No Brainer

JOKE OF THE WEEK, 19 Nov 2018

Dietrich Fischer – TRANSCEND Media Service

Stalin claimed he was the greatest philosopher of all times. In Moscow in the early 1950s, the following joke circulated among physicists, who have some disdain for chemists:

A store in Moscow sells brains. Someone went and asked, “How much is a kilo of a physicist’s brain?” “Ten rubles,” the storekeeper replied.

“And how much is a chemist’s brain?” “Thirty rubles a kilo.”

“How about a philosopher’s brain?” “Hundred rubles a kilo.”

“Why so expensive?”

“Well,” the storekeeper replied, “just imagine how many philosophers we need to get a kilo of brain!”

This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 19 Nov 2018.

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