We intend to fill it in 2018 in the collective work “Achievements of the United Nations for 72 years, their quantity and quality” in order to separate the “wheat from chaff” and highlight those that should be included in the science of global peace and preserved in it and in the UNH project.

Instead of a weak pacifist UN Charter, we need a scientific and strong UNH Charter, the general statements of which are formulated in this project. 

  1. Constructive part.

Towards a UN of Harmony (UNH) and its Charter.

Sociocybernetic Model of UNH

2.1. Foreword.
Tetrasociology and Sociocybernetics:
concepts of societal spheres and network spherons for the UN harmony

The mutually complementary fruitful collaboration of Tetrasociology and Sociocybernetics as the holistic and pluralistic system theories that fully recognize each other began with the preface to the “Tetrasociology” [121] of the two leaders of the International Sociological Association’s (ISA) Research Committee on Sociocybernetics (RC51) Dr. Bernd Hornung, Germany [122] and Dr. Bernard Scott, England [123]. The last of them kindly agreed to be the editor of the English edition of this book, which was presented at 32 sessions of XVI ISA Congress in Brisbane, Australia, in July 2002, where tetrasociology first became known to Western scholars. At the same time, the three of us wrote a long article about the correlation of the categories of our two sciences, especially the four spheres of social production and the four harmonious classes of the population employed in them [124], which were later laconically called “spherons” – “employed, engaged, occupied in spheres”.

In tetrasociology as a theory of social harmony, global peace and harmonious civilization, the concepts of spheres and spherons have been developing since 1976 [125]. Integrating with socio-cybernetics, tetrasociology acquires systemic cybernetic wealth from it and at the same time raises it to the level of the third order, enriching it with system categories of spheres and spherons and preserving all the achievements of its previous orders [126]. At this level, it becomes the sociocybernetics of the harmony of the societal spheres and the spherons occupied in them. Therefore, the proposed “Sociocybernetic Model of Spherons’ Global Harmonious Governance” (SMSGHG) for UN harmony is simultaneously tetrasociological, which is fundamentally revealed in “Global Peace Science” [78]. This model has long been prepared theoretically as a result of the scientific cooperation of Tetrasociology and Sociocybernetics, which are free from theoretical narrowness and scientific limitation of the traditional ideologies of the 20th century.

2.2. Introduction

Global Harmonious Scientific Governance on the UN level:
Sociocybernetics of the Spheres and Spherons’ Harmony

Historically developed forms and models of national and global governance demonstrate the inability to effectively address growing national and global problems, risks and challenges. It expressed well here: “OUR GLOBAL SYSTEM IS NOT EQUIPPED TO DEAL WITH TODAY’S RISKS. Our current international system – including but not limited to the United Nations – was set up in another era, following the Second World War. It is no longer fit for purpose to deal with 21st century risks … We urgently need fresh new thinking in order to address the scale and gravity of today’s global challenges, which have outgrown the present system’s ability to handle them” [70].

The root cause of the global governance insolvency after 1945 is disharmony, i.e. fragmentation, mismatch, imbalance and disproportion of international cooperation of the states-nations. Their disharmony engenders constant conflicts, tensions and mistrust between them in all directions, manifested in a multitude of global crises and risks: military, economic, financial, trade, migration, sports, religious, etc. The status quo of objective disharmony of international cooperation of national states is directly broadcast and continues in the UN for more than 70 years, which remains powerless before them for the same root cause of internal disharmony. Overcoming the disharmony of international cooperation and global governance is possible only by their harmony, the necessity of which was recognized by the outstanding thinkers of all civilizations: Egypt, Greece, India, China, Africa, Latin America from ancient times.

Scientific global governance can only be harmonious in wholeness of all diversity of its parts; and the holistic in harmony (or harmonious in integrity) governance. It can only be scientific, not spontaneous and intuitive, requiring a new systematic harmonious scientific thinking. The absence of a scientific model of harmonious governance determines the absence of a harmonious model of organization and the subject of governance at all levels, including the UN.

Based on the formulated fundamental prerequisites, we propose to govern international cooperation in order to address and prevent the global risks of disharmony and ensure the harmonious sustainable evolution of humankind by the United Nations in Harmony (UNH) on the basis of the fundamental scientific transformation of the traditional UN.

From our point of view, the most promising way of developing fundamental social knowledge is focused in interdisciplinary Sociocybernetics. [see below]. It integrates the achievements of traditional knowledge, raising it to the level of global systemic integrity and overcoming its fragmentation. Our model of global governance develops within the framework of Sociocybernetics of spheres and Spheronsharmony as Sociocybernetics of the third order, including its previous orders.

It determines ​​the “Sociocybernetic Model of the Spherons’ Global Harmonious Governance” (SMSGHG), which we suggest for the UNH. In this universal for all levels model, the Spherons are harmonious classes/communities of humanity constituting the key object and subject/actor of global harmony and its governance, revealed below. They are its center and heart.

The UNH SMSGHG is based on the following fundamental scientific premises of Sociocybernetics:

  1. The discovery of Norbert Wiener society as a cybernetic system of all diversity of its parts with feedback/influence of each of them to all others [127]. This idea develops in the writings of Ludwig Bertalanffy [128] and other system thinkers, for example, the background of Heinz von Foerster, [129], Felix Geyer [130; 131] and Bernard Scott [132-138], which led to the creation of Sociocybernetics.
  2. The discovery of Humberto Maturana: he determined the basic quality of “autopoiesis” (self-production) of all living beings including individuals engaged from birth to death in autopoiesis along with other people. The system of individual autopoiesis creates a system of public autopoiesis as a social production [139].
  3. The young Karl Marx’s hypothesis, before his materialism, of four spheres of social production [140]. This conjecture was scientifically confirmed and detailed in many works, starting with the fundamental works of Robert Park [141], Fernand Braudel [142], Talcott Parsons [143], Stafford Beer [144], Gordon Pasck [145], Niklas Luhmann [146; 147], Alvin Toffler [148; 149], Pierre Bourdieu [150; 151] and many others. They viewed the whole society as a system of those or other four socio-cultural production systems/spheres and corresponding actors, which provide society with four necessary and sufficient resources: people, information, organizations and things (PIOT resources).
  4. The pluralistic philosophy of harmony Henri Poincare, the basic propositions of which he formulated as follows: “The internal harmony of the world is the only true objective reality. The best expression of this harmony is law [nature’s regularity]… mathematics… The world is divine because it is a harmony.”[152] This philosophy remained virtually unnoticed in the 20th century. But it has deep historical roots in knowledge of harmony of the cosmos, society and human in the works of Confucius, Buddha, Pythagoras, Plato, Neo-Platonists, Kepler, Kant and many other outstanding thinkers of humankind. Especially important are the ideas of Kant’s social harmony as a deep human nature, ensuring eternal peace and sustainable functioning of society at all levels from the family and the nation to humanity as a whole. [153] The history of philosophy and sociology of harmony in the perspective of its blossoming futurology is considered in many of our works [154 and others].
  5. The Duality Law of “Harmony – Disharmony” and their mutual ousting in any society. [155; 156]

Based on these prerequisites, we formulate the main, structural difference and alternative to traditional branch governance – the spheral Sociocybernetic structure of global governance and its subjects/actors in the UNH SMSGHG. To four spheres of social production and four Spherons employed in these spheres correspond four spheral organizational subsystems of governance and four spheral subjects/actors of governance in it at all its levels.

Legislative, executive and judicial bodies in the SMSGHG are structured and constituted into spheral governing clusters (SGC), which form typical modules of management institutions and ensure their structural similarity and their functional coherence at different levels that overcome the disharmony and structural mismatch of traditional branch governance. Spheral structural symmetry of the SMSGHG governing institutions at all levels is a necessary condition for effective global harmonious governance. This is its first rule.

Its second law is coherence to establish and maintain the permissible limits of minimum and maximum for all operating parts/subsystems of the controlled and controlling systems. This is a universal law of harmony of effective global governance. Other rules are detailed below.

Democratic decision-making procedures at the UNH SMSGHG are based on dialogue and spheral consensus of SGC at each level. Spheral consensus is the unanimity of the spheral actors of governance by the majority of votes in each of them. There can be no confrontation between the spheral actors of governance and the opposition on the issue of harmony as a single goal and strategy, but they are permissible and possible within these actors, between their different parts on ways and means of their implementation. This excludes antagonism between them and the suppression of any spheral actor, but leaves room for internal system opposition in resolving differences between their parts through the widest possible dialogue. The mechanism of built-in systemic opposition prevents any possibility of dictatorship and usurpation of power by any party and any official in the system of spheral democracy of UNH.

A dynamic mechanism for mutual control of SGC in SMSGHG is ensured by free association of any of them for verification and control of any of them. It minimizes the total corruption that is irresistible in the traditional management and excludes it in principle.

The procedure for the appointment of key persons in the SMSGHG is also exercised through the democratic mechanism of spheral consensus.

2.3. The UNH SMSGHG Description

  1. International need for a fundamentally new model of global governance

The founder of the Global Challenges Foundation in a result of his vast intellectual and practical experience for more than 60 years, came to the following irreproachable conclusions regarding the international need for a fundamentally new model of global governance:

  1. Sovereign nation-states are unable to manage the global challenges in a satisfactory way.
  2. No national politician is accountable for the good of all humankind.
  3. The American electoral system should be reviewed.
  4. Even though every nation says it wants to live in peace, we spend nearly five billion dollars every day to defend ourselves against each other. My belated conclusion is that no governance system can guarantee that there will be no future wars – unless we implement global and total disarmament.
  5. I can only see one rational solution: We have to find a new, more effective way to cooperate globally. We urgently need to find a new system of governance, which would effectively and fairly manage the major global challenges.
  6. I’m convinced that new ideas will continue to hatch as long as humans exist. New and better models can start a much-needed global debate.
  7. Now there is a great risk and problem complex which the world urgently needs to address.” [157; 158].

In these 7 points, a correct assessment of the absolute inability and insufficiency of traditional global governance is expressed, and on the other hand – a firm awareness of the need for an alternative model and a clear strategy for its development. Both requirements are laid in the basis of the global governance model proposed below, which fully meets them.

  1. Risks’ ranges and governance’s priorities

According to the survey “The UN is considered the most able to respond to global risks (60%) but there is overwhelming support for it to be reformed (85%).

  • Usage of weapons of mass destruction is ranked as the global risk needing the most urgent response (62%), followed by politically motivated violence (57%) and climate change (56%).
  • Eight adults in ten (85%) think that the UN needs to be reformed to better address global risks. Only 7% do not think that it needs to be reformed.” [159]
  1. Brief overview of the traditional global governance models

The review of “Global governance models in history” showed the main weaknesses of traditional management models and some necessary requirements. The main one is that the global governance of mankind must lean “on the basis of what all have in common,” which is revealed only by science in the best way. [160] However, scientific understanding of the general structure and actors of humankind is still missing.

Another weakness of traditional management is the ignoring of the “fundamental law of Republic” of Montesquieu: “The firmness and prosperity of democracy always depend from the correct division on the classes of the population with the right to vote“. [161] Purely legal models of global governance are helpless without scientific social grounds, as demonstrated by the failure of many attempts to implement them in the 20th century.

The UNH SMSGHG can only be democratic, but in an updated form of spheral democracy, which, unlike traditional, “will allow us to make collective decisions at the global level, taking into account the interests of all.” [160] We found the most adequate for it the system of legislative procedures proposed by lawyers Grenville Clark and Louis Sohn in 1958 [162 pp. 12-17; 163; 164]. This system, aimed at ensuring global peace and general disarmament is using with some modifications in our model of global governance. It can include some other legal projects of global governance and world democracy.

  1. The UNH SMSGHG Structure

This Model is proposed for the beginning, for 4-5 years of testing as an experimental mode of functioning of the traditional UN. Therefore, we will distinguish between two orders and two UN systems: “traditional UN” (TUN) and “experimental UN” (EUN) identical to the UNH. Both modes operate simultaneously, in parallel, but the experimental regime in the annual dynamic range of 2-6 months, is included in the TUN and is subordinate to it although it must have a relative autonomy enshrined in its Charter. Their fundamental difference is that the TUN has reconciled over 70 years with endless disharmonies, especially militarism and wars, and the UNH excludes them by harmony in all ways and in all dimensions.

For this the highest principle of the experimental UNH proclaims the “reality of global harmony” (Poincare) in its “deep societal structure” of four constant production spheres and the four constant Spherons of humankind. This “four-spheral” structure was discovered and explored in the first approximation by the spheral Sociocybernetics and Tetrasociology for more than 40 years [165; 166; and others], which requires further international systemic development in view of its extreme complexity and exceptional importance.

The four-spheral structure is recognized as the highest structural law of all UNH management bodies, ensuring equal consideration of the interests of each of the four Spherons of humankind. The equality of the Spherons extends to the equality of the UN member states and the genders equality, regardless of their number. It is expressed for all levels by the Four Spheral Equations Universal Standard (FSEUS), which is recognizing in the UNH “Global Harmony Charter” (GHC). The three named governance equality (of spheres/Spherons, nation-states and genders) are integrated by the fourth, defining: “Spheral Harmonious Democracy” (SHD), based on an equal distribution of power between the Spherons and their genders.

In the UNH Charter, the Supreme Legislative Body recognizes the “Spheral General Assembly” (SGA) of the UN 196 member-nations, the number of which, taking into account their dynamics, equates to 200 with the representation of each sphere from each state by one “spheral emissary” employed in the corresponding sphere, with a mandate for 3-4 years with equal gender representation of the spheres. The spheral emissaries are appointed by the highest legislative body of each UN member state. (Then they can be elected by the population of each country).

As a result, the UNH SGA of the 800 members is created with an equal representation of the interests of each state, each of its production spheres, each of its Spherons and each of its gender, regardless of their number and dynamics. It is possible to expand the SGA twice (1600 emissaries), i.e. on 2 emissaries (woman + man) from each sphere of each member-state will be recognized. This option is more harmonious, fair and preferable, although it is more expensive. The spheral structure of the UNH legislative body with equal representation in it of four spherons from each of its member state is expressed by the corresponding Model-1 above.

The UNH SGA is structured into four legislative “Spheral Committees” with the relevant subcommittees on the largest sectors/branches of each global sphere and with equality in all FSEUS dimensions: state, sphere/Spheron, gender and their power. The UNH SGA approves all their rules for the democratic procedures of decision-making.

In the UNH Charter, the “Spheral World Government” (SWG) is recognized as the supreme executive body, which is approved by the UNH SGA from “Spheral Ministers” engaged in the relevant spheres of each member state with equal gender representation, with a total of 1,600 ministers who are appointed for 3-4 years by the highest legislative body of a UN member state. The SWG creates for the operational resolutions of the most important issues the “Peace from Harmony Council” (PHC) – analogue of the modern UN Security Council – from the spheral ministers of 20 countries with their alternate annual turnover. The structural similarity of the UNH highest bodies will ensure the equality and harmony of both its power branches.

Its SWG is structured into four executive “Spheral Ministries” with the relevant Agencies for the largest sectors/branches of each global sphere and with equality in all FSEUS dimensions. SWG is also structured according to regional continents and subcontinents. The UNH SGA approves the rules and democratic procedures for decision-making and harmonious interaction of Spheral Ministries and their Agencies on the SWG proposal.

At the next stage, after 2-4 years’ work of the UNH, SGA establishes its “Peace from Harmony Supreme Court” (PHSC) and approves its staff from the judicial Spheral Emissaries appointed by the UN member states.

The UNH Departments should be established in the most conflict regions and hubs of contact of many civilizations: the Middle East, the Balkans [167] and others.

This is in general terms the UNH SMSGHG organizational structure.

The main attributes of UNH in contrast to the traditional UN:

  1. A spheral structure of legislative, executive and judicial bodies, based not on the militarism of nation states and totalitarian ideologies, but on the fundamental peacefulness of the spherons – the harmonious classes of their population employed in the spheres of social production as a single deep structure and common societal denominator of all nations.
  2. Membership of nation states in the UNH implemented on the basis of peaceful and equal spherons.
  3. The first peace condition for joining to the UNH is the rejection of militarism and a strict guaranteed obligation of voluntary annual reduction of the military budget of each country by 2%, which will end the arms race and lead in 50 years to general and complete disarmament.
  4. The second peace condition for joining to the UNH is a rigorous guaranteed commitment to participate in a Peaceful International Harmonious Scientific Cooperation (PIHSC) with a reduction in military cooperation with other countries.
  5. The third peace condition is the transfer of defense and protection of the national sovereignty, integrity and security of each country of the UNH member within the established borders to the competence of UNH and its International Peacekeeping Armed Forces (IPAF) for a transition period of 50 years and further. The Joint Harmonious Command (JHC) of the IPAF is created from the military specialists who are exclusively members of the new UNH, which finances it and the IPAF via 2% deductions from military budgets.
  6. All the foundations, attributes and conditions of the UNH, including the creation and functioning the UNH IPAF are regulated by its Global Harmony Charter (GHC), the Earth Harmonious Federation Constitution (EHFC) and the Universal Declaration of the PIHSC. These three legal documents are the basis for a new International Harmonious Law and Order (IHLO), excluding war, aggression and militarismю They will be prepared jointly by the International Scientific Harmonious Commission (ISHC) and approved by the UNH legislative body during the 5-6 year transition period from the UN to UNH.

The scientific and humanistic justification for the UNH model and its main structures and details are set out in the GHA project, which was prepared in it during more than 12 years. It provides for all peace-loving countries and governments a scientific “understanding” of global peace and the corresponding model of UNH as an alternative to the current UN.

  1. Sociocybernetic model of humankind as a governance object in the UNH SMSGHG

A scientific model of governance is possible only on the basis of a scientific model of its object. Both models are associated by the sociocybernetic feedbacks: the model of governance object includes and defines the model of its subject as its organizational, controlling, and observing subsystem, which in turn includes the scientific image/paradigm of governance object as an information basis for an adequate correction of changes in governance object. It is the supreme goal of all governance. The adequacy and other qualities of the object scientific model are the source of vitality, efficiency, stability and all other positive qualities of governance, its subject and its model.

The UNH SMSGHG object is the humanity in the unity of all its communities and states in its historical system of integral life-supporting production system. Spheral Sociocybernetics analyzes the humanity universal integrity in four research subsystems: Statics, Dynamics, Structuratics and Genetics. We confine ourselves to the brief summary of only the first three. All of them are based and integrated by the fundamental Sociocybernetic Axiom of Global Harmony (SAGH):

The harmonious (sustainable) existence of a society in any place and at any time is defined by the measure in proportion of four equal necessary and sufficient social resources: People (P), Information (I), Organizations (O) and Things (T). (Things are any material benefits and services). Social resources are expressed in the chain: People (P) – Information (I) – Organization (O) – Things (T). In the acronym: P-I-O-T, or: PIOT. Their main attributes are:

  1. Artificiality: they do not exist in a ready form in nature, therefore the society (population) in order to live should constantly produce PIOT resources;
  2. The equal necessity of these resources clusters, because the absence, zero of any of them excludes the life of society and human;
  3. Inseparability and mutual inclusion of “everyone in each”, i.e. the impossibility of producing one without others and superposing the qualities of one to all others;
  4. Sociocybernetic harmonious integrity of PIOT resources to a certain measure/proportion. It expresses society in static: S = P + I + O + T, where S is a whole society.

Harmoniousness of PIOT resources determines the harmony of the spheres of their production and the classes occupied in them – the Spherons.

PIOT resources logically require corresponding processes: production, distribution, exchange / trade and consumption: PDEC processes.

PIOT resources logically require corresponding structures in which processes and resources are connected and which, according to the final product, are classified into four societal (macro) spheres of social production:

  1. Social sphere, Sociosphere (S), the subject-product of which are people (P);
  2. Information sphere, Infosphere (I), the subject-product of which is information (I);
  3. Organizational sphere, Orgsphere (O), the subject-product of which are organization/s (O);
  4. Technical (economic/ecological) sphere, Technoecosphere (T), the subject-product of which are things (T). Four spheres of production are: SIOT.

PIOT resources logically require corresponding spheral communities or societal classes of the population, SPHERONS. [165]

SPHERONS, spheral classes of people are extremely large “soft, stochastic” groups of the population, covering it as a whole, employed in four spheres of social production of PIOT resources and differing in term of primary (in time) employment in one of the spheres. They are the actors of social harmony, i.e. are harmonious by nature classes, because outside the harmony between them they are unable to produce PIOT resources. Therefore, they are the ultimate cause of global peace, its guarantor and actor/creator.

Spherons are network social groups/classes of people in the spheres of production. These groups have a stochastic, probabilistic nature of employment/inclusion of people in the spheres, therefore spherons are “soft” classes, and they are not attached rigidly to any other permanent social attribute: property, power, income, etc. They are closely interrelated, dynamically flowing into each other and interacting at all levels, starting with the individual. This creates their network integrity parameter in conjunction with all their other properties. Spherons are a common network denominator of all the partial and transitory communities of humanity in its history from family and nations to civilizations. On this fundamental and everlasting community of spherons, the UN model of Harmony and Global Governance is being built.

Summarizing, we can formulate the following definition. The network spherons (a network of spherons of different levels from micro to mega) is a special “soft” cluster of societal network structures that cover the population as a whole and all people from birth to death in the form of extremely large classes/groups engaged in four spheres of social production. Their primary cohesive criterion is productive employment (“autopoiesis” of Maturana). Autopoiesis constitutes all the fundamental attributes of spherons and their elements: wholeness, integrity, stochasticity, systemic, equality in employment, balance, proportion, measure, harmony, peace, freedom from each other, independence from rigid parameters of property, power, income, race, nationality, sex, age and other partial properties. Polycentricism and the productive thermodynamic negentropy of spherons’ autopoiesis [168] make them, hence, humanity, the most adaptive to survival and sustainable development in the natural and cosmic environment.  An attempt at a broader biological substantiation of autopoiesis and negentropy of harmonious spherons as an “anatomy of peace” was undertaken in the work of Michael Ellis. [169]

Why does the knowledge of spherons begin only in the 21st century? Because their endless cultural diversity in human history and at different social levels from family to humanity was not allowed to see their community, as for the trees we cannot see the forest. The ultimate objective complexity of the spherons is the main epistemological reason for the lack of their scientific knowledge to this day, which was fixed by the temporary political interests of the temporary dominant partial classes of the fragmented world. The globalization of human society, on the one hand, makes spherons more mature and accessible to scientific perception, and on the other hand, it requires scientific penetration into the deep spheral structure of the population. In more detail about this structure in the nature of spherons see Chapters 1 and 2 of the book “Global Peace Science” [78].

The basis by which Spherons are differing between them is employment/autopoiesis in four spheres of social production. But employment (autopoiesis) has an ambivalent, dual biosocial nature, which is expressed by two axioms of employment: in society, autopoiesis/employment is part of the social sphere, and in the biosphere, autopoiesis/employment of a person includes four spheres of social production as their own parts.

Taking into account the social nature of the human, he/she stochastically joins to the next four Spherons (classes) employed autopoiesis in four spheres of social production SIOT:

  1. SOCIOCLAS, people employed in Sociosphere, P1;
  2. INFOCLASS, people employed in Infosphere, P2;
  3. ORGCLASS, people employed in Orgsphere, P3;
  4. TECHNOCLASS, people employed in Technoecosphere, P4.

Abbreviation of these classes is the same (SIOT) as the spheres, so they will differ by adding the word “class”: SIOT-classes, SPHERONS.

The population number at any level is the sum of four SPHERONS:

P = P1 + P2 + P3 + P4.

The products of three other spheres are divided in a similar manner, resulting corresponding matrix of the basic spheral statistical indices. This matrix is the foundation of global spheral mathematical statistics and its IT (below).

P = P1 + P2 + P3 + P4

I = I1 + I2 + I3 + I4

O = О1 + О2 + О3 + О4

T = T1 + T2 + T3 + T4

All spheral resources, processes, structures and classes-Spherons in the UNH SMSGHG, as well as a mathematically calculated measure of their proportions in harmony and disharmony are expressed in this matrix of spheral statistics, which has infinite dimension in its decomposition.

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This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 29 Jan 2018.

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