

Sumeet Grover – TRANSCEND Media Service

Love is
in her dough as she
kneads it with both hands,
mixes za’atar spice;
in the voice of her silence
as she picks up her landline
one late night, and hears me weep;
in her needle as she sews
a banner for some burning forest,
and another for the displaced families
of the Danezaa people.

Love is
in her old legs as she
walks by the Salish Sea,
feeds a flock of seagulls, sips
tea from a thermos cup, and photos
clear waters for our
children to come.

Love is
in her fingers as she strokes
the trunk of a London plane tree,
born long before she was,
on fertile soil of Tavistock Square;
in her alphabets as she writes
another letter, urging men who
read speeches before cameras
to stop selling death
for Yemeni mothers.

Love is
when I read her poems, recall her verses
but I never tell her;
when I think of all she has ever said,
things my mother never,
but I never tell her;

Love is
in her filtered coffee on the breakfast table,
as she plans a new courtyard of peace
in her lover’s home: a man she met when
for the final time
she wanted to be in love.

Sumeet Grover is the founder of Global Poetry, dedicated to creativity, human dignity, dialogue and global citizenship. He is a winner of the Portico Brotherton Open Poetry Prize 2014 and was shortlisted for the Jane Martin Poetry Prize in 2014 & 2015. He has authored three books of poetry: Signals (2017), House Arrest & Disobedience (2015) and Change (2011). Grover is a member of the TRANSCEND Network for Peace Development Environment.

This poem was shortlisted under the ‘highly commended’ category for the Plough Poetry Prize 2022, UK.


This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 6 Feb 2023.

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