
JOKE OF THE WEEK, 2 Jul 2018

Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service

An oil well caught fire. The oil company hired an international firm to extinguish the fire, but because of the great heat, the specialists could not get closer than 200 meters from the well.

Suddenly, the local fire truck came down the road at high speed directly towards the fire. It stopped 20 meters from the well, the volunteers jumped out, sprayed each other, and then sprayed the fire and quenched it.

The manager of the oil company was very grateful and handed the local fire chief a big check during a colorful ceremony. He was asked how he intended to use the money.

“First of all,” he said, “I will have the brakes on our fire truck repaired.”

This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 2 Jul 2018.

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