Who Are You

POETRY FORMAT, 26 Jul 2021

Dr. Ravi P. Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service

Who are you is a question often asked
Are you a poet, are you a scholar
Or are you an unknown Rebel or a lawyer
Who changes his clients place — his foyer

Have you been banished from your Party
Or has your wife given you a push out?
Never had a home for the twenty odd year
So how can I  be pushed out from a nowhere

I myself try to know my own identity
My name, where I was born, in which city
Name and place of birth are easy to find
Difficult to know the drift of one’s mind

Are you a pacifist, a spiritualist
But what do these terms mean
What gives you true happiness
or compassion or kindness

Not only to other humans
But to other creatures
Or to the environment
To the hills, lakes and rivers

A blooming garden is a joy for children
Four legged creatures, or species with wings
Let us not forget the squirrels or butterflies
Even without their colour they can create rings

Now that COVID 19 rages full strength
Have you got the vaccine by the immune injection
Or its scarcity or absence driven you to the drain
Not to worry, I have got the jab in rain

So my friends, you know enough of me
And my name and number added to the healthy list
Now go to the forests, look for the tigers needing a prick
Before they escape you by doing a trick

Many people have died due to COVID
Tigers are important creatures, go and give them a prick

Dr Ravi P Bhatia is a member of the TRANSCEND Network for Peace Development Environment, an educationist, Gandhian scholar and peace researcher. Retired professor, Delhi University. His new book, A Garland of Ideas—Gandhian, Religious, Educational, Environmental was published recently in Delhi. ravipbhatia@gmail.com


This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 26 Jul 2021.

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