Why Don’t You Stop This War?

POETRY FORMAT, 22 Aug 2022

Dr Usha Roopnarain – TRANSCEND Media Service

19 Aug 2022

Are you living in a jar?
No one  can see the brutality of war?
Don’t close your eyes…
Don’t cover your eyes…
Don’t be silent…
Have you put a lid on the jar?
Have you sealed yourself from the world?
Mingled laughs while others are crying.
Wounds are so deep.
Innocent can’t sleep.
Are they giving  soldiers a medal to keep?
It’s human lives.
Wasted…they weep

Why can’t you put away your arrows?
Killing humans,
Like you shooting sparrows.
Sadly you are an army of deadly Pharaohs.
Why don’t you stop the war?

Dr Usha Roopnarain – Former parliamentarian in the National Assembly of South Africa, social activist and passionate about human rights and gender equality.

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This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 22 Aug 2022.

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