A Word to TMS Readers and Supporters

TRANSCEND News, 16 Mar 2020

Mairead Maguire, Nobel Peace Laureate - TRANSCEND Media Service

“It is with great pleasure that I write in praise and support of TMS. I look forward to it each week and enjoy reading the articles by Prof. Johan Galtung, peace educationalist, activists, and others from around the world. My thanks and admiration go to editor Antonio C. S. Rosa for the great efforts that he puts into the weekly production of Transcend Media Service. The publication keeps me in touch with the many people working in various fields and countries–both educating and inspiring me. IT IS IMPERATIVE TO KEEP THIS RELEVANT SERVICE ALIVE. It needs all the help we can give, i.e., writing, FINANCING, solidarity actions. I am also very grateful for the publications of my works on nonkilling, nonviolence, and a world without violence and war. I get encouragement knowing that so many people around the world are working for a world of peace and nonviolence.”

— Mairead Maguire, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate. Co-founder, Peace People

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This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 16 Mar 2020.

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