Choose Your Constitution!


Joe Kandra (cartoonist) and Kathie MM - Engaging Peace

Then & Now…





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This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 11 Nov 2019.

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One Response to “Choose Your Constitution!”

  1. We need all activists to embrace the campaign for a “new UN,” one given the tools the UN needs to end wars, eliminate nukes, protect individual human rights, and protect Mother Earth. The obsolete and fatally flawed UN Charter must be fixed, or replaced.

    World federalists know what’s wrong, and what needs to be done about it. The Earth Constitution drafted by visionaries from the World Constitution & Parliament Association over 30 years anticipated the need for a new world constitution for a “new UN.”

    The current geopolitical UN system is rigged, and its a war system. The nations of the UN General Assembly and the world community must Federate. Nothing short of Federation will be adequately effective.

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