Grand Design for Universal Peace Education for Global Good Governance through the New UN


Surya Nath Prasad, Ph. D. – TRANSCEND Media Service


Man, Universe and Education

The main reason of the problems of population, pollution, poverty and violence is a big ignorance about the Self (the man – mankind – human being) created by men themselves particularly by those who are in power and authority as rulers in the states, preachers in religious institutions, class-room teachers in educational institutions and parents in families, and male members in all the groups everywhere. This truth was realized also by Jesus Christ, who said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do”. And he advised, “Know thyself”. Before him, in 700 BC the authors of Vedanta of ancient India, in 500 BC Lord Buddha, and in 400 BC Socrates of Athens (Greece) also advised the people, “Know thyself”.  But none of them gave any heed of their advice.

Man, universe and education are one. Man is miniature universe. Universe has all the elements which constitute every man and woman as universal or global. Real Education or man-making education or universal peace education is a life-long process to realize, or to evolve or to unfold/manifest the global or universal or integral man and woman everywhere without any discrimination leading to peace.

Question arises: what are the man, the universe and the education? Man is made of five elements, viz. earth, air, water, fire and ether, (these five elements have the corresponding meaning with body, vitality, mind, intellect and spirit respectively). Universe is combination of all the same five elements, which constitute every man and woman, this is why every man or woman is called a miniature universe, though these five elements are in scattered form in the universe, but these five elements are in consolidated form in every man and woman. In this sense, every man and woman are full of very powerful ecology to be integrally and perpetually manifested to be just and peaceful. And man-making universal peace education is the life-long process for awakening about these five elements and means for integral manifestation of these elements continuously in all men and women everywhere through the mutual help and cooperation of different agencies of this universal peace education, viz.  family (parents), school (teachers), religious institutions (preachers), nation-state (rulers and political leaders), united nations (representatives of the nation-states).

However, the man (human being) is everywhere the same. He or she has the similar basic human needs of food, clothing, shelter, education and health. He or she has a common feeling of happiness and sorrow. His or her basic physical structure, mental make-up, moral needs and spiritual aspirations are the same the world over. The cycle of birth, growth, childhood and youth, of sickness, old age and death, of love and friendship are the same for all men and women. We all share a common origin and common destiny: the human race is one. Homo sapiens are everywhere the same. As such, the world would be based on communication of minds and hearts: homo-noia, of one mind, through practice of universal peace education.

One may draw the conclusion about the suffering and misery of mankind is utter ignorance about him or her composed of ecological elements within and their relation with similar ecological elements outside in the universe, and non-availability of education based on their five elements.

Global Governance through the United Nations

Even if all nation-states adopt democracy, and promise for better governance to the people in their respective nations, they cannot do so individually. Because no nation can develop alone economically, scientifically, educationally even socially and culturally without the mutual help of each other, and for this, global governance is a must.

We find three models for global governance, viz. Cross-national Organization, Supra-national Organization and Trans-national Organization.

However, Global governance by trans-national organization through the United Nations is the only best and suitable way for security and peace of peoples in the 21st Century. It is only the United Nations which can face the challenges of our diverse world, and solve the existing problems of peoples of different regions, races, languages, religions, ideologies, and nations. The United Nations through its programs and organs, specialized agencies and other autonomous organizations, other commissions and committees and ad hoc and related bodies, and peace-keeping operations, peace-building functions, has already done a lot to serve the welfare and development of people of almost all of the nations of the world. However, the persons from the different nation-states, who are engaged and working with different capacities and positions in the United Nations, are essentially required to follow and practice universal peace education regularly to them set right to be just so that they may serve better the people living in different parts of the world where they  are deputed.


The Composition of UN

No doubt, the Composition and the working of the UN are democratic though its maximum member nation-states are non-democratic, however, governance in their respective nation-states is not good, it does not mean that governance in minimum democratic and semi-democratic nation-states is good, because all most all the signatory nation-states to the UN are violators of the human rights of their people.

Violence is inherent in the system of non-democratic nation-states where a handful of people have the power to declare which persons or groups should die. And also in democratic and quasi-democratic nation-state, the economic and political elite commit violence by manipulating power, money and resources. Those in power make crucial decisions that affect everyone. Often they decide that millions of people should be sacrificed for what they perceive to be the betterment of the rest.

Present State of Democracy

In the present democracy, everywhere, where it is, it is evidently visible in the opposite simile of the Abraham Lincoln’s definition of democracy that ‘democracy is the government of the people, by the people and for the people’  as “democracy is the government of ‘to buy (buying) the people’, ‘far (from) the people’ (keeping distance from the people after being elected by them)’ and ‘off the people’(there are no people,  except the elected ones in the governance).

In today’s democracy, there is not people’s government, but there is proxy government, because the people elect their representatives to rule for them, while the reality is that if the people do not eat by proxy, when they feel hungry; drink by proxy, when they are thirsty, marry by proxy, when they feel to do so; then why the people to be ruled by proxy. In true democracy, participation of all people in the affairs of government is a must; hence it requires only service of the people, by the people and for the people, and therefore man-making education i.e. universal peace education of all the people is the basic condition for people’s governance in a novel genuine democracy.

Good governance depends not on democratic or non-democratic forms of governments, but on person and persons working in the governments that how much they are enlightened and educated. There was an ideal King in ancient India, whose name was Rama, and it is said that under his rule, due to his good governance, there were no physical, mental and spiritual sufferings to anybody. All loved each other. No one died in early age of his or her life; all people were free from sorrow and pain, disease, poverty and ignorance. There was another great intellectual King Bharat, on whose name India is called Bharat, who discarded his own sons for his successor considering them incompetent to govern the people, and handed over his rule to the intellectual son of Rishi (Saint) Bhardwaj. The great political thinker of Athens Plato also pleaded for Philosopher King or King Philosopher for good governance for the people in the state polity.

However, most of the nation-states are facing the problems of ‘genocide’, ‘ethnic cleansing’ and ‘global terrorism’. Besides these, people are suffering from hunger, disease and ignorance. And nation-states are unable to check them, and sometimes they become parties to all inhuman acts. Nation-states have been utter failure in protecting the rights of the people and their lives, and providing proper means to fulfill even their basic needs. In these circumstances of insecurity and peacelessness, United Nations is the only hope and help to the existing aggrieved, oppressed, ignorant and tortured fellow human beings. The United Nations is also essential for relief to the victims of war (like refugees, destitute children, old, women and other handicapped persons; and natural calamities (like earth quake, flood, famine, and other similar disasters); and also problems like AIDS. It is essentially needed to assist the nation-states in the development of all areas of the nations which affect the lives of the people like population, environment, education, agriculture, economics, science, technology, health and food. It is also needed to check international crimes and corruption to control illicit drug, to suppress trafficking and to help farmers not to grow narcotic crops. Its demand is also for helping the nation-states in the establishment of democracy and in providing education for all people for their respective nations with the hope to receive from them their assistance for good governance in future. Even all nation-states adopt democracy, and promise for better governance to the people in their respective nations, they cannot do so individually because today all nation-states are interdependent. No nation can develop alone economically, scientifically, educationally even socially and culturally without the mutual help of each other, and for this, the United Nations is a must.

The Necessity of the United Nations

The United Nations is the only best and suitable way for security and peace of the Peoples in 21st Century. It is the only United Nations which can face the challenges of the diverse world, and solve the existing problems of the peoples of different regions, races, languages, sects, ideologies and nations. In this sense, the United Nations is very important and useful organization.

For temporary relief

The United Nations may better be called as Peoples’ Global Good Governance Serving Society. Its purpose is “to maintain peace and security” as set forth in Article 1 of the Charter of the United Nations.

However, for temporary relief, the United Nations can fulfill its tasks successfully in the field of peace and security through short and long terms operations.

For short term operations

The United Nations should immediately take up the cases of violation of human rights of any nation, and attack on democracy of the nation, and provide quick relief to the people of the particular nation, because principle of non-interference in internal affairs does not prohibit international intervention to halt crimes against people or crime against humanity.

For long term operations

The United Nations should issue directions to all member States to give top priority to education by providing it free of cost for all – children of poor and rich both to make them indebted towards their society in particular, and towards humanity as a whole in general, and universal peace education should be the core subject in all educations, which will continue life-long. And World Bank should be advised to sanction loan to the States for investment in education, and appeal to the rich nations to share their resources with the poor nations by extending their financial assistance for this purpose, and the respective nation-states should also be asked to encourage their rich people to donate money for education. Besides this, full facilities and all comfort should be provided to teachers who control the education and educational institutions.

Regarding peace-keeping

The peace-keeping forces which operate on the basis of consent, non-enforcement and impartiality must be taught about integrated science and religion to make them more efficient, effective and useful which may help to eliminate structural violence also. Integrated science and religion enable man and woman to learn and follow the laws of inner and outer life which lead to peace and prosperity on earth.

Concerning peace-building

It may be suggested that development, democracy and justice which are its main functions need proper education, training and learning about all these concepts. Only perpetual education for all can give birth to democratic process of decision-making which makes man and woman just that ultimately leads to development and peace for all.

Concerning on the role of Security Council

All the 15 members of the Security Council should have equal status in decision-making on any issues. No member should be treated as privileged for using special powers in issuing any orders. They have no veto-powers to halt or to issue any decisions. On the issues of threatening world peace, The Security Council must compel parties to accept decisions of the International Court of Justice. Like International Criminal Court of Yugoslavia, the Security Council can also create a permanent International Criminal Tribunal to hold personally accountable for all those who flout the laws of peace and humanity.

About the Role of Secretary-General of the United Nations

In short term action, the Secretary-General must bring the attention to the Security Council, without any delay, any problems arise in any nation causing insecurity of its people and/or its democratic set-up for providing security and immediate assistance. And for long term action, the Secretary-General of the UN, inter alia, must bring attention to the Security Council to take decision that all member States must provide full protection and all comfort to their teachers and free education for all which are the real foundation of peace and security.

Global Governance

People of the whole world are terribly in need of global governance for their security and peace. Because national governance has produced two world wars and many civil wars, and under its governance, widespread of exploitation and oppression of people has been committed by the persons in the governments (and outside of the governments), whether they are dictators or democrats. 110 million deaths were estimated in the 20th century. People are suffering from hunger, disease, and ignorance also. Nation-states are unable to address the causes of this suffering, and have sometimes become parties to all inhuman acts.

In the circumstances of insecurity and peacelessness, global governance is the only hope for our aggrieved, oppressed, ignorant, and tortured fellow human beings. Global governance is also essential for relief to the victims of war, natural calamities and global health problems like AIDS. It is essentially needed to assist the nation-states in the development of all areas of their nations which affect the lives of the global population, such as environment, education, agriculture, economics, science, technology, health and food. It is needed also to check international crimes and corruption, to control illicit drugs, to suppress trafficking and to help farmers not to grow narcotic crops. It is needed also for helping the nation-states in establishing democracy and in providing man-making universal peace education based on universally inherent five elements in every man and woman everywhere without any discrimination along with professional skill education and encouragement for innovative education for all people of their respective nations.

Even if all nation-states adopt democracy, and promise for better governance to the people in their respective nations, they cannot do so individually. Because no nation can develop alone economically, scientifically, educationally even socially and culturally without the mutual help of each other, and for this, global governance is a must.

However, we find three models for global governance, viz. Cross-national Organization, Supra-national Organization and Trans-national Organization.

Cross-national Organization:

In a model of global governance through cross-national organization, nation-states may take part in each other national assemblies for making the decisions without changing forms of governments.

But in practice, global governance through cross-national organization is not feasible and conducive to the progress, prosperity and peace for people of all nations of the world. However, Cross-national organization is the first step of supranational organization.

Supra-national Organization

Global governance through a supra-national organization is governance by forming world government giving full sovereignty to it to govern leaving national sovereignty, which will not be successful in providing security to all, or in helping to achieve peace in the present situation, as a great many people remain poor and ignorant under national regimes. People of the world are not in a position to have a world government till all people of the globe would be free from fear and want, to be perpetually enlightened and truly educated which are the basis of genuine democracy and perpetual peace.

Trans-national Organization

Global governance by trans-national organization through the United Nations is the only best and suitable way for security and peace of peoples in the 21st Century. It is only the United Nations which can face the challenges of our diverse world, and solve the existing problems of peoples of different regions, races, languages, religions, ideologies, and nations. The United Nations through its programs and organs, specialized agencies and other autonomous organizations, other commissions and committees and ad hoc and related bodies, and peace-keeping operations peace-building functions, has already done a lot to serve the welfare and development of people of almost all of the nations of the world.

Global Governance means service to the all mankind. Service recognizes only one bond that is humanity. It honors only one motive that is love. It hears only one voice, that of human suffering. Buddha, Jesus, Saint Francis, and Gandhi were the greatest servants of humanity who loved and suffered for it. Infinite love is infinite suffering. Christ has a crown of thorns. Therefore, service means any action which helps others at a cost to oneself. The cost may be in time, thought or money or life in itself. To visit the lonely, to comfort the needy, to listen patiently to other people’s worries, to undertake a voluntarily job to do service is the practice of good governance. When the State could no longer establish hospital, Saint Basil and his disciples created them with the motive of personal service. When the government knew only war, wine and women, Saint Benedict and his followers established schools and alms houses for the people all over Europe. However, universal peace education for all is a must to make them mutually service-oriented for good governance locally as well as globally.

Peace Education for the United Nations: Why

For sustainable Relief:

Since 1815 there are about 1000 peace treaties, agreements, and pacts, and peace movements all over the world for working in different areas of human life to end existing violence and war, preventing an impending war, and educating contemporaries to a different view of world order. Apart from these, we have UN Charter, UN Declaration of Human Rights, International Law (which sources listed in International Court of Justice) based on justice for peace to all, which are part and parcel of current peace education. But some signatory nation States are the most violators of human rights as it is evident from the Report of Amnesty International. The Human Rights Organization’s Global Survey Report covers 142 countries and uncovers massive and ruthless violation of human rights in practically every part of the world. It unfolds a sordid tale of man’s inhumanity to man. Even UN peace keepers have been violators of human rights. The 34 page report, which was published by The Washington Post, accuses UN peace keepers from Morocco, Pakistan and Nepal of seeking to obstruct UN efforts to investigate a sexual abuse scandal that has damaged the UN’s standing in Congo. UN Secretary- General Kofi Annan said there was “clear evidence that acts of gross misconduct have taken place” in the United Nations’ Congo Mission, which began in 2000. A confidential report prepared by Prince Zeid Raad Al-Hussein – Jordan’s Ambassador to UN – dated November 08, 2004, says the exploitation “appears to be significant, widespread and ongoing”. Fifty countries represented in the UN’s Congo Mission. American Soldiers in Iraq, who were supposed to bring democracy and peace there, did inhuman deeds there. Peter Graff of Reuters says that the Red Cross saw US troops keeping Iraqi prisoners naked for days in darkness at the Abu Ghraib jail. Then UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan said the United States and the United Kingdom must “take a strong and firm stand to ensure that those kind of activities are not repeated, because it does do damage, as you can see from reactions in the region.”

Hence, the United Nations needs universal peace education for better service to the sustainable peace and security for all everywhere. But not the current peace education based on teaching for predetermined values through knowledge, attitude and skill, which, however, all have no access to it, and the United Nations endorsed and recognized as its policy to be adopted by all its member States to establish in their respective educational institutions. Predetermined values are the creation or manifestation of great thinkers, saints and scientists, among some of them suffered a lot, humiliated, tortured and even killed. And we should not impose their values on others through indoctrination, inculcation and regimentation for the sake of peace and security. Hence, peace education based on universally inherent five elements, viz. body, vitality, mind, intellect and spirit in all men and women everywhere without any discrimination is essentially needed for the United Nations for peace and security all over the world. And this peace education should be in all educations and also beyond educational institutions till the end of life of everyone. And its method will be Science of Learning (Mathetics), not the Science of Teaching (Pedagogy). Because nobody can teach anybody, but we all learn from each other. Therefore, the United Nations to amend and replace the concept of existing peace education, its methodology as teaching and its access to a few affluent for certain period of certification or diploma or degree with the concept of peace education based on universally inherent five elements, viz. body, vitality, mind, intellect and spirit in all men in women everywhere without any discrimination, its methodology as learning  (mathetics) and its access to all till the end of their lives for integral manifestation of these elements through creation of their own values leading to justice for sustainable mutual peace and security.

The Universal Peace Education

(a) Universal Peace Education against All Privileges

Universal peace education believes in every individual’s ability who is capable to solve his or own problems. Universal peace education based on five elements in every man and woman is utterly against all privileges. The idea of privilege is brutal and tyrannical. No man or woman is superior to another. No person is privileged to any one of elements – either physical or vital or mental or intellectual or spiritual – or a few or all. Therefore, this peace education considers all men and women equally endowed with these five elements to be manifested integrally to enable them to be safe mutually, and also to be means for sustainable human survival.

(b) Concept of Universal Peace Education

The concept of universal peace education is based on universally inherent five elements, viz. body, vitality, mind, intellect and spirit in every man and woman everywhere without any discrimination of caste, creed, color, gender, nationality, forms of governments, economic, social, cultural and political status, and any other differences. Each element needs particular food and quantity to be developed healthy. These five elements are very powerful capacities in every man and woman to be manifested integrally throughout his or her life perpetually to be divine if he or she gets opportunity and means to be evolved. Partial fulfillment of these elements makes them devil, and continuous rigorous hardship in attainment of these elements forces them to be slaves. For manifestation of physical body, every man and woman everywhere without any discrimination must know – what to eat, how much to eat, how many times to eat and how to eat; for unfoldment of vital element, he or she should practice to inhale maximum pure air (oxygen) daily, and also he or she should take sufficient pure water regularly. Art, Music, Singing, , Folk songs, Folk dance, Drama, Playing, Acting, Art craft, Sculpture making, Photography, Clay Modeling, and Toy Making as per individual preferences, selection and choice of every man and woman are for evolution of mind.

Discourse, dialogue, discussion and debate on the serious issues of life and the society help the man and woman to unfold their intellectual body. Active participation of every man and woman in spiritual and higher universal religious assemblies helps them to manifest their spiritual body. Regular practice of meditation and relaxation (physical and mental) is required to maintain balance between acidity, cough and gas, and for keeping body, vitality, mind, intellect and spirit healthy. And perpetual integral manifestation of all the five bodies in every man and woman throughout his and her life makes them just leading to peace. Therefore, every man and woman everywhere without any distinction must have means and opportunity to meet the requirements of each element for its manifestation to be man (human).

But neither at any time in the past nor at the present, there was or is facility for getting knowledge and awareness about the treasure of these powerful elements inherent in everyman and women everywhere or the resources to unfold them to be just, peaceful and living together being  mutually helpful and happy. Hence men and women everywhere have been mortgaging their all five bodies (elements) viz. physical, vital, mental, intellectual and spiritual with the particular experts and specialists to take care of them.

However, to grow man (human) in every individual man and woman is not impossible, but it is very difficult to do so, because a grain takes 1 year to grow, a tree 10 years, but a man (human being) requires the time of whole life to grow fully and integrally with the help of universal peace education based on five elements, viz. body, vitality, mind, intellect and spirit inherent in every man and woman which constitute him or her through the active cooperation and assistance  of all beneficiaries, viz. his or her family, school, religious institutions, the nation-state and the UN through the members and heads of their respective houses, and above all he and she – their awareness about the perfection of their  powerful five  elements as treasure within and their willingness to be manifested integrally.

Hence, this universal peace education should be available for all leaving none. It will not be limited only for class-rooms for certain periods, it is perpetual life-long learning. This universal peace education is life-long perpetual integral manifestation of these inherent five elements in every man and woman everywhere leading them to be just, nonviolent, and making them free from violence (if they are perpetrators or victims of violence). And thus, this peace education is for justice, perpetual nonviolence, solution of violence, and helps sustenance of peace. Therefore, let universal peace education give a chance to be followed by all for human survival.  The readers of Transcend Media Service and those who have concern in the areas of peace education, peace studies and peace activities are advised to refer to the article: Peace and Non-Violence, By Surya Nath Prasad, Ph. D., Sang Saeng – a Magazine of UNESCO-APCEIU, to be enlightened more about the concept of peace education of the author of these lines.

(c) Method in Universal Peace Education

Method in his peace education will be dialogue based on the science of learning (Mathetics), not on the science of teaching (pedagogy). The idea of peace is a learning concept considering teaching as violence and learning as peace. Because teaching makes a few people in minority the possessors of knowledge and the majority in number dispossessed of it. Learning makes teacher and taught both aware, and librates them, including oppressors and oppressed both. Learning helps the learners to unfold their treasure of knowledge within. Hence, mathetics, not pedagogy nor andragogy, is needed in universal peace education to unfolding the treasure of knowledge about all the five elements in every man and woman in the process of becoming human to be just and nonviolent.

(d) Access to Universal Peace Education

All men and women without discrimination of any type everywhere must have access to universal peace education based on their five elements within. This peace education must be considered as a public good, and being a public good, it should be free of cost to all because it is essential. Free access to universal peace education will make all people benefit without any discrimination and as such will benefit the society at all levels. Hence, ‘expenditure’ on this peace education is not actually expenditure, but it will be an ‘investment’ in human resource development. And in the long run, not only the particular society, but all the societies of the world will receive heavy returns for centuries. The cost of ignorance about this peace education for all can be very high for every society. Therefore this universal peace education is essential for non-exploitative, non-violent and peaceful societies giving birth to sustainable genuine democracy,  practice of god governance and above all for human survival. And this peace education should be core subject in all exiting educations from nursery to higher education, and it will continue till the end of life of all as managed by themselves who are supposed to be able to do so. The children of out of schools should also have access to this peace education.

(e) Two-Fold Universal Peace Education

The concept of two-fold universal peace education, viz. (i) Remedial Compensatory Man-making Peace Education for Present Crippled People, and (ii) Preparatory Man-making Peace Education for Future Generation.

(i) Remedial Compensatory Man-making Peace Education for Present Crippled People

Remedial compensatory peace education will be for today’s crippled generation.  We all are crippled in this world. Some are crippled physically, some vitally, some mentally, some intellectually, some spiritually, and many are crippled in all parts of their whole body. In this sense, haves and have-nots both everywhere, though having enough resources and lack of resources respectively, but due to ignorance about themselves, are suffering from physical, vital, mental, intellectual and spiritual ailments. Though being handicapped due to ignorance about them, all are exploiting each other’s weaknesses by committing violence on others or on our own selves through ending their lives by doing suicide or being mentally sick or mad. And we see everywhere, some are mad after money, some after name, some after fame, some after physical beauty, some after fasting, some after killing others, some after killing themselves, and we find a long list of madness. Thus the world has become more or less a lunatic asylum.

Hence parents, teachers, religious preachers and political leaders including members of ruling class, bureaucrats, judges, other professionals and all the people among the masses need remedial compensatory peace education to recover their integral health in all of their five elements to be just and nonviolent, and to be able to enable the coming generation in their realization of integral manifestation of their five elements leading them to be just and nonviolent.

(ii) Preparatory Man-making Peace Education for Future Generation

Preparatory man-making peace education will be for coming generations, who are supposed their five elements are uncorrupt, un-crippled, raw, pure and very prone to be unfolded integrally to be just and nonviolent. However, each element in man and woman has particular needs and foods to be unfolded. Physical unfoldment makes them physically strong, vital unfoldment makes them vitally sound, mental enfoldment makes them mentally stable, intellectual unfoldment makes them intellectually sharp, spiritual unfoldment makes them spiritually awakened, and integral unfoldment of all the five elements makes them just, tolerant, nonaggressive and nonviolent. But if a person fails to manifest his bodily self, he is bound to be physically weak and there would be no chance for him to survive, and if the number of such persons is more, the human progeny may be doubted for the people lack of bodily manifestation would be physically weak. Lack of vital unfoldment, man would suffer with the problems of gas, acidity and cough which affect his or her other parts of his or her physical body including his or her other elements also. Mental non-unfoldment makes man unstable. Man becomes dull due to lack of intellectual unfoldment. Failure to spiritual manifestation leads man and woman to spiritually non-awakened who becomes victim of blind faith. If a man or woman fails to manifest all his or her five sheaths integrally, he or she becomes victim of violence of oppression and exploitation which lead him or her to the state of peacelessness. Partially unfolded sheaths in man and woman lead him and her to physical ailments, vital disorders, mental conceitedness, intellectual arrogance, spiritual rigidity, conservatism, dogmatism and orthodoxy. And finally partially unfolded sheaths makes man and woman agitated, aggressive, oppressors and exploiters and above all violent, and they are very tyrannical for themselves and others.


Actions Required from All the Parties to be benefitted

The following actions are essentially required from each individual man and woman everywhere, and his and her family, school, religious institutions, Nation-state and the UN through the members and heads of the respective houses for effective implementation of universal peace education based on inherent five elements (body, mind, vitality, mind, intellect and spirit): (i) knowledge, (ii) awareness, (iii) trust, (iv) means – availability of, (v) opportunity – the facility of, and (vi) practice – perpetual

Societal Benefits of this Universal Peace Education

This Peace education, in short term, will reduce the cost of managing other problematic and costly affairs like defense, the judicial system, intelligence and police departments, jails, other retributive measures, hospitals, orphanages and other such institutions. No doubt, in long term, the continuing integral universal peace education for all will close prisons, courts, departments of police, military and different types of remedial institutions and unjust laws will disappear. Genuine democracy will emerge even in non-democratic nation-states, and good governance will prevail with practice of justice and attainment of sustainable peace.

Enough Financial Resources Available for Universal Peace Education

The world has enough resources to meet the basic needs and requirements of five elements of 15 billion men and women while the world’s population is about 7 billion. These resources must be distributed and used properly in the planning and execution of this universal peace education based on five elements of all peoples of all nation-states. The World Bank, wealthy nations, wealthy individuals, private educational charitable trusts and distance peace education courses may share the burden of governments’ inability in financing this peace education in order to make it free to all.

The United Nations to Replace Existing Peace Education with the Universal Peace Education based on Five Elements in Men and Women

The United Nations endorsed and recognized current peace education, which is based on teaching for predetermined values through knowledge, attitude and skill, which, however, all have no access to it as its policy to be adopted by all its member nation-states to establish in their respective educational institutions.

Therefore, an appeal to the United Nations is to be made to amend and replace the concept of existing peace education, which is based on inculcation of predetermined values, its methodology as teaching and its access to a few affluent for certain period of certification or diploma or degree, with the concept of  universal  peace education, (the parent of justice and grand parent of peace),  based on universally inherent five elements, viz. body, vitality, mind, intellect and spirit in all men in women everywhere without any discrimination, its methodology as learning and its access to all till the end of their lives for integral manifestation of these elements through creation of their own values leading to justice and sustainable mutual peace, and elimination of all types of violence.


  1. Amnesty International (1995). Facing up to Failures – Proposal for a Human Rights Commissioner. In Human Rights – The New Consensus. London: The Regency Corporation Regency Corporation Ltd., p. 257.
  2. Abraham Lincoln, (1863). The Gettysburg Address (Nov. 19). In This Fiery Trial: The Speeches and Writings of Abraham Lincoln (pp. 184-184) (William E. Gienapp ed., 2002).
  3. Goswami Tulsidas (1944). Shri Ramcharitmanas. Gorakhpur: Gita Press, Uttarkand, verse 20 -22, p. 1045-1047.
  4. The Charter of the United Nations (1995). In Power, J., (Ed.), A Vision of Hope – The Fiftieth Anniversary of the United Nations). London: The Regency Corporation Ltd. p. 290.
  5. Ibid. p.290.
  6. Treaties and Declarations (1995). . In Human Rights – The New Consensus. London: The Regency Corporation Regency Corporation Ltd., pp. 263-297.
  7. cit. pp. 257.
  8. Editorial (2005). Peace Education. 13, p. 8.
  9. Lynch, C. (2004, December 16). N. Sexual Abuse Alleged in Congo. The Washington Post. p. A26.
  10. Annan, Kofi (2004, November 19). Annan vows to end sex abuse   committed by UN Mission Staff in DR of Congo. UN News Centre.
  11. Hoge, W. (2005, March 25). Report Calls for Punishing Peacekeepers in Sex Abuse. The New York Times.
  12. Graf, P. (2008, October 14).). S. brings Iraq Prison Camp out of Legal Black Hole. Reuters.
  13. Annan, Kofi (2004, September 21). Annan Condemns US Abuses in The Guardian.


Dr. Surya Nath Prasad, former president & currently executive vice president of International Association of Educators for World Peace (IAEWP), associate professor of education emeritus, former visiting professor, the graduate institute of peace studies, Kyung Hee University, Republic of Korea, founder & editor-in-chief, Peace Education: An International Journal.

This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 9 Apr 2018.

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